Friday, November 30, 2007

Satsang The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 24-2007 now online in 3d page turning - New format


The latest Issue 24-2007 of “The Glory of Shirdi Sai” is now available in the 3d Page turning format.

The current issue is available at:

New features:

1. E- Zine Audio includes Sai Amrit Vani in MP3 format.

2. Information about Sai Amrit Vani. More Sai e-Books are also available at

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जै सैराम

Sai Sevak Srinivasa Rao Kasturi For Saidarbar – Hyderabad.

Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Prayan of Sai Leelamrit *

Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Prayan of Sai Leelamrit
29th Nov 2007
Jai Sai Ram
It was the usual Thursday with usual Leelas of Baba. Leelas are listed below.

Following devotees participated in absencia in the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani, Pooja, prayers to Baba ( Shirdi) and Prayan of Sri Sai Satcharitra by reciting Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places on 29th Nov 2007 (The list is sorted as per their email ids, to avoid duplications) . However Mrs. Gupta prayed for all the devotees. In this list only those devotees are included, who themselves recited or read Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places.

This Thursday the 29nd Nov 2007. we enjoyed the following Leelas of Baba (of Shirdi).

1. This Thursday, Udi started oozing from Saturday itself, as it was the birthday of Guru Nanak ji as well as mine. Udi was oozing from the two photos on the wall and Hindi words `RAM' `SHAM' and `OM', and figure of Trishool were formed with Udi on one photo. Udi was also oozing from the photo and statue in the mandir and also forming the words `RAM' , `SHAM' and `OM' on the photo from Saturday the 24th Nov.
2. This Thursday the Holy Water started oozing from the Charans from Thursday morning. A Thali was placed in the night of Wednesday itself, as water starts oozing from the early morning. Thali was emptied several times. The taste of water was similar to gulab jal and kewara mix. This water was also given to the devotees and again the Thali was filled with water.
3. Lap of Mrs. Gupta was filled with lots of Udi during the prayers.
4. Several devotees had Udi in the books of Sri Sai Amrit Vani and on themselves during the pooja.
5. On Thursday as soon as Bhog was offered, it was duly accepted by Baba. We noticed that the Bhog , which was placed before HIM was partially eaten. Part of Bhog was on the lips of photo and statue of Baba. Different items were there on lips in different photos. Parts of the remains in the box were given to the devotees who offered that item of bhog to Baba.
6. The feeling of Presence of Baba was very strong during the recitation of Sai Amrit Vani, Pooja and Prayer. Many devotees saw Baba walking through them. So many devotees having the same feeling. Is it not the Leela of Baba.
7. All the boxes of Bhog, which were kept on the table were blessed with Udi.
8. Many photos/statues and documents etc which were placed before Baba and same were blessed without any delay.

Jai Sai Ram
Sri Sai Amrit Vani started at 11:05 AM. Noon Aartee, the same Aartee which is being recited in Shirdi, started at 12:00 Hrs. followed by brief Meditation and the prayer, Prayan of Sri Sai Leelamrit Chapter 9 was done. Mrs. Gupta offered prayers and thanks to Baba. Finally distribution of Prasad and the water from the Charans. As usual some devotees talked about their experiences. Some devotee stayed for the lunch and some even after that.

Next Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Prayan of Sri Sai Satcharitra on 6th Dec will again be held at Sidhartha Extension, New Delhi. Devotees interested in attending it in person may contact on phone nos. 26346942, 9810714688 or 9312494767 only after 11 AM and before 8 PM (IST) on any day except Thursdays but no calls on Thursdays PLEASE. They should NOT bring any bhog with them and be in time. Kids are also not allowed in the hall. Mobiles have to be put on silent mode during the Pooja.

Now Sri Sai Amrit Vani is also available in Spanish Script besides Gujrati.

