Friday, January 12, 2007

where can i download amrit vani

Dear Vinay
Jai Sai Ram

I am appending an old write up about Sri Sai
Amrit Vani.

All About Sri Sai Amrit Vani

Jai Sai Ram

Sri Sai Amrit Vani an interesting,
spiritual, simple and meaningful literature in lyrics
form and we have adopted in our life. It has been
composed by Sh. V K Bassi, who is managing the
activities of Sri Ram Bhakt Society at Shivalik,
Delhi, The material has mostly been taken from Sai
Geeta, Sri Saicharitra and Sri Ram Amrit Vani. In the
book form, it was first printed around 1997. It has
been sung by Sh. Jagdish Kalra and recorded on a 60
minutes cassette and hence it is a complete one hour
program in Hindi. The cassette is 30 minutes on each
side. It has been converted to MP3 files from the
Audio cassette into two files. These files are of 30
MB each and have been put on the internet. The script
of Sri Sai Amrit Vani in Hindi , English and Telgu
are available on the internet. The program has few
parts. (i) Sai Amrit Vani (ii) Bhajans (iii) Pads
(iv) Prayers (v) Vandna and the (vi) Aartee. There is
no specific time to do Sri Sai Amrit Vani,. It can be
done at any time of the day at any place, But one
should be clean and place should also be clean. When
it is done in the mandir before Baba then one should
clean oneself and put some Bhog before Baba. We

all recite Sri Sai Amrit Vani together along with the
cassette. These two audio files can be down loaded

and have been down loaded and put on the CD’s by
few devotees and are being played on the ordinary CD
players. Few devotees are distributing these CDs,
Cassettes and the books of Sri Sai Amrit Vani free of
cost to needy devotees, who does not want to

purchase them.

Every Thursday Recitation of Sri
Sai Amrit Vani is held at Sidhartha Extension, New
Delhi, but we have slightly changed the order.
Instead of the general Aartee in between, we do the
full Noon Aartee the same as being done in Shirdi
after the Sri Sai amrit Vani. It is followed by group
prayer and a chapter from Sai Satcharitra is read by
Mrs Gupta. It starts exactly at 11:05 AM and goes

upto 12. Noon Aarti is performed exactly at 12:00
and reading from Sai Satcharitra after the noon Aarti.
It goes upto 12:25 or so. During this Sri Sai Amrit Vani,
reading from Sai Satcharitra, Prayer and Aartee Mrs
Gupta’s lap is filled by Udi. Even other devotees
feel the presence of Baba in different forms and have
many different experiences. Every Thursday and some
important days and festivals Udi starts oozing and
dropping from the Statues and the photos of Baba.
Some times even Honey oozes and drops from the
photo/Statue of Baba on the wall.

Script of Sri Sai Amrit Vani in
Hindi, English, Tamil and Telgu are available at the
file section of yahoogroup “mysaibaba20” ie . Script
in Hindi is also available at . Meaning of
the wordings of Sri Sai Amrit Vani in English is also
there in the file section.

Audio of Sri Sai Amrit Vani is available
at the following web sites.

OR just click to the link . On the right side you will
find Music clips at the bottom . Below it you will
find Sai Amrit Vani 1 and 2 Click on one of them.
Shri Sai Amrit will be down loaded on your computer in
some temporary area and Real Player, Microsoft Media
player and even winamp will run it. By clicking the
right button you can save it on the hard disk by
clicking on ‘Save the target as’ and you can play it .
Repeat the process for the other part. As these files
are 30 MB each, it will take time to download them.
You can directly go to this site by link . These
links are also provided in the link section of the
yahoogroup “mysaibaba20”.

Now a VCD has also been prepared of it,
by a commercial dealer and can be had from SAI

alternatively can be had from any vender near the
Sai Memorial Temple at Lodhi Road. In particular
Sanjay Gupta is having these books, cassettes and
the VCD’s. His residence cum shop’s address is 6,
Lodhi Road Complex, Near Sai Baba Mandir,
New Delhi –110003, with phone nos are
24368346, 98100550738, 20061546 and having an

email address as .

