Friday, July 13, 2007

Sri Sai Amrit Vani - 12th July 2007

12th July 2007
Jai Sai Ram
We receive many calls from the devotees that they are passing through Delhi and would like to visit Baba in our mandir. We would like to say that our house is open to public only on Thursdays. As it disturbs our pooja, our meditation, our interaction with Baba. Such devotees should plan their journey so as to pass through Delhi on Thursdays and may attend the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani, Prayan of Sai Satcharitra and Pooja from 11 AM onwards.

On 2nd August, Mrs. Gupta wants to be with Baba, the full day (on her 60th birthday), so we are going to Shirdi on 31st July and and we will return New Delhi via Bhopal/Ujjain/ Indore on 11th Aug. As such we will be doing Sri Sai Amrit Vani at Shirdi on 2nd Aug and in Bhopal/Indore on 9th Aug. However thereafter from 16th August again Sri Sai Amrit Vani will be held at Sidhartha Extension, New Delhi. During 31th July to 10th Aug I may not be able to access internet and so there may not be any mail in the group. I can’t leave the group unattended as you may be flooded with unwanted mails.

This Thursday again it was as usual there were usual Leelas of Baba. There were about 90 devotees attended the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani , Prayan of Sai Satcharitra, Pooja and prayer.

Following devotees participated in absencia in the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani, Pooja, prayers and Prayan of Sri Sai Satcharitra by reciting Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places on 12th July 2007. The list is sorted as per their email ids. However Mrs. Gupta prayed for all the devotees. In this list only those devotees are included, who themselves recited or read Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places. Kindly mention clearly, against each devotee’s name that he/she will recite or read or listen to Sri Sai Amrit Vani, or for prayers. Please also give the name of the place. Place is also important.

This Thursday the 12th July we enjoyed the following Leelas. It may seems to be repitative for the old members, but every week many new members join the group, so I have to repeat the whole events that happen on this day.

1. Udi started appearing and oozing from the two photos on the wall from Monday itself, Hindi words ‘RAM’ ‘SHAM’ and ‘OM’, and figure of Trishool were formed with Udi on one photo. On Wednesday Udi started oozing from the main photo in the mandir. ‘RAM’ ‘SHAM’ and ‘OM’ along with other figures were also formed on the photo. From Statue also, Udi started oozing from Wednesday.
2. There was lot of Water from the Charans this week also. Thali was emptied several times. The taste of water was similar to gulab jal and kewara mix. After distribution of Prasad, this water was also given to the devotees and again the Thali was filled with water. Devotees bring bottles to take the water home.
3. Lap of Mrs. Gupta was filled with Udi during the prayers. Udi was there between the falls of the Sari.
4. Several devotees had Udi in the books of Sri Sai Amrit Vani. Even I had Udi in my book.
5. On Thursday as soon as Bhog was offered, it was duly accepted by Baba and after the Sri Sai Amrit Vani we noticed that the box, which was placed before HIM was partially eaten and partially remained pieces of items in the box. Part of Bhog was on the lips of many photos and statue of Baba. These parts of the remains in the box were given to the devotees who offered that item of bhog to Baba. Partly eaten remains were having some figures on them.
6. Presence of Baba during the recitation of Sai Amrit Vani, Prayer and Prayan of Sri Satcharitra was very strong.
7. All the boxes of Bhog which were kept on the table were blessed with Udi,
8. The Charnamrit, the water in which Baba took the bath in the morning was also sweet as if some honey has been mixed into it.
9. Photos, small statues of Baba, documents, lockets, pandents of devotee kept in the mandir room, were all blessed with lots of Udi as soon as they were placed before Baba.

Jai Sai Ram

Sri Sai Amrit Vani started at 11:04 AM. Noon Aartee started at 12:00 Hrs. followed by brief Meditation and the prayer, Prayan of Chapter 46 from Sai Satcharitra. Mrs. Gupta offered prayers and thanks to Baba. Finally distribution of Prasad, Udi and the water from the Charans. Devotees narrated their experiences and the benefits they are have with Baba’s Blessings.

