Friday, April 21, 2006

Satsang 3D Page turning eBooks on SriSaiBaba free to all.

3D Page turning eBooks on SriSaiBaba free to all.


To spread the Sai Philosophy to millions across the world

we have decided to provide our 3d Page turning eBooks
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We thank all the devotees that purchased the Sai ebooks

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These books are dedicated to one and all who believe that
God is above all.

Vijay Aggarwal
SaiDarbar Schwenksville Chapter

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Satsang Chapter 23 :Sri_Sai_Sat_Charitra_Concise(Version)

Om Shree Ganeshaya Namah
Om Sai Ram
Chapter 23 :::
Yoga and Onion
*Once when a yoga practitioner came with Nana to masjid,
Baba was eating bread and onion. The practitioner
thought that how could a person eating onion and stale
bread, guide him in yoga methods. Immediately Baba looked
at Nana and asked: 'Nana. Only they should eat onion who
can digest it'(i.e. the tamasic qualities of onion).
The stunned practitioner of yoga fell at Baba's feet.
*One day a poisonous snake bit Shama in his little finger
and he ran to masjid to seek Baba's abhaya, his sole
refuge. Baba on seeing him shouted: 'Oh wretched Brahmin.
Do not climb up. Get down. Get down. Go off. Shama was
crestfallen and gave up all hopes of survival. In a short
time. Baba called him up and said: 'Do not be afraid. Do
not have an iota of worry. The merciful fakir will
protect you. Be courageous. Do not be afraid. Believe me.'
Shama was completely cured. It turned out that the initial
out burst was an order to the cobra's poison not to get
mixed with blood and climb up but to get down and go off!
(A cobra is believed to be a cursed Brahmin)'
*Once when cholera was prevalent at Shirdi, superstitious
people did not allow carts carrying firewood. Baba went
ahead and Himself brought a cart load of firewood to
*0ne day some one brought an emaciated old goat to the
masjid, Baba directed Bade Baba and Shama respectively
to kill it. Both refused. Then He asked Kaka Dhikxit
to do the job. Kaka, a Brahmin to the core who could
not harm even insets, got ready to kill the goat
with a sickle raised. Baba asked him how a Brahmin
in him agreed to kill the goat when Bade Baba, a Moslem
refused, Kaka said: 'Your nectar like words are law
unto us. We do not want to debate or scrutinize your
orders. We obey only you, day and night.' Then Baba
said that He would do the killing and asked goat
to be taken out. Instantly it dropped down dead.
By A. Govindakrishnan


Thursday, April 20, 2006

Satsang Bhakta Leela Amrut by Das Ganu Maharaj

One who reads a lot of holy books and recites a number of good sentences but cannot purify his heart is also bound. Such a person can not get absolution, he cannot keep good company and ultimately, he goes to Hell to suffer a lot. Now I will explain to you the properties of a person who is desirous of absolution (Mumukshu). You must listen to me carefully with faith. One who is sick with the state of being bound, one who knows good from the bad and is keen on meeting with the Lord is a Seeker (Mumukshu). If a person repents his past deeds can attain absolution even though he was a sinner. A person who is happy with his destined state, one who is afraid of sins, one who does not lie is a seeker. One who is sincere to God, who is polite to holymen and who follows the path of morality is a seeker. One who does not leave good company, even for a moment and whose tongue is busy with the name of Hari is a Follower (Sadhaka). One who realizes that the worldly desires are poisonous, and who tries, every day to understand the Adhyatma Vidhyas is a follower. One who prays to the Lord in solitude should be called a follower. One who is overpowered with joy while listening to the name and acts of the Lord is a follower. One who does not allow the Lord to escape from his mind and the one who serves the holymen without caring for his own vanity is a follower. One who considers praise and slander, honour and insult, people and the Lord same, is called a Siddha. One who is not affected by the six enemies, one who is through with his wishes, who considers others as saints, who has no place for suspicion or desire, who has no sense of duality is a Siddha. A Siddha knows that he is the Brahman. He does not care for the body. He is devoid of pleasure and pain. (To be contd...) Source ___________________


