Sai Vichaar
Thursday , December 28, 2006 :: Volume 9, Issue 33
(In its nineth year of publication.)
Sai Vichaar is a Weekly newsletter distributed every
Thursday and is devoted to the life, philosophy and
teachings of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi. Feel free to forward
this newsletter to your interested associates in its
original form.
FEATURE OF THE WEEK: Compassionate Incarnate
God, the manifestation of the Supreme is seen as the
savior from sin and the way to the eternal life. The core
of the message delivered by different messengers is
the same. As if confirming to an unseen doctrine, each
of the messenger appeared to have spoken to those
under different conditions of life, over the time. Jesus
came proclaiming the Kingdom of God. But unlike
John the Baptist, or the Essenes, or many others of
his day, he did not envision the Kingdom of God
descending miraculously from Heaven. The arrival
of the Kingdom would not mean the end of the world
or the destruction of Israel's enemies. Instead, he said,
"The Kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be
observed; nor will they say, 'Lo, here it is!' or 'There!' for
behold, the Kingdom of God is in the midst of you."
(Luke 17:20, 21) The Kingdom had already arrived, and
it was a spiritual community consisting of Jesus and
all those who centered themselves in God. The
Kingdom of God was always meant to be a this-worldly
movement which would bring a measure of Heaven to
earth through the lives and actions of those who lived
in God. Just like Sainath had said "poverty is Kingship",
Jesus said, "Blessed are you poor, for yours is the
Kingdom of God. Blessed are you that hunger now,
for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you that weep
now, for you shall laugh. But woe to you that are rich,
for you have received your consolation.
Woe to you that are full now, for you shall hunger. Woe
to you that laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep."
(Luke 6:20, 21, 24-26). Baba asked His followers to
cast their burden for Him to carry. Similarly, Jesus said,
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I
will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn
from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you
will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and
my burden is light."
(Matthew 11:28-30)
Baba, like Jesus, said that God is great and kind and
taught us to be likewise. "God is kind to the ungrateful
and the selfish. Be compassionate, even as your
Father is compassionate." (Luke 6:35b, 36) The word
translated "compassionate" is derived from a word
which means "wombish." God's compassion is
nourishing and life giving like the womb to an unborn
child. Jesus taught His followers to abandon the broad
way of organized religion, which tells us to believe such
and such and do such and such to win the favor of God..
Jesus said to abandon the way of anxiety, for we
already have the favor of God. Baba's advice to the
fasting lady is a perfect example of this similarity
between Jesus and Baba. But knowing that God already
loves us, what are we to do to live good lives? And how
do we participate in the Kingdom of God in the here and
now? First of all, Jesus said to love. "... you shall love
the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your
soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength."
(Mark 12:30) And he also said, "You shall love your
neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment
greater than these." (Mark 12:31) Secondly, he said to
have a clean heart. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for
they shall see God."
(Matthew 5:8) [By seeing God, he means primarily the
experience of God's presence in this life.]
FEATURE OF THE WEEK: continued......
The Mango Miracle in Shri Sai Satcharitha is an
interesting one. Baba said to Damu Anna that those
who would eat the mangos would die! The way of
death is a metaphor for a transformation deep inside,
in which we turn away from that which separates us
from God. Jesus spoke of both the self and the world
as the two great spiritual obstacles. He said to "deny
self." And he told us that it profits us nothing to gain
the whole world, and lose our way spiritually.
(Luke 9:25) Therefore, to the self and the world, we
must die. For the self-absorbed self is filled with
narcissism, and greed and fear, jealousy and cruelty.
But the self which is centered in God, loves others as
much as it loves its own self. It is kind and
compassionate and does not think itself better than
any other. On this Holy Week of Christmas and as we
welcome the New Year, let us contemplate on the
universal nature of Baba's message that permeates
beyond the divisions of religions and fundamental
Inspired by and partly in reference to Robert Jenkins
from "Observations on God, Life and the Human
The uniqueness of Baba's message of God-realization
outside the realm of religion is by no means considered
as a discounting attitude to any given set of practices.
On the other hand, this may be an all-inclusive approach
that regards and respects everything under the sun with
the disposition that God is all-the dispenser and it is
not for us to judge. A few practices under the name of
religion cannot make the whole religion as superstitious.
Divisive attitude in the name of discrimination has its
limitations. On the other hand, the attitude that
"everything is Sai" prepares a seeker to receive the
more important realization of the self - a natural process
that constant contemplation on Sadguru would lead one
to. As mentioned in several earlier occasions, all or
none is not an approach to Sai devotion but everything
and anything with the faith that unless Baba wills
nothing comes to us -
including the opportunities to serve and seek him. As
devotee Kamala Pallesenna wrote last week, in
spirituality one size does not fit all and not everything
that Sai gives us appear sweet. The best recourse is
to pass the burden on to Sai and learn to wait. It is
easy to give in to the tricks of discrimination and lose
the basic tenets of Sai devotion - humility and
compassion to fellowmen. It is a fortune to have the
blessings and taste the grace of Baba and a challenge
yet to remain meek and humble just the way our Lord
showed us. The attitude that "I am holier than you" is
not a sign of humility. At the same time, one's
enthusiasm in sharing the love and devotion to Sainath
of Shirdi and willingness to help the needy should not
be judged as showmanship but be seen in the best of
lights, as a noble intention at the feet of Lord Sai.
Hemadpanth's reference to subtle ego is probably a
daily reminder to Sai devotees. All Sai bandhus all
over the world who rely on Sai Vichaar for Baba's love
and compassion can benefit from the understanding
that Sai Vichaar is done by a group of volunteers with
diligence, love and devotion to Sadguru Sainath, and
with the only intention of sharing His love and
Happy New Year to all. Bow to Sri Sai
Peace be to all.
(Contributed by Ravin, Minnesota, USA)
Sai, thanks for showering your gracious blessings on
us and taking care of us each and every second. My
mother-in-law's visa to the US got rejected 3 times.
Dejected with this we were going to move back to
India in a year so she can stay with us due to her
old age. We finally gave it a last try for the 4th time
and with Baba's blessings she got a 10 year multiple
entry visa two weeks ago and arrived in the US last
week. Now, we are one happy family with your
blessings. Baba we bow to you with all humbleness.
Please lead us the right way and help us be close to
you all the time.
would like to share my experience. A week back we
had gone to my cousin's wedding to my native place.
We had taken two bags with us. First day of the
wedding went on well. The next day was the
muhurtham day and to our shock we couldn't find
one of the bags in which my mother's costly sarees
were kept which she had to wear on the wedding day.
We searched everywhere but were in vain. Then
everyone started getting tensed. The following day
was Thursday and me, in my mind, prayed to Baba
that if I get the bag I would offer a garland to Baba
and just after that I called my mother who was in my
cousin's house and she told me she had got the bag.
We are very thankful to Baba.
I thank Baba to make my life very beautiful. A year
back, I was unmarried and I had some problems
related to my job. I was worried about my future.
The problem was that whenever I joined any job I
was not able to stay more than 1 to 3 months.
Because of my instability of my job many of my
marriage proposals were rejected. At that time I
went to Shirdi and after Saibaba's darshan all
problems resolved with Saibaba's blessing. Now I
am married and working with banking sector. Many
thanks to my Baba.
Due to sadgurus grace our long pending property
was sold which gave us relief from sleepless nights.
Thank you Saibaba. If I have done anything wrong
please forgive me.
Baba, thankyou for forgiving me and blessing me
with a baby. Please always be with me and my
Baba, I am very scared because I saw You in my
dream two days back and what I saw was not good.
You were angry with us and whatever we were
doing was going wrong because You were not
happy with us. Baba please forgive us in case we
have done something wrong unintentionally. We
are coming to Shirdi next week for Your darshan.