Next Sri Sai Amrit Vani on 19th July will again be held at Sidhartha Extension, New Delhi. Devotees interested in attending it in person may contact on phone nos. 26346942, 9810714688 or 9312494767 only after 11 AM (IST) on any day except Thursdays but no calls on Thursdays PLEASE. They should NOT bring any bhog with them and be in time. Kids are also not allowed in the hall. Mobiles have to be put on silent mode during the Pooja.

Sri Sai Amrit Vani is available in Tamil script also besides in Devnagri, English and Telugu, in the file section of the yahoogroup. Links of Audio MP3 files are given in the link section of the home page of ‘ mysaibaba20’ yahoogroup. To go to home page of yahoogroup key in or click http://groups. group/mysaibaba2 0 . Audio Mp3 file has also been made available in the publication section of http://saimemorial. com , the site of Sai Memorial Temple of Baba of Lodhi Road, New Delhi.

This activity of Sri Sai Amrit Vani will be in addition to any other pooja or sewa or prayer that you are doing.

Jai Sai Ram.

Ashok Gupta
mysaibaba20@ yahoogroups. com
veena_gupta_ 2000@yahoo. com

Satsang Baba's Udi Miracles

Satsang Baba's Udi Miracles

Baba's Udi MiraclesWe are well-conversant with numerous miracles of Baba's Udi (Sacred ash or Vibhuti) from study of Sai-Satcharitra. We also share with great interest the numerous personal experiences of our Sai-brothers and Sai-sisters regarding the same when we open the pages of the reputed Journal "Shri Sai-Leela".
I am also tempted to narrate herewith some of my personal experiences about Udi. It may not be out of place to refer to my previous article in Hindi "Vibhuti Ki Alaukik Leela" (Shri Sai-Leela December '83). It is interesting to note that the Tin Box, in which the School Mistress was supplied a small quantity of Udi from our house about 10 years back, is never empty up till now, though Udi is being taken out from the box daily for her own use and for other members of her family. Thanks due to Mahaprabhu's touch, prayed that he should continue to be afflicted with the disease, as only then, his thoughts would be always centered on the Lord, he said, Ordinary people rail at Cod even for little adversities in life, holding Him responsible though they are only reaping the consequences of their past misdeeds.
Yet, there is the famous example of Kunti Devi, the mother of the Pandava princes who prayed to Sri Krishna that she be visited ever with disasters and distress every now and then, so that she could always remember the Lord! What a strange prayers they were to the Supreme Lord by His sincere devotees!
Kuchela (Sudhama) a classmate of Shree Krishna when he visited the latter has absolutely forgotten to request for financial help though he was very poor. One should never have or experience "Penuary" of heart in praying to God.
One need not ask or seek any thing from the Supreme Lord who is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. He ever knows well His devotees' plight and whether one craves or not for His Divine help it simply flows to His devotees in times of need or an 'Emergency' This is the experience of God's true bhaktas. Lord Vishnu rescued His Devotee Gajendra after the latter completely surrendered himself to His divine will after his great struggle and after severe test he was put to by the God. Several Legends and Leelas of God amply testify about this baffling Divine ways or Leelas of God.
Our Akhilanda Koti, Brahmanda Nayaka, Yogadhi Raja, Sachhitananda, Parabrahma, Samarth Sadguru Shree Sai Nath Maha Raj knows well as to what should be granted, and when to be granted, irrespective of His Devotees prayers for His boons according to their eligibility for His boons to receive them at the appropriate time and place as per His Divine will. The Leelas in Sri Sat Charita are replete with such anecdotes graphically giving the experiences of ankita children of Shree Saibaba of Shirdi.
Even though one casts his burden on His divine shoulders, and looks up to Him for His help and guidance, he, must practice tooth and nail His two (2) great commands to Shraddha (i.e. faith with devotion) and Saburi (i.e. Courage with Patience) to become eligible for Shree Sai Baba's Divine grace in life! He says "Ever carry Me, in your heart!" from His Mahasamadhi, which is effectively communicating and speaking to His true devotees day by day!
Jai Sai Ram! "

Let us Bow to Shree Sai — Be Peace be to All"

