Friday, May 26, 2006

Satsang 'Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi -A God!' by Bapatla Hanumanth Rao Garu

Lord Krishna says:
"I consider him a great Yogi (sage) who reposes supreme faith

on Me, ever united with Me through prayer and worship and
keeps Me always in his mind". (Gita 12-2)
The best and the easiest path to attain God is to meditate upon

Him in Sahara state with unflinching devotion ant dedication
and also with a total awareness of his Nirakara state. The
fruits are same in any type of meditation.

Adisankara brought out the secret nature of God and his

relationship with His devotees in a nutshell as:

"Oh! God! I am your servant as long as I have the feeling

that the Body is mine. Once I get off this feeling of Body
Consciousness and realize the Consciousness of the Jiva in
me, You are the whole and I am a part of it. If I get rid off
the Consciousness of the Jiva also and reach the Soul
Consciousness. I am one with You; You and I are the

same. This is my firm belief. " The readers should realize
that this is the essence of Advaita philosophy as
preached by Sri Sankaracharya.

Why does God become Sakara?
(Having a physical form for the sake of his devotees)
God is the embodiment of Eternal Bliss and pervades

in the entire universe. Fire, in the form of Nirakara,
spreads in all things. It manifests only when certain
essential materials are assembled at one place and
ignited. The fire so manifested assumes gigantic
proportions, depending on the quantity and quality
of the fuel. But the Paramatma (God Divine)
spreads even beyond air and ether manifests
Himself to the seeker as Sahara in the form he
desires. God's all pervasiveness is greater than
that of Agni (Fire) or Vaayu (Air), as there is no
place without His presence. The entire universe is
enveloped with His May a (illusion). As said in the
Gita -"The creation of Maya around us, is only
God's will." Hence it is not at all difficult for Him to
manifest Himself before the seeker, when he comes

out of Maya. The happiness to the seeker is at His
will. God's pervasiveness all over as Nirakara is
possible always, but He reveals Himself to the

seeker, who is an ardent devotee. That God is
Omnipotent can be seen as One in Many and Many
in One. That is His wish, which is pure and noble.
The wish of a devotee will also depend on the wish
of God.

To be contd....
(Source :


Satsang 'Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi -A God!' by Bapatla Hanumanth Rao Garu

Let me cite an example to clarify the point. Imagine the way
in which one person who witnessed the beauty of the crescent
moon, a day after the new moon day, directs his accomplice.
He says: "Look at that tree directly and look a little above. You
will find the beautiful crescent moon". His accomplice had
concentrated as per his directions and felt happy at the sight the
crescent moon. Now let us analyse the facts. The moon was not
really above the tree. The planet moon was not so small as it
appeared to him. Nothing equals to the real form of moon. The
moon's actual nature is quite different from what the on looker,
behold. No one really understood its true nature and significance
The moon, its real glow, real form and nature were not at al
present in the crescent moon. Similarly, if realization of God is
our Goal, and we concentrate upon Him, we may be able to
reach our objective. Like the moon, God is also entirely different
from what we perceive him to be. God is not something that can
be explained or expressed in words. God or His real form will
be known only when we pursue our path with utmost devotion.
He is beyond our imagination.

Sruties say: "God is beyond description and imagination and
those who make Him their objective and meditate upon Him will
attain Him. The seeker need not change his path, once the goal
is established in his mind. He has to further strengthen it by his
faith and determination".

How to meditate upon God?

If one meditates upon God, in Sahara form (God in a
particular form) or Nirakara state (God without any form) the
results obtained are the same. The scriptures say that it is
difficult to meditate upon God without a form. The two ways
of meditation differ only in the way of the Sadhana. He who
seeks God in Nirakara state should continue to do so. He
who seeks God in Sahara form should continue his Sadhana
concentrating upon the form he has chosen. But it is good for
him to remember and understand the significance of the
Omnipresent state of God. For those who consider the body
to be themselves, it will be very difficult to do Sadhana upon
God who is Nirguna (without any specific attributes) and
Nirakara (form less).