Sai please shower Your love and kindness on us.
Thank you very much Baba for giving my son a
wonderful job in a very big company. Better than
what I have been praying for and something I would
have never even imagined. You have proved once
again that "Saburi" brings best results.
Sai devotee
Baba, the all pervading, omniscient God always
listens to our prayers. Whatever is required on our
part is firm faith and patience. I have been through
very turbulent times recently and our Deva, Baba
has helped me come out of it with grace and
maturity. There was a time when I felt that the
going is getting very tough and there seemed to
be no hope and no end to my worries, but Baba
ensured that I got through it and came out as a
more mature individual. I have been reading
Sai Satcharitra regularly and have always found
encouragement and inspiration and answers to
any queries arising in my mind. My humble
request to all Sai devotees is to have firm faith
and conviction in Baba, pray to Him daily, have
patience and He will take care of the rest. As
said in the Sai Satcharitra, we do not need to do
any yogasana or practise any type of hard
penance, but the simple utterance of His name
Sai will destroy our ignorance and is enough to
take us across this ocean of worldy existence.
Baba has been there everytime when I have
called Him and stood by His promises. So all
Sai devotees, please have firm faith in Baba,
utter his name Sai Sai, be humble, try to help
the poor and the needy, give food to the hungry
and Sai will take care of the rest.
Thank you Sai, for the most wonderful gift of a
daughter. We can't thank You enough. Please
give her Your blessings and guide us to be
good parents to her.
Thank you so much Sai, I have heard from many
that You help so many to reduce their pains, but
I was in such a mental trauma since day before
yesterday but after writing my problem on Prayer
Club, I immediately felt less stressed out and by
the end of evening I saw a great change in the
thought process of my husband which I did not
expect at all. I am confident it is Sai's grace.
Oh Sainatha, please shower Your blessings on us.
We lost our younger sister six months back and
this has put the entire family in depression. I have
recovered from depression by Your blessings and
request You to bless my elder sister as well to
come out of the depression. She is not keeping
best of her health these days due to depression.
Baba, please shower Your blessings, so that she
can be normal and healthy.
My humble prayer to You Baba to help me to have
a smooth delivery and give me a healthy baby.
Please bless us all.
Please give the strength to bear the pressure of
my board exam and please help me in securing
a good rank in my board exam.
My mind is very confused as to whether I should
re-locate abroad, where my husband has taken
up an assignment or continue living here as my
son is in college but lives in the hostel. Please
Sai I pray for Your guidance and strength, as it
is a difficult decision for me personally.
Saibaba help me to get through this exam with
excellent marks. Please all Sai devotees please
pray for me.
Sai devotee
Oh Lord please make it possible for us to visit
India in Janurary. I would very much like to see
my new born nephew who was born with Your
blessings and also come to Shirdi to fulfill my
wows. Oh good Lord please shower Your
blessings on all of Your devotees.
Baba, my elder sister who is suffering from
stroke for the last seven years is not able to
walk properly. Baba, please give her strength
to walk and do her duties. Baba, You are
my guide and Guru and solve my financial
problems. Baba, please solve the problem I
am facing in the office. Baba, give good
health, good education and good nature to
my son. Baba, please give good health to
my wife and me and also to my elder sisters.
Baba, presently we are going through a tough
time. Whatever mistakes we have done in the
past, please forgive and make us to succeed.
Please be with both our children and help
them to lead a good life.
With all Your blessings and grace only I am now
pregnant with twins, after so much struggle and
pain in the past four years. I am into the 7th
month now with Baba's grace. I have been having
imflammation in my left eye for the last two
months and I have been using eye drops. Please
bless me that my inflammation should go away
soon.The babies are your blessings and please
protect them and help me deliver healthy babies
in an easy way. Without You nothing is possible
in this world. Please help me and protect your
children in my womb. All Sai devotees please
pray for me.
Baba, please bless us to overcome all these
miseries and pains we are going through. Help
us Deva. Please show her the right path and
a better way to come out safe. Please do the
process soon and wash her sins at Your feet.
Please Baba shower Your blessings to us.
Deva please forgive us.
I prostrate at The Divine Lotus Feet of my Dearest
Sainath who has rescued me and my family in
difficult circumstances many, many a times. I
am now awaiting for a important sanction of loan
for my company for a long time. Somehow the
bank is not giving a favorable answer. I pray at
the Feet of Sainath to help us get this loan
approved. I am confident this will happen, with
my Sainath with me always.
I rarely call upon Baba for help, but last week my
beloved cat of 7 years got locked outside and
was missing for 36 hours. I kept an all night vigil
for him and around 4:30 am I thought I heard him
cry out, but could not find him. I searched all day,
and then by the next evening I started to pray to
Sai Baba for his safe return. There are wild
coyotes out there so it is quite dangerous for a
cat, especially an indoor cat who has never been
outside before and is shy by nature. I told Baba
that I would stay up until 4:30 am again, and if
He could please bring my cat home at that time.
As the hour approached I became excited
because I could feel that Baba was at work
helping me. At exactly 4:30 am the cat walked
up to my front door and we were reunited! This is
the true grace of Baba and I feel so blessed to
have received it.
I wanted to share my recent two experiences. I
graduated with a slightly different major than I
wanted to have my career in. My husband has
a very steady job in a small town and I was
looking at only 4 positions like mine with at
least 5 or more years experience with in 60 mile
distance. So I had a very difficult time in getting
a job with no experience and slightly different
major. I called all the potential employers and
told them I am willing to volunteer for a year so
that I could get some experience. Even for free
nobody was willing to take me. At first it was
okay, as I had just graduated. After 3-4 months
I was getting depressed and frustrated about
being at home. I took a vow to finish Satcharita
in 1999 and never did it. So on one Thursday I
just sat before baba praying and crying and
read the whole book. I decided to call everybody
in our state. On that immediate Monday I called
a guy around 11.00 am and asked him if I could
come and work with him three days a week for
free. I didn't know that he was the Vice President
of a chain of offices. He said he would give me a
call in a day or two. Just 30 minutes after I called
him, one of the physicist in another center said
he was quitting. The Vice President called me
around 1.30 pm on the same day and asked if I
could attend the interview the next day. I was
shocked and attended the interview the next day
and was offered the job with 3 months probation.
That was a miracle I was praying for. But that job
needed somebody with experience. So I had to
work everyday from 4.30 am to 7-8 pm. I was
totally deprived of sleep.
One day on my way to work I fell asleep driving,
went off the country road with 5 feet ditches on
either side. I was cruising at 75 miles and without
hitting the breaks I tried to jerk it back at the
same speed and lost control, and the vehicle
jumped into the median and went to the opposite
side of the ditch. Just before the airbags were
deployed I saw an electricity pole. I thought to
myself that's it. But my engine died just one feet
before the pole and I walked out of the vehicle
totally unhurt. It was a very major accident and
my SUV was totaled. I feel Baba was the who
saved me and guided me in the difficult times
of my job. Now I successfully finished my
probation. Thank you Baba for everything.
"Let the world go topsy-turvy, but remain where
you are. Staying in your own place, look calmly
at the show of all things passing before you".
-Shri Sai Baba
Q. What is Baba's role in India's struggle for its
Shirdi Sai Temple of Chicago and Suburbs,
Illinois, USA
Shirdi Sai temple is open daily from 8:00 a.m
to 9:00 p.m (Winter hours).
Daily program includes Kakad Arathi at 8 a.m.
followed by Abhisek. Madhayana
Arathi at 12 noon, Dhoop Arathi at 6 p.m. and
Shej Arathi at 9 p.m. Archana, Homams,
Sahasranama and sponsored poojas continue
in between the Arathis. To request a pooja for
yourselves, your friends and family, please call.
