Friday, November 16, 2007



The uniqueness of Baba's message of God-realization outside the realm of religion is by no means considered as a discounting attitude to any given set of practices. On the other hand, this may be an all-inclusive approach that regards and respects everything under the sun with the disposition that God is all-the dispenser and it is not for us to judge.

Spiritual Experiences

A few practices under the name of religion cannot make the whole religion as superstitious. Divisive attitude in the name of discrimination has its limitations. On the other hand, the attitude that "everything is Sai" prepares a seeker to receive the more important realization of the self -

a natural process that constant contemplation on Sadguru would lead one to. As mentioned in several earlier occasions, all or none is not an approach to Sai devotion but everything and anything with the faith that unless Baba wills nothing comes to us - including the opportunities to serve and seek him.

As devotee Kamala Pallesenna wrote last week, in spirituality one size does not fit all and not everything that Sai gives us appear sweet. The best recourse is to pass the burden on to Sai and learn to wait.

It is easy to give in to the tricks of discrimination and lose the basic tenets of Sai devotion - humility and compassion to fellowmen. It is a fortune to have the blessings and taste the grace of Baba and a challenge yet to remain meek and humble just the way our Lord showed us.

The attitude that "I am holier than you" is not a sign of humility. At the same time, one's enthusiasm in sharing the love and devotion to Sainath of Shirdi and willingness to help the needy should not be judged as showmanship but be seen in the best of lights, as a noble intention at the feet of Lord Sai.

Hemadpanth's reference to subtle ego is probably a daily reminder to Sai devotees. All Sai bandhus all over the world who rely on Sai Vichaar for Baba's love and compassion can benefit from the understanding that Sai Vichaar is done by a group of volunteers with diligence, love and devotion to Sadguru Sainath, and with the only intention of sharing His love and message. Happy New Year to all. Bow to Sri Sai Peace be to all.
(Contributed by Ravin, Minnesota, USA)


Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Prayan of Sai Leelamrit

Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Prayan of Sai Leelamrit
15th Nov 2007
Jai Sai Ram
The week was full of festiwals and Baba's presence was felt throughout the week. Mrs Gupta did not removed the Udi on Thursday night. On Friday it was Deewali, Saturday it was Aan Koot (Goverdhan pooja). On Sunday it was Bhai Dhooj. On Monday the word "Subh Labh" which appeared on the photo of Baba simply disappeared. But all the other words and figures remained there on the photo. ThisThursday night Mrs Gupta removed all the Udi and cleaned all the photos and Statue.
Following devotees participated in absencia in the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani, Pooja, prayers to Baba ( Shirdi) and Prayan of Sri Sai Satcharitra* by reciting Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places on 15th Nov 2007 (The list is sorted as per their email ids, to avoid duplications) . However Mrs. Gupta prayed for all the devotees. In this list only those devotees are included, who themselves recited or read Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places.
This Thursday the 15th Nov 2007. we enjoyed the following Leelas of Baba (of Shirdi).
1. Due to the festiwal season Udi was continuously oozing from last Thursday from the two photos on the wall and Hindi words `RAM' `SHAM' and `OM', and figure of Trishool were formed with Udi on one photo. Udi was also oozing from the photo and statue in the mandir and also forming the words `RAM' , `SHAM' and `OM' on the photo . There was Swastic symbol also formed on the main photo in the mandir and also on the photo of Laxmi ji, Ganesh Ji and Baba.
2. On Last Thursday the word "Shub Labh" in Hindi was formed on the main photo in the mandir and on Monday the word "Shub Labh" simply disappeared.
3. This Thursday the Holy Water started oozing from the Charans from Thursday morning. Thali was emptied several times. The taste of water was similar to gulab jal and kewara mix. This water was also given to the devotees and again the Thali was filled with water.
4. Lap of Mrs. Gupta was filled with lots of Udi during the prayers.
5. Several devotees had Udi in the books of Sri Sai Amrit Vani and on themselves during the pooja.
6. On Thursday as soon as Bhog was offered, it was duly accepted by Baba. We noticed that the Bhog , which was placed before HIM was partially eaten. Part of Bhog was on the lips of photo and statue of Baba. Different items were there on lips in different photos. Parts of the remains in the box were given to the devotees who offered that item of bhog to Baba.
7. The feeling of Presence of Baba was very strong during the recitation of Sai Amrit Vani, Pooja and Prayer. Many devotees felt Baba sitting in the white robe.
8. All the boxes of Bhog, which were kept on the table were blessed with Udi.
9. Many photos/statues and documents etc were placed before Baba and same were blessed without any delay.
10. Many devotees felt the smell of `Paan' (beatal leaf) in the mandir room when the Prasad was being distributed and devotees were passing the mandir room. Mrs Gupta asked if any body can bring the `Paan' from the market. Immediately 2 `Paans' were brought and placed before Baba. Within seconds half the `Paan' was found eaten by Baba.

