श्री साई अमृत वाणी एंड परायण ऑफ़ साई सत्चरित्र
२४थ जुलाई २००८
जै साई राम
We are leaving for Shirdi on 1st August, so that Mrs Gupta may spend 2nd Aug with Baba, being her birthday. I would not be able to access internet till 11th August. On 7th August (Thursday) we will do Sri Sai Amrit Vani at Bhopal. Address of Bhopal will be Mr. G S Singhal G-2/248 Gulmohar Colony, (Near Trilanga). Bhopal. Tel no. 0755-2560149.
As picture tell more than what the words can not, so I had attached 12 photos of Baba and Leelas of Baba with my last letter on the special pooja on Guru Poornima.
All the normal Leelas were there this Thursday also and I am not repeating them. Of course honey was not there.
This Thursday again it was very crowded. It is only after many devotees leave, after taking the Prasad and Jal the real enjoyment comes. Devotees express their feelings, they share their experiences and talk about Baba. This time Mrs. Nirmala Jayaraman, who came from Banglore sang a very beautiful Sai Bhajan to this selected gathering.
I have already sent all the letters received for prayers and for the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani except the confidential ones, but they have been listed, for the sack of acknowledgement. The letters were in three lots. If you don't find your letter in them or in the list, it might have gone along with the spam letters, which are also received in bulk quantity. Please write your letter/requests for prayers only on email id veena_gupta_ 2000@yahoo. com and to get the attention please write Sri Sai Amrit Vani also in the Subject. Mrs. Gupta prayed for all the devotees .
Sri Sai Amrit Vani started at 11:05 AM. So that we can have Noon Aartee, the same Aartee which is being recited in Shirdi, starts at 12:00 Hrs. followed by brief Meditation and the prayer, Chapter 6 of Sai Satcharitra was read by Mrs Gupta. Mrs. Gupta offered prayers and thanks to Baba. Finally distribution of Prasad and the water from the Charans. A big and one small photo of Baba was also given to each devotee, who did not received it last Thursday.
Next Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Prayan of Sri Sai Satcharitra on 31st July 2008 will again be held at Sidhartha Extension, New Delhi. Devotees interested in attending it in person may contact on phone nos. 26346942, 9868966605 or 9312494767 only after 11 AM and before 8 PM (IST) on any day except Thursdays and no calls on Thursdays PLEASE. They should NOT bring any bhog with them and be in time. Kids are also not allowed in the hall. Mobiles have to be put on silent mode during the Pooja. Please also bring a small bottle with broad neck for the holy water. (If devotees who join us in absentia, find it difficult to recite from 11 AM, they can do it, at any time, as convenient to them.)
Script of Sri Sai Amrit Vani in Hindi, Tamil, Telgu, Gujarati, English and Spanish are available at the file section of yahoogroup "mysaibaba20" ie http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/mysaibaba2 0 . Meaning of the wordings of Sri Sai Amrit Vani in English is also there in the file section.
Script in Hindi is also available at http://www.Saibaba. org/amrithvani. html .
Audio of Sri Sai Amrit Vani is available at the following web sites.
http://www.austinhi ndutemple. org/MP3/SaiAmrit vani1.mp3
http://www.austinhi ndutemple. org/MP3/SaiAmrit vani2.mp3
http://www.saimemor ial.com/Publicat ion.asp
http://www.saikrupa .org/sai_ amrit_vani. htm .
Audio of Sri Sai Amrit Vani, along with the English script is also available at
http://luistovarcar rillo.multiply. com/tag/sri% 20sai%20amrit% 20vani
http://luistovarcar rillo.multiply. com/music/ item/136
Sai Amrit Vani along with many Bhajans and Aartees has also been made available in the eZine Audio section. This is on Page 4. The link is as under
http://ettitudemedi a.com/loadbook. php?BookName= EMagazineCurrent
This activity of Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Recitation of Sai Satcharitra will be in addition to any other pooja or sewa or prayer that you are doing.
Jai Sai Ram.
Ashok Gupta
Friday, July 25, 2008
Satsang News from Saidarbar – Hyderabad – The Glory of Shirdi Sai – 3d format.
Satsang News from Saidarbar – Hyderabad – The Glory of Shirdi Sai – 3d format.