The Late M. Narasimha Rao, Hyderabad

Source Shri Sai Leela June 1986

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

An Important Appeal To Sai Devotees

An Important Appeal To Sai Devotees

An Important Appeal To Sai Devotees[Note: The Trust means Shri Saibaba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi] Shri Saibaba appeared in Shirdi and Lived in shirdi. After His Mahasamadhi, He is laying in shrine in Samadhi Mandir(Temple) at Shirdi.
Shri Saibaba's shrine(samadhi) is at Shirdi only and no elsewhere.
Shri Saibaba used and handled some articles in his daily life. All these articles and commodities are in the charge of Shri Saibaba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi only and no elsewhere. Shri Saibaba Sansthan Trust has built a precious museum and preserved all these articles is this museum at Shirdi.
1) Shri Saibaba has no disciple, heir and nobody is seated on his Asan. Neither Sansthan has appointed any mediator.
2) Please do not believe anybody pretending himself Shri Saibaba by wearing similar dress. Shri Saibaba Sansthan Trust has no concern to any other person, Trust or Institute.
3) Please contribute/send the donation in Sansthan offices in the name of 'Executive Officer', only. Do not send your donation else where or in the name of anybody else. Ask for the official receipt against the donation. Charity boxes are placed in the temple complex for Guptdaan (anonymous donation).
4) Please do not send cash or currency notes in the postal envelopes.
The donations shall be send only by crossed and A/C payee Cheques, Demand Drafts, Indian Postal Orders/Foreign Postal Order/Travelling Cheques or Money Orders should be sent;
on the following address.
Executive Officer,
Shri Saibaba Sansthan Trust,
Tal- Rahata,
Dist- Ahmednagar,
India.Pin Code- 4231095)

Shri Saibaba Sansthan Trust has no relation with the circulation of chain letters in the name of Shri Saibaba. Please do not give any importance to such letters; just neglect them.
6) Please contact Sansthan offices at Shirdi and Mumbai (Sainiketan, Dadar) by e-mail for authenticate information:
Shirdi office e-mail: ,
Mumbai office e-mail:
7) Basic information of Shri Saibaba and the Trust is available on our official website
8) Sansthan Trust has not appointed any representative (a person or Institute) to collect donation. Please do not give donation in anybody hand. You will be deceived.
(Except: ?Andhra bank' is authorized to collect the donations for ?Nitya Prasadalaya Annadan Scheme' through their network of branches; But the official receipt is issued by Sansthan itself.)9) The Holy Padukas (foot wear) of Shri Saibaba are only with the Trust, and kept for Darshan in Samadhi Temple at Shirdi.
Addresses for Contact:-
01. Shirdi Office:-
Executive Officer, Shri Sai baba Sansthan Trust, (Shirdi)
At Post. -Shirdi -423 109,
Tal. -Rahata, Dist. -Ahmednagar.
Tel : +91-2423 258500 Fax: +91-2423 258770
E-mail :

02. Mumbai Office:-
Executive Officer, Shri Sai baba Sansthan Trust,
(Shirdi)'Sai Niketan', 804-8, Dr. Ambedkar Road,
Dadar, Mumbai - 400014
Tel : +91- 22 - 24166556/24161293
Fax: +91- 22 - 24150798
E-mail :

Satsang Download some really nice Palki songs

Satsang Download some really nice Palki songs

Om Sai RamThese are some really nice Palki songs that you can download. They are all worth listening toooo....... ..Just listening to them feels like you are in Shirdi on a thursday walking behind Baba's Palki... http://www.omsrisai .net/PalkiSongs"

Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu
Gurur Devoh Maheshwar;
Gurur Shakshat Parambramha
Tashmai Shri Gurur Veh Namah

"May the Merciful Sri Sai Baba always shower His grace on us and our families and remove our problems and anxieties by giving us all - strength , goodluck, success and happiness with peace of mind.
Sai bhakt,
Deepa H