MYSTERY OF BIRTH 1. Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi helps those who help themselves with faith in HIM independently surrender, dedicate and meditate on HIM with purified devotion.
2. Every one knows that a man or woman, born or dropped into this universe, is from an atom of Brahman, the GREATER. But what for ? You should know it is only to think of HIM, meditate on HIM and surrender to HIM with purified devotion, so that you can go back to HIM. Yes, to go back and rejoin HIM is the purpose for which you have come into this mundane world. To pray HIM and reach HIM back, you should pray. To pray, you should possess sufficient physical energy, strength and concentration to meditate and dedicate and thus surrender at HIS LOTUS FEET. To obtain this strength, you should eat but not live to eat. To eat you should have food and to get food you should earn. To earn you should toil hard honestly.
3. Thus you have been given a test in the world to see how far you are firm and faithful to Brahman, and to see how you stand the vigour of test-an acid test - indeed and how you can attain the goal by vanishing or killing temptation for material benefit without any attachment to the mundane objects. That is the cause of your birth but not to forget this purpose and get lost in the mundane world, manifest with the illusion shadowing around with a veil, challenging you with all wicked forces dragging and drifting you away from good. Thus make a victim of situation, circumstances and environments in the filthy atmosphere for worldly desires of amassing illgottom wealth. Power, pomp, false glory and lust with an ego, which is transient are mainfest in man.
4. Man least realises, though he is endowed with the power of realisation and discretion that the mundane objects and acquirements are illusion and that the body decays and dies (the Atom leaves) or the Atom casts off its Kavacba or covering and takes a new form or creation according to its past Karma. Your possessions and your self perish but not the INNER SOUL, THE ATHMAN, which is ever glowing Sacred, sublime and supreme light, since the Athman is from Brahman, which is ever existing and never ending; and so, the Athman seeks to go back and join the Brahman, when its mission is finally over in the world. Like the water of the sacred rivers, where much of impurity is mixed, but their water remains pure.
To be continuted...... (Source Sai Leela Magazine December 1976)

Satsang Bhakta Leela Amrut by Das Ganu Maharaj

To serve one's husband is the Dharma of a lady. There is no other Dharma for the ladies. Husband is her god so, she should have a pure devotion at his feet and she should lead a blissful life. When the husband gets annoyed, the wife should remain calm and polite. One who helps her husband in daily affairs is really, a great lady, the goddess of the house. One who makes her husband suffer is indeed, a bad wife. She is not worthy of even talking to. Ladies should not leave politeness, should not talk to male strangers in solitude. She should not be alone even with her brother. The body of a woman is a prey to immorality and hence, one should be careful. A goat is a prey of a wolf. So people protect it by keeping it fenced with thorns. This is the rule here too. The female body should be protected by the fence of religious vows. She should satisfy her husband's worldly desires and should be very alert about her children by telling them good stories so as to enable them to follow the path of morality. She should not envy the in-laws and should develop love for a co-wife if any. She should lead an exemplary life and take religious vow if she wants to and follow the instructions of the husband. If the husband dies due to past Karma, she should remain absolutely celibate throughout the life. If she is destined to be a widow, she should not sleep on soft mattresses or wear perfumes. She should try to please the Lord through a vow of fasting on an Ekadasi day and by taking a simple vegetarian diet.
Widows should always listen to religious discourses and should refrain from a diet which can inflame their desires. They should read the holy books, worship with full devotion, think about own religious upliftment and lead an ascetic life. These are the general, principles to be adopted by men and women. The state of being bound, to the cycle of birth and death. {Baddha Stithi) will, automatically, stay away if these principles are adhered to.
Now pay attention to me. I am going to explain to you the properties of the state of being bound. One who does not care for good and evil, who does not respect the Lord and the one, one who does not have good intentions is bound by the cycle of birth and death. One who is crafty, talks bitterly and is a great sinner is also bound. One who does not respect holy men, indulges in worldly affairs, does not think of charity, and is always arguing is certainly, bound. Oh Nana, one who does not repay loans, praises oneself and slanders the holy men and gentlemen is also bound. One who pretends to be a holyman and follows the path of immorality, one who slanders others to glorify oneself is also bound. One who betrays one's friends: who creates enmity with his own Guru, who does not believe in the Vedas is also bound.
(To be contd...) Source