Scripts in Tamil , Devnagri (Hindi), English, Telugu and Gujrati are available in the file section of the yahoogroup. Links of Audio MP3 files are given in the link section of the home page of `mysaibaba20' yahoogroup. To go to home page of yahoogroup key in or click . Audio Mp3 file has also been made available in the publication section of , the site of Sai Memorial Temple of Baba of Lodhi Road, New Delhi.

This activity of Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Recitation of Sai Satcharitra/ Sai Leelamrit will be in addition to any other pooja or sewa or prayer that you are doing.

Jai Sai Ram.

Ashok Gupta

Wednesday, November 28, 2007



During the year 1991 I was trying for a good marriage alliance for my daughter but I could not succeed in this process. It was on 01-01-92 New Year's day morning I prayed Sri SAI BABA of SHIRIDI and asked for a message regarding the marriage of my daughter. I closed my eyes and opened a page in the SAI SATCHARITA written by Sri Nagesh Vasudev Gunaji. To my surprise it was page 241 chapter 47 and the message was "I told him not to worry about this, as the bridegroom himself would come seeking her". I was very happy as the message indicates marriage of my daughter will takes place in the year 1992. In the month of January 1992 One of my friends took the necessary details of my daughter so that he will give it to some known person for her marriage. On 17-02-1992 I received a phone call from someone who came from Visakhapatnam to seek my daughter's alliance. I was in dilemma and prayed Baba, Sri SAI BABA instantly answered my prayer and advised me to go ahead. The boy and their parents liked my daughter and on 20-02-1992, the marriage of my daughter was fixed. I felt Sri SAI has given a good bridegroom to my daughter. The marriage fixed on 10-05-1992 at 06.58 a.m. in Hyderabad. I prayed Baba to help me in the marriage activities and for the success of the marriage on 22-03-1992 in the afternoon sleep Sri SAI BABA appeared to me in the dream in the form of my Father (LATE SRI R.V.RAO) and promised me that he will help me in my daughters marriage and he will attend the marriage also. I was surprised how a dead person (my father) can attend the marriage and help me in the marriage. IN SAI SATCHARITA chapter 40 page 212 SRI SAI BABA says "I always to think about him for those who remembers me, I require no conveyance, i.e carriage, Tonga, (Horse drawn Cart) or an Aero plane. I run and manifest myself to him, who lovingly calls on me". I felt SRI SAI BABA might not attend the marriage of my daughter in the form of my father. SRI SAI says in the SAI SATCHARITA page 151 chapter 28 "I have no form nor any extension - I live Everywhere" SRI SAI BABA further told in chapter 40 page 213 "See, to keep my words I would even sacrifice my life, I would never be untrue to my words". I totally surrendered to SRI SAI BABA and started the marriage arrangements. In the month of March 1992 wedding cards were printed and as per the directions of SRI SAI I posted First card to Genesh Temple, Ranathambhor, Second card to Balaji Temple, Tirupathi, Third card to Sri Sai Baba in Shiridi. Then I posted five cards abroad and prayed Baba to see that at least one family from abroad attends the marriage. The day before the marriage I prayed Baba to help me in carrying out the necessary activities. On the day of marriage I was very busy in the morning and could not spare even five minutes time for reading the SAI SATCHARITA. I was having Ahamkar (Pride) that I can spare daily time for SATCHARITA PARAYANA. Sri Sai made me so much busy that I could not touch the SAI SATCHARITA on that day, and he removed my Ahamkar. I totally forgot Sri Sai in the marriage and I was talking to my friends and bridegroom's relatives. It was around 11.45 a.m. the Pandit of Bridegroom has come to me along with a Brahmin and asked me to give some Dakshina to the Brahmin. I thought the Brahmin must be his relative, and I gave Rs.21/- as Dakshina. Then the Brahmin was asking about food. The Pandit has sent him to dining hall to take the food along with other guests. In the dining hall I noticed that the Brahmin who took Dakshina from me was smiling towards me, I felt he may ask more money and so I left that place. I was completely occupied with the relatives and guest and did not even take the food till night. After the MUHARAT in the morning my well wisher who came to the marriage from U.S.A has offered the Break-fast and told. Had I not taken the breakfast it would have become FASTING day to me. SRI SAI is against fasting and he never allowed his devotees to observe fasting. (Ref.Chapter 32 page 173). In the night before I was going to bed I prayed Sri Sai Baba and conveyed my thanks to him for the success of the marriage. I felt Sri Sai Baba has not attended the marriage and it was Baba's breach of promise. Sri Sai has promised on 22-03-1992 that he will attend the marriage, if Sri Sai Baba attended the marriage in which form he attended? It was a question to me and I asked Sri Sai to kindly clear my doubts. Sri Sai Baba appeared to me in the dream in the form of Brahmin (who took Rs.21/- from me as Dakshina) and was smiling. I got up from my bed and stood in front of Sai's Photograph and blamed myself for not recognizing Sai who attended my daughter's marriage without fail. Next day to cross check I asked Bridegrooms Pandit about the Brahmin who took Rs.21/- as Dakshina from me. He informed that the Brahmin is a Stranger to him who happened to come to the marriage. I felt that STRANGER is none other than SAI.