You can also have the books and the
cassettes of Sri Sai Amrit Vani from us, personally.

Jai Sai. Ram
Ashok Gupta

Quiz on Chapter XI of Sai Satcharitra

Chapter XI
(Devotees are requested to read Sai Satcharitra Chapter XI,

translated by Gunaji before attempting this quiz)
6) Dr.Pandit was the friend of ______
a) Tatyasaheb Noolkar b) Dadabhat Kelkar c) Mahalsapathy

d) Khaparde

7) When Dr.Pandit was sitting in the Masjid, Baba has
asked him to go to
a) Tatyasaheb Noolkar b) Shyama c) Mahalasapthy

d) Dadabhat Kelkar

8) The other name of Dr.Pandits Guru Raghunath Maharaj
was ___
a) Kaka Puranik b) Upasani Babac) Saint Ramdas

d) Narasingmaharaj

9) Dr.Pandits Guru stayed at _______
a) Nasik b) Dhopeshwar c) Bombay d) Pandarpur

10) Haji Siddik Falke was a native of ______
a) Thane b) Dadar c) Kalyan d) Chembur

Sri Sai Amrit Vani

Sri Sai Amrit Vani
11th Jan 2007
Devotees may forward this
letter to other Sai devotees.
Jai Sai Ram
Once again I would like to remind that
Sri Sai Amrit Vani on Thursday the 18th Jan 2007 will
NOT be held at Sidhartha Extension, New Delhi, as

we are going to Shirdi and on that day we will be in
Shirdi. However from 25th Jan onward it will be done
at Sidhartha Extension, New Delhi, as usual.

Today was the second Thursday of the
year. Last year Baba blessed us with the honey on
first two Thursdays of the year, so we expected the
honey may come this year too, and Baba has
disappointed us on this Thursday. Last Thursday Baba
did blessed us with honey, but this Thursday there was
no honey. Udi Started oozing from the staue on
Wednesday , giving clear indication that Baba is going
to bless us with Udi and not with honey from Statue.
Udi was already coming from all the photos, so we

were not expecting honey this time.
Today when Mrs. Gupta gave bath to
the Charans of Baba and placed them in the thali on
the table, Chandan appeared on them and soon thali

was full of water. She removed a full bowl of water
from thali before the start of the Sri Sai Amrit Vani.
Following devotees, participated in
absencia in the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani by
reciting Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places. The list
is sorted as per their email id’s. However Mrs. Gupta
prayed for all the devotees. We include only those
devotees in the list, who themselves recite or read
Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places. The names of the
devotees “for prayer”, are prayed for, but not
included in the list. Kindly mention clearly, against
each devotee’s name that he/she will recite or read

or listen to Sri Sai Amrit Vani, or only for prayers, If
no mention of it is made in the letter, then it will
be presumed that the names are only for prayer

and will not be included in the list. Please also give
the name of the place.

This Thursday the 11th Jan we were able
to see the following Leelas of Baba.

1. Udi started oozing from the photos on the walls
from Monday and all the figures of OM, Ram and Sham
were formed. From Tuesday Udi started oozing from the
Photo in the mandir and from Wednesday it also started
oozing from the Statue.
2. There was a lot of Water from the Charans this week
also. This water was collected in the Thali. The
taste of water was similar to gulab jal and
Kewara-Kesar. After Sai Amrit Vani, this water was
given to the devotees. Many devotees brought small
bottles with them and took this holy water home also.
Water was taken out many times even before the Sri