Devotees can request water (Abhishek Jal) from
the Holy bathing of Baba by sending us an
email or by phone. Temple is located 25 minutes
drive west of Schaumburg on intersection of
IL Route 47 and Plank Road in Hampshire, IL.
For more information please call 847-931-4058
or send email to
Shri Saibaba Mandir, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Saibaba activities in Minneapolis were conducted
at Shirdi Saibaba Prayer center since the year
2002. Now, with the grace and blessings of Baba
and the support of devotees, a new Saibaba
Mandir has begun to function at 1835 Polk St
NE, Minneapolis from July 11th 2006. Please
visit for all details.
Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas
Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW Metroplex is
located at 2109 West Parker (Parker Plaza), Suite 212,
Plano, TX 75023. For temple hours and activities
please call the temple office at 469-467-3388 or visit
the website
Shirdi Sai Center in Bay Area, CA
By Baba's grace, Shirdi Sai Parivaar is pleased to
announce the grand opening of Shirdi Sai Center
in Bay Area. The center is located at 897-B East Kifer
Road, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. For more information
please call 408-564-6704 or 408-705-7904.
Shirdi Saibaba temple, Los Angeles, CA
Devotees in Los Angeles area are informed about
Sri Shirdi Saibaba temple in Los Angeles area.
Please visit for more details.
Sai Vichaar wishes readers a Happy, Prosperous
and Peaceful 2007. Sai Vichaar thanks you for
your support for the Question of the Week feature.
This feature is intended to initiate useful discussion
on topics related to Sai philosophy, His message,
and Sai devotion. Please participate by sending
your contributions as well as suggested topics
for the same.
Sai devotee Sasi wrote, "I would like to know any
information during India's Independency and
Baba's life. I know Baba has left us on
October 15th 1918".
The "Question of the week for this week is,
Q. What is Baba's role in India's struggle for its
Humbly Yours,
The Editor
Friday, January 05, 2007
Satsang Sri Sai Amrit Vani
Sri Sai Amrit Vani
4th Jan 2007
Devotees may forward this
letter to other Sai devotees.
Jai Sai Ram
First of I would like to inform that
Sri Sai Amrit Vani on Thursday the 18th Jan 2007 will
NOT be held at Sidhartha Extension, New Delhi, as we
are going to Shirdi and on that day we will be in
Today was the first Thursday of the
year. Last year Baba blessed us with the honey on
first two Thursdays of the year, so we expected the
honey may come this year too, and Baba has not
disappointed us. On Wednesday 10-15 drops of Honey
oozed from the statue of Baba and on Thursday it was
rather flowing. 4-5 spoonful of honey was there
collected in the plate placed below the statue. Last
year it was the small staue of Baba from which honey
oozed and this year it was the big statue of Baba
which is kept in the Mandir. This Thursday chandan
also appeared on the forhead of Baba in many photos.
In the evening Mrs. Gupta cleaned all the photos and
the statue with hot water and cotton.
Being the first Thursday of the year
there were large no. of devotees who participated in
person in the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani. And
had felt the presence of Baba among them.
Following devotees, participated in
absencia in the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani by
reciting Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places. The list
is sorted as per their email id’s. However Mrs. Gupta
prayed for all the devotees. We include only those
devotees in the list, who themselves recite or read
Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places. The names of the
devotees “for prayer”, are prayed for, but not
included in the list. Kindly mention clearly, against
each devotee’s name that he/she will recite or read or
listen to Sri Sai Amrit Vani, or only for prayers, If
no mention of it is made in the letter, then it will
be presumed that the names are only for prayer and
will not be included in the list. Please also give
the name of the place.
This Thursday the 4th Jan we were able
to see the following Leelas of Baba.
1. Udi was continuously oozing from the last Thursday
from all the photos of Baba on the walls and in the
mandir room except the statue. Last Thursday night
Mrs Gupta cleaned the mandir and changed all the
papers, but Udi started oozing again, all the figures
of OM, Ram and Sham were formed, so Mrs Gupta had
not removed the udi after that. It was the year end and
in Shirdi also temple was not closed on the year end
2. Chand Sitara along with cross, om and the word RAM
in Hindi with Udi were again formed on the same photo
on which it formed last week.
3. There was lot of honey from the statue. It started
on Wednesday morning but stopped after 10-15 drops.
It again started on Thursday and lot of Honey had
been there in the plate.
4. There was a lot of Water from the Charans this week
also. This water was collected in the Thali. The
taste of water was similar to gulab jal and
Kewara-Kesar. After Sai Amrit Vani, this water was
given to the devotees. Many devotees brought small
bottles with them and took this holy water home also.
Water was taken out many times even before the
Sri Sai Amrit Vani and after it, and every time thali
was again filled up.
5. Lap of Mrs. Gupta was filled with lots of Udi
during the prayers. Sai Amrit Vani books of many
devotees had the Udi.
6. Being the first Thursday of the year special
prayer was made to Baba to forgive all our bad deeds
during the last year etc. etc.
7. The presence of Baba during the Sai Amrit Vani was
very strong and many devotees felt that Baba walked
through them . Some felt that Baba is also reciting
the Sri Sai Amrit Vani along with them. Sri Sai Amrit
Vani was very peaceful, soothing and had very
purifying influence.
8. On Thursday as soon as Bhog was offered, it was
duly accepted by Baba and after the Sri Sai Amrit
Vani we noticed that the box, which was placed
before HIM was with partly eaten pieces and only
partly remained pieces and some engraved pieces of
items were there in the box, Ladoo Basen was eaten
in big portion. Kachori had a bite missing. A figure of
face was formed on Peda, Burfee, choklate burfee,
milk cake, Kala kand and many other items. Part of
Bhog was on the lips of many photos and statue of
Baba. Part pieces of the remains in the box were
given to the devotees who offered that item of bhog to
9. All the boxes of Bhog which were kept on the table
were blessed with lots of Udi . Udi was collected on
the papers by the devotees.
10. The Charnamrit, the water in which Baba took the
bath in the morning was also sweet as if some honey
has been mixed into it.
11. Documents, Statues, Sai Sat Charitras, Pandents,
photos, kept in the mandir room were blessed with
lots of Udi. I will upload the photos in the photo
12. On the Statue of Maa Durga Sindoor appeared.
Photo will be uploaded in the photo section of
mysaibaba20/mysaibaba21 yahoogroup.
Jai Sai Ram
Sri Sai Amrit Vani started at 11:04 AM. Noon
Aartee started at 12:00 Hrs. followed by brief
Meditation and the prayer, Prayan of Chapter 22 from
Sai Satcharitra. Prayers and thanks were offered by
Mrs. Gupta to Baba. Finally distribution of Prasad,
Udi and the water from the Charans.
This recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani,
Meditation, prayer and Prayan of Sai Satcharitra is
held every Thursday at Sidhartha Extension, New Delhi
and next programme on 11th Jan 2007 will be held
again at the same place. Devotees interested in
attending it in person may contact on phone nos.
011-26346942, 09810714688 or 09312494767 only after
11 AM (IST) on any day except Thursdays but no calls
on Thursdays PLEASE. They should NOT bring any bhog
with them and be in time. Put the mobiles in silent mode
during Pooja. Kids are also not allowed in the hall.
Following listed devotees participated in
the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani ( in absentia)
and have either recited or read or listened Sri Sai
Amrit Vani at their places. Other devotees were also
prayed for but their names have not been listed here.
If you are Reciting Sri Sai Amrit Vani at your place
on Thursdays, you may also send the names to be
included in the list of devotees who recited the Sri
Sai Amrit Vani in the group. PLEASE PRAY FOR
Scripts of Sri Sai Amrit Vani are available
in Tamil, Telgu also, besides in Devnagri (Hindi) and
English, in the file section of the yahoogroup. Links
of Audio MP3 files are given in the link section of
the home page of ‘ mysaibaba20’ yahoogroup. To go
to home page of yahoogroup key in or click .