Saibanisa Gopalarao Ravada (Sharing with Shirdi baba'sLove)
Ram Chugani

Satsang Baba Appears as an Old Man

Baba Appears as an Old Man
By R. Radhakrishnan

Lovely temple for Sai Baba has come up at Mekkudi, 18 km from Trichy on the Madurai route. It is built at a cost 65 lakhs and it can accommodate over 500 devotees for congregation. Kumbabhishekam took place on 24th and 25th October 2001.

On 25th October 2001 around 11 a.m., a tall bearded old man came to the temple. He was dressed poorly and was holding a bamboo stick of 7-ft height. His personality resembled Baba. On seeing him, my intuition prompted me that it is Sai Baba himself has come in that form. I received him with folded hands and made him sit on a vacant chair. I called Sai Bandhu K. V. Ramani and told him my feelings. He immediately took out an 'Anga Vastra' and bowed to him by placing it around the old man's neck. Then the old man pretended that his legs were paining and asked us whether Baba would alleviate his suffering. We affirmed that Baba would take care of everything. He then looked at Baba's idol and bowed to him. By then, my wife, a few devotees like Swaminathan came there and were quick to recognize the old man as Baba and prostrated before him.

The old man told us that he has kept some 'kanikai', which he will bring it next time. He also told us that he has been visiting this place since a long time and declared that this is a sanctified place and the devotees who come to this temple will be blessed and their problems would be automatically solved.

Then he received the prasad - sweet ?pongal'. He put it in his upper cloth and took leave of us. He walked back to the entrance holding the bamboo shaft for support. Sri Swaminathan escorted him and at the exit door offered him a ?dakshina' of Rs. 10/- with reverence.

Sai Baba appears in any form, at any time, at any place in the form of a fakir, Sadhu, dog, cat, pig etc., and blesses the devotees. We should be alert always to recognize Baba. If we are always thinking of him, then we would have his 'darshan' easily.

Wonder To
A holy man who lived at the outskirts of Bangalore was said to perform miracles, so his Ashram was a centre of pilgrimage for large crowds of people.

Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji, who was known to be quite uninterested in the miracles, would never reply to questions on this holy man. When asked point blank why he was opposed to miracles, Swamiji replied: "How can one be opposed to what is taking place before one's eyes each moment of the day?"

Some devotees asked Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji: "How shall we distinguish the true mystic from the false?" Swamiji asked a counter question: "How do you distinguish the true sleeper from the one who is feigning sleep?"
Devotee: "There is no way. Only the sleeper knows when he is feigning."
Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji just smiled. Later Swamiji said: "The feigning sleeper can delude others- he cannot delude himself. The false mystic, unfortunately, can delude both others and himself."