Sri Saikrishna Brundavanam and Saidarbar-Hyderabad jointly celebrated GURUPURNIMA on 18-7-2008 (FRIDAY) in a grand way.
Morning programme started at 5-00am with suprabhataseva to Baba followed by –kagadaharathi at 5-30am, Babagariki Abhishekam at 6-00am, Alankaram at 7-00am, Nitya puja7-30am, Sudar shanhomam 9-00am, Mahapurnaahuti at 11-30am Madhyan arati performed to Baba at 1200 noon.
At 1-00pm - Released TEN Spiritual Discourses rendered by Saibanisa GopalaRao Ravadaji and Sai Ganaharivillu- Bhakti Gitalu in TELUGU Language on Lord Sainath in Two MP3 CDs by Saibandhu Sri Satyanarayana garu, aged 85 yrs. After releasing of C.Ds at 1-30 pm Annadanam was performed in which more than 200 persons took Baba’s Prasadam on this auspicious day.
Evening programs started at 6-00pm with Sayamkala arathi followed by Sainama Japam at
7-00pm and concluded at 9-00 pm by Sej arathi to BABA.
The main object of taking up MP3 CD s project:
1. Devotees who cannot read and write Telugu but understand Telugu can easily follow these Discourses, Bhakti gitalu and complete their Eleven days parayana.
2. Those Devotees who have no time to go through Sri Saisatcharita book (TELUGU) by sitting at one place, can play these CDs even while traveling and complete their Parayana
3. Those Devotees who want to listen Sai Leelas whenever they find time can also play these CDs; the ultimate aim is to get blessings of LordSaibaba
4. Lord Sai told in Sai Satcharita -Chapter Three- "If My stories are listened to, all the diseases will be got rid of “. So we recommend sick persons to listen the above CDs
Sri Saisatcharita contains essence of Ramayan, Bhagavatam, Shivamahapuranam, Gurucharitra, Gurugita and Bhagavadgita and the above Discourses are proof for the same
Those who know Telugu Language and interested in obtaining the above C.Ds in MP3 Format (Two - CDs) may kindly contact: saidarbar@gmail.com
The latest Issue 15-2008 of “The Glory of Shirdi Sai” is now available in the 3d Page turning format.
The current issue is available at:
http://www.ettitude media.com/ loadbook. php?BookName= EMagazineCurrent
Contact numbers cell: +91-98493 79086
Vonage internet phone- 1-972-346-6310
In the Service of Lord Sainath and His devotees,
Sai Sevak SrinivasaRao Kasturi
Sri Saikrishna Brundavanam and Saidarbar-Hyderabad jointly celebrated GURUPURNIMA on 18-7-2008 (FRIDAY) in a grand way.
Morning programme started at 5-00am with suprabhataseva to Baba followed by –kagadaharathi at 5-30am, Babagariki Abhishekam at 6-00am, Alankaram at 7-00am, Nitya puja7-30am, Sudar shanhomam 9-00am, Mahapurnaahuti at 11-30am Madhyan arati performed to Baba at 1200 noon.
At 1-00pm - Released TEN Spiritual Discourses rendered by Saibanisa GopalaRao Ravadaji and Sai Ganaharivillu- Bhakti Gitalu in TELUGU Language on Lord Sainath in Two MP3 CDs by Saibandhu Sri Satyanarayana garu, aged 85 yrs. After releasing of C.Ds at 1-30 pm Annadanam was performed in which more than 200 persons took Baba’s Prasadam on this auspicious day.
Evening programs started at 6-00pm with Sayamkala arathi followed by Sainama Japam at
7-00pm and concluded at 9-00 pm by Sej arathi to BABA.
The main object of taking up MP3 CD s project:
1. Devotees who cannot read and write Telugu but understand Telugu can easily follow these Discourses, Bhakti gitalu and complete their Eleven days parayana.
2. Those Devotees who have no time to go through Sri Saisatcharita book (TELUGU) by sitting at one place, can play these CDs even while traveling and complete their Parayana
3. Those Devotees who want to listen Sai Leelas whenever they find time can also play these CDs; the ultimate aim is to get blessings of LordSaibaba
4. Lord Sai told in Sai Satcharita -Chapter Three- "If My stories are listened to, all the diseases will be got rid of “. So we recommend sick persons to listen the above CDs
Sri Saisatcharita contains essence of Ramayan, Bhagavatam, Shivamahapuranam, Gurucharitra, Gurugita and Bhagavadgita and the above Discourses are proof for the same
Those who know Telugu Language and interested in obtaining the above C.Ds in MP3 Format (Two - CDs) may kindly contact: saidarbar@gmail.com
The latest Issue 15-2008 of “The Glory of Shirdi Sai” is now available in the 3d Page turning format.