This activity of Sri Sai Amrit Vani will be
in addition to any other pooja or sewa or prayer that
you are doing.
Jai Sai Ram.
Ashok Gupta
4th Jan 2007
Devotees may forward this
letter to other Sai devotees.
Jai Sai Ram
First of I would like to inform that
Sri Sai Amrit Vani on Thursday the 18th Jan 2007 will
NOT be held at Sidhartha Extension, New Delhi, as we
are going to Shirdi and on that day we will be in
Today was the first Thursday of the
year. Last year Baba blessed us with the honey on
first two Thursdays of the year, so we expected the
honey may come this year too, and Baba has not
disappointed us. On Wednesday 10-15 drops of Honey
oozed from the statue of Baba and on Thursday it was
rather flowing. 4-5 spoonful of honey was there
collected in the plate placed below the statue. Last
year it was the small staue of Baba from which honey
oozed and this year it was the big statue of Baba
which is kept in the Mandir. This Thursday chandan
also appeared on the forhead of Baba in many photos.
In the evening Mrs. Gupta cleaned all the photos and
the statue with hot water and cotton.
Being the first Thursday of the year
there were large no. of devotees who participated in
person in the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani. And
had felt the presence of Baba among them.
Following devotees, participated in
absencia in the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani by
reciting Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places. The list
is sorted as per their email id’s. However Mrs. Gupta
prayed for all the devotees. We include only those
devotees in the list, who themselves recite or read
Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places. The names of the
devotees “for prayer”, are prayed for, but not
included in the list. Kindly mention clearly, against
each devotee’s name that he/she will recite or read or
listen to Sri Sai Amrit Vani, or only for prayers, If
no mention of it is made in the letter, then it will
be presumed that the names are only for prayer and
will not be included in the list. Please also give
the name of the place.
This Thursday the 4th Jan we were able
to see the following Leelas of Baba.
1. Udi was continuously oozing from the last Thursday
from all the photos of Baba on the walls and in the
mandir room except the statue. Last Thursday night
Mrs Gupta cleaned the mandir and changed all the
papers, but Udi started oozing again, all the figures
of OM, Ram and Sham were formed, so Mrs Gupta had
not removed the udi after that. It was the year end and
in Shirdi also temple was not closed on the year end
2. Chand Sitara along with cross, om and the word RAM
in Hindi with Udi were again formed on the same photo
on which it formed last week.
3. There was lot of honey from the statue. It started
on Wednesday morning but stopped after 10-15 drops.
It again started on Thursday and lot of Honey had
been there in the plate.
4. There was a lot of Water from the Charans this week
also. This water was collected in the Thali. The
taste of water was similar to gulab jal and
Kewara-Kesar. After Sai Amrit Vani, this water was
given to the devotees. Many devotees brought small
bottles with them and took this holy water home also.
Water was taken out many times even before the
Sri Sai Amrit Vani and after it, and every time thali
was again filled up.
5. Lap of Mrs. Gupta was filled with lots of Udi
during the prayers. Sai Amrit Vani books of many
devotees had the Udi.
6. Being the first Thursday of the year special
prayer was made to Baba to forgive all our bad deeds
during the last year etc. etc.
7. The presence of Baba during the Sai Amrit Vani was
very strong and many devotees felt that Baba walked
through them . Some felt that Baba is also reciting
the Sri Sai Amrit Vani along with them. Sri Sai Amrit
Vani was very peaceful, soothing and had very
purifying influence.
8. On Thursday as soon as Bhog was offered, it was
duly accepted by Baba and after the Sri Sai Amrit
Vani we noticed that the box, which was placed
before HIM was with partly eaten pieces and only
partly remained pieces and some engraved pieces of
items were there in the box, Ladoo Basen was eaten
in big portion. Kachori had a bite missing. A figure of
face was formed on Peda, Burfee, choklate burfee,
milk cake, Kala kand and many other items. Part of
Bhog was on the lips of many photos and statue of
Baba. Part pieces of the remains in the box were
given to the devotees who offered that item of bhog to
9. All the boxes of Bhog which were kept on the table
were blessed with lots of Udi . Udi was collected on
the papers by the devotees.
10. The Charnamrit, the water in which Baba took the
bath in the morning was also sweet as if some honey
has been mixed into it.
11. Documents, Statues, Sai Sat Charitras, Pandents,
photos, kept in the mandir room were blessed with
lots of Udi. I will upload the photos in the photo
12. On the Statue of Maa Durga Sindoor appeared.
Photo will be uploaded in the photo section of
mysaibaba20/mysaibaba21 yahoogroup.
Jai Sai Ram
Sri Sai Amrit Vani started at 11:04 AM. Noon
Aartee started at 12:00 Hrs. followed by brief
Meditation and the prayer, Prayan of Chapter 22 from
Sai Satcharitra. Prayers and thanks were offered by
Mrs. Gupta to Baba. Finally distribution of Prasad,
Udi and the water from the Charans.
This recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani,
Meditation, prayer and Prayan of Sai Satcharitra is
held every Thursday at Sidhartha Extension, New Delhi
and next programme on 11th Jan 2007 will be held
again at the same place. Devotees interested in
attending it in person may contact on phone nos.
011-26346942, 09810714688 or 09312494767 only after
11 AM (IST) on any day except Thursdays but no calls
on Thursdays PLEASE. They should NOT bring any bhog
with them and be in time. Put the mobiles in silent mode
during Pooja. Kids are also not allowed in the hall.
Following listed devotees participated in
the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani ( in absentia)
and have either recited or read or listened Sri Sai
Amrit Vani at their places. Other devotees were also
prayed for but their names have not been listed here.
If you are Reciting Sri Sai Amrit Vani at your place
on Thursdays, you may also send the names to be
included in the list of devotees who recited the Sri
Sai Amrit Vani in the group. PLEASE PRAY FOR
Scripts of Sri Sai Amrit Vani are available
in Tamil, Telgu also, besides in Devnagri (Hindi) and
English, in the file section of the yahoogroup. Links
of Audio MP3 files are given in the link section of
the home page of ‘ mysaibaba20’ yahoogroup. To go
to home page of yahoogroup key in or click .
This activity of Sri Sai Amrit Vani will be
in addition to any other pooja or sewa or prayer that
you are doing.
Jai Sai Ram.
Ashok Gupta
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Quiz on Chapter X of Sai Satcharitra
Chapter X
(Devotees are requested to read Sai Satcharitra Chapter X,
translated by Gunaji before attempting this quiz)
1) The length of the wooden plank on which BABA slept
was about
a) 4 arms in length and a span in breath
b) about 6 arms in length and 2 span in breath
c) about 3 arms in length and a span in breath
d) about 10 arms in length and 2 spans in breath
2) Baba tied the wooden plank to the rafters of the masjid
a) Old thread b) old rags and shreds c) new strong shreds
d) new cloth
3) During His first visit to Shirdi BABA stayed for about
______ years
a) 5 b) 3 c) 4 d) 2
4) After disappearing from Shirdi BABA again appeared
in which place
a) Rahata b) Neemgoan c) Aurangabad d) Nizamabad
5) Baba came to Shirdi for the 2nd time with _______
a) Mahalsapathy b) Vikke Patil c) Gangagir Bua
d) Chand patil
(Devotees are requested to read Sai Satcharitra Chapter X,
translated by Gunaji before attempting this quiz)
1) The length of the wooden plank on which BABA slept
was about
a) 4 arms in length and a span in breath
b) about 6 arms in length and 2 span in breath
c) about 3 arms in length and a span in breath
d) about 10 arms in length and 2 spans in breath
2) Baba tied the wooden plank to the rafters of the masjid
a) Old thread b) old rags and shreds c) new strong shreds
d) new cloth
3) During His first visit to Shirdi BABA stayed for about
______ years
a) 5 b) 3 c) 4 d) 2
4) After disappearing from Shirdi BABA again appeared
in which place
a) Rahata b) Neemgoan c) Aurangabad d) Nizamabad
5) Baba came to Shirdi for the 2nd time with _______
a) Mahalsapathy b) Vikke Patil c) Gangagir Bua
d) Chand patil
(The fast words of a great Saint)
(The fast words of a great Saint)
Dear friends.