Lord Sri Krishna says in Gita:

"The path of those who seek God in Nirakara state is difficult
as such a way of reaching the goal is very hard for those Who
have attachment to the body." (Bhagavadgita 12-5)
Some meditate upon God in its pure formless state, while
others choose a specific form. Actually, the same God takes
the form of 'Sri Maha Vishnu', SriRama 'SriKrishna'. Similarly
'Devi', (Ganesha 'Siva', 'Surya' are also not different from
Maha Vishnu'. Sage Veda Vyasa had written the eighteen
Parana' describing acts performed by various Godly forms
for those who are interested in them. He has proved that all
these Godly forms represent one 'Supreme God* only, the
'Creator', the 'Preserver and the Destroyer. They differ in
name and form only. The seeker imagines the name and form
of the God to his liking. If one meditates upon a pillar as
God, it will become a God only to him, and his meditation
will bear the same results as to any other form of God. Only
one has to keep full faith and worship upon it.

To be contd....
(Source :


Satsang Drawing Lots - At the Feet of Shri Sai Baba

Drawing Lots - At the Feet of Shri Sai Baba
(Shri Sai Leela May 1984)

In October 1S83 issue of Shri Sai Leela Magazine,

there is an article by Shri K. Vasudev of Bangalore in
which the author has narrated how he took Shri Sai Baba's
advice, when faced with a business problem, by putting chits
on the silver feet (padukas) of Shri Sai Baba at Shirdi. Initially

the author felt that this was a silly thing to do at the noble feet
of Lord Shri Sai; but in the end he was convinced that there
is nothing wrong in taking this liberty of asking approval of
one's plan of action from your father Lord Sai.

I quite agree with the author's later conviction. Actually

during Baba's life time His devotees used to approach Him
for such advice and found that it was invariably correct and
profitable. For instance in chapter 25 of Shri Saisatcharita,
Damu Anna of Ahmednagar asked Sbri Sai Baba through
a letter whether to join a friend in trading in cotton and grains
or not. Baba told him not to take chance and be content with
his present earnings. Damu Anna was unhappy at Baba'.-
advice, but nevertheless he listened to Baba and sure
enough his friend lost the deal and became a bankrput. Thus

Damu Anna was saved from insolvency.

Normally Baba being in the know of further happenings

and keenly interested in the welfare of His devotees, told them
on His own what to do and what not to do. For instance Baba
advised Rao Bahadur S. V. Sathe, who had crossed 50 years
of age already, to marry second time and assured him that he
will get a son. Shri Sathe re-married and got a daughter first
and also the second time; but Shri Sathe had full faith in
Baba's words and accordingly he did get a son third time.
The well-known pleader of Nasik, Shri S. B. Dhumal asked
Baba's permission by a letter to leave Nasik because of the
incidence of plague in the town, Baba did not give permission
and Dhumal also stayed on against the pleadings of his family
members Nothing happened to Dhumal or his family
members. Prof. G. G. Narke, an England returned intellectual
and son-in-law of Shrimant Butty, was jobless at Shirdi for
13 months. There were offers to him from Calcutta and
Burma for employment; but Baba refused permission. In
the end there was a vacancy in the Government Engineering
College, at Pune and although Narke had doubts about his

being selected, Baba asked him to apply and he was
promptly selected. Thus listening to Baba, Narke got a
permanent and well-paid job and quite close to his
hometown. Shri R. B. Purandare of Bandra once went
to Shirdi and while leaving asked Baba's permission to go
to Nasik on pilgrimage. Baba said 'yes' and told him to
stay there for two days. On reaching Nasik, Purandare's
younger brother caught fever. His mother and other family
members got scared and pressed Purandare to return to

Bombay immediately. But Purandare replied that Baba
had ordered him to stay for two days and he would not
move before that period. Next day his brother's fever
subsided and they returned to Bombay after two days

(to be contd....)
Lt Col. M. B. Nimbalkar (Retd)


Sri Sai Amrit Vani

Sri Sai Amrit Vani
25h May 2006


Jai Sai Ram
An other Usual Baba's day. But the
honey was missing. Honey did not oozed from any of the
Statue or the photo. Till Wednesday night there was no
Udi oozing from the Statue, giving us the hope that
honey may ooz from it. But it is Baba's Leela that we
were deprived of honey this Thursday. There were many
deveotees from the group also who attended the Sri Sai
Amrit Vani in person for the first time. Few devotees
were from USA too. In all there were about 100
devotees who participated in the Sri Sai Amrit Vani
this Thursday. After the Sri Sai Amrit Vani when the
box of Bhog, which was cotaining partially eaten
remains was taken out, The piece of Burfee was
partially eaten and it was having the clear shape of
Baba sitting on stone. HIS face, legs and even the toe
were clear. The dovotee who offered the bhog of burfee
was so overwhelmed that she remained in the mandir for
a long time before Baba and thanked HIM. She stayed so
long and had lunch with us. After the Sri Sai Amrit
Vani we few regular devotee take lunch together.

