Friday, March 30, 2007

Satsang Thought for the day

Satsang Thought for the day

E veryone Can't Be In Your Front Row

Life is a masterpiece theatre, so invite your audience carefully! Not
everyone is holy or healthy enough to have a front row seat in our lives.
There are some people in your life that you need to love from a distance.
It's amazing what you can accomplish when you let go, or minimize your time
with draining, negative, incompatible, not-going-anywhere

So observe the relationships you allow in to your theatre. Pay attention
to: Which ones lift and which ones lean? Which ones encourage and which
ones discourage? Which ones are on a path of growth uphill and those on a
backslide going downhill? Which ones have positive resolutions for you and
which ones use your problems against you? Which ones use you for
inspiration and which ones use you as an example in their conversations?

The more you seek growth, peace of mind, love and truth around you, the
easier it will become for you todecide who gets to sit in THE FRONT ROW,
and who should be moved immediately to the balcony of your life. Sometimes,
you might have to have them escorted outside.

You cannot change the people around you, but you can change the people you
are around! (Amen!!) Ask God for wisdom and discernment, and choose wisely
the people who sit in the front row of your life. It's your show, and
you're the star; just remember HE wrote the original script and He's the
original director! You can't changecircumstances and you can't change other
people, but God can surely change you!

Worship of Sai Baba By Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji

Worship of Sai Baba By Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji

Worship of Sai Baba
By Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji
Divine Lire is life in God. It is practical Sadhana for God-Realisation. It
is the Jiving or the Yoga of Synthesis. It is the harmonious development of
the hand, heart and head.
- Swami Sivananda

Guru means the dispeller of darkness of ignorance. Guru may also be defined
as one who imparts information or gives training to another. The object of
seeking a Guru may be temporal or spiritual. Persons who lead highly moral
lives naturally affect their neighborhood and all persons who come in
contact with them rise in their grade of morality and spirituality. Some of
them may get into the position of Gurus for others. In Baba's marga the Guru
provides everything, including food, safety and protection to the sishyas. A
person is likely to make a very good advance alike in temporal and spiritual
matters if he has perfect faith in Guru. Surrender to a loving Guru and love
towards that Guru alone can solve problems. Faith in him is the thing
needed. Without a guru, there is no realisation. When the Bhaktha is fit for
further progress, he will get his guru. It is not the truth that sishyas
always go out to find the guru. The reverse is often true.

The worship of Sai Baba expanded and assumed vast proportions during his
life time. This however did not stop with 1918, but continued to expand
further and further not merely as to the forms and modes of worship and also
in respect of the population and area covered and further extended in its
inwardness and heightened its results. There are over hundred institutions
named after Sai, carrying on Sai Pooja, Sai Bhajan and Sai Prachar. Most of
them have Sai Mandirs.

Though Baba first objected to his worship, his gradual permission of his
worship has been specially stressed that Baba allowed his own worship as a
means for providing temporal and spiritual benefits. Kabir, Guru Nanak and
others tried to establish the bedrock of ideas on which Indian unification
in religion could be accomplished. Baba declared on one occasion that in a
former janma, he was Kabir. Hindus, Muslims, Christians etc. who came to
know about him felt that they were before a higher influence and that they
could all approach and reach God through him. They willingly made him their
Gurudeva or Protector.

Sai allowed the Hindus to adopt their method of worship and treat him either
as an Avatar or, Ishtadeva or a Gurudeva while he allowed the Muslims
approaching him to read their Koran and the shariat at the Mosque treating
him as an Avalia or a saint with remarkable powers. Offerings brought to
Baba were distributed by him to all after Fatia was pronounced in true
Muslim fashion. Though Baba did not himself perform the five namazas every
day, he encouraged the orthodox Muslims to do so at his place. Baba was
displeased when any religious intolerance was exhibited.

To many a Hindus, Baba was identified with various Gods or Avatars. Each man
saw in Baba, sometimes the very form of the deity that he wanted to worship.
He was Sat-Chit-Ananda. Thus he was Shiva to Megha, Ram to South African
doctor and Madrasi Ramadasi, Krishna or Vittal to Krishna Bhakthas, Maruti
to Maruti Bhakthas etc. Baba on the other hand allowed people and even
directed people to go to particular temples.

