Sri Sai Amrit Vani
5th April 2007
Jai Sai Ram
On 3rd may 2007 Group recitation
of Sri Sai Amrit Vani will be held at Chandigarh
instead of Sidhartha Extension, New Delhi.
Please send your email of prayers
and inclusion of names for group recitation of Sri Sai
Amrit Vani, so as to reach by Wednesday evening. Many
times it is not possible to open internet on Thursday
because of the other activities.
Please always mention names along with place and
weather will reciting Sri Sai Amrit Vani.
My cataract eye operation was fine.
When Sai Nath is there, why worry. However I will go
checkup on Saturday.
As usual the recitaion of Sri Sai
Amrit Vani and Prayan of Sai Satcharitra was very
soothing, very heart touching and peace giving with
all the Leela’s of Baba. I am very poor in describing
the events or the Leelas of Baba, I am simply
appending a photo of Baba, belonging to a devotee,
which was blessed this Thursday.
Following devotees participated in
absencia in the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani,
Pooja, prayers and Prayan of Sri Sai Satcharitra by
reciting Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places on 5th
April 2007. The list is sorted as per their email ids.
However Mrs. Gupta prayed for all the devotees. As it
takes a lot of time in the compilation of the list
only those letters are considered, which are received
by the evening of Wednesday. In this list only those
devotees are included, who themselves recited or read
Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places. The names of the
devotees “for prayer”, are prayed for, but not
included in the list. Kindly mention clearly, against
each devotee’s name that he/she will recite or read or
listen to Sri Sai Amrit Vani, or only for prayers.
Please also give the name of the place.
This Thursday the 5th April we enjoyed
the following Leelas.
1. As usual Udi started appearing and oozing from the
two photos on the wall from Monday, Hindi words ‘RAM’
‘SHAM’ and ‘OM’, and figure of Trishool were formed
with Udi on one photo. On Tuesday Udi started oozing
from the main photo in the mandir. Hindi words ‘RAM’
‘SHAM’ and ‘OM’ along with other figures were also
formed on the photo. From Statue Udi started oozing
from Wednesday.
2. There was lot of Water from the Charans this week
also. This water was collected in the Thali. The
taste of water was similar to gulab jal and kewara
mix. After Sai Amrit Vani, this water was given to the
needy devotees and again the Thali was filled with
water. This water was taken out of thali 3-4 times
throughout the day and was given to devotees till
evening. Devotees even bring bottles to take the water
3. Lap of Mrs. Gupta was filled with Udi during the
prayers. Udi was there between the falls of the Sari
and all over the sari.
4. Udi also appeared on many other devotees in their
laps and also in the books of Sri Sai Amrit Vani.
5. On Thursday as soon as Bhog was offered, it was
duly accepted by Baba and after the Sri Sai Amrit Vani
we noticed that the box, which was placed before HIM
was partially eaten and partially remained pieces of
items in the box. Part of Bhog was on the lips of
many photos and statue of Baba. These parts of the
remains in the box were given to the devotees who
offered that item of bhog to Baba.
6. Presence of Baba during the recitation of Sai Amrit
Vani, Prayer and Prayan of Sr Satcharitra was very
7. All the boxes of Bhog which were kept on the table
were blessed with Udi,
8. The Charnamrit, the water in which Baba took the
bath in the morning was also sweet as if some honey
has been mixed into it.
9. Many photos, statue and other articles of devotee
kept in the mandir room, were blessed with lots of Udi
as soon as they were placed before Baba. I
am appending a photo of Statue of Baba, belonging to a
devotee, blessed today.
Jai Sai Ram
Sri Sai Amrit Vani started at
11:04 AM. Noon Aartee started at 12:00 Hrs. followed
by brief Meditation and the prayer, Prayan of Chapter
32 from Sai Satcharitra. Mrs. Gupta offered prayers
and thanks to Baba. Finally distribution of Prasad,
Udi and the water from the Charans.