We were able to see the following
Leelas of Baba on Thursday the 25th May 2006.

1. This Thursday Udi started appearing and oozing from
the photos on the walls and in the mandir from
Wesnesday morning. As usual the words formed with
Udi were again 'RAM' and 'SHAM' 'OM' and Trishool.
2. Udi was missing from the big Statue of Baba in the
mandir giving the hope that honey may ooz from the
Statue, but Baba did not showed us this leela this
3. On one photo it was swastic and OM formed with Udi.
4. There was lot of Water from the Charans this week
also. This water was collected in the plate. The
taste of water was similar to gulab jal and kewara.
After Amrit Vani this water was given to the devotees
and again the plate was filled with water.
5. On Thursday as soon as Bhog was offered it was
duly accepted by Baba and when after the Sri Sai
Amrit Vani we noticed that the box was blessed with
Udi and partly eaten and partly remained pieces of
items in the box, which were placed before HIM. Only
small pieces of items were left in the box. Part of
Bhog was also on the lips of many photos and statue of
Baba. These parts of remains in the box were given to
the devotees who offered that item of bhog to Baba.
The burfee was in the shape of Baba himself, sitting
on the stone.
6. All the boxes of Bhog which were kept on the table
were blessed with Udi, which the devotees collected on
7. Lap of Mrs Gupta was filled with lots of Udi
during the Sai Amrit Vani. Besides Mrs. Gupta many
devotees also had Udi in their books of Sri Sai Amrit
Vani. Which they also collected on papers.
8. Many devotees felt the presence of Baba during the
recitation of Sai Amrit Vani in different ways. Some
felt Baba walking through them. Some felt that Baba is
also reciting the Sai Amrit Vani along with us all.
Some felt the rings from the temple.
9. The Charnamrit of Baba was also sweet as if some
honey has been mixed into it.
10. The Mark sheets Letters and papers placed before
Baba by Mrs Gupta of devotees were blessed with Udi.
11. Idol and few copies of Sai Satcharitra were
placed before Baba by Mrs Gupta were blessed by Baba
with Udi within no time.
12. Few Devotee arrived late after the start of Sri
Sai Amrit Vani and had to sit in the other room as
the hall was already packed. They were for the first
time and did not knew the rules for the bhog. They
brought boxes of bhog for Baba. Their boxes were
placed by Mrs Gupta before Baba and in no time Udi was
on the sweets. The box was returned to the devotee and
was not distributed. As it is difficult to distribute
the loose bhog.

Jai Sai Ram

Sri Sai Amrit Vani started exactly at 11:04
AM and Noon Aarti exactly at 12:00 Hrs. followed by
brief Meditation and the prayer, Prayan from Sai
Satcharitra and finally distribution of Prasad.
Prayers and thanks were offered by Mrs. Gupta to Baba.

Next Sri Sai Amrit Vani on 25th May again
will be held in Sidhartha Extension, New Delhi.
Devotees interested in attending it in person may
contact on phone nos 26346942, 9810714688 or
9312494767. They should NOT bring any bhog with them
and be in time. Kids are also not allowed in the hall.
On their request and the assurance of
reciting/reading/listening Sai Amrit Vani on Thursday,
received till Wednesday night, following Sai devotees
were included and they participated ( in Absencia) in
the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani. The names had
been sorted out, according to their email ids, to
avoid any duplication. Devotees are requested to P L
E A S E, give the names along with place, for
inclusion in the Sri Sai Amrit Vani in absencia only
of those devotees, ---------------- WHO WILL

AT ANY TIME-----------.
However all Sai devotees are prayed for by Mrs Gupta
during Sai Amrit Vani, when the feeling of presence of
Baba is very strong.

Devotees participating in Sri Sai Amrit Vani
on Thursdays, in absencia are requested to pray for
themselves also and recite/read or listen Sri Sai
Amrit Vani at their place, Links of Audio MP3 files
are given in the link section of the home page of '
mysaibaba20' yahoogroup. Hindi and English Script of
Sri Sai Amrit Vani are also there in the file section
of the home page. To go to home page of yahoogroup key
in or click
. This activity of Sri Sai Amrit Vani will be in
addition to any other pooja or sewa or prayer that
you are doing.