Withdraw the mind from the senses and fix it in meditation.
Withdraw the mind from the senses and fix it in meditation.
Control the thought-current. Find out the thought-centre; be
quiet there. Then you will be conscious of the Divine Self;
you will see it dancing in ecstasy. Live in that delight. That
high delight, consciousness, is the God in you. He is the
unique one. He is in every heart.
unique one. He is in every heart.
You need not go anywhere to find Him. Find your own core
and feel Him there. Peace, bliss, felicity, health, everything
is in you. Trust in the Divine in you. Entrust yourself to His
Grace. BE AS YOU ARE. Off with strange thoughts and
past impressions. He who lives from within an ingathered
Soul-life is a real saint, though he may be a householder.
He who allows his mind to wander with the senses is an
ignoramus, though he pretends to be a sage.
See as a witness, without the burden of seeing. See the
world just as a drama. See without attachment. Look within.
Look at the inner Light, unshaken by mental impressions.
Then, floods of conscious bliss shall come pouring in and
around you from all directions. This is the supreme
Knowledge; realise.
Aum Aum!
—Saint Thayumanar
Knowledge; realise.
Aum Aum!
—Saint Thayumanar
(Translated from original Tamil by H.H. Shuddananda
Bha-rathiar, who stayed with Sai Baba during 1910-18.
This gives the essence of the great South Indian saint
Thayumanar just before his Mahasamadhi on
January 15, 1742).
Source Sai Padananda October 1990,
This magazine can be read at
This magazine can be read at
Quiz on Chapter IX of Sai Satcharitra
Chapter IX
(Devotees are requested to read Sai Satcharitra
Chapter IX, translated by Gunaji before
attempting this quiz)
21) Baba addressed Mrs.Tarkhad as
a) Bhenji b) Mayi c) Bai d) Akka
22) Mr. Govind Balaram Mankar visited Shirdi in
December 1915 to _____
a) to celebrate the new year in Shirdi b) to perform
guru puja in Shirdi c) To get deeksha from BABA
d) to perform the obsequies of his father
23) Pilgrims and Devotees who used to visit Shirdi
cannot leave Shirdi on
their own will. They had to take the permission of
(a) Village Panchayat (b) Secretary to Sai Baba
(c) Sai Baba (d) Tatya Kote Patil
24) Tatya once wanted to go to Kopergaon Bazar
and asked Babas permission to
go. Baba asked him to take ____________ at least
with him.
(a) Hamadripanth (b) Shama (c) Sai Baba Himself
(d) Ganapat Rao
25) The European gentalman of Bombay who came
to Shirdi, He wanted to kneel before Baba and kiss
his hand. But Baba prevented him from doing so. He
was not pleased, so he left Shirdi and got hurt on the
way. In which hospital he was admitted for treatment.
(a) Shirdi (b) Ahmednagar (c) Kopergaon (d) Bombay
(Devotees are requested to read Sai Satcharitra
Chapter IX, translated by Gunaji before
attempting this quiz)
21) Baba addressed Mrs.Tarkhad as
a) Bhenji b) Mayi c) Bai d) Akka
22) Mr. Govind Balaram Mankar visited Shirdi in
December 1915 to _____
a) to celebrate the new year in Shirdi b) to perform
guru puja in Shirdi c) To get deeksha from BABA
d) to perform the obsequies of his father
23) Pilgrims and Devotees who used to visit Shirdi
cannot leave Shirdi on
their own will. They had to take the permission of
(a) Village Panchayat (b) Secretary to Sai Baba
(c) Sai Baba (d) Tatya Kote Patil
24) Tatya once wanted to go to Kopergaon Bazar
and asked Babas permission to
go. Baba asked him to take ____________ at least
with him.
(a) Hamadripanth (b) Shama (c) Sai Baba Himself
(d) Ganapat Rao
25) The European gentalman of Bombay who came
to Shirdi, He wanted to kneel before Baba and kiss
his hand. But Baba prevented him from doing so. He
was not pleased, so he left Shirdi and got hurt on the
way. In which hospital he was admitted for treatment.
(a) Shirdi (b) Ahmednagar (c) Kopergaon (d) Bombay
Satsang POWER OF GURU by Mr.Venkatesan
(From the glorious life of Saint Damaji of Mangalveda
as narrated by Mr. Venkatesan)
That the Lord is servant of the devotee and His wages
are mere devotion and steadfast meditation on Him
alone as the sole Refuge, is well exemplified in the
story of the illustrious saint of Mangalveda, is in
Maharashtra and Damaji even from his younger days
had developed a spirit of surrender to the Lord. His
intelligence and popularity attracted the notice of the
ruler of the province who appointed him as the
Revenue Collector of Mangalveda.
Once a great famine raged over the entire locality.
Rains failed and there was a great dearth of food
grains. Starvation and disease exacted a heavy
toll among the population and people flocked to
Damaji for help. Damaji wanted to relieve them of
their distress and ordered the entire royal-granaries
to be opened and the grains distributed among
But envious minds began to chafe at Damaji's added
glory. They sent petitions to the ruler that he had
laid bare the entire granaries belonging to the state.
Damaji was summoned to the Durbar for an answer.
Nothing daunted Damaji and he followed the
emissaries. Pandarapur was on the way and Damaji
felt that he should have a bath in the sacred
Chanrabagha and offer his worship to Lord Vittal.
"Oh Lord, it was you who made Damaji distribute
the grain among your starving children, and again it
is You that is taking me for an explanation at the
Durbar. Your ways are indeed mysterious. What
need for fear have I, as I know it is You in everyone
who is playing this Drama? I have little care for this
body for it is Thy and at Thy service."
In the meantime at the palace of the ruler, there
appeared a Talayari and presented his credentials
to the ruler as the servant of Damaji, and told him
that his master had submitted the value of the
grain that he was accused to having misused.
The Talayari's appearance overwhelmed the ruler
and he was thrilled. The amount of four lakhs of
rupees which was the value of the grain so utilized
by Damaji was promptly paid and a regular receipt
taken. Immediately orders were passed withdrawing
all proceedings against Damaji and he was
honorably acquitted.
Here at Pandarapur, Damaji after worship began to
read 'Bhagavadgita' as usual. On opening the sacred
book he found in it a receipt for four lakhs and an
order withdrawing the proceedings and a direction
that he would be received in the palace with all
honor. Damaji could not believe his eyes. The Lord's
ways are certainly inexplicable.
The Ruler fell at Damaji's feet and begged for
forgiveness for the great hardship he had caused
him. Damaji discovered that it was the Lord who had
thus saved His devotee and decided to spend the
reminder of his life devoted to the Lord at Pandarpur.
(Source Shri Saipadananda April 1993 Issue) this
can be read at
(From the glorious life of Saint Damaji of Mangalveda
as narrated by Mr. Venkatesan)
That the Lord is servant of the devotee and His wages
are mere devotion and steadfast meditation on Him
alone as the sole Refuge, is well exemplified in the
story of the illustrious saint of Mangalveda, is in
Maharashtra and Damaji even from his younger days
had developed a spirit of surrender to the Lord. His
intelligence and popularity attracted the notice of the
ruler of the province who appointed him as the
Revenue Collector of Mangalveda.