Today, in our busy and mechanical life, we may not be able to adopt a
particular mode of worship and follow it earnestly everyday. Various
problems, worries and other difficulties in our daily life are to be solved.
Then only we can peacefully sit for some time to think of God and meditate.
So the easiest and best way of worship is to surrender completely and whole
heartedly to our Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj who will lead us in the
correct path and guide us in all walks of life. He will certainly give us
material and spiritual help finally granting us salvation.

(Ref Sai Padananda Magazine July 2003)

Sri Sai Amrit Vani * 29 March 2007

Sri Sai Amrit Vani * 29 March 2007

29th March 2007

Jai Sai Ram
Tomorrow I am having a cataract eye
operation and hence would not be able to operate the
laptop and consequently no mails for the next few
Today we had coincidents or the Leela
of Baba. Last week Mrs Gupta had the pryan of Chapter
30 of Sai Satcharitra and today she was to read
chapter 31. Chapter 31 had some thin on death and
life. Our Cassette recorder stopped all of a sudden in
between the Sri Sai Amrit Vani, a sudden death.
Immidiately the cassette was taken out and was put on
another streo. Some time was lost in the process and
the Amrit Vani was went on without the cassette. Tape
was forwarded a few seconds and as soon it was started
it was exactly at the place where the devotees were
It is not something great or Leela of Baba.
Following devotees participated in
absencia in the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani,
Pooja, prayers and Prayan of Sri Sai Sacharitra by
reciting Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places on 22th
march 2007. The list is sorted as per their email ids.
However Mrs. Gupta prayed for all the devotees. As it
takes a lot of time in the compilation of the list
only those letters are considered, which are received
by the evening of Wednesday. In this list only those
devotees are included, who themselves recited or read
Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places. The names of the
devotees “for prayer”, are prayed for, but not
included in the list. Kindly mention clearly, against
each devotee’s name that he/she will recite or read or
listen to Sri Sai Amrit Vani, or only for prayers.
Please also give the name of the place.

This Thursday the 29th March we enjoyed
the following Leelas.

1. As usual Udi started appearing and oozing from the
two photos on the wall from Monday, Hindi words ‘RAM’
‘SHAM’ and ‘OM’, and figure of Trishool were formed
with Udi on one photo. On Tuesday Udi started oozing
from the main photo in the mandir as well as from the
Statue. Hindi words ‘RAM’ ‘SHAM’ and ‘OM’ along with
other figures were also formed on the photo in the
mandir. It was Ram Naumi on Tuesday, which is also
considered to be birthday of Baba.
2. There was lot of Water from the Charans this week
also. This water was collected in the Thali. The
taste of water was similar to gulab jal and kewara
mix. After Sai Amrit Vani, this water was given to the
needy devotees and again the Thali was filled with
water. This water was taken out of thali 3-4 times
throughout the day and was given to devotees till
evening. Devotees even bring bottles to take the water
3. Lap of Mrs. Gupta was filled with Udi during the
prayers. Udi was there between the falls of the Sari
and all over the sari.
4. Udi also appeared on many other devotees in their
laps and also in the books of Sri Sai Amrit Vani.
5. On Thursday as soon as Bhog was offered, it was
duly accepted by Baba and after the Sri Sai Amrit Vani
we noticed that the box, which was placed before HIM
was partially eaten and partially remained pieces of
items in the box. Part of Bhog was on the lips of
many photos and statue of Baba. These parts of the
remains in the box were given to the devotees who
offered that item of bhog to Baba.
6. Presence of Baba during the recitation of Sai Amrit
Vani, Prayer and Prayan of Sr Satcharitra was very
7. All the boxes of Bhog which were kept on the table
were blessed with Udi,
8. The Charnamrit, the water in which Baba took the
bath in the morning was also sweet as if some honey
has been mixed into it.
9. Many photos, statue and other articles of devotee
kept in the mandir room, were blessed with lots of Udi
as soon as they were placed before Baba.
10. A new Statue of 8 metals and of 12 Inches was
placed in the mandir to be gifted to a Sai devotee. It
was blessed with lots of Udi.