Meaning of Sri Sai Amrit Vani in
English along with Romanised English Script of Hindi
is also available for those who do not understand

Jai Sai Ram.

Ashok Gupta


Satsang 'Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi -A God!' by Bapatla Hanumanth Rao Garu

Individual belonging to any nationality has got the liberty
to choose his own religion, his God. Others should not have
any say in this matter. All the religions in the world can be
broadly classified into two categories. Viz.

(1) Following 'Gnana Marga' (realization of God through

(2) Following 'Bhakti Marga' (realization of God through

prayers, devotion etc)

Similarly the philosophers who seek God also can be

classified into two categories.
(1) Dwaita philosophy (Dualistic) -to seek the Parabrahma

by the seeker.
(2) Adwaita philosophy (Non dualistic)-Realization of

Parabrahma and there by uniting himself with Him (God).

Vedas say essentially these are the two approaches. All

other religions preach in between these two schools of

Sage Veda Vyasa says:
"Listen to the principles of Dharma from all the religions

and put them into practice. Know that what is harmful and
painful to you is equally harmful and painful to others.
Therefore do to others what you would like others to
do to you. In short this is the essence of 'Dharma'. Any

other practice has a shadow of selfishness. How can any
one think of killing or harming others, when he himself
wants to live happily. You should try to provide others,
what you would like to have for yourself."

How to realize God?
In order to realize 'God' one should do 'Sadhana'

(particular way of devotion, prayer, meditation
tapasya etc.) The sages an philosophers say like this:
"A Sadhaka (seeker) may do Sadhana in his own
way which is most suitable to him with intense fait
and determination. There can not be any mistake in
his way Sadhana. When viewed from a different
angle with a different notion, one may come across
several defects in it. It is, therefore necessary that we
should have a clear objective before practice Sadhana
and our own goals. It should be remembered that the
'Almighty' may be altogether different from what he
perceived about Him. Sadhana is the sole technical
path to realize the existence of 'Paramatma'. But let
us not think that we should first overcome all our
blemishes, doubts before performing an 'Sadhana'.
We can rectify our shortcomings later. Truth dawns
on us as we relentlessly pursue our path and
approach our 'Goals

To be contd....
(Source :


All the above characteristics, systems, methods adopted,
preached adhered and resorted-to by the different types of Gurus
are merged into one as is revealed from the Divine Manifestation
and Avataric Leelas of Baba. For that reason Baba is revered as
the totality of all Gods, Goddesses, Gurus, Prophets, Saints,
avatars and Worship of any of them amounts-to worship to
him. Prayers addressed to any divine power,reaches him like
the water falling any where ultimately reaches the Sea.
Baba the Supreme Lord of the Universe incarnated in human
form to continue His Leelas at Shiridi and still continuing in subtle
way as He had done earlier as Rama and Krishna, but the
Supreme weapon in His armoury was Love, the force that
transfigures and binds all for the creation of paradise on earth.
A searching look at the Sun like features and radiant face was
enough to convince the beholder that in his Personality the
spheres of existence have found their impossible union. He had
the moral righteousness of Rama, the limitless love of Sri Krishna
the compassion of Christ and the Budha and all these have
merged together and synthesised into a multifoliate rose.
What is the divine guideline for us? It is for each individual,
his mind should reverberate with the divine name (severity and
bliss) while his body flawlessly executes daily duties. It is like
giving a permanent power of attorney of one's mind to the
holy name of the Gurus, while fearlessly walking on the
worldly tracks. The mind is like a microprocessor of a
computer, capable of simultaneously running for multiple
tasks and so let the mind be enveloped in a life-jacket of
constant repetition of the Universal Guru's name, while the
body dashes to sail into the deep seas of the material world.