Sai Amrit Vani and after it, and every time thali was
again filled up.
3. Lap of Mrs. Gupta was filled with lots of Udi
during the prayers.Udi was also there on many
devotees. Sri Sai Amrit Vani books of many devotees
had the Udi also.
4. The presence of Baba during the Sai Amrit Vani was
very strong and many devotees felt that Baba walked
through them. Sri Sai Amrit Vani was very peaceful,
soothing and had very purifying influence.
5. On Thursday as soon as Bhog was offered, it was
duly accepted by Baba and after the Sri Sai Amrit
Vani we noticed that the box, which was placed
before HIM was with partly eaten pieces and only
partly remained pieces and some engraved pieces

of items were there in the box,. Samosa had abig bite
missing . A figure of face was formed on Burfee,
choklate burfee and many other items. Part of Bhog
was on the lips of many photos and statue of Baba.
Part pieces of the remains in the box were given to
the devotees who offered that item of bhog to Baba.
6. All the boxes of Bhog which were kept on the table
were blessed with lots of Udi . Udi was collected on
the papers by the devotees.
7. The Charnamrit, the water in which Baba took the
bath in the morning was also sweet as if some honey
has been mixed into it.
8. Documents, Pandents , photos , kept in the mandir
room were blessed with lots of Udi.
9. Some times Baba does not approve all the things

and do not bless it. Today Baba has not approved a
key chain having His Photo. He also did not approve
and blessed a decorative item of a devotee.
10. A Sai Satcharitra was presented to a devotee. Sai
Satcharitra was kept in the mandir and soon it was
blessed with Udi. Udi was also inside it.

Jai Sai Ram

Sri Sai Amrit Vani started at 11:04 AM. Noon
Aartee started at 12:00 Hrs. followed by brief
Meditation and the prayer, Prayan of Chapter 23 from
Sai Satcharitra. Prayers and thanks were offered by
Mrs. Gupta to Baba. Finally distribution of Prasad,
Udi and the water from the Charans.

This recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani,
Meditation, prayer and Prayan of Sai Satcharitra is
held every Thursday at Sidhartha Extension, New Delhi
and next programme on 25th Jan 2007 will be held
again at the same place. Devotees interested in
attending it in person may contact on phone nos.
011-26346942, 09810714688 or 09312494767 only after 11
AM (IST) on any day except Thursdays but no calls on
Thursdays PLEASE. They should NOT bring any bhog

with them and be in time. Put the mobiles in silent mode
during Pooja. Kids are also not allowed in the hall.

Following listed devotees participated in
the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani ( in absentia)
and have either recited or read or listened Sri Sai
Amrit Vani at their places. Other devotees were also
prayed for but their names have not been listed here.
If you are Reciting Sri Sai Amrit Vani at your place
on Thursdays, you may also send the names to be
included in the list of devotees who recited the Sri
Sai Amrit Vani in the group. PLEASE PRAY FOR YOUR

Scripts of Sri Sai Amrit Vani are available
in Tamil, Telgu also, besides in Devnagri (Hindi) and
English, in the file section of the yahoogroup. Links
of Audio MP3 files are given in the link section of
the home page of ‘ mysaibaba20’ yahoogroup. To

go to home page of yahoogroup key in or click .

This activity of Sri Sai Amrit Vani will be
in addition to any other pooja or sewa or prayer that
you are doing.

Jai Sai Ram.
Ashok Gupta

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Quiz on Chapter XI of Sai Satcharitra

Chapter XI
(Devotees are requested to read Sai Satcharitra

Chapter XI, translated by Gunaji before
attempting this quiz)

11) Who intervened on behalf of Haji Siddik Falke
with BABA to allow him to enter the Masjid
a) Mahalsapathy b) Dr.Pandit c) Noolkar d) Shyama

12) Shama is compared as _____ of Baba
a) Nandi b) Garuda c) Mosika Vahan d) Right hand

13) Baba said to Shama “ We are going to cut a
goat in the Masjid so, ask him, whether he would
like to have its ____ or _____ of the goat”
a) Heart and Liver b) Legs and Testicles

c) meat haunch and testicles d) heart and testicles

14) When Shama put the question of BABA asking
him about the goat cutting in the Masjid, Haji Siddik
Falke replied that he would happy to receive
a) testicles of the goat b) heart of the goat

c) any piece which Baba gave him
d) a small crumb from Babas Kolamba

15) Baba got excited and with His hands threw away
the earthern jars and Kolamba, and straightway
advanced to the Haji and lifting His_________ said,
“Why do you brag and pose yourself as an old Haji?