Next Sri Sai Amrit Vani on 12th
April, again will be held in Sidhartha Extension, New
Delhi. Devotees interested in attending it in person
may contact on phone nos. 26346942, 9810714688 or
9312494767 only after 11 AM (IST) on any day except
Thursdays but no calls on Thursdays PLEASE. They
should NOT bring any bhog with them and be in time.
Kids are also not allowed in the hall. No disturbance
is tolerated during the Sri Sai Amrit Vani .
Sri Sai Amrit Vani is now
available in Tamil script also besides in Devnagri,
English and Telgu, in the file section of the
yahoogroup. Links of Audio MP3 files are given in the
link section of the home page of ‘ mysaibaba20’
yahoogroup. To go to home page of yahoogroup key in or
click .
Audio Mp3 file has also been made available in the
publication section of , the
site of Sai Memorial Temple of Baba of Lodhi Road, New
This activity of Sri Sai Amrit Vani
will be in addition to any other pooja or sewa or
prayer that you are doing.
Jai Sai Ram.
Ashok Gupta
Friday, April 06, 2007
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Satsang Your Offering to Sai Baba By Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji
Satsang Your Offering to Sai Baba By Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji
Your Offering to Sai Baba
By Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji
You would think that you can give back nothing to Baba, who is a Supreme
Giver, only Baba can give to his devotees. But this is not wholly correct.
The action of giving cannot be unilateral. Even God receives first, then
gifts. In the day to day practical life, there is no giving without taking.
It is therefore that the word "give and take policy" has come into vogue.
If Baba asked for nothing, why could he have asked for Dakshina'? Why he
would move from door to door in hot sun in Shirdi to beg for alms. It is
true that Baba was never yearning for Dakshina or alms. He was simply
searching the hearts of the devotees in this process. He was teaching us to
part with or sacrifice a bit of our earning for a higher way of life.
Baba used to cater to the prayers or demands of his devotees. He would
tender his hand of help through some strange miracles to salvage his
devotees in distress or difficulties. This was also not without expectations
from them. He responded to devotees' wishes so that the devotees should turn
to his way of teachings and do what he liked them to do. But all of us
forget this truth and go on asking for new farther from Baba every time,
without taking note of Baba's demand from us. When
Baba fulfils our wishes we are thrilled, we are choked with emotions of
gratitude and we shed tears of joy.
We call Baba as the Kalpa tree. We say that He is our Guru, God. We proclaim
that we are his devotees. But really speaking, we do not deserve to be his
devotees or disciples. We are only searching for a link to spread a hand of
begging before him again and again without remembering his real message and
teachings to us. We forget what Baba wants us to do, nay we purposefully
ignore it! We place a new demand at his feet. We are angry, if he does not
The message of Baba's life: - All know that Baba meets devotees' demands. It
is for this that people from all religions, sects, leads, castes throng
round his samadhi. They come to fulfill their vows. They want to exchange
the grace with offerings. They are blind to Baba's Upadesha. He does not
want us to place demand after demand to him. He wants us to realize his
message. He wants us to spread this message among others. He wants us to act
and practice his teachings. He recognizes the bhakti manifest in practicing
his tenets and teachings.
Shraddha (Faith) and Saburi (Patience): - We are familiar with these phrases
without brooding over their meaning and aerial application to life. The
unflinching allegiance to God and self sacrifice is denoted by Shraddha. It
is not easy to practice this. Because we have to change the centre of
gravity of our life, we must replace selfish thinking by God orientation,
offering everything to his wishes. Saburi teaches us to be fixed in
difficulties and onslaught of fate. We shake, waver each moment. How can we
be devotees without practicing these tenets; Baba wants us to translate this
into action in day to day life.
Baba's Karma, Bhakti and Dhyana: Baba wants us to leave our narrow thoughts,
selfish nature and obstinate ways and to take up a new life of service and
sacrifice. He wants us to come out of the circle of selfishness and "I"
attachment to personal benefits and live a life of benevolence and selfless
service. This is Baba's Karma yoga. He wants us to offer each of our karma
as a flower to God as offering. This is his Bhakthi yoga. That God is
present everywhere is his Dhyana yoga. We have to offer all our thoughts,
desires, passions and acts to God are the expression of this Dhyana yoga.