Thursday, May 25, 2006


6. Kachchapa Guru : is like a tortoise which is capable of giving
nourishment to its young one just by a mere glance. This is a mythological
description that applies to the spiritual imparting of the wisdom by the
guru to the disciple. At any given moment, guru could pass on his spiritual
vibrations to the discipline, by his mere glance. "Krupa Kataksha", or the
graceful look, has a very deep significance in mysticism. Such a look by the
guru could inspire the disciple to rise to a very great height of spiritual
experience. The glance has a soothing effect which could reveal a great
truth to the disciple.
7. Chandra Guru : is like the moon which shines in a special type of stone
called the Chandrakantha stone or moon stone. The moon-stone alone
reflects the rays of the moon, even though the moon is physically away
from it. Similarly, this type of guru can be compared to the moon reflecting
in the hearts of only specially qualified disciples even from a distance,
This speaks about the jurisdiction of the rays of vibrations which are so
wide and powerful as to reach long distances, yet be very cool, soothing
and redeeming.
8. Darpana Guru: is like a mirror. He is transparent and pure. None sooner
does thee disciple approach him, he sees himself reflected in the Guru. Due
to that purity, he makes the mind and heart of the disciple like a mirror in
which the disciple finds his self reflected.
9. Chaayanidhi Guru: is like a mythological bird. On whosoever its shadow
falls that man becomes a king. Similarly, the shadow of a chaayanidhi guru
showers divine blessings in the discipline. Whenever his holy shadow has
fallen, there shall always be divine vibrations.
10. Krauncha Pakshi Guru : is compared to a huge, mythological crane or
bird. It is said that this bird leaves its young ones and goes away to bring
food. On its distance journey, if it once remembers its young ones, the
young ones feel, their hunger is satisfied. Similarly, the guru, wherever he
is, if he even remembers his devotees, that is enough for their protection
and spiritual upliftment.
11. Suryakanta Guru: When the rays of the sun pass through a magnifying
glass the cotton kept behind the crystal is burnt is burnt. Similarly, the
darshan, or the sight of a Suryakanta guru burns the karma of a disciple.

(to be contd...)
by Dwarika Mohan Mishra, Orissa,
(Source :


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Satsang 'Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi -A God!' by Bapatla Hanumanth Rao Garu

He is the sole wisdom. Just as Prana is one, but performs
different functions through different organs and appears as
a different force the Atman is one, but manifests differently
in different bodies, is present in mosquitoes, birds, animals,
human beings - in short in all living beings. He is there every
where in this universe. He is a silent witness, - to the sushupta
state, (a state in which al elements stop functioning temporarily,
and body loses its identity of 'Self') - and to the awakened state

(when we say 'I had a good sleep' or 'I dreamt likes this'). He
is always present with us. Thai primordial force 'Brahmam' -
is God"

Thus Pippalayana described the attributes of God, the

Parabrahma, to the King Janaka.
Where God resides?

Svethasvetharopanishad says:
"God is one and unique; He is present in all beings. He in

the soul divine in all. He distributes the fruits of all our actions
by being an invisible witness. He is devoid of any specific

Sruties, Smruties and Puranas emphatically pronounce one

single voice that "God permeates in water, fire, air and in
the entire universe including bushes creepers and even a
blade of grass.
The Sruties further say; "Only those who can see Him in

the inner hearts of all beings with a pure, immaculate mind
can realize Him and attain eternal bliss."
(Svetasvetharopanishad 4-1').

There are many such statements, which bear testimony

this truth:
"There is no power superior to Him in the universe. No

one protects Him. He yearns nothing. He is the primal
cause of all 'our actions. He is the Lord of all. He is not
borne to any one. There is no authority over Him".
(Svetasvetharopanishad 6-9)
Lord Sri Krishna in His divine message says:
"Oh Arjuna! The Lord dwells in the hearts of all beings

(revolving them all by His mysterious power Maya, as if
they were objects mounted on a machine"
(Bhagavadgita, 18-61)

As Pronounced in Vedas, Yagnavalkya Mahamuni said

like this:
"In every man's heart, there are 1,44,000 Hita-Ahita Nadies

[with several branches spread all over the body. In the heart
lies ever shining Param Jyoti (Divine light) and our relentless
pursuit is to seek that. The one who realizes it knows no birth,
no death and attains Mukti (Salvation)"

To be contd....
(Source :