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


O! Sai the Omnicient,
Omnipresent & Omnipotent,
And all Pervasive Who-
Dwelleth in the Hearts-
Of all beings and Perceives-
By Thy Invisible Eyes all-
The Activities of Thy Creation.

I ask Thee not for Wealth,
Not for Fame, nor for Honour,
But for Wisdom and understanding.
Heart, Firm Faith and everlasting-
Devotion and Lasting Strength-
In Thee, Help to serve the Humanity-
And all the Living beings in Whom
Me seeth Thee and In Whom Thou Resteth
That paves the way for salvation and
The Eternal Home - The HEAVEN.

Amingad M. M. GULUNCHE

(Source Sai Leela Magazine April 1975)


Satsang Bhakta Leela Amrut by Das Ganu Maharaj

A clerk kills his master and takes his place. This also is not a part of his destiny. Then, the crook, on becoming the master enjoys his wealth, moves about in cars, carts and on horse backs and says that he has become happy. He has, infact, sinned by betraying his master. This Karma is added on to his existing Karma. This will cause his rebirth. Wise people understand this, foolish ones can not. His position as a clerk, which he had earned due to his past Karma also remains as a balance for the next birth. Thus, he prepares himself for the next birth. How-can such a person avoid the cycle of birth and death? Death occurs on consumption of poison. This is not destiny. It is the fruit of one's deed.
You see a number of graduates hold high positions, some go around the world and simply deliver lectures, some become Yogis, some run shops whereas some teach children in schools. All the above graduates have taken same efforts but they follow different professions. You will now, understand that this difference is due to their destiny and is not the fruit of their efforts. Listening to this, Chandorkar said 'Stealing makes one a thief and we say it is the fruit of his deeds'. Is it (profession) not his destiny?
Listen to Baba's reply to the query of the loving devotee. He said, Oh gentle Narayan, You are stretching your imagination and asking me silly questions. There are a number of real thieves but they are acquitted as there isn't any substantial proof against them. This is their destiny. One thief you find locked up in the jail whereas another is moving about free as a gentleman. Both are responsible for similar deeds but one is locked up and the other is free. Thus, the destiny has nothing to do with what the individuals do. However, the sin of the free moving thief will not go unpunished. This will be the cause for his next birth. I therefore, have to tell you to follow the ethical ways while accepting your destiny.
(To be contd...) Source


Satsang Bhakta Leela Amrut by Das Ganu Maharaj

Baba then told Nanasaheb that we would receive from him more 'upadesh" later. Nanasaheb was very pleased to hear this. His eyes moist with tears of joy and his body full of goose pimples, he caught hold of Baba's feet and said in a voice overwhelmed with emotion."O generous Sai: you have redeemed me. Your "upadesh" has washed away the dust of nescience that had gathered over me. I am deeply grateful to you." Nimonkar was equally overwhelmed. They both fell at Baba's foot and left for their respective homes.
Oh Seeta Bedrey, I told you about the ethical conduct which Baba related to Chandorkar. Anyone who regularly reads this chapter will never be hurt by worldly affairs. Oh devout readers, drink the nectar of ethical knowledge from this Bhakt Leelamrit. This is Das Ganus request to you. Submitted at the feet of Lord Harihar. May God bless us all. This is the end of the 32 chapter.
Chapter - 33 Shree Ganeshayanamah.Oh Lord, you are full of the three Gunas and also devoid of them. You are inside as well as outside the Universe. You are full of Truth, Knowledge and Bliss. You always bless the devotees. You are the beginning. You create the sound and you are the sound too. One cannot separate you from anything. You are behind every auspicious thing. Your form is benevolent. Since I am tied up to you, I need not worry about anything inauspicious. It can not even touch me. After a few days, Chandorkar went to Shirdi for Baba's Darshan. He prayed at Baba's feet and requested him to kindly continue with his advice. Baba was pleased by this request and said. "Now, I will tell you how to act to reach the state of absolution (Mukta Sthiti) which follows the end of pleasure and pain. One must keep a balanced mind and always consider what is good and what is bad and accept one's destiny. The natural happenings are one's destiny. Those things that are the results of one's deeds are not a part of one's destiny. Those who steal are punished. This is not their destiny. This is the fruit of their deeds. (To be contd...)