Jai Sai Ram
Sri Sai Amrit Vani started at 11:05 AM. Noon Aartee, the same Aartee which is being recited in Shirdi, started at 12:00 Hrs. followed by brief Meditation and the prayer, Prayan of Sri Sai Leelamrit Chapter 8 was done . Mrs. Gupta offered prayers and thanks to Baba. Finally distribution of Prasad and the water from the Charans. As usual some devotees talked about their experiences. Some devotee stayed for the lunch and some even after that.

Next Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Prayan of Sri Sai Satcharitra on 22th Nov will again be held at Sidhartha Extension, New Delhi. Devotees interested in attending it in person may contact on phone nos. 26346942, 9810714688 or 9312494767 only after 11 AM and before 8 PM (IST) on any day except Thursdays but no calls on Thursdays PLEASE. They should NOT bring any bhog with them and be in time. Kids are also not allowed in the hall. Mobiles have to be put on silent mode during the Pooja.

Now Sri Sai Amrit Vani is also available in Spanish Script besides Gujrati.
Scripts in Tamil , Devnagri (Hindi), English, Telugu and Gujrati in the file section of the yahoogroup. Links of Audio MP3 files are given in the link section of the home page of ` mysaibaba20' yahoogroup. To go to home page of yahoogroup key in or click http://groups. group/mysaibaba2 0 . Audio Mp3 file has also been made available in the publication section of http://saimemorial. com , the site of Sai Memorial Temple of Baba of Lodhi Road, New Delhi.
This activity of Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Recitation of Sai Satcharitra/ Sai Leelamrit will be in addition to any other pooja or sewa or prayer that you are doing.

Jai Sai Ram.

Ashok Gupta

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Satsang Deserve it and you will have it

Deserve it and you will have it

By Dr. G.R. Vijayakumar

So long as your physical activities are not truly dedicated, the outer upasana, or devotion is only a mere show and self-deception. Dedicated upasana means that all your habits of food, drink, sleep and exercise must be absolutely in accordance with the laws of Nature. We break the laws of Nature, if we are slave to sense enjoyments and bad tastes, the punishment of which is sorrow and suffering. How can you concentrate on Upasana or devotion, when you are experiencing trouble and affliction? The man whose bent of mind is according to the Laws of Nature, whose desires are', as if those....of God Himself and whose habits are natural, is in fact enjoying oneness with God and is in practice singing Sivoham (I am Siva) . How can he have any sorrow or suffering? In Mundaka Upanishad (II.4} it has been mentioned that "a man of weak strength cannot attain Atma.." His strength menas physical, mental and spiritual. It is also called "Adhyavasaya" and, in the terminology of Gita it is called "Prajna, Pratisthita".

Spiritual disciplines are many and varied. In the case of subtle disciplines, however, much depends on the capacity of a seeker to understand guidance that comes by indirect methods rather than by explicit, verbal instructions from the guiding Master. One who can grasp Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji's quick, spontaneous reactions to his innermost thoughts and who can give the obedience demanded of him, immediately recognizes the Guru in him. Swamiji brings about a complete inner transformation in such a seeker. He patiently and ceaselessly leads those who place complete reliance on him forward from the narrow individual self to the realisation of the all-pervading Universal Self which is their true being. Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji is thus a Guru whose real mission is to help the seeker turn his mind within and find inner peace and joy through which he can attain Self-realisation.