Jai Sai Ram

Sri Sai Amrit Vani started at
11:04 AM. Noon Aartee started at 12:00 Hrs. followed
by brief Meditation and the prayer, Prayan of Chapter
31 from Sai Satcharitra. Mrs. Gupta offered prayers
and thanks to Baba. Finally distribution of Prasad,
Udi and the water from the Charans.

Next Sri Sai Amrit Vani on 5th
April, again will be held in Sidhartha Extension, New
Delhi. Devotees interested in attending it in person
may contact on phone nos. 26346942, 9810714688 or
9312494767 only after 11 AM (IST) on any day except
Thursdays but no calls on Thursdays PLEASE. They
should NOT bring any bhog with them and be in time.
Kids are also not allowed in the hall. No disturbance
is tolerated during the Sri Sai Amrit Vani .

Sri Sai Amrit Vani is now
available in Tamil script also besides in Devnagri,
English and Telgu, in the file section of the
yahoogroup. Links of Audio MP3 files are given in the
link section of the home page of ‘ mysaibaba20’
yahoogroup. To go to home page of yahoogroup key in or
click .
Audio Mp3 file has also been made available in the
publication section of , the
site of Sai Memorial Temple of Baba of Lodhi Road, New

This activity of Sri Sai Amrit Vani
will be in addition to any other pooja or sewa or
prayer that you are doing.

Jai Sai Ram.

Ashok Gupta

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Satsang What Is Baba's Mission

Satsang What Is Baba's Mission

When a great saint lending a perfectly pure life as a Samartha Sadguru and
helping thousands that came to him in the course of about half a century on
their way to God is to be described, his utterances are sure of ethics and
spirituality and it is neither possible nor desirable to make anything like
an attempt to give a fall account of his moral teachings - Baba's
influencing devotees was not and is not mainly by any sort of express
teaching. He was molding his children as he called his devotees, from inside
and he used not merely words but also his gaze, his touch and even his aura
or the will power to remove undesirable tendencies and influences and
replace them by useful and holy ones.

Even today it is his inner working that counts in the improvement and
building up of the devotee. His presence, his gaze, his touch had all their
effect. Each of these had its own peculiar effect as intended by Baba. Baba
in many ways sowed seeds of morals and spirituality in the hearts of those
approaching him, and some-times almost imperceptibly. Whenever he rendered
any worldly help, that help was accompanied by a spiritual seed sowing and
the beneficiary remembered Baba with faith, love and admiration for his
power, guidance and kindness. These thoughts were the seeds from which a
huge tree of faith would grow up later on and Baba who sowed the seeds
mostly, watered and manure his plant and in many a case, beginning with
worldly benefit, the devotee got on to higher and higher spiritual levels.

Baba's teachings are so common that when set out, they may look like copy
book maxims and some may wonder why these should be set out at all, as
everyone knows these moral teachings. What Baba taught was not something new
and strange. It is the old, old truths of morality and spirituality that
have to be rubbed into each soul and lived up to and therefore, Baba would
place truths before the devotee when the appropriate occasion offered
itself. Anyhow, in order that a curious reader wanting to know what sort of
teachings Baba's were, might get satisfaction, we shall give below a few of
his teachings with mere curiosity but really proceed to read, digest, absorb
and live up to them and make them part of himself. For instance about
contentment and surrender, Baba used to say, ‘God is great. He is the
Supreme Master.’ Baba also said occasionally where people thought he was
great, 'How great is God? No one can compare with him. God creates supports
and destroys. His leela {sport} is inscrutable. Let us be content to remain
as he makes us, to submit our wills to his.’ This is the most important
doctrine, a doctrine of submission and surrender. Baba said ‘As God places
us, let us remain. Take what comes. Be contented and cheerful. Never worry.
Not a leaf moves but by His consent and will. We should be honest, upright
and virtuous. We must distinguish right from wrong. We must each attend to
his own duty. But we must not be obsessed by egotism and fancy that we are
the independent causes of action. God is the Actor. We must recognize his
independence and our dependence on Him and see all acts as His. If we do so,
we shall be unattached and free from Karmic bondage.’