(Source Shri Sai Padananda April 2002)
This magazine and other books can be read at

Satsang A Lesson in Faith

A Lesson in Faith
By Sri Narasimha Swamiji

Chinna Kistna Saheb was very devoted to Vishnu from his boyhood. Even from his younger days, he used to sit for long in one asana (yogic posture) meditating on his chosen deity. This went on till, in his twenty-first year, (about 1910), he had three successive dream-visions in one night. At first he experienced his separation from his physical body and before him was the divine form of Lord Vishnu. A second time the same vision recurred but this time there was someone else standing beside him. Lord Vishnu pointed to that stranger and said, 'This Sai Baba of Shirdi is your man; you must resort to Him." In the third vision he again left his physical body and drifted in the air to some village.

There he saw someone and asked him for the name of the village and was told that it was Shirdi. Then he enquired whether there was a holy man by name Sai Baba in that village. The stranger led him to a mosque where Chinna Kistna saw Sai Baba seated leaning against its wall with his legs stretched before Him. On seeing Chinna Kistna, Sai Baba got up and said, "Do you take my darshan? I am your debtor. I must take your "darshan" and placed His head reverently on Chinna Kistna's feet. Then the vision ended. Though he saw Sai Baba's picture earlier, he never knew that Sai Baba's most characteristic manner of sitting was with His legs stretched out before Him. Shortly after, Chinna Kistna went to Shirdi to verify whether Baba was his destined Guru as the dream seemed to indicate. When he actually saw Baba, a doubt arose in his mind whether it would be proper to worship a man like Him.

At once Baba said, "What do you worship a man for?" The rebuff was keen and to the point. When nothing more happened to confirm his dream Chinna Kistna was a bit dissatisfied. Later, in the afternoon, when every other devotee retired to his room, Chinna Kistna made bold to visit Sai, though it was thought that no one should visit Baba at that hour. Baba, far from getting angry, beckoned to him. Chinna Kistna approached Him and bowed in reverence. At once Sai Baba hugged him with love and said, "You are my child. When others (i.e., strangers) are present, we (i.e., saints like Me) keep off the children." Thus was the man's dream confirmed.

On another afternoon Baba embraced him and said, "The key of my treasury is now placed in your hands. Ask anything you want." "Then Baba", said shrewd Chinna Kistna, "I want this. In this and in any future birth that may befall me, You should never part from me. You always be with me." Baba patted him joyously and said, 'Yes, I shall be with you, inside you and outside you, whatever you may be or do."

There is one instance to show how, when Chinna Kistna's heart was yielding to some other love, Baba asserted His monopoly over it. Many years later, Chinna Kistna's child died and his wife was disconsolate. With the dead child in his lap Chinna Kistna sat on with a grief-stricken heart. Baba at once appeared before him and said," Do you want me or the dead child? Choose! You cannot have both. If you want me to revive the child, I will; but then you will have Me no more with you. If you do not ask for the revival of this one, you will have several children in due course.' Then Chinna Kistna said that he wanted Him only. “Then do not grieve", Baba said and vanished.

Another confirmation of his earlier dream-vision that Chinna Kistna was Baba's man: When he visited a great saint of Poona named Sri Madhava Nath, on seeing Chinna Kistna, at once said, "You are Sai Baba's Man."

In 1912 Chinna Kistna visited Baba on the holy Guru Purnima day. Seeing other devotees offering garlands and other gifts to Baba he realized how unfortunate he was in that he did not remember to get any gift to the saint. At once Baba said to him, "All these are yours!", and He pointed at the bundle of garlands offered to Him by other devotees. Thereby Baba hinted that the heart's loving desire to offer is of greater value than a formal physical offering.
(Source Shri Sai Padananda April 2002)

This magazine and other books can be read at

Satsang The Source of Inspiration

The Source of Inspiration
By Justice T. N. Vallinayagam
Mr। Justice I N. Vallinayagam of the Karnataka High Court was with us on 15.1.1999 to release the booklet ‘Thus Spake Saipadananda' and we are pleased to publish excerpts from his speech in the form of an article.