Do you read Quran like this? You are proud of your
pilgrimage to Mecca; but you do not know Me.
a) arms b) His Kafni up in arms

c) lifting His arms to beat the Haji
d) Hisleg to kick the Haji

Quiz on Chapter X of Sai Satcharitra

Chapter X
(Devotees are requested to read Sai Satcharitra Chapter X,

translated by Gunaji before attempting this quiz)

11) Who asked BABA to vacate His Gadi as He wanted
to occupy the same
a) Mahalsapathi b) Upasani Maharaj c) Abdul BABA

d) Nanavali

12) BABA told His devotees “to leave off all cleverness,
and always remember “___ “____”. If you do that, He
said, all your shackles would be removed and you
would be free.
a) Sai SaI b) Sad Guru c) Dwaraka Mayi d) Allah Malik

13) They “________” remove all fear of this Sansar and
take you on the spiritual path.
a) Sad Guru b) Stories c) Prayers d ) Chanting

14) The importance of the Company of _______-“ is very
great. It removes our body consciousness and egoism,
destroys completely the chain of our birth and death,
cuts asunder all the knots of the mind and takes us to God.
a) the saints b) Guru c) good friends d) god fearing persons

15) Baba slept on a wooden plank and this plank was tied
as a swing to the rafters of the Masjid with old shreds or
rags. Who gave this plank to Baba?
(a) Nanavalli (b) Mr Nanasaheb Dangle (c) Chand Patil

(d) Saint Ramdas

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Satsang Hail the Savior By R. Radhakrishnan

Hail the Savior
By R. Radhakrishnan
"I shall draw out my devotees from the jaws of death"

is Sai Baba's DICTUM. How many times He has
saved me from the jaws of death. I am writing this
article today on account of, His grace and blessings.

Otherwise, I would have been buried fathoms deep
long, long ago and many births (janmas) according
to "Law of Karma" would have taken place. It is really
the wonderful leelas of Baba which are inconceivable,
inscrutable and beyond our mind and intellect. He
knows or anticipates and forestalls the calamities of
His devotees and wards them off in time. His debts

(obligations) will never be repaid by us in this birth
as well as in many future births. We can at best
chant His Taraka Mantra",
night which is simple, easy, powerful and a sadhana

for the aspirants/devotees to attain 'Sai Joy' and
'Sai Bliss'. Baba assured His devotees as under:

"If you simply say Sai, Sai, I will take you over the
Seven Seas." In this connection, it is to be
remembered, when Goddess Parvathi asked Siva
which is the most powerful Name (among the
thousand names in Vishnu Sahasranama) to be
meditated upon for one to achieve salvation Siva
recommended Sri RAMA'S to be always chanted
or meditated upon with love and devotion (Shradda
and Bhakti) to attain salvation. Our Baba also
advised Mrs. Khaparde (wife of Dada Saheb
Khaparde of Amrotr) to always chant" 'Raja Ram,
Raja Ram," Our Baba is no other than Shri Ram.

He is 'Sairam'.

Now I wish to relate here a recent incident
(experience) showing how our kind Mother takes
care of Her children (more than a mother) and
averts the calamities/dangers that were to befall
them in life. On 23-1-90 at about 5 a.m., Baba
appearing as a well dressed Doctor woke me up,
examined me thoroughly and told me "Your heart
is strong. There is no danger to your life. You will
survive". Saying so, He disappeared. (The dream
vision was so realistic - it was not a dream but
actual vision). On that day, I with my wife had
been to Sai Spiritual Centre, Bangalore, to
participate in the "Punya Thithi of H.H.
Saipadananda Radhakrishna Swamiji and received
His blessings. We left on the same night for
Erachakulam (a modern village 30 miles from the
famous (Nagarcoil) via Madras to attend a marriage
on 29-1-90. On 28-1-90 itself, perhaps due to
change of climate or some other reasons, I started
coughing continuously for two or three hours with
the result, breathing trouble prevented me from
getting sleep and also taking any food.