Monday, April 17, 2006


Again as a result of inner urge, I had to visit Shirdi in 1966. But this time, I went with my family and the families of my both the brothers. We were all sixteen in number. Yet our journey and sojourn at Shirdi and Pandharpur were quite pleasant and exhilarating.
Since we went with families, we carried all articles with us for preparation of food. We spent two days at Shirdi. Thereafter my brother suggested that we may visit Pandharpur. Before leaving for Pandharpur, when we estimated our requirements of food provisions, we found some rice and other articles in surplus. In that area scarcity of rice was so much that it was a problem for people to secure rice even for important festivals. Having come to know about such a situation, I offered, as a token of courtesy, surplus rice of 3 Kgs. to an attendant in the ''Maha-samadhi Mandir"; but very politely he refused to accept. Here is an example of a high sense of honesty and integrity, which employees of the Samsthan imbibed with the grace of Baba.
We reached Pandharpur. I had an inspiration of Vitthal as a result of many stories I read and bhajans I heard about ardent devotees of Vitthal. While we entered the temple, a "Pandya" approached us and guided us as to what we should do to perform Pooja of Vitthal. We purchased all Pooja material. The Pandya took us to main diety, "Vitthal", where another Pandya was already conducting Pooja by some other devotees. The moment our Pandya started conducting our Pooja, the other Pandya discontinued the Pooja and picked up a quarrel with our Pandya. There was exchange of words between both the Pandyas in utter disregard to Vitthal. Such a behaviour of the Pandyas disturbed serene mental atmosphere of the devotees present in front of the deity. All this quarrel was, I was told, about the "Dakshina" to be shared by them. After Pooja, I, along with other members, left Pandharpur with a confused mind.
After 1966, for about eight years till 1974, I could not visit Shirdi, although I often tried in vain to have the darshan of Baba. For this, I do not find any explicable reasons except that I had, all the while, to encounter several vicissitudes of life. With the blessings of Baba I had to sail through good and bad weather. The sense of gratitude compels me to confess that Baba always saved me whenever I was to be caught in a whirlpool. Instance of perilous sickness of ray lone son, who had meritorious academic career, is to the point. My son, who passed M. Tech in 1st division, suddenly took ill in the 3rd week of October 1972. A band of renowned medical specialists, who spared no pains to treat him, lost every hope and became rather frustrated, as it was swift deterioration in his condition. It was at about 2 a.m. when one of the doctors at last gave tongue to their helplessness. Then I had nothing in this world except the grace of Baba, to invoke as a last resort. Believe me, from the very moment the signs of improvement started appearing to the utter astonishment all the doctors.
(To be contd...)
M. Ganga Reddy HYDERABAD-500027
(Source Shri Sai Leela Magazine September 1975). Sai Leela Magazines can be read at