Another important thing for peace and happiness is love of all creation.
Baba's moral teachings were conveyed by his own life and activity. Baba
loved all creatures and the underlying motive of every act of his was love
towards, all human beings and all creatures. Baba said 'Love all creatures.
Do not fight with any. Do not retaliate nor scandalize any. When any one
talk of you, that is, against you, passes on unperturbed. His words cannot
pierce into your body. Others' acts will affect them alone and not you. As
for activity Baba was ever active and never idle. And his advice was 'Do not
be idle, work. Utter God's name. Read scriptures. We should not harbor envy,
rivalry or combative disquisition towards others. If others hate us, let us
simply take to 'Nama Japa' and avoid their company.'

Baba said at time 'God has agents everywhere and they have vast powers and I
also have vast powers. But abhimana the idea that I am doing has to be
completely suppressed in order that one may really have spiritual elevation,
peace and happiness.' All these comprises of Baba's teachings according to
observations of our beloved Master Rev. Narasimha Swamiji as above forms
part and parcel of the most essential points in all religions. Thus spoke
Sri Narasimha Swamiji through his book Life of Sri Sai Baba.

May all be blessed by a careful reading of this article with all faith and
be blessed by Baba and Swamiji to attain the Highest - is my earnest prayer.

Satsang What Is Baba's Mission

Satsang What Is Baba's Mission

What Is Baba's Mission
By H. H. Sri Saipadananda Radhakrishna Swamiji
Mysticism denotes that attitude of mind which involves a direct Immediate,
intuitive apprehension of God. It signifies the highest attitude of which
man is capable, namely, a beatific contemplation of God 'and its
dissemination in the society and the world.
- Gurudev Ranade
All roads lead to Rome. All paths margas lead to Sri Baba, Sri Krishna, and
Sri Rama are all divinely gifted or perfected souls and expressions of
divinity transforming every one who comes into contact with their divine
personality - especially those who are drawn through Rinanubandha by their
divinity and that are the purpose or mission of their lives. So, Baba has
not one mission, but a hundred missions. Protecting the good (virtuous)
punishing or reforming the wicked, establishing Dharma (virtue) or its hold
on the people, are the functions of divine personalities and Baba was
performing all these functions. A mission may come in. as a part of these

Saints expound all the margas and find which marga or combination of which
margas would suit each approaching devotee and give the same to him. Thus
Baba adopted every marga but in particular one may not that predominance in
his methods was neither for ritual nor for Vedic study, but for living in
consonance with the supreme manifestation of Divinity in Him. His mission is
to help every one; that means, of course, every one capable of benefiting —
not persons who come in an unreceptive mood. Baba quoted occasionally his
master's or Guru's behest that "as he has received liberally from his
master, he must similarly distribute liberally amongst those that approached
him." Baba was distributing not merely wealth, worldly relief and comforts
but also spiritual blessings to all and sundry those were capable of
receiving those benefits.

To us Sai devotees, Baba is not only a teacher but a controller from within
the ever watching Guardian Angel. He regulated the lives of those who wholly
surrendered to him. While doing service incidentally the work of conveying
moral teachings was carried on by Baba and he gave occasional talk about

‘Behave properly,’ 'Behave with integrity and probity. Hurting others is
sinful was the advice given by Baba to Shama and Rao Sahib Galwanker which
will suit us too. Baba expected people to act us to this teaching.

(to be contd...)

Satsang Baba's Unique Blessings By K. N. Narayana Swamy

Satsang Baba's Unique Blessings By K. N. Narayana Swamy

Baba's Unique Blessings
By K. N. Narayana Swamy
It was 26th January 1989, the holy Thursday. It was the happy occasion of
the Silver Jubilee of myself and my wife Chi. Sow. Jaya Lakshmi’s wedding.
Needless to say that we worshipped Sai Baba and his apostle H. H.
Radhakrishna Swamiji to our heart's content with pooja, bhajan, arathi etc.