The next day, I was rushed to Raman Nursing Home
at Nagarcoil where I was treated, but was unable to
lie down on the cot and sleep as the breathing was
hard. I was simply sitting on a chair and remembering
'Baba's Name' shedding tears due to unbearable
mental agony. At about 10p.m. or so, I could hardly
breathe and thought that my end was nearing. In a
flash Baba appeared before me with "Abhaya Hasta"
(protecting hand) blessed and disappeared. From that
moment my breathing trouble began to abate and
after half an hour or so, it became normal and I
could breathe easily and naturally.
The next day (30-1-90), I was discharged from the

nursing home and every one of my relations was
surprised to see me hale hearty and in normal
health. We left Nagarcoil on 20-2-90 for Bangalore
and participated in the "Akhanda Sai Nama Japam"
from 6p.m. to 6 a.m. for 12 hrs on the auspicious
day of "Maha Sivarathri" on 23-2-90 at Benson Town,
Bangalore. Before leaving Bangalore, I promised
Sai Sister Mrs. C. Sharadamma and Sai Brother
Sri Ananthakrishna, that I would be back from
Nagarcoil and join them in the "Sai Nama Japam"
on 23-2-90 arranged in Mrs. Sharadamma's home.
It was really Baba who enabled me to keep up the
promise by saving me on 29-1-90.

I request all the Sai bandhus to pin complete 'Faith'
in Lord Sai and surrender to Him with tan, man and
dhan so that we can cross over the sea of mundane
Existence, easily and smoothly and attain Eternal

Mouna means not merely 'Not to talk' but to maintain

our thoughts in Him alone. So your vow is not broken
if you chant Vishnu Sahasra Namam or Vedic
mantras. They take your mind towards the silence
in us. Mouna is mouna of the mind. In order to create
it, we spend our time in study, japa, meditation. Even
'Kirtan' takes us to real mouna.
- Swami Chinmayananda

(Source Sai Padananda October 1990 )

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Lord Krishna Says: By PUTTANNA
"The devotees, who constantly think of Me, loving

no one else, and worship Me in a disinterested
spirit, to those ever united in thought with Me, I
bring full security and personally attend to their

needs." (Gita 9-22)
"If one ever meditates on Me, repeats my name,
sings My deeds and is thus transformed into Me,
one's karma is destroyed. I stand by his side

(Baba's Charters & Sayings-10)

I am, writing these, 450 Sai devotees are writing
SAI with ever-increasing devotion and earnestness,

and it is likely that before the October 1990 of
SAIPADANANDA issue is out, the total of Sai
Likhita Japa would be one and a half crores. This

has further established our Faith in Sai that He is
a Living God in the Sai Spiritual Centre—South
Shirdi and blessing His devotees.

Sai and sugar candy

It is a familiar sight that whoever visits Sai Spiritual
Centre gets a packet of Baba's Udhi with kumkum
As the stock of sugar candy was likely to be

exhausted. I wanted to go and bring sugar candy
myself from market. But due to want of time I could
not do so for days together due to various factors.
Lo! Sai realised my plight.

It was Thursday the 23rd August, 1990. As I was
coming out of Saikoti Mandir to offer Sai Sahasranama
Archana to Sri Sai, I saw a person coming towards
me bringing Sugar candy packets. I could not believe

my eyes. I realised that because I was unable to go
to the Market, Sai Himself has brought this Sugar
candy. I enquired the person who has sent this. He
said Sai devotee Dr. Ramaraju had asked him to
deliver them to me.

Dr. Ramaraju, though I was not knowing him personally.
I had known his name through our President. I told the
person to request Dr. Ramaraju to wait for a minute so
that I could offer Sai Udhi. When I came down, Dr. was
already preparing to go home. met him and introduced
myself and said, "To help me. Sai supplied sugar candy
through you and what a miracle it is !" Dr. Ramaraju
told me that he had brought the sugar-candy in
response to direction from Sai, who appeared in his
dream and asked him to carry sugar candy to
Sai Man". This is Sai, Sai Power in the
Sai Spiritual Centre.