Satsang Bhakta Leela Amrut by Das Ganu Maharaj

"Everybody should perform his duties and at the same time remember the Lord, who is full of bliss.
All children on earth were created by the one God but your own child is your responsibility. You must bring him up properly, educate him, give him some money and leave some wealth for him. Do not, however, take pride in his upbringing or education or the wealth you have left him. Do your duty and give the Lord the credit for doing it. Give the Lord the fruits of your duty too. This will help you to remain aloof and detached from worldly activities. Use your intelligence and knowledge to differentiate the good from the bad, accept the good and discard the bad. Take up good projects and make all possible efforts to complete them. You must by no means be apathetic towards the affairs of this world. Do your duties proudly but cast off this pride as soon as they bear fruit.
"As long as life exists, one must take good care of one's body but one should not weep over death. After death nothing exists for you to cry over. Wise men are unmoved by death; it is only the foolish who give vent to their feelings in times of death. The body until its death is a loan from the five elements, which the life force repays. On full and final repayment of the loan, air mixes with air, fire with fire. Thus, the five elements go back to their respective places. The body belongs to the earth and as such its loss is not a matter for mourning. Similarly the birth of a child need not be a cause for rejoicing, birth being as natural a phenomenon as death. One must simply stay calm, unmoved by birth and death, O Narayan! The earth bears the seed, the cloud waters it and the sun helps the seed to germinate. When the seed germinates, do the earth, the cloud and the sun rejoice and start dancing? Whether the sprout turns into a big tree or it dries up and withers is something that should cause neither rejoicing nor sorrow. If we act in this manner, how can there be any misery or cause for lamentation? The state of absolution is the absence of misery and lamentation.
(To be contd...) Source


He is present here, He is present there, He is present everywhere. Yes, He
is Omnipresent.
During September 1969, I was going from Hyderabad to Bhusawal to attend a
training camp. I alighted from the train at Manmad in the morning at 9 a. m.
As I was required to be at my camp only next morning, I took an
on-the-spot -decision to visit Shirdi. I dumped my baggage in the cloak room
and took a bus to Shirdi. The weather was dull with thick black clouds over
our heads threatening heavy showers. I prayed in myself that I should reach
the Shrine for the Mid-day 'pooja'. The bus was passing through the slushy
roads. The drizzling weather added feast to the eye. We passed through many
sugarcane fields, various fruit gardens, villages and bazaars and finally
reached the Shrine by 11-30 a. m. And He helped me in taking to His abode in
time. Yes, He answered my prayers. After a hurried bath I joined the
congregation in the temple hall. I felt at ease and immensely happy for He
afforded me His 'darshan' at the 'pooja' time After receiving the 'prasad' I
dined in the lunch home, run by the Sansthan authorities. After a hearty and
sumptuous lunch, I retired to the cottage. At 3 p. m. I took leave of BABA
and boarded the bus for Manmad at 4 p. m. It was raining at the time with
loud thunders. The main road suffered heavy damage requiring urgent repairs.
We passed through an ordeal and bone-shaking journey and finally reached to
a place some three Kilometers away from Kopargaon town.

A patch of about 500 yards road was completely washed away which made a big
ditch The scene was so bad that it was impossible for heavy vehicles to
cross the area. Even the diversion was not possible as both sides of the
affected area had many diches with water filled in The slippery black cotton
soil was not fit even for walking over to the other end. We were stranded.
It was growing dark. It looked all wilderness. Passengers were shivering due
to shock and wet atmosphere There were no signs of rescue operations. Some
passengers had taken the Lord's name and were uttering it in queer sounds. I
was chanting 'Sai nama' in myself. I had to reach Manmad to catch a train to
Bhusawal to be in time for duty next morning. That was my chief worry. But
how to overcome the present debacle?

After about 7 p. m. a jeep belonging to P. W. D. department arrived there.
It looked like a circus vehicle and of course it had to do the circus tricks
even to reach that spot. The driver approached me and asked me to get in. He
took a few more passengers and drove cautiously to the town. We arrived by
this jeep at the Kopargaon bus stand. The driver refused to accept tips when
he was offered and left with the words 'BABA WILL BLESS YOU'. This baffled
me. Who was this man? WAS HE BABA HIMSELF?

I took another bus for Manmad, which took me in time connecting an express
train bound for Bhusawal. And I reached my place of duty quite in time.