During the morning pooja, while I was listening to Sai bhajans with immense
devotion, believe it or not, a poor old man (I consider it a sin to call
anybody a beggar) very much resembling Sai Baba, just appeared at our gate
calling out 'BABA, BABA'. Instantly I got up and took some coins from the
box and a banana and gave alms to the poor old man. He just looked at me
with all grace and quietly walked away without stopping anywhere else. Is it
not the style of Sai Baba appearing before His devotees in different
manifestations and shower His blessings? That moment was so great to enjoy
the blessing experience of Sai Maharaj. It is beyond words.

Of course, this poor old man is seen in our colony occasionally and I also
give him small coins whenever he comes across me, but, how in the world he
has come to our gate just on the day and at the time of Sai-pooja and after
receiving the offerings with graceful look left without sloping anywhere
else? That is the wonder of wonders and we are unable to understand and we
can only say: 'it is yet another Sai-leela'.

I understand from Sai bandhus that Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji used to refer to
this not as miracle but something always usual with Sai Baba. Though I am
one of the post-Samadhi devotees of Sri Swamiji, he is to me none other than
Sai Baba. Blessed indeed are the devotees of Bangalore who had the privilege
of being at the feet of this great Master.


Monday, March 26, 2007

Satsang The Lord of all Lords By R. Radhakrishnan

Satsang The Lord of all Lords By R. Radhakrishnan

The Lord of all Lords
By R. Radhakrishnan
"It is nothing but to invite pain and suffering, if you make your defective
intellect your guide for your life in the world. Victory ties in giving" the
reins of your mind to Sai Baba, and then, be free from any danger
whatsoever. He will surely take your life safely away with success from the
battlefield of this world. He is a renowned expert in driving (he chariots
of life.)
- Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji

I participated in the Guru Poornima celebrations at Sai Spiritual Centre,
Bangalore on the 7th July 1990. We had 'Satsang' with several Guru-bandhus
like Sri Bhaskara Rao, Sri Seshadri and others. Sai Baba prompted me to
propose an additional one-hour program of daily chanting of 'Om Sai Sri Sai
Jaya Jaya Sai' from 5 pm to 6 pm. everyone agreed and this divine program
commenced from the 8th July 1990 onwards.

I stay in 'Doopanahally' area far away from Thyagarajanagar. However Sai
Baba enabled me to daily travel in a city bus from Doopanahally and am
present at 5 pm for the 'Nama Japam'. There was no problem for three days on
8th, 9th and 10th July 1990. However on the 11th July '90, I left my house
at 3-30 pm and came to the bus stop. Someone told me that the direct bus
from Doopanahally to NR Colony is cancelled and advised me to try
alternative bus service to reach Sai Mandir. Accordingly I got into a bus
and got down at down at Richmond Circle bus stop by about 4-10 pm. A bus
from Shivaji Nagar side came and was fully crowded. In my enthusiasm to be
on time at the Mandir, I tried to board the crowded bus. 'No -1, could not'
and I was pushed aside. I fell down on the ground and by Sai-grace nothing

As I got up, a school boy came to me and handed over to me a two-rupee note
saying that it fell down from my pocket when I was pushed aside. I was
astonished as I had taken a ten-rupee note from home and after purchasing a
ticket for one-rupee the balance amount of nine rupees was intact in my
purse. Then I remembered Baba's offering of two-pice 'Dakshina' to his Guru.
In the form of the school-boy Sai Baba was warning me of 'faith' and
'patience' and not to do things in haste. The boy shoved the two-rupee note
in my hand and mysteriously vanished in the crowd at the bus stop.

True to the warning given by Sai Baba, I got into another bus which was
quite empty and traveled comfortably to the Mandir. My eyes were full of
tears of gratitude to Sai Maharaj for saving me from a calamity.
Source :