- Editor
Religion exists for the uplift of humanity and is a path to Divinity। Fundamentally the basic principles of all religions are alike; but the base ego often perverts them for its own ends. The Vedas and works like those of Valmiki and Veda Vyasa, the former depicting the life' story of Lord Rama and the latter of Lord Krishna in the Mahabharata which inter alia contains the Bhagavad Geetha - the Divine Song - and a code of conduct for humanity in spiritual, moral and social spheres, are epics of which one could be justly proud. The great prophet Mohamed and Jesus Christ propagated religions of peace and universal love.

In Kali Yuga, politics and greed have deflected the Hindus from the teachings of the Vedas and Puranas; the Muslims from those of the Koran and Christian nations are claiming a desire to establish peace by war! India is in turmoil despite its proud culture and peace loving nature. Even nature has become violent and we hear of destructive floods and earthquakes.

For fifty years, the great Master Sai Baba of Shirdi disseminated by precept and example the religion of faith, truth and love to humanity, when he was in the mortal coil, and decades after his Mahasamadhi in 1918, his message has progressively rung louder throughout the length and breadth of India- and even beyond, thanks to the sincere and untiring labors of His apostles - Poojya Sri Narasimha Swamiji and Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji. As a humble devotee of Sai Baba, I am proud of his glory and grace.

Sai Baba was 'Parabrahma' but was humility incarnate. He would say: 'I am a servant of God." Many instances of His supreme mystic power and leelas could be cited, but he never paraded them and attributed everything to Allah and the Guru. There was no distinction with him of caste, class or creed and the Hindu would do his worship in the mosque along with Muslim and Parsi devotees and others who offered prayers in their own way. He never gave up 'Bhiksha' although after 1911 there were large offerings of fruits and sweets of which He took only little bits. He used to distribute fairly large amounts of money every day but spent nothing on Himself. Just before His last breath He took nine coins from his pocket and gave to Lakshmi.

He was an ocean of 'Premamrita' but people looked up to Him more for worldly benefits than spiritual. He once said that thousands had come to Him, but those who came for purely spiritual benefit could be counted on his fingers.

Our duty is to vow complete surrender of ourselves to Him and live our worldly life with as much detachment as possible, and with faith and love, be living examples of Universal Brotherhood. We have the ideals of Sri Narasimha Swamiji and Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji and may the Master in His unbounded Grace make us worthy of Him.

Rely on YourselfA disciple came riding on his camel to the tent of his Sufi Master. He dismounted and walked right into the tent, bowed low and said, "So great is my faith in God that I have left my camel outside untied, convinced that God protects the interests of those who love him."

"Go tie your camel, you fool!" said the Master. God cannot be bothered doing for you what you are perfectly capable of doing for yourself.
A devotee confessed his bad habit of repeating gossip. Smilingly, replied Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji: Repeating it would not be so bad if you did not
He advised to repeat Vishnu Sahasra Namam instead of indulging in gossip. To those devotees who were always asking for words of wisdom, Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji said, "Wisdom is not expressed in words. It reveals itself in action. But when he saw them plunge headlong into activity he laughed and said, "That is not action. That is Motion”

(Source Shri Sai Padananda April 1999)
This magazine and other books can be read at

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Satsang Power of Guru

Power of गुरु
(From the glorious life of थ्यगाराजा स्वामी )
By Dr. G. R. विजयकुमार

Compositions of Thyagaraja Swami are well known in all families in South India. Blessed with exceptional musical talent, Thyagaraja spurned fame and riches and devoted his life to Lord Ramachandra. His compositions have the capacity to instill devotion, joy and happiness in the hearts of all.