Once a great famine raged over the entire locality.
Rains failed and there was a great dearth of food
grains. Starvation and disease exacted a heavy
toll among the population and people flocked to
Damaji for help. Damaji wanted to relieve them of
their distress and ordered the entire royal-granaries
to be opened and the grains distributed among
But envious minds began to chafe at Damaji's added
glory. They sent petitions to the ruler that he had
laid bare the entire granaries belonging to the state.
Damaji was summoned to the Durbar for an answer.
Nothing daunted Damaji and he followed the
emissaries. Pandarapur was on the way and Damaji
felt that he should have a bath in the sacred
Chanrabagha and offer his worship to Lord Vittal.
"Oh Lord, it was you who made Damaji distribute
the grain among your starving children, and again it
is You that is taking me for an explanation at the
Durbar. Your ways are indeed mysterious. What
need for fear have I, as I know it is You in everyone
who is playing this Drama? I have little care for this
body for it is Thy and at Thy service."
In the meantime at the palace of the ruler, there
appeared a Talayari and presented his credentials
to the ruler as the servant of Damaji, and told him
that his master had submitted the value of the
grain that he was accused to having misused.
The Talayari's appearance overwhelmed the ruler
and he was thrilled. The amount of four lakhs of
rupees which was the value of the grain so utilized
by Damaji was promptly paid and a regular receipt
taken. Immediately orders were passed withdrawing
all proceedings against Damaji and he was
honorably acquitted.
Here at Pandarapur, Damaji after worship began to
read 'Bhagavadgita' as usual. On opening the sacred
book he found in it a receipt for four lakhs and an
order withdrawing the proceedings and a direction
that he would be received in the palace with all
honor. Damaji could not believe his eyes. The Lord's
ways are certainly inexplicable.
The Ruler fell at Damaji's feet and begged for
forgiveness for the great hardship he had caused
him. Damaji discovered that it was the Lord who had
thus saved His devotee and decided to spend the
reminder of his life devoted to the Lord at Pandarpur.
(Source Shri Saipadananda April 1993 Issue) this
can be read at
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Serious Sadhana for Sai Devotees by H.H.Narasimha Swamiji
Serious Sadhana for Sai Devotees
By H. H. Narasimha Swamiji
"Do not be idle. Work. Utter God's name. Read
"Life is lived in vain, if no Yoga, Yaga, Tapas and
Jnana be achieved."
"Will you sit idle (merely) eating your food? Have
Saburi (patience and courage)."
"Our end will get so bitter or wretched. Once or twice
I will warn. The end will be hard indeed if one does
not heed the advice given. Even the child in the womb
we will cut to pieces and throw away if it falls athwart."
A religious journal or any other literature devoted to
religion generally presupposes that the readers are
serious minded. In some cases no doubt there may
not be sufficient seriousness at the beginning. But
seriousness is developed as days pass on and the
literature is therefore rendered more useful and
effective. As those without such seriousness form the
majority of the reading public and several of them
wish to become and might well be expected to become
serious minded, we might briefly advert to the process
by which people are involuntarily or voluntarily
made serious.
As stated in the Gita Ch. VII, 16, four classes of persons
develop seriousness enough to run up to God that is to
become really religious. The first class is the arta, i.e.,
the sufferers. When one has a serious loss of health,
wealth, progeny, kinsmen, necessaries, comforts, etc.
life suddenly presents a doleful appearance and the
sufferer not knowing any other way to obtain relief runs
to the Almighty for relief. This is humorously referred
to in the Canarese aphorism Sankata Bandare
Venkataramana which means when a man is in trouble
he turns to God. Another category of seekers after God
or religion is jijnasu that is one with a metaphysical
turn of mind anxious to know the why of all things.
God being the ultimate cause of every thing naturally
attracts such a person. The third category consists of
arta aartis that is those who are very ambitious —
wanting to get lots of wealth and other desired objects,
etc. and who do not find it easy to achieve their
ambition except by divine aid. The last category is
the Jnani - the person with fullest realization of
divinity in the self—which is of course very rare (one
perhaps in a million may have such realization).
Hence what makes a man serious minded and
religious is either, (1) present or impending trouble,
or (2) an excessive craving for the world's good or
(3) a highly metaphysical and introverted turn of
mind. It is not our desire that any body should be
subjected to serious trouble or should entertain
inordinate hankering for the world's goods.
As far a metaphysical and introverted turn of mind,
that comes to very few indeed naturally and cannot
be easily cultivated. Yet we might give some answer
to the question of a devotee with budding earnestness
how to develop such earnestness and seriousness.
• The great panacea for all defects, shortcomings and
ills is Satsang, that is, association with holy ones, pure
minded persons — of course in the flesh, if available,
or in easily approachable spirit form as in the case of
Sai Baba or failing these, through reading of holy and
inspiring literature, such as scriptures, saintly
biography, etc. When a person is very anxious to get
serious, he has already started the development of
In any case a constant repetition of prayer — that is an
attempt to form a habit of prayer - whether for temporal
or spiritual benefits is an excellent means for
developing seriousness as a strong and permanent
trait in one's character. More things are done in heaven
and earth by prayer than the scientist will readily allow.
Everything grows by exercise. One desiring to develop
love in himself towards God or any other being, must
watch and observe how persons filled with love behaves
and then must do likewise. So also a person desirous of
becoming serious must in the beginning artificially put
on seriousness, observe what serious minded people
that command his approval and admiration do, and then
he must go and do likewise. One of the things that may
be confidentially recommended to any Sai Bhakta who
wishes to attain more seriousness is to make a daily
program himself to maintain a diary and to note therein,
his programmes, resolves, Sadhanas attempted and the
degree or number of successes or failures in respect of
each Sadhana. Let him pick up and peruse the diary
both at the starting and the close of the day to note the
above facts. A daily repetition of some slokas from
Sainath Manana or the Ashtottara Namavali or the
reading of not less than five to ten pages of Sai
literature such as "Charters & Sayings" may all be
prescribed or recommended.
The oral or written japa of Sai Ram will form an
excellent coping stone to all the above edifice of
It is to be hoped that some of those who read this
article will take our advice seriously, begin the
habit of seriousness from this very moment and
make a resolve to adopt all or as many as possible
of the measures above, recommended for their
By H. H. Narasimha Swamiji
"Do not be idle. Work. Utter God's name. Read
"Life is lived in vain, if no Yoga, Yaga, Tapas and
Jnana be achieved."
"Will you sit idle (merely) eating your food? Have
Saburi (patience and courage)."
"Our end will get so bitter or wretched. Once or twice
I will warn. The end will be hard indeed if one does
not heed the advice given. Even the child in the womb
we will cut to pieces and throw away if it falls athwart."
A religious journal or any other literature devoted to
religion generally presupposes that the readers are
serious minded. In some cases no doubt there may
not be sufficient seriousness at the beginning. But
seriousness is developed as days pass on and the
literature is therefore rendered more useful and
effective. As those without such seriousness form the
majority of the reading public and several of them
wish to become and might well be expected to become
serious minded, we might briefly advert to the process
by which people are involuntarily or voluntarily
made serious.
As stated in the Gita Ch. VII, 16, four classes of persons
develop seriousness enough to run up to God that is to
become really religious. The first class is the arta, i.e.,
the sufferers. When one has a serious loss of health,
wealth, progeny, kinsmen, necessaries, comforts, etc.
life suddenly presents a doleful appearance and the
sufferer not knowing any other way to obtain relief runs
to the Almighty for relief. This is humorously referred
to in the Canarese aphorism Sankata Bandare
Venkataramana which means when a man is in trouble
he turns to God. Another category of seekers after God
or religion is jijnasu that is one with a metaphysical
turn of mind anxious to know the why of all things.