The current issue is available at:
http://www.ettitude media.com/ loadbook. php?BookName= EMagazineCurrent
Contact numbers cell: +91-98493 79086
Vonage internet phone- 1-972-346-6310
In the Service of Lord Sainath and His devotees,
Sai Sevak SrinivasaRao Kasturi
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Prayan of Sai Satcharitra
17th july 2008
Jai Sai Ram
Before going to USA, we will be going to Shirdi on 1st August. Mrs Gupta wants to spend her birthday on 2nd August with Baba. We will be in Shirdi till 5th evening. From 6th to 10th we will be in Bhopal. Some families will be with us and we have make a halt at Bhopal and hence Recitation of Sai Amrit Vani on 7th August will be held at Bhopal.
As picture tell more than what the words can not so I am again appended 13 photos of Baba and Leelas of Baba on this special pooja on Guru Poornima.
This Thursday Guru Poornima was celebrated and devotees tried to please Baba with their devotion. Baba does not disappoint any devotee. Many devotees had Udi on them during the recitation some had Udi in their books and some on the boxes of Bhog.
Due to Guru poornima , It was very crowded this week. It is only after many devotees leave, after taking the Prasad and Jal the real enjoyment comes. Devotees express their feelings, they share their experiences and talk about Baba.
This time again a piece of Bhog was there in the Bhiksha Patra of Baba. Similar Leela was also there last time and I sent the photo to the members.
I have already sent all the letters received for prayers and for the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani except the confidential ones, but they have been listed, for the sack of acknowledgement. The letters were in two lots. If you don’t find your letter in them or in the list, it might have gone along with the spam letters, which are also received in bulk quantity. Please write your letter/requests for prayers only on email id veena_gupta_ 2000@yahoo. com and to get the attention please write Sri Sai Amrit Vani also in the Subject. Mrs. Gupta prayed for all the devotees .
Sri Sai Amrit Vani started at 11:05 AM. So that we can have Noon Aartee, the same Aartee which is being recited in Shirdi, starts at 12:00 Hrs. followed by brief Meditation and the prayer, Due to Guru Poornima, Chapter 11 of Sai Satcharitra was read by Mrs Gupta. Mrs. Gupta offered prayers and thanks to Baba. Finally distribution of Prasad and the water from the Charans. A big and one small photo of Baba was also given to each devotee.
Next Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Prayan of Sri Sai Satcharitra on 24th July 2008 will again be held at Sidhartha Extension, New Delhi. Devotees interested in attending it in person may contact on phone nos. 26346942, 9868966605 or 9312494767 only after 11 AM and before 8 PM (IST) on any day except Thursdays and no calls on Thursdays PLEASE. They should NOT bring any bhog with them and be in time. Kids are also not allowed in the hall. Mobiles have to be put on silent mode during the Pooja. Please also bring a small bottle with broad neck for the holy water. (If devotees who join us in absentia, find it difficult to recite from 11 AM, they can do it, at any time, as convenient to them.)
Script of Sri Sai Amrit Vani in Hindi, Tamil, Telgu, Gujarati, English and Spanish are available at the file section of yahoogroup “mysaibaba20” ie http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/mysaibaba2 0 . Meaning of the wordings of Sri Sai Amrit Vani in English is also there in the file section.
Script in Hindi is also available at http://www.Saibaba. org/amrithvani. html .
Audio of Sri Sai Amrit Vani is available at the following web sites.
http://www.austinhi ndutemple. org/MP3/SaiAmrit vani1.mp3
http://www.austinhi ndutemple. org/MP3/SaiAmrit vani2.mp3
http://www.saimemor ial.com/Publicat ion.asp
http://www.saikrupa .org/sai_ amrit_vani. htm .