(Source Sai Padananda October 1990)

Monday, January 08, 2007

Quiz on Chapter X of Sai Satcharitra

Chapter X
(Devotees are requested to read Sai Satcharitra

Chapter X, translated by Gunaji before
attempting this quiz)

21) Sai Baba had six qualities they are
I) Fame II) Wealth III) Non Attachment
IV) Knowledge V) Generosity and the sixth was
(a) Patience (b) Faith (c) Grandeur (d) Handsome

22) Who died exactly after 13 days of Babas Maha
(a) Nanavalli (b) Shama (c) Nanasaheb

(d) Radhakrishna Mai

23) Baba spoke humbly as follows "Slave of slaves,
I am your debtor, I am satisfied at your darshan. It
is such a great favour that I saw your face. I am an
insect in your ____. I consider my self blessed thereby.
(a) Mind (b) Excreta (c) Body (d) Stomach.

A wonderful experience....


we had participated in the sai amrit vani recital at
veena-ji's and ashok-ji's residence in delhi yesterday
(28-12-06). words cannot adequately describe the
feeling we felt during the recital. and this divine feeling
lasted throughout the day. my limbs and body were

charged and we continued to be in this state
throughout the day, even after coming home.

I had done satcharita parayans many times but when
I went to their house with my copy of the book which
was slightly torn, veena-ji asked me one simple question
- "will you leave any bruised part of your body without
attending to it?". she further added "Satcharita is BABA

himself". so much love and devotion and discipline... no
wonder BABA resides in her house.

I learnt a very important lesson yesterday. When a VIP
is expected to come to our house, don't we take all care
and check and re-check things needed for his reception
and comfort? But then guess how much care we should
take about setting up things when you expect BABA to

be in your house. veena-ji and ashok-ji's pure love,
discipline and devotion has bound the almighty to stay
in their house forever. And it is a real blessing for ordinary
folks like us who have the luck to witness this and
experience this.

The new satcharita which was kept at the altar, was
blessed with UDI from BABA and so were the prasad.
Veena-ji's lap was also filled with UDI after the
amrit vani recital.

Jai Sai Ram
Padma Krishnan

Quiz on Chapter XI of Sai Satcharitra

Chapter XI
(Devotees are requested to read Sai Satcharitra

Chapter XI, translated by Gunaji before
attempting this quiz)

1) As stated in Gita Chapter XIII which form of
worship of God is better
a) Sagun b) Nirgun c) Stones d) Guru

2) The Seven forms of worship are
1) Image 2) Alatar 3) Fire 4) Light 5) Sun

6) Water and the seventh one is ________
a) Guru b) Krishna c) paramguru d) Brahma

3) Our faith in His words is the asan and our
________ is the abandonment of all our desires.
a) Patience b) Sankalpa c) Attitude d) worship

4) Lord Krishna has said that the _____ is my
soul. My living image, I am He or He is My
pure form.
a) Guru b) Sad Guru c) Saint d) Devotee

5) Which Upanishad describes Brahma as
Pure Bliss
a) Kathoupanishad b) Keno Upanishad c) Taittiriya

d) Bhaghavat

Satsang Sai Baba's Blessed Assurance

Sai Baba's Blessed Assurance
By Dr. G. R. Vijayakumar
"Sai Baba -grant that I may never be a scoffer at
eternity As long as every 'Vijaya Dashami' brings
the sweet rebirth of growing things."
- Anonymous
All of us have two things in common - each one

of us was born, and each one of us must die.
Most of us are not too concerned with the
circumstances of our birth; we do not remember
it; it lies far behind us. But the thought of dying
is another matter. The knowledge that our days
on this earth will come to an end in an inescapable
part of our existence – some are mysterious and
sometimes frightening.

I have come across Sai-devotees who are haunted
by a fear of death, which they try to conceal from
other people, and even from themselves. These
people are not necessarily old or ill. Often they

are in the prime of life, with many useful years
ahead of them. But sometimes, it seems, the
more they love life, the more they dread death.