One fine morning in 1978 or so, I went to meet Swamiji at the Sai Mandir. He was deeply engrossed in reading a letter from a devotee from Madhya Pradesh. The letter indicated that the devotee was in real distress and had sought Swamiji's blessings.

He had written to him:"......I have been reciting 'Vishnu Sahasra Namam' as advised by you. But why do I face problems after problems. Is there no end for this? ......" Swamiji gave me the letter and said: "If a devotee is interested in having the Guru remove whatever obstacles or difficulties come in his path, then he is behaving like a business man. As for as worldly advantages are concerned, they are purely transitory; wealth comes and goes, success comes and goes; it wise to use the precious wealth of Vishnu Sahasra Namam to acquire these petty advantages?"

Exactly at that time, an old lady came and prostrated to Swamiji. She was full of tears and was apologetic to Swamiji. On enquiry, she told me that about a week before, her only son was missing and she had come and told, Swamiji! “As to what is use in the recitation of Vishnu Sahasra Namam and she is full of problems.” Unperturbed, Swamiji had directed her to go back home and most unexpectedly, her son had returned home. She had now come to Swamiji to convey her gratitude for the turn of events.

As the lady left the place, Swamiji told us that one should not pray to the Lord for the removal of small, insignificant difficulties. After all, pleasure and pain are purely transitory. Pain is followed by pleasure and pleasure by pain. Pain did not exist before it came and it will not exist after a while. Similarly pleasure did not exist before it came and will not exist after a while. So why pray to the Lord for things which are only short-lived? It is as stupid as approaching the brim surgeon to help you pull a thorn from your foot when it can be removed with the help of a needle by yourself.

(to be contd…..)

(Source Shri Sai Padananda October 1992)

Satsang Most Varied and Unique Pearls for Swans

Satsang Most Varied and Unique Pearls for Swans

Gifts of Sri Sai Baba

Most Varied and Unique Pearls for Swans

By Sri Narasimha Swamiji

We find ourselves awake at night, Disturbed about another's plight. Not things that have, but things that might befall a loved one, out of sight. We want to stretch protective arms, or help by sounding out alarms, or even use some ancient charms to obviate potential harms. Our efforts seem go for naught, and worry doesn't help, we're taught. It doesn't have the strength it ought, to do the job our heart has sought. There is a way that we many turn to seek the answers we should learn, and get the strength for which we yearn, provide the cure for our concern.

"Newton's dog, his fellowmen and Newton all looked, at Nature and saw apples fall. The first looked on and derived no benefit. The second ran up and ate the fruits. Newton alone discovered the Law of Gravitation which has served mankind, as a useful theory or hypothesis to explain many facts of Nature.

All sorts of men and women have approached Sri Sai Baba. Some have returned without any benefit. Some received much of temporal goods with just a taste of the spiritual; others, higher and higher spiritual goods. Every one received what he was fit to receive. Baba, the Universal mother that he was, impartially offered his gifts, nay, scattered them before his visitors; but the crows picked up the offal and the swans, the pearls.

It was in accordance with the capacity, the receptivity and the circumstances of each visitor due to his Karma Rinanubandha, i.e., prenatal merits and ties, that Baba's gifts were effective; and hence spiritual benefits received from him are of a very varied description. Anything like an exhaustive statement of them being impossible, we may content ourselves here with a set or samples.

That Boundless Love:

When people talk of God, to most He is a word and nothing more. They know how to use it for their worldly purposes, nothing what effect it has on the hearer. Convention and current feeling invest its use with a certain dignity and telling force, especially in oaths and curses. But how few have felt at all or in any appreciable degree the sacred awe, the first basis of the idea of the Holy or that far higher feeling of all consuming all-sacrificing boundless Love! For too many have been begotten or brought up in godless families amidst cheerless, cramped and darkened surroundings where the words and conduct of the parents, relations and friends are really a stifling negation of God, conscience and the moral principle, sometimes nominally veiled by an occasional observance of forms of worship are reference to God. Some of these are at times candid enough to admit and sometimes to bemoan the fact that they could never conceive of, much less experience God in their lives.