Isn't it divine? '
A. Srinivasulu

(Source Shri Sai Leela Magazine September 1974). Sai Leela Magazines can be
read at


Satsang Chapter 22 :Sri_Sai_Sat_Charitra_Concise(Version)

Om Shree Ganeshaya Namah
Om Sai Ram
Chapter 22:::
Protection from snakes
*On the way to Chitale, Bala Saheb Mirirkar came for Baba's darshan. Baba
told him thus: "Do you know our Dwaraka Mayi. This is our Dwaraka Mayi.
She prevents all dangers and sorrows for those children who sit on her lap.
This Dwaraka Mayi is extremely kind. She saves her devotees from great
dangers. Once a person sits on her lap all his troubles and sorrows
come to an end." Then after giving udhi He added: "Do you know the
(aniba hhava (he made gesture like hooded cobra}"! How cruel he is! But
what can he do when Dwaraka Mayi is there to protect?'
That night when Mirirkar was sitting in the Maruti temple at Chitale, a
snake climbed the angavastra spread on his lap and moved ahead.
It was immediately killed and thus Dwaraka Mayi Sai saved Mirirkar.
*One day an astrologer told Buty that the day was very inauspicious for
his life. When a rattled Buty came to masjid Baba told him 'Let us see
how death comes near you'. That evening when Buty went to answer
nature's call a snake neared him but in time it retreated and escaped.
*Amir Shakkar who came for cure from rheumatism stayed in
Chavadi on the directions of Baba. One night when Baba also was
sleeping there, He shouted'Oh Abdul. A ghost is dashing on my bed'
and struck his chatka on the floor. When Abdul came with light he
saw a snake coiled near Amir's bed and it was at once killed.
Thus Baba saved Amir.
*0ne night Hemad Panth, after witnessing an encounter with a snake
in his room in Dhikxit wada in which it escaped, had a heated
discussion when he insisted that snakes should he killed. The
other man differed. Next day when they came to masjid Baba
said: 'God lives in all lives. He is the great puppeteer of
the world. Unless He decides no body and nothing can harm
a person. God is the sole protector of all.'


Satsang Sri Sai Amrit Vani

13th April 2006

Jai Sai Ram
Today is Hanuman Jayanti as well as
Baisakhi and again every experience was unique in its
own way. Each and every Leela of Baba was so heart
touching and overwhelming that the feeling can not be
described in words. Devotees felt Baba's presence in
so many ways. From the charan the devotees can see
water but no Honey was there this time from the
Idols. Baba is so great that HE blesses each and every
devotees in HIS own unique way, But today the mood of
Baba was not good and of Mrs Gupta also, As soon as
Sai Amrit Vani started there was a loud and clear
voice saying 'yeh kaya ho raha hey yaha' (What is
happening here). Voice was heard by many devotees, but
I could not hear any voice, may be as I was in the
other room or my devotion is not upto that mark. Mrs.
Gupta was much annoyed today because people spoiled
the house very much last week. They dip their fingers
in honey , Charan water and take the Udi themselves
and disfigure the figures formed by Udi. Even some
blood spots were found in the toilet last Thursday.
Some people will even bring read (old) Sai Satcharitra
to be blessed by Baba. After the Sai Amrit Vani a lady
came to apologize for sleeping during the Sri Sai
Amrit Vani, last Thursday. Explanation given by her
was that last night she slept late as she wanted to
finish Sai Satcharitra by Thursday morning before the
Sai Amrit Vani and the Sai Amrit Vani was so soothing
that she fell asleep.
This Thursday, Baba blessed with
Udi, but the unique thing was that there was Onkar
formed along with the Om on one photo. This time the
gathering was very less and were only 60-65 and were
accommodated in the hall itself. Due to Hanuman
Jayanti Hanuman Chalisa was recited by all the
devotees after the Sri Sai Amrit Vani. Jai Sai Ram.
( Today i.e 14th April, Good Friday, Om and
cross has been formed with Udi on the same photo on
which Onkar was formed yesterday)
We were able to see the following
Leelas of Baba on Thursday the 13th April 2006.