God being the ultimate cause of every thing naturally
attracts such a person. The third category consists of
arta aartis that is those who are very ambitious —
wanting to get lots of wealth and other desired objects,
etc. and who do not find it easy to achieve their
ambition except by divine aid. The last category is
the Jnani - the person with fullest realization of
divinity in the self—which is of course very rare (one
perhaps in a million may have such realization).
Hence what makes a man serious minded and
religious is either, (1) present or impending trouble,
or (2) an excessive craving for the world's good or
(3) a highly metaphysical and introverted turn of
mind. It is not our desire that any body should be
subjected to serious trouble or should entertain
inordinate hankering for the world's goods.
As far a metaphysical and introverted turn of mind,
that comes to very few indeed naturally and cannot
be easily cultivated. Yet we might give some answer
to the question of a devotee with budding earnestness
how to develop such earnestness and seriousness.
• The great panacea for all defects, shortcomings and
ills is Satsang, that is, association with holy ones, pure
minded persons — of course in the flesh, if available,
or in easily approachable spirit form as in the case of
Sai Baba or failing these, through reading of holy and
inspiring literature, such as scriptures, saintly
biography, etc. When a person is very anxious to get
serious, he has already started the development of
In any case a constant repetition of prayer — that is an
attempt to form a habit of prayer - whether for temporal
or spiritual benefits is an excellent means for
developing seriousness as a strong and permanent
trait in one's character. More things are done in heaven
and earth by prayer than the scientist will readily allow.
Everything grows by exercise. One desiring to develop
love in himself towards God or any other being, must
watch and observe how persons filled with love behaves
and then must do likewise. So also a person desirous of
becoming serious must in the beginning artificially put
on seriousness, observe what serious minded people
that command his approval and admiration do, and then
he must go and do likewise. One of the things that may
be confidentially recommended to any Sai Bhakta who
wishes to attain more seriousness is to make a daily
program himself to maintain a diary and to note therein,
his programmes, resolves, Sadhanas attempted and the
degree or number of successes or failures in respect of
each Sadhana. Let him pick up and peruse the diary
both at the starting and the close of the day to note the
above facts. A daily repetition of some slokas from
Sainath Manana or the Ashtottara Namavali or the
reading of not less than five to ten pages of Sai
literature such as "Charters & Sayings" may all be
prescribed or recommended.
The oral or written japa of Sai Ram will form an
excellent coping stone to all the above edifice of
It is to be hoped that some of those who read this
article will take our advice seriously, begin the
habit of seriousness from this very moment and
make a resolve to adopt all or as many as possible
of the measures above, recommended for their
Sri Sai Amrit Vani
Sri Sai Amrit Vani
28th Dec 2006
Devotees may forward this letter to other Sai devotees.
Jai Sai Ram
Last week I wrote that “Sab Ka Malik Ek, Baba has clearly
indicated it again and again, Once again Baba has indicated
this today”. Yet again for the coming Id, Baba has again
indicated that Sab ka Malik Ek . As photos can describe
much more than the words. I am appending some photos
depicting the Leelas today. I am not going to say much. Let
the devotees conclude their own conclusion, what Baba is
saying and indicating. It will be appreciated if devotees write
their interpretations and conclusions about the Leelas of
Last year Baba blessed with the honey on two last Thursdays
of the year. We expected the honey will come this year too,
but Baba disappointed us last Thursday. He was giving us
only the sweet Udi along with the crystals of Sugar. This
there was nothing from the statue till Thursday morning and
then all of a sudden honey started oozing from the Statue.
Jai Sai Ram.
In the evening Mrs Gupta cleaned all the photos and removed
the paper and collected the Udi, as soon as she finished this,
Udi again started oozing and she again placed the papers. In
the morning again she cleaned the entire mandir and replaced
all the paper extra as well as below the photos and statues
by removing them all. Again the Udi started oozing from the
Following devotees, participated in absencia in the recitation
of Sri Sai Amrit Vani by reciting Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their
places. The list is sorted as per their email id’s. However
Mrs. Gupta prayed for all the devotees. We include only
those devotees in the list, who themselves recite or read Sri
Sai Amrit Vani at their places. The names of the devotees
“for prayer”, are prayed for, but not included in the list. Kindly
mention clearly, against each devotee’s name that he/she
will recite or read or listen to Sri Sai Amrit Vani, or only for
prayers, If no mention of it is made in the letter, then it will
be presumed that the names are only for prayer and will not
be included in the list. Please also give the name of the
This Thursday the 28th Dec , we were able to see the following
Leelas of Baba.
1. Udi started oozing from Monday the 25th Dec. from all the
photos of Baba on the walls and in the mandir room. It also
started oozing from the main Photo in the mandir from this day.
The words OM, Ram and Shyam appeared lightly on the main
photo in the mandir and the big photo on the wall, which became
dark by Tuesday. There was no Udi from the Statue till the last.
2. On one photo, which had swastic, om, ek-onkar and cross etc
on earlier occasion as per the occasion had one Chand Sitara
also along with cross, om and the word RAM in Hindi with Udi,
in view of the Christmass and the coming Id.
3. There was lot of honey from the statue. It started on Thursday
morning and by noon, lot of Honey had been there in the plate,
below the statue.
4. There was a lot of Water from the Charans this week also.
This water was collected in the Thali. The taste of water was
similar to gulab jal and Kewara-Kesar. After Sai Amrit Vani,
this water was given to the devotees.
Many devotees brought small bottles with them and took this
holy water home also. Water was taken out many times and
every time thali was again filled up.
5. Lap of Mrs. Gupta was filled with lots of Udi during the
prayers. Her hands were also filled with Udi. Udi also appeared
other devotees also. Sai Amrit Vani books of many devotees
had the Udi.
6. Being the last Thursday of the year special prayer was made
to Baba to forgive all our bad deeds during the year etc. etc
Many devotees became so touched that they wept along with
Mrs Gupta.
7. The presence of Baba during the Sai Amrit Vani was very
strong and many devotees felt that Baba walked through them.
Sri Sai Amrit Vani was very peaceful, soothing and had very
purifying influence.
8. On Thursday as soon as Bhog was offered, it was duly
accepted by Baba and after the Sri Sai Amrit Vani we noticed
that the box, which was placed before HIM was with partly eaten
pieces and only partly remained pieces and some engraved pieces
of items were there in the box, Ladoo Basen was eaten in big
portion. Kachori had a bite missing . A figure of face was formed
on Peda. Much portion of ‘Pakiza’ was missing. Part of Bhog was
on the lips of many photos and statue of Baba. Part pieces of the
remains in the box were given to the devotees who offered that
item of bhog to Baba. Some photos were taken and are attached
9. All the boxes of Bhog which were kept on the table were blessed
with lots of Udi. Udi was collected on the papers by the devotees.
10. The Charnamrit, the water in which Baba took the bath in the
morning was also sweet as if some honey has been mixed into it.
11. Documents, Statues, Sai Sat Charitras, Pothi in Marathi,
photos, kept in the mandir room were blessed with lots of Udi.
12. I am appending 12 photos along with this letter, more photos
will be uploaded in the photo section of mysaibaba20/mysaibaba21
yahoogroup with high density resolution.
Jai Sai Ram
Sri Sai Amrit Vani started at 11:04 AM. Noon Aartee started at
12:00 Hrs. followed by brief Meditation and the prayer, Prayan of
Chapter 20 from Sai Satcharitra. Prayers and thanks were offered
by Mrs. Gupta to Baba. Finally distribution of Prasad, Udi and
the water from the Charans.
This recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani, Meditation, prayer and Prayan
of Sai Satcharitra is held every Thursday at Sidhartha Extension,
New Delhi and next programme on 4th Jan (First Sri Sai Amrit Vani
of the year) will be held again at the same place. Devotees
interested in attending it in person may
contact on phone nos. 011-26346942, 09810714688 or
09312494767 only after 11 AM (IST) on any day except Thursdays
but no calls on Thursdays PLEASE. They should NOT bring any
bhog with them and be in time. Put the mobiles in silent
mode during Pooja. Kids are also not allowed in the hall.
Following listed devotees participated in the recitation of Sri Sai
Amrit Vani ( in absentia) and have either recited or read or listened
Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places. Other devotees were also prayed
for but their names have not been listed here. If you are Reciting
Sri Sai Amrit Vani at your place on Thursdays, you may also send
the names to be included in the list of devotees who recited the
Sri Sai Amrit Vani in the group. PLEASE PRAY FOR YOUR
Scripts of Sri Sai Amrit Vani are available in Tamil, Telgu also,
besides in Devnagri (Hindi) and English, in the file section of the
yahoogroup. Links of Audio MP3 files are given in the link section
of the home page of ‘ mysaibaba20’ yahoogroup. To go to home
page of yahoogroup key in or click .
This activity of Sri Sai Amrit Vani will be in addition to any other
pooja or sewa or prayer that you are doing.
Jai Sai Ram.
Ashok Gupta
28th Dec 2006
Devotees may forward this letter to other Sai devotees.
Jai Sai Ram
Last week I wrote that “Sab Ka Malik Ek, Baba has clearly
indicated it again and again, Once again Baba has indicated
this today”. Yet again for the coming Id, Baba has again
indicated that Sab ka Malik Ek . As photos can describe
much more than the words. I am appending some photos
depicting the Leelas today. I am not going to say much. Let
the devotees conclude their own conclusion, what Baba is
saying and indicating. It will be appreciated if devotees write
their interpretations and conclusions about the Leelas of
Last year Baba blessed with the honey on two last Thursdays
of the year. We expected the honey will come this year too,
but Baba disappointed us last Thursday. He was giving us
only the sweet Udi along with the crystals of Sugar. This
there was nothing from the statue till Thursday morning and
then all of a sudden honey started oozing from the Statue.
Jai Sai Ram.
In the evening Mrs Gupta cleaned all the photos and removed
the paper and collected the Udi, as soon as she finished this,
Udi again started oozing and she again placed the papers. In
the morning again she cleaned the entire mandir and replaced
all the paper extra as well as below the photos and statues
by removing them all. Again the Udi started oozing from the
Following devotees, participated in absencia in the recitation
of Sri Sai Amrit Vani by reciting Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their
places. The list is sorted as per their email id’s. However
Mrs. Gupta prayed for all the devotees. We include only
those devotees in the list, who themselves recite or read Sri
Sai Amrit Vani at their places. The names of the devotees
“for prayer”, are prayed for, but not included in the list. Kindly
mention clearly, against each devotee’s name that he/she
will recite or read or listen to Sri Sai Amrit Vani, or only for
prayers, If no mention of it is made in the letter, then it will
be presumed that the names are only for prayer and will not
be included in the list. Please also give the name of the
This Thursday the 28th Dec , we were able to see the following
Leelas of Baba.
1. Udi started oozing from Monday the 25th Dec. from all the
photos of Baba on the walls and in the mandir room. It also
started oozing from the main Photo in the mandir from this day.
The words OM, Ram and Shyam appeared lightly on the main
photo in the mandir and the big photo on the wall, which became
dark by Tuesday. There was no Udi from the Statue till the last.
2. On one photo, which had swastic, om, ek-onkar and cross etc
on earlier occasion as per the occasion had one Chand Sitara
also along with cross, om and the word RAM in Hindi with Udi,
in view of the Christmass and the coming Id.
3. There was lot of honey from the statue. It started on Thursday
morning and by noon, lot of Honey had been there in the plate,
below the statue.
4. There was a lot of Water from the Charans this week also.
This water was collected in the Thali. The taste of water was
similar to gulab jal and Kewara-Kesar. After Sai Amrit Vani,
this water was given to the devotees.
Many devotees brought small bottles with them and took this
holy water home also. Water was taken out many times and
every time thali was again filled up.
5. Lap of Mrs. Gupta was filled with lots of Udi during the
prayers. Her hands were also filled with Udi. Udi also appeared
other devotees also. Sai Amrit Vani books of many devotees
had the Udi.
6. Being the last Thursday of the year special prayer was made
to Baba to forgive all our bad deeds during the year etc. etc
Many devotees became so touched that they wept along with
Mrs Gupta.
7. The presence of Baba during the Sai Amrit Vani was very
strong and many devotees felt that Baba walked through them.
Sri Sai Amrit Vani was very peaceful, soothing and had very
purifying influence.
8. On Thursday as soon as Bhog was offered, it was duly
accepted by Baba and after the Sri Sai Amrit Vani we noticed
that the box, which was placed before HIM was with partly eaten
pieces and only partly remained pieces and some engraved pieces
of items were there in the box, Ladoo Basen was eaten in big
portion. Kachori had a bite missing . A figure of face was formed
on Peda. Much portion of ‘Pakiza’ was missing. Part of Bhog was
on the lips of many photos and statue of Baba. Part pieces of the
remains in the box were given to the devotees who offered that
item of bhog to Baba. Some photos were taken and are attached
9. All the boxes of Bhog which were kept on the table were blessed
with lots of Udi. Udi was collected on the papers by the devotees.
10. The Charnamrit, the water in which Baba took the bath in the
morning was also sweet as if some honey has been mixed into it.
11. Documents, Statues, Sai Sat Charitras, Pothi in Marathi,
photos, kept in the mandir room were blessed with lots of Udi.
12. I am appending 12 photos along with this letter, more photos
will be uploaded in the photo section of mysaibaba20/mysaibaba21
yahoogroup with high density resolution.
Jai Sai Ram
Sri Sai Amrit Vani started at 11:04 AM. Noon Aartee started at
12:00 Hrs. followed by brief Meditation and the prayer, Prayan of
Chapter 20 from Sai Satcharitra. Prayers and thanks were offered
by Mrs. Gupta to Baba. Finally distribution of Prasad, Udi and
the water from the Charans.
This recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani, Meditation, prayer and Prayan
of Sai Satcharitra is held every Thursday at Sidhartha Extension,
New Delhi and next programme on 4th Jan (First Sri Sai Amrit Vani
of the year) will be held again at the same place. Devotees
interested in attending it in person may
contact on phone nos. 011-26346942, 09810714688 or
09312494767 only after 11 AM (IST) on any day except Thursdays
but no calls on Thursdays PLEASE. They should NOT bring any
bhog with them and be in time. Put the mobiles in silent
mode during Pooja. Kids are also not allowed in the hall.
Following listed devotees participated in the recitation of Sri Sai
Amrit Vani ( in absentia) and have either recited or read or listened
Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places. Other devotees were also prayed
for but their names have not been listed here. If you are Reciting
Sri Sai Amrit Vani at your place on Thursdays, you may also send
the names to be included in the list of devotees who recited the
Sri Sai Amrit Vani in the group. PLEASE PRAY FOR YOUR
Scripts of Sri Sai Amrit Vani are available in Tamil, Telgu also,
besides in Devnagri (Hindi) and English, in the file section of the
yahoogroup. Links of Audio MP3 files are given in the link section
of the home page of ‘ mysaibaba20’ yahoogroup. To go to home
page of yahoogroup key in or click .
This activity of Sri Sai Amrit Vani will be in addition to any other
pooja or sewa or prayer that you are doing.
Jai Sai Ram.
Ashok Gupta
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