Audio of Sri Sai Amrit Vani, along with the English script is also available at
http://luistovarcar rillo.multiply. com/tag/sri% 20sai%20amrit% 20vani
and http://luistovarcar rillo.multiply. com/music/ item/136
Sai Amrit Vani along with many Bhajans and Aartees has also been made available in the eZine Audio section. This is on Page 4. The link is as under
http://ettitudemedi a.com/loadbook. php?BookName= EMagazineCurrent
This activity of Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Recitation of Sai Satcharitra will be in addition to any other pooja or sewa or prayer that you are doing.
Jai Sai Ram.
Ashok Gupta
Jai Sai Ram
Before going to USA, we will be going to Shirdi on 1st August. Mrs Gupta wants to spend her birthday on 2nd August with Baba. We will be in Shirdi till 5th evening. From 6th to 10th we will be in Bhopal. Some families will be with us and we have make a halt at Bhopal and hence Recitation of Sai Amrit Vani on 7th August will be held at Bhopal.
As picture tell more than what the words can not so I am again appended 13 photos of Baba and Leelas of Baba on this special pooja on Guru Poornima.
This Thursday Guru Poornima was celebrated and devotees tried to please Baba with their devotion. Baba does not disappoint any devotee. Many devotees had Udi on them during the recitation some had Udi in their books and some on the boxes of Bhog.
Due to Guru poornima , It was very crowded this week. It is only after many devotees leave, after taking the Prasad and Jal the real enjoyment comes. Devotees express their feelings, they share their experiences and talk about Baba.
This time again a piece of Bhog was there in the Bhiksha Patra of Baba. Similar Leela was also there last time and I sent the photo to the members.
I have already sent all the letters received for prayers and for the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani except the confidential ones, but they have been listed, for the sack of acknowledgement. The letters were in two lots. If you don’t find your letter in them or in the list, it might have gone along with the spam letters, which are also received in bulk quantity. Please write your letter/requests for prayers only on email id veena_gupta_ 2000@yahoo. com and to get the attention please write Sri Sai Amrit Vani also in the Subject. Mrs. Gupta prayed for all the devotees .
Sri Sai Amrit Vani started at 11:05 AM. So that we can have Noon Aartee, the same Aartee which is being recited in Shirdi, starts at 12:00 Hrs. followed by brief Meditation and the prayer, Due to Guru Poornima, Chapter 11 of Sai Satcharitra was read by Mrs Gupta. Mrs. Gupta offered prayers and thanks to Baba. Finally distribution of Prasad and the water from the Charans. A big and one small photo of Baba was also given to each devotee.
Next Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Prayan of Sri Sai Satcharitra on 24th July 2008 will again be held at Sidhartha Extension, New Delhi. Devotees interested in attending it in person may contact on phone nos. 26346942, 9868966605 or 9312494767 only after 11 AM and before 8 PM (IST) on any day except Thursdays and no calls on Thursdays PLEASE. They should NOT bring any bhog with them and be in time. Kids are also not allowed in the hall. Mobiles have to be put on silent mode during the Pooja. Please also bring a small bottle with broad neck for the holy water. (If devotees who join us in absentia, find it difficult to recite from 11 AM, they can do it, at any time, as convenient to them.)
Script of Sri Sai Amrit Vani in Hindi, Tamil, Telgu, Gujarati, English and Spanish are available at the file section of yahoogroup “mysaibaba20” ie http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/mysaibaba2 0 . Meaning of the wordings of Sri Sai Amrit Vani in English is also there in the file section.
Script in Hindi is also available at http://www.Saibaba. org/amrithvani. html .
Audio of Sri Sai Amrit Vani is available at the following web sites.
http://www.austinhi ndutemple. org/MP3/SaiAmrit vani1.mp3
http://www.austinhi ndutemple. org/MP3/SaiAmrit vani2.mp3
http://www.saimemor ial.com/Publicat ion.asp
http://www.saikrupa .org/sai_ amrit_vani. htm .
Audio of Sri Sai Amrit Vani, along with the English script is also available at
http://luistovarcar rillo.multiply. com/tag/sri% 20sai%20amrit% 20vani
and http://luistovarcar rillo.multiply. com/music/ item/136
Sai Amrit Vani along with many Bhajans and Aartees has also been made available in the eZine Audio section. This is on Page 4. The link is as under
http://ettitudemedi a.com/loadbook. php?BookName= EMagazineCurrent
This activity of Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Recitation of Sai Satcharitra will be in addition to any other pooja or sewa or prayer that you are doing.
Jai Sai Ram.
Ashok Gupta
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