1. This Thursday Udi started appearing and oozing from
the photos and the statue of Baba from Wesnesday.
As usual the words formed with Udi were again 'RAM'
and 'SHAM' 'OM' and Trishool. As Udi started oozing
from the the Statue, it gave the clear indication
that honey is not going to come this Thursday.
2. There was a lot of Water from the Charans this week
also. This water was collected in the plate. The
taste of water was similar to gulab jal and kewara.
After Amrit Vani this water was given to the devotees
and again the plate was filled with water. Jai Sai
3. Bhog offered in the morning was duly accepted by
Baba and we found the box blessed with Udi and partly
eaten which were placed before HIM. The Samosa was
almost eaten by Baba and only a small piece was left
in the box. Perhaps Samosa is the most favoured bog of
Baba. Ladoo was half and some face was there, with
eyes, nose and lips. Fate of Rasbhari and Burfee was
also same. Only parts of them remained in the box and
some figures were there. Part of Bhog was also on the
lips of many photos and statue of Baba.
4. Lap of Mrs Gupta was filled with Udi during the Sai
Amrit Vani. Besides Mrs Gupta many devotees also had
Udi in their books of Sri Sai Amrit Vani. Which they
collected in papers.
5. Many devotees felt the presence of Baba during the
recitation of Sai Amrit Vani in different ways. Some
felt Baba walking through them.
6. The Charnamrit of Baba was also sweet as if some
honey has been mixed into it.
7. A devotee offered bananas after the Sai Amrit Vani
as he came late. One Banana was found eaten off from
the top.
8. A CD has been prepared by Sh. Indraneel Mukherjees
of Tagore Inspired Rabindrik Sai Bhajans and dedicated
to Sai Dhaam, Satvadi, New Delhi. A copy of it was
offered to Mrs Gupta by the trustee of Sai Dham and
was kept in the mandir. The same was blessed with lots
of Udi during Sri Sai Amrit Vani.
9. Letters received during the week from Mr Murthy
Vallui, Dayton, NJ. And G Karthik - Chennai were
placed before Baba.

Jai Sai Ram


Satsang Bhakta Leela Amrut by Das Ganu Maharaj

"There are three types of feedings: mass feeding, regular feeding and
occasional feeding. Mass feeding is feeding people in thousands. You may do
this if you are very wealthy and your intentions good. When you mass-feed,
you need not differentiate between caste or between good and bad people; all
are worthy. Feeding in the name of the Lord also falls in this category.
However, you should not undertake some feeding if you have to borrow and get
into debt.
Regular feeding, on the other hand, calls for discrimination. Only way
farers, mendicants, the worthy poor among students who live by begging their
bread, and the hungry deserve to be fed regularly. "Then there is occasional
feeding - feeding on occasions like weddings, festivals and the completion
of the observance of religious vows. On such occasions you may invite your
good friends and relations and feed them. These are the three types of
feeding and the reasons behind them. The same holds good for the offering of
clothing as well.

"Try to help those in distress whenever your purse permits. When in power,
do not misuse it. Do not take a bribe while sitting in judgment on a case.
Whatever responsibility is given to you, carry it out well and with due
care. Do not dress overly and show off. Do not, without proper reason,
insult anyone. Know the bad and the wicked and deal carefully with them. If
you are blessed with sons, daughters, servants and maids, treat them all
affectionately but do not take pride in these blessings, for such pride is
the cause of the cycle of births and deaths. We must finish up with our past
store of karma so that nothing is left for us to carry forward. Blessings
like sons, daughters etc. are meant for this life only. Where, for instance,
are the friends and relatives we had in our past lives? They ceased to be
when the lives for which they were meant ceased to be. Desires, on the other
hand, bind us from birth to birth and bring about the next birth. Do not
therefore take false pride in your progeny, relations or friends. Only then
will you get everlasting bliss. We go to a hotel to take shelter there for a
short while. We do not get attached to such a temporary dwelling. The world
too is but a temporary abode for us.

(To be contd...)