In our scriptures twelve types of Gurus are described who
are varil revered as God. They are:
1. Datuvaadi Guru : teaches austerities and penances, the

practice of which can lead thee disciple to the attainment of
salvation. There is a strict spiritual discipline of physical exercises,
rhythmic breathing, fasting, exhalation, and retaining of the breath,
gazing at the tip of the nose or between the eyebrows, bringing the
upward and downward breath together to generate heat inside the
body so that the Kundalini, or the serpent power, can
be awakened.
2. Chandana Guru : releases the spiritual fragrance just by his

presence. He is just like the sandal tree which wafts its fragrance
to the adjoining trees. It is said that the bamboo and the plantain
trees are incapable of being influenced by the sandal tree.
Similarly, those that have no faith will not receive the fragrance
of the Chandrana Guru. It means he is capable of influencing
people who are endowed with faith.
3. Vichhara Guru : is full of wisdom, clarifies every subtle

thing, removes the doubts of individuals, gives them food
for thought, always teaches discrimination and appeals to
the reasons and intellect of people. The way becomes very
clear to the disciple due to the clarity of understanding.

4. Anugraha Guru:is the teacher who teaches just by his grace.

His glance or touch has a power of purity the disciple. He
need not have any scriptural knowledge nor intellectual
capacity, yet he is able to purify the heart and mind of the
disciple just by pouring his grace, for as soon as purity is
attained, truth reveals itself to the practicant. Here it is the

oceanic love of the guru that works the miracle of turning
the heart and mind of the disciple Godward.
5. Parasa Guru: is the Guru like a touchstone. The touchstone

changes metals into gold by a mere touch. Even an impure
soul could be converted into a saint by the touch of the
Guru. This touch should not be mistaken as just a physical
touch; in most cases it is the preparation on the part of the
disciple to receive such as alchemic touch of the Guru. The

guru should concentrate and intend to transmit his spiritual
vibrations through such a touch. It is a scientific fact that
the eyes and the fingers are powerful channels through
which the vibration of one to the disciple, of course, even
without any preparation on the part of the disciple, many

a time the touch of the guru gives he may have. So also
when sinful people touch the guru, it is said, their sins are
forgiven by the guru and due to their sins, the physical
body of the guru suffers.

by Dwarika Mohan Mishra, Orissa,
(Source :


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Satsang 'Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi -A God!' by Bapatla Hanumanth Rao Garu

How to believe that God exists?

Vedas propound the existence of God and He cannot
be seen "No one can behold God with his eyes, but by
removing the impurities in our hearts and minds we can
perceive Him with our intellect"

Manu also expresses the same opinion. (Manusmriti, 5-7)
"There was nothing but darkness before this creation. The
whole universe seemed to be in a state of sleep. From this
Tamas, (Darkness) Bbagawan, the Swayambhoo emerged
in divine splendor and effulgence. Gradually, the veil of
darkness vanished, God with his own will power manifested
himself in an abstract, inexplicable, ancient, indescribable,
omnipresent, omniscient form".

The 'Vedas' further say:
"Before the onset of creation, when nothing was there, only I
remained. I was beyond description. In the great dissolution
and deluge also, only I remained. This visible universe is not
different from Me. Ultimately, only I will remain."

In the Bhagavatha Purana, in the Dasarna (Tenth) Skanda,
is said (10-14,23):
In our life from birth to death, we come across several
phenomenal changes. Many riddles do appear, grow and
vanish in our very presence. The planets like the Sun the
Moon and the Stars appear in the sky doing their
appropriate functions. Are these an admixure of the five
elements moving about because of mutual attractive power?
Or is there an Omnipotent Creator or Controller of the
universe who conditions and directs them? Our continued
search lead us to the inevitable conclusion that there is
some unknown, invisible force that guides every thing
and to conceive of it may be beyond our comprehension.
The Vedas concur with the above.

"God created the Sun, the Moon the Sky and the Earth.
We are amazed at the super powers of God when we
examine the birth, growth and the death of different species
in the universe. It beyond our knowledge and comprehension
to know the mystery creation, it's beginning and the end.
We do feel that some mysterious divine force guides this
universe since its inception."

Hence, we feel that there is some primal, ancient, complete,
indestructible, all pervasive cause for this creation and that
supreme cause is God only, who is Omnipotent, Omniscient,
Omnipresent and an embodiment of Sat-Chit-Ananda
(ever lasting bliss). This indescribable power is known by
myriad names. He is Parameswara - Parabrahma * Brahma
- Narayana-Bhagavan - Vasudeva - Siva * Vishnu - Rama
- Krishna -Jahovah-Deva - Khuda - Arha - Buddha - Allah
God is one but He is called the Trinity - Brahma - Vishnu
-Maheswara, (Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer.)
To be contd....
(Source :



The word "Guru" is a Sanskrit word and a number of
derivations are found specially in "Guru Gita" which is a part
of "Skanda Purana". "Gu" generally means "Guha and
therefore means "darkness", "Ru" donates the action of
destruction (just as fire destroys) or removal. So "Guru"
means the dispeller of darkness or ignorance. Another
derivation of Guru-Gita says that Guru is one who takes
one from the Gunas to that beyond Gunas i.e. BAHMAN.
Over and above another definition is "Gu" means Gunatita
that is beyond the senses. "Ru" means Ru-Patita that is
beyond all forms. As the guru is beyond all gunas and
forms He is revered as Nirakara and Niranjana.