My younger brother's experience with Baba

My younger brother's experience with Baba

Jai Sair Ram. Your article about your younger brother's experience with Baba is really fantastic. For the deep devotees of Baba, nothing is new also. Because they experience miracles after miracles in their day to day life with the grace of Shirdy Sainath Maharaj. Sai devotion is an experience which one could feel and get. After reading your words, "if you take one step towards me, then I will take ten steps towards you", I could remember one such miracle in my life, happened some eight years ago, which is one among thousands and thousands of miracles happened and happening in my day to day life. I am a frequent visiter to Shirdy from Chennai, Tamilnadu. Every time when I visit Shirdy, I used to give one loaf of bread and one rupee coin to all Fakirs in and around Shirdy. Once during my visit, I was walking from Chavadi to Gurustan via Dwarakamayee by distributing bread and coin. When I was walking in front of Dwaraka mayee, one Fakir who was very fair with beard and turban with a stick, was coming in front of me. I immediately gave one rupee to Him and to my surprise, he took a ten rupee note immediately from His possession and gave it to me with the one rupee coin given by me. I immediately thought that the amount given by me was very less and that might be the reason why He gave my money back with His ten rupee note. Hence I took a ten rupee note and gave to Him. He said that He alone should give money to me and not by me to Him. By saying these words, He left towards Chavadi. I was stunned for a while and when I came to my sense, I thought of meeting Him again as He looked exactly like Baba and rushed towards Chavadi. Even after going around Shirdy for more than two times I could't find Him at all. His face is very clear in my mind. When ever I go to Shirdy, I used to search for Him first. Till date I could'nt find Him. I have kept the ten rupee note given by Him in a cover, kept in my pooja room under the feet of Baba idle and performing pooja on all Thursdays. There is no want in my house at all after that incident. Please read your words, " If you take one step........ .....towards you" again.
It is true. Very much true. Really true.
Jai Sai Ram.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Satsang Baba - The God by A. S. Menon

Satsang Baba - The God by A. S. Menon

Baba - The God"He fulfilled the idea pf God on earth" for He always protected hisdevotees."If a man utters my name with love, I shall fulfill all his wishes andincrease his devotion. And if he sings earnestly my life and deeds, himI shall beset in front and back and on all sides..... I shall draw out mydevotees from the jaws of Death"Thus, He takes care of His bhakthas.Those who are fortunate and whose demerits have vanished take to Hisworship. If we always utter Sai, Sai He shall take us over the seven seas;believe in these words and we will be benefited. There is no need ofelaborate worship. He rests there where there is full devotion.It should be realised that doubts, difficulties, and calamities befall andengulf us just to test us and confirm our faith. If we stick to Baba withfull and unshakable faith and continue our endeavor we are crowned withsuccess by Him.He changed the effects of stars and planets. He reversed the process ofsuffering of evil Karma of previous birth. Baba blessed Damu Anna, by hisAmra Leela, with off springs even though horoscopically astrologers hadruled out the chances of getting then due to inauspicious planetarypositions.Again, Tendulkar's son was told by astrologers that the stars were notfavorable for him to get through the medical examination that year. But Babasent word, "Tell your son to believe in me, to throw aside horoscopes andpredictions of astrologers and go on with his studies. Let him appear forthe examination with a calm mind and he is sure to pass this year. Ask himto trust in Me and not get disappointed. " And the boy did pass.Bhimaji Patil was suffering due to previous evil Karma which even Veda andUpanishads have decreed one cannot escape. But, when he cried to Baba indespair as the only savior He interfered and changed the course of the illeffects and cured Bhimaji of the Tuberculosis.Sai is Parabrahma.Even in the worldly day to day life Baba exhorted us to follow set path notof high religious or rigorous order. His advice is eternal and universal."Unless there is some relationship or connection nobody goes anywhere. Ifany man or creature comes to you do not discourteously drive him away, butreceive him well and treat him with due respect. Shri Hari (God) will becertainly pleased if you give water to the thirsty, bread to the hungry,cloths to the naked and your verandah to strangers for sitting and resting.If anybody wants any money from you and you are not inclined to give, do notgive, but do not bark at him like a dog. Let anybody speak hundreds ofthings against you, do apt resent by giving any bitter reply. If you alwaystolerate such things, you will certainly be happy. Let the world gotopsy-turvy, you remain where you are. Standing or staying in your ownplace, look on calmly at the show of all things passing before you.

A. S. MenonMadurai(Tamil Nadu)

to be contd......(Source Shri Sai Leela June 1985.