Baba's ultimate demand: Baba wants us to practice Nama and Dhyana. He wants
us to take his name, forgetting all else (i.e. body consciousness). He wants
us to meditate on his form. This should be perpetual, unending. We have to
merge our mind, intellect, body and ego in his consciousness. This is his
ultimate demand. Do not look at these words with levity. Know the gravity of
the meaning and actual practice. When Baba begged from door to door in
Shirdi for a loaf of bread, he did not actually want food from us. He wanted
the offering of our whole existence.
Your Offering to Sai Baba
By Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji
You would think that you can give back nothing to Baba, who is a Supreme
Giver, only Baba can give to his devotees. But this is not wholly correct.
The action of giving cannot be unilateral. Even God receives first, then
gifts. In the day to day practical life, there is no giving without taking.
It is therefore that the word "give and take policy" has come into vogue.
If Baba asked for nothing, why could he have asked for Dakshina'? Why he
would move from door to door in hot sun in Shirdi to beg for alms. It is
true that Baba was never yearning for Dakshina or alms. He was simply
searching the hearts of the devotees in this process. He was teaching us to
part with or sacrifice a bit of our earning for a higher way of life.
Baba used to cater to the prayers or demands of his devotees. He would
tender his hand of help through some strange miracles to salvage his
devotees in distress or difficulties. This was also not without expectations
from them. He responded to devotees' wishes so that the devotees should turn
to his way of teachings and do what he liked them to do. But all of us
forget this truth and go on asking for new farther from Baba every time,
without taking note of Baba's demand from us. When
Baba fulfils our wishes we are thrilled, we are choked with emotions of
gratitude and we shed tears of joy.
We call Baba as the Kalpa tree. We say that He is our Guru, God. We proclaim
that we are his devotees. But really speaking, we do not deserve to be his
devotees or disciples. We are only searching for a link to spread a hand of
begging before him again and again without remembering his real message and
teachings to us. We forget what Baba wants us to do, nay we purposefully
ignore it! We place a new demand at his feet. We are angry, if he does not
The message of Baba's life: - All know that Baba meets devotees' demands. It
is for this that people from all religions, sects, leads, castes throng
round his samadhi. They come to fulfill their vows. They want to exchange
the grace with offerings. They are blind to Baba's Upadesha. He does not
want us to place demand after demand to him. He wants us to realize his
message. He wants us to spread this message among others. He wants us to act
and practice his teachings. He recognizes the bhakti manifest in practicing
his tenets and teachings.
Shraddha (Faith) and Saburi (Patience): - We are familiar with these phrases
without brooding over their meaning and aerial application to life. The
unflinching allegiance to God and self sacrifice is denoted by Shraddha. It
is not easy to practice this. Because we have to change the centre of
gravity of our life, we must replace selfish thinking by God orientation,
offering everything to his wishes. Saburi teaches us to be fixed in
difficulties and onslaught of fate. We shake, waver each moment. How can we
be devotees without practicing these tenets; Baba wants us to translate this
into action in day to day life.
Baba's Karma, Bhakti and Dhyana: Baba wants us to leave our narrow thoughts,
selfish nature and obstinate ways and to take up a new life of service and
sacrifice. He wants us to come out of the circle of selfishness and "I"
attachment to personal benefits and live a life of benevolence and selfless
service. This is Baba's Karma yoga. He wants us to offer each of our karma
as a flower to God as offering. This is his Bhakthi yoga. That God is
present everywhere is his Dhyana yoga. We have to offer all our thoughts,
desires, passions and acts to God are the expression of this Dhyana yoga.
Baba's ultimate demand: Baba wants us to practice Nama and Dhyana. He wants
us to take his name, forgetting all else (i.e. body consciousness). He wants
us to meditate on his form. This should be perpetual, unending. We have to
merge our mind, intellect, body and ego in his consciousness. This is his
ultimate demand. Do not look at these words with levity. Know the gravity of
the meaning and actual practice. When Baba begged from door to door in
Shirdi for a loaf of bread, he did not actually want food from us. He wanted
the offering of our whole existence.
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