What I usually do with such people is admit that
I, too, have moments when I flinch from the
thought of dying, I suggest that this is perfectly
natural, that in my opinion Sai Baba has planted
a certain amount of this fear in all of us so that
we would not be tempted to relinquish the trials
and responsibilities of this life too easily. But, I
add, l am sure Sai Baba did not intend us to be
panicky about it. Finally, I try to reassure these
troubled souls by outlining the thoughts that have

helped me rise above the fear of death, or at
least keep it under control.

Take for example, the inevitability of dying. This
seems to appall some people, but it always has
struck me as a merciful thing. Suppose there
were loopholes in this universal law; suppose
that somehow there was a one percent change
of avoiding death. Consider how frantically we
would search for that loophole, how wretched
we would be not to find it.

But consider how wretched we would be if we
did find it! No one would be happy trying to
live forever. It is a little like being at a wonderful
film. During the performance, one hopes that
it will go on and on, but one would not really
like to stay in front of the screen all night, or
until boredom sets in.

Another thing I tell the worried ones is this:
you maybe frightened in advance, but it is
almost certain that when the time comes you
will not fear death at all. As a Doctor, I have
seen hundreds of people die and my experience
is, at the end unless they are tormented by
a guilty conscience, people go peacefully and
thankfully. The truth is death has been miscast
as a grim reaper. To almost everyone, when it
finally comes, it comes as a friend.

"That may be true," say some of the fearful ones.
"The moment of death may be less terrifying
than we thought. But then what? Is there a life
after death? Is there any proof?

To these I reply: "It depends on what you mean
by proof. To me the evidence is overwhelming,
whether you consult your reason or your instincts.
Look at the vast universe that surrounds
specifically that there is a life beyond the grave.
Not only that, Sai Baba has proved it by His
post-Samadhi activities. If you believe that it
happened, death should hold little terror for you.
If you don't believe it, you are not a completely
fulfilled Sai-devotee.

The 'Maha-Samadhi' message of Sai Baba is one
of such hope and joy that Sai-devotees are
thrilled by it. During last year's 'Punya Thithi'
celebrations, a Sai brother whom I know very

well, was at Shirdi and told me his early morning
experience at the holy soil of Shirdi. It was cold;
he had not worn a sweater or a coat. He stood
in the 'Q' shivering dolefully and wishing himself
back in bed. "But then" he told me, "When the
sun cleared and light poured, I forgot all about
being cold. One moment everything was gray
formless: Then came torrents of light plunging
down the walls of Booty - Wada, making them
blaze with colour dissolving the blackness into
purple shadows that eddied like smoke.

Standing there, I had a most indescribable
feeling, a conviction that the light was real,
and that we, silent watchers of the sunrise
were somehow a part of the light..........."

(Source Sai Spandanda

Satsang Om Sri Sai Siva By H.H. Sri Vidyanarayanu Thirth,

Om Sri Sai Siva
By H.H. Sri Vidyanarayanu Thirth,

Blessed Devotees of the Lord:

God bless you. Never waste a single minute. Time
and work is precious. You have a glorious mission
in life. You are born to achieve great glory. Be truthful
in your life journey. This will give you Peace, Health
and Joy with Prosperity.

Yoga does not consist in mere reading of any holy
books and discussion on a club table. Yoga means
practical life to be applied in day to day activities.
What you already know, adopt, adjust, acquire,
analyze, act and attain the aim of your life on this
Holy Earth. Serve the poor and the sick; serve the
sorrowful needy, distressed and old people with love,
sympathy and kindness in the spirit of worship. In
serving others, you serve and worship God directly.
This is the highest religion in our Sanatana Dharma.

Let the thoughts agree with the words. Let the words
agree with the actions. Let there be harmony between
thoughts, words and actions. Pray, meditate and
chant God's name daily. Pray to the Lord with the
heart filled with devotion and love. Take complete
refuge in the Lord.

Respect all religions. All religions lead to one God.
Respect, regard and reach the hearts of all saints
and prophets. The saints of different orders are all
messengers of one God. Love, serve, honor and
enter the spirit of unity in diversity in the hearts of
Humanity. May Lord Sri Adi Shankara
Datta Sai, the Sadguru bless you all.
Om Shanti
Om Shanti
Om Shanti
Source Sai Padananda April 1992