My younger brother's experience with Baba

My younger brother's experience with Baba

My younger brother (age 21) is in India and he is confused, has no faith in Sai Baba because he has been busy with his girlfriends, college life and in helping my father with his business.... .I told him on Yahoo chat this time that his life will be a waste without loving the Guru (God) through whose blessings he was born (other long story - my father had vowed for children to Baba and we all three children were born)...He said what shud I do, I have no faith bacause I see all of this science stuff on TV and I think what if there is no God?...loll. .. We deviced a plan...I told him to pray honestly to Sai Baba for about seven days and tell him, "I have no faith in you, please give me faith"---and he added with this "also show me some miracle"....Then the plan was that at the end of seventh day if he doesn't experience anything then he must go to the nearest Sai Baba temple and then donate that sum of money which takes for him to go to Shirdi from Mumbai and then pray to Baba for the last time saying, "Sorry Baba, I tried my best but I couldn't get any response from you. So here is the travel expenses of going to Shirdi which I was going to go but now you may send someone else on my behalf"...I knew that Baba would respond so I had to plan something like this for I knew that such a plan would appeal my brother...Then he accepted the plan and said that he was praying right then and there... The day after the next day I came online and he tells me that he is going to Shirdi probably next week...I was laughing inside and I ask him why; he tells me that he was speaking with a Sai Devotee friend of his and in their course of conversation they had a chat about Baba...That guy related his experience to my brother...The guy said that he was once with his 4 other friends and they all were talking about Sai baba when 2 of his friends made fun of Sai Baba but 3 were devotees and got angry on those 2....after 5 mins they were all in a car, driving, and met an accident were their car toppled 5 times....Astonishin gly no one was killed and they all escaped from minor injuries...After that incident the other 2 also became Baba's devotees and all the 5 of them go to Shirdi every month.... When my brother heard of this he was surprised and he also decided to go to Shirdi with them next time and the coming Thursday (5th of July) he also went to the nearest Sai Baba temple with my mum...He said that they also got the chance to do the Aarti there and he did a Shashtang Namaskar.... .He was telling all of this to me with great pride :o) You can imagine how happy I must have felt....Now my brother met that friend of his and all of this conversation had took place between them only after the 1st day of his prayer to Baba...This is why I just love our Baba so much, because he responds so so quickly you know...Also, when I thought deeply about it I realised that what my brother's friend had told my brother had made a bigger impact on him as compared to what I always tell him. (Because those 2 nuts must have shared a same frequency level - just kidding). One of Baba's assurance is "If you take one step towards me, then I will take ten steps towards you"....Proved again by him...

May God bless all, Jai Sai Ram, Guru hee hai sab kuch.

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"Let Noble thoughts come to us from every side".- RigVeda (1-89-i)

Satsang SAIBABA-The Protector

Satsang SAIBABA-The Protector

The cooker's lid was pushed up with great pressure of steam bursting out andit hit the roof at first, then two side waits and window before falling downlike a crashing flying-saucer. Glass panes of the window were broken; wallsand concrete ceiling were damaged while all kitchenware from the shelvesfell down with the tremor. Very thick gauged indalium pressure cooker(Prestige brand) was twisted completely out of shape and the electric stovewas shattered to pieces, leaving the broken live wire still hanging from theplug. Patches and lumps of cooked rice and dal with vegetables stuck to thewalls and the roof. Altogether a ghastly scene it was.Neighboring housewives rushed to our apartment in panic, fearing that thesound was due to burling of the gas cylinder. They were frightened to noticeequally dangerous accident that occurred; but found a consolation as my wifewas surprisingly safe.My dear Sai-devotees! See how our SAI BABA saved my wife Usha. Had sheentered the kitchen even a fraction of a second before the accident shewould have been perhaps killed. Baba averted such a grave danger within notime to save her life. Also he ruled out the possibility of the childrenbeing hurt as it was timed when both little sons Sainath and Vamsinath wereaway at School.Yon may carefully note the coincidence of Sai Malik giving me darshan at afar of place namely Jalgaop Jamod and accepting two slices of bread at 7a.m. on the very same day and within next few hours He takes care to save mywife from a deadly accident that occurred at our residence in Aurangabad !All happened on a Thursday!What more proof one need to realise the omnipresence of Lord Sainath's loveand care for his beloved devotees at all times and at all places.Narendranath MungaraAurangabadSource Shri Sai Leela June 1985.