We see and heard of various types of Gurus. Sometimes
their realisation is the same, but the method of teaching is
different. Some times their method of teaching may be same,
but the method of initiation is different. Just as there are
gradations in realisations, similarly there are gradations in
Gurus. Some are Vidya-Gurus who only teach certain
scriptures. Some are Deekhya-Guru who usually initiate
into meditation or into spiritual practices.

The real Guru is one who makes the disciples realise
God or Brahman and such "A" one, could not only teach
through his practices, and He is a power separate from
mere teaching but thrilling, inspiring illuminating and used
to deliver the real soul consciousness to individuals in
particular and mankind in general, Who is actually the
divine power personified.

In the ocean of rebirth, lust and rage are two big rocks
through which the boat of life cannot pass unscathed. The
thieves of greediness are ever waiting to steal the values of
the life and the spiritual wealth of individuals. There will be
sharp showers of arrogance and jealously and the hurricane
of illusion ever ready to over-turn the ship. One used to forget
the soul which is nothing but a spark of divinity. Thought the
soul of individual is a tiny spark of God and as water seeks
its own level, the individual is graced with the inspiration to
reach the inner essence that is ever increasing bliss. However
because of the diverse luminosity and enamouring potency of
God's illusive power "The Maya", man is enticed by the
materialistic world and the essence of consciousness, the tiny
spark which is hungry for the incessant bliss is unwittingly
entrapped and over-shadowed by the urge of physical
sense-gratifying pastures, It is only a real Guru who alone
knows the proper ways to escape the dangers for reaching
the other shore, can impart and ignite the knowledge of
consciousness of the divine spark to humanity, for He has
already reached the other shore and descent only out of
measureless compassion to navigate the ship of man's life
through the tantalizing ocean of material world and the
cycle of birth and death.

The fire of non-attachment and knowledge crowned
with Guru's grace can burn one's Samrkaras to make him
free from the bondage created by him. Non-attachment does
not mean indifference or non-loving. Non-attachment and
love are one and the same. No-attachment gives freedom,
but attachment brings bondage. Through non-attachment
every householder remains aware of his purpose of life and
does his duty selflessly. His actions becomes means for him.
In renunciation, the renunciate remains aware of the purpose
of his life constantly and attains enlightenment. Non-attachment
and renunciation expands the consciousness. When one learns
to expand his consciousness on unites with Universal
consciousness then he no longer remains within the bound of his
karma that makes him totally free and is naturally regarded as
a Guru in the society.

(to be contd...)

by Dwarika Mohan Mishra, Orissa,
(Source :


Monday, May 22, 2006

Satsang Thought for the day

Your words, your dreams, and your thoughts
have the power to create conditions in your life.
What you speak about, you can bring about.

If you keep saying you can't stand your job,
you might lose your job.

If you keep saying you can't stand your body,
your body can become sick.

If you keep saying you can't stand your car,
your car could be stolen or just stop operating.

If you keep saying you're always broke, guess what?
You'll always be broke.

If you keep saying you can't trust a man

or trust a woman,
you will always find someone in your life

to hurt and betray you.

If you keep saying you can't find a job,
you will remain unemployed.

If you keep saying you can't find someone
to love you or believe in you,
our very thoughts will attract more
experiences to confirm your beliefs.

Turn your thoughts and conversations around to

be more positive and power packed with faith,
hope, love and action.

Don't be afraid to believe that you can
have what you want and deserve.

Watch your "Thoughts,"
they become words;

Watch your "Words,"
they become actions;

Watch your "Actions,"
they become habits;

Watch your "Habits,"
they become character;

Watch your "Character",
for it becomes your "Destiny"

So.......To prevent any obstacles.......


Enjoy every minute you live!!