Spiritual Rebirth, First step in God-Realisation:

The greatest service Sri Sai rendered and renders to mankind is to save such souls from their utter darkness, to show them the existence in himself and elsewhere, of vast power, vast knowledge, vast goodness and self-forgetting Love which blesses him that gives and him that receives and to make them float on waves of joy and happiness, hither to inexperienced. Rudely shaken from or terrified out of their prolonged stupor and indifference they just receive a few gleams of light into their sin soiled eyes, feel a glow of gratitude, love and other noble emotions in their chilled hearts, begin their spiritual birth and see or feel their God in Sai, their real Savior. For the first time, they get a rudimentary idea of Sri Sai and know God. He is the giver of the God-idea to them and is God, in their view and it may be their only God.

The benefit is by no means confined to this class just described. Persons, who start life better, fall into evil ways, get tainted by wicked company, sunk in voice and sin from drama and cinema songs and street talk, lose their early innocence and receptivity, become thoroughly care-hardened, sneer at purity and piety and blatantly proclaim their imperviousness to godly influence. To such, Sai has many times restored, in some degree, their lost innocence by making them feel that they see God in him and in his devotees. Some cultured and English educated persons that this writer met have confessed to him that Baba, who has restored their faiths, is God to them, that in their present life of holiness the foregrounds are fully occupied by Baba, and that Rama, Krishna, Siva, Datta and Pandarinath get their halo of glory through Baba. One lady said "Krishna no doubt appeals to me and attracts me. But Baba who often appears and instructs me in visions is a hundred times more powerful".

The need for a noble "Superman" that leads one to God is at its height in the case of advanced spiritual aspirants who style him their Samartha Sadguru and derive from him the maximum benefit that a human being can enjoy. Realisation of the Ishta devata, perpetual enjoyment of Heaven at His feet, attainment of Adwaitic Bliss or Nirvana Sukha can alike be had at the guru's feet and there alone.

A Warning:

Sri Sai Baba showered his benefits on thousands in a variety of ways. Some only of these have been revealed to this writer; and these may be a sample of his gift to others. But one cannot be sure that the highest have been yet made public. However that may be, before proceeding to give a very brief sketch of these, the writer has one request to make or a warning to give. Persons who are great admirers of particular saints, like Krishna Chaitanya, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Samartha Ramdas, Haranath or Thayumanava, should not judge others exclusively by the life, teachings and methods of their saint or hero. Let not Sri Sai Baba be measured on the Procreates bed of any particular saint. Sri Sai is a rare phenomenon by himself and his services to Humanity, if judged calmly, would be found great enough to require a special corner in our pantheon and a readjustment of our ideas based wholly on a few past examples. In the words of Browning (As adapted) we must insist,

Our times are in His hand, Who said "A whole I planned, past shows but half; Trust God, see all, nor be afraid". Add this to the rest, Take it and try its worth.

(Source Shri Sai Padananda October 1992)

Wishing everyone a very Happy Diwali and a prosperous न्यू Year

Wishing everyone a very Happy Diwali and a prosperous new year..

Here is a link to Shri Shirdi SaiBaba's message for all of us on the wonderful occasion of Diwali--

And here is the link for the wonderful Sai bhajans keeping Diwali in mind...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Satsang Constant Remembrance of God

Constant Remembrance of God

What is an idol (Pratima). An idol can be compared to a measure or a weight. You may call it the unit of measurement. When the measuring weight is small, the result will be great. Suppose the measuring weight is a quarter, the result of it will be four units. When the measuring weight is one- sixteenth, the result will be sixteen units. Now, we have to see what the Pratika and the Pratima (external objects and idols) in the Hindu religion are. They are units of measure to estimate the greatness of God. In Hindu religion, the great Sun and the Moon are also the forms of Pratika (external object) to form an estimation of God. Next to them are also Guru (religious teacher), Brahmana (Man of realization) , cows, Garuda (the biggest bird) Pipala, Tulasi, Kailasa (one of the high peaks of the Himalaya) the Ganga, etc. etc. Besides these, the short round black stone (salagrama) has also been taken as a form of Pratima, the measure. Was the smallest Pratika or Pratima (the unit of measure) only meant to make God look small? No. Not at all. In taking a small unit of measure it was aimed to enhance the estimation of God consciousness and Divine vision. When even the smallest stone has been accepted as Divinity, all the other things and the entire world will be nothing but Divinity. But, he who worships the idol with limited ideal that it alone is Divinity is steeped in ignorance. Such a man can well be compared to the 'worm' which is confined to the stone only.

- Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji
- (Source Shri Sai Padananda October 1992)

Satsang Hazarati Durvesh Haji Mohamed Siddique Phalke

Satsang Hazarati Durvesh Haji Mohamed Siddique Phalke

The next question was “Will you give Me 40,000 Rs in 4 instalments”? To which Siddique Phalke answers, “I will gladly give 40,00000[forty lakhs] if asked. What then of thousands? Only let me be at His feet.” Siddique Phalke was affluent but was he willing to part with his money. And the deeper meaning could be given as follows .The 4 instalments could mean 1.Manas 2.Budhi 3.Aham 4.Chitta [the Ego complex] Through Antharkarnya Chatustaya. The zeros could represent the 3 bodies 1.Bhautik or physical, 2. Shukshma or subtle and 3. Kaaran or casual.[This is the first zero].

The next 0 could be Triputi that is Jnyana [Knowledge] 2 Jneya [Experience of knowledge] and Jnathru [the person who experiences it]

The 3rd zero could be the Panch –Indryias that consist of 5 Kamindryad which are touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing. And 5 Jnanaindryas that are Shabda [ears], Sparsha[skin], Rupa[eyes], Rasa[tongue] and Gandha[smell].

The 4th zero could be the 6 Arishadvargas that are Kama ,Krodha, Madha, Matsaraya, Moha, Lobha. The 5th zero could imply that he is willing to give 5 ‘Pranas’ that are “Prana’, Apana.,Udana, Vyana and Samana.

The 6th zero could mean the 5 Koshas that are Annamaya Kosha, Pranamaya Kosha, Monomaya Kosha, Vignamaya Kosha and Annandamaya Kosha. Here the Haji seems prepared to surrender in toto that is Sampoorna Sharanagathi. Baba then gets angry and throws the vessels when He hears that the Haji is ready to give 40,00,000Rs. Baba knows that the sishya is ready for total surrender. The Guru wants the sishya to be purified without having a tinge of Prarabdha so He burns it by showing anger. Then he takes 55 Rs from his pocket, and counting them one by one He places them in Phalkes hands. Money is Shri. The 5+5 symbolicaly could be the dress code of the sanyasi 1 Sirvesh or Koupin signifies total surrender 2 Pitambar signifies sacrifice 3 Danda that is Deha Dand or dicipline4 Kamandalu stands for compassion 5 Khadau. Then He bought a basket of mangos and presented it to him. And he was accepted in Baba’s durbar. Mangos represent auspiciousness.

The 3rd question that Baba asks is “What part of the sacrificial goat would he like to eat? Does he want to eat the meat covered bones or is his heart set on eating the sex organs?’’Baba wants to make sure that he has no appetite of any kind left be it for delectable food or sensual appitite. Siddique Phalke answer is incredible. He states that if Baba wishes to give him anything he would cherish a crumb from the Kolambah.

[Then He buys-----What? -] After this episode of sham rage Baba allows him to sit with Him in the Sanctum Sanctorum ,they dine together.

(Source Sai Leela Magazine)

Satsang Hazarati Durvesh Haji Mohamed Siddique Phalke

Hazarati Durvesh Haji Mohamed Siddique Phalke

In the 11th chapter of the Sai Satcharita the incident of Baba’s wrath on Siddique Phalke is given. How Baba put forth 3 questions and the wonderful answers that Siddique Phalke gives. Durvesh Haji Mohamed Siddique Phalke was born in Kalyan around 1841. He was an affluent Jamindar [land owner] and had vast acres of farmlands. Sophisticated, intelligent, well read, and spiritual. He had travelled widely; Bhagdad, Constantinople, and Mecca were some of the places that he had visited. Dada Shaeb Khaparde has recorded one of his visits to Shirdi dated 14-12-1911- 23-12-1911 in his Shirdi Diary.

“Dada Saheb Khaparde himself was extremely learned and spiritual, states that Siddique Phalke was a gentleman of the ‘old sort’; a Karma-Margi and very intelligent. He was spiritually developed and learned; the conversations that they had were pleasant and instructive. Baba liked Phalke a great deal and is said to have granted his wish.

During that visit Phalke had a vision and he asked Dada Saheb to ask Baba it’s meaning. The vision was about 3 girls and a blind women who had come to amuse him WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?. He ordered them out or they would be kicked out and began to pray. They fled upon hearing the prayer. He then blessed everyone in the room; and in the house and the whole village. Dada Saheb was barely seated before Baba, when Baba said He was beaten last night by something on His private parts and hands. He then applied oil; wandered about, had a stool, sat near the fire and felt better.

Siddique Phalke was married to Kursheed and had two sons named Gulam Mustafa and Mohammed Mukram. He loved to wear spotlessly white clothes. Whenever the Dwarakamai was washed with cowdung Baba would summon Phalke and make him sit on the wet floor much to Phalkes’ discontent. But when he got up his clothes remained spotless as before.

Baba loved and had great respect for Phalke and whenever permission was granted for his departure Baba would walk the 100 paces with him and see him off at the breach in the wall. Phalke lived in a huge building in Kalyan called Phalke Wada and it still stands even today.

In # 11 the story of Siddique Phalkes attempt to obtain Baba’s grace is given. He stayed for 9 months in the north facing Chavadi; trying in vain to enter the Sanctum Sanctorum. Then he sought Shyamas help. Baba finally relents. And asks Shyama to ask him whether he will carefully walk the straight and narrow path that goes beyond the ‘Baravi’ well. Siddique Phalke answers that whatever difficulty he may encounter he will carefully tread that path.

In fact there is no well-called ‘Baravi’ in Shirdi or the neighbouring villages. Here Baba asks Siddique Phalke whether he is willing to tread the straight and narrow path; fraught with difficulties whether he is willing to do a 12-year penance [tapasya]? The penance of the 12 inner disciplines, which are as follows 1.Viveka [discrimination] 2. Vairagya [Renunciation] 3. Niswartha[selflessness] 4. Sama[calmness] 5. Dama [self-control] 6. Uparati-[self-withdrawal] 7. Titiksha [forbearance] 8. Samadhana [self-settled ness] 9. Shradha[faith] 10Satsang [holy-company] 11.Mauan [silence of the mind]. 12 Ekanta-Dhyana [solitude and mediation] The ‘Self’ ready for complete freedom. Lastly the Gurus grace without which nothing is possible.

Siddique Phalke indeed came to Baba of and on for 12 years.

(to be contd….)

(Source Sai Leela Magazine)

Sri Sahasra (1000 names) namams

Sai Ram,
Sri Sahasra (1000 names) namams.

Shirdi Sai Trust


Courtest-Ram Chugani

Spiritual Experiences

Sri Sai Satcharitha, the episode of devotee Sapatnekar is very interesting. The person who ridiculed Baba during his earlier days resorted to His feet in pursuit of peace of mind. He lost his only son to a disease and reached Shirdi to take Baba's darshan. When he went near and prostrated himself and placed a coconut before Baba with devotion, the latter at once cried out "Get away." How could Baba welcome him with such harsh words!

Shri Hemadpanth well depicted the plight of Sapatnekar in earning Sainath's love. Did Sai really admonish Sapatnekar? Later, Sainath referred to him as His "Yaara", meaning lover? What a blessing for Sapatnekar!

Baba knows past, present, and the future. His assurance that He would protect and care for His devotees is the perfect truth. Falling to the vice of myth, the disciple always feels that he chooses his guru.

But, it may be noted that devotees who were not to be associated with Sai, could never do so. On the other hand, those who did not want to bow to His magnanimity were convinced to do so.

One such example is Shri Upasani Maharaj. It may also be observed in the present day that those who were to find their association with other realized souls are not to be found with Sai, while those who were in His fold in the past could never really run away from Him!

It is also to be noted that Baba said that the message is the same and the messengers are different. Those who think otherwise will eventually realize this truth.