Thyagaraja was born as the third child to Brahmin parents, Rama Brahma and Shanta Devi, in 1767 at Thiruvayaru, near Thanjavur, in Tamil Nadu. The parents had prayed in the local Thyagaraja Temple and mother Shanta Devi had a divine darshan with the message: "I am pleased with your seva and bhakti. A great singer and a bhakta of Lord Rama will be born to you."

When the bhakta was born, Rama Brahma named him Thyagaraja, since he was born by the blessings of Thyagaraja. When he was five, his father began to teach him Telugu. Both parents also took him to Thyagaraja Mandir where the boy listened to kirtans. Often he would also join in the singing. The adult singers appreciated his sweet voice and singing style. Noticing his innate musical ability Rama Brahma arranged for him to learn music.

He became Shondi Venkataraman' s pupil. The Guru was a famous teacher at the royal court of Thanjavur. Thyagaraja studied sincerely. By the age of 16, he had mastered many aspects of music. He began to compose and sing kirtans on Lord Rama. Simultaneously, he studied Sanskrit. After obtaining the Guru's blessings, he returned home.

Thyagaraja never envisaged his musical abilities as a source of income. For this reason his elder brothers often quarreled with him. When 18, Thyagaraja married Parvati. Soon Thyagaraja's parents expired. Four years later Parvati too died. This increased Thyagaraja's detachment from the world. But at people's behest he re-married Parvati's sister Kamala. After marriage, Thyagaraja continued his deep devotion, singing Lord Rama's kirtans for hours at a time. This infuriated Jayesh, his eldest brother, who supported the household. Jayesh rebuked Thyagaraja saying that singing kirtans would not bring home food. How long could he support him and his wife?

Thyagaraja relinquished his father's property to him and retired to a hut away from the village. Thyagaraja comforted his wife: "Do not worry. In this isolated retreat, it will be even more joyous to offer devotion. Lord Rama is here to care for us. He may awaken us hungry but he will not lest us sleep so." Kamala had the grace not to demand perishable worldly objects from her husband, who was totally immersed in devotion.

Once, while Thyagaraja was engrossed in singing kirtans, a renunciate named Ramakrishnananda arrived on their doorstep. The couple welcomed him by offering the little fruit they had in store. Pleased by their service, he offered them a boon. Thyagaraja replied: "O Yogiraj! The stalwart renunciates never arrive without a purpose. All I ask is for a Guru - Mantra to cross 'Sansar’”. Ramakrishnananda commanded Thyagaraja: "Recite the Rama mantra ten million times and Lord Rama will redeem you."

Resolutely, Thyagaraja commenced chanting the Rama mantra, 125,000 times every day. When he was 38 years old, he completed the Rama mantra. By Lord Rama's grace, he attained Vachan Siddhi'. This meant that whatever he spoke would prove true. In addition, even in his sleep, while his lips remained closed, one could hear the incessant chanting of 'Rama, Rama'.

But a constant fear troubled him. By Vachan siddhi' one could not only do good to others, but curse them as well. What could be the outcome, he wondered, if an ugly incident arose and he cursed someone? He quickly held a yagna on completion of his japas. He offered back to Rama the Vachan ‘Siddhi' he had been granted. By renouncing this siddhi, he also remained true to the meaning of his name-Thyagaraj, King of Renunciation.

At that time, he heard a knock at the door. On opening it, he witnessed an unbelievable sight - a teenage form of Lord Rama, accompanied by Lakshman and the Rishi, Viswamitra. Transfixed on seeing his Lord, he forgot to welcome them. Divine rays emanating from Lord Rama entered Thyagaraja's body and soon the divine darshan ended. Only then did Thyagaraja come to his senses and repented for failing to welcome them. Deeply regretting this, the kirtans he composed thereafter, all pined for the Lord. These kirtans and his music spread his fame all over. People regarded him as a saintly personality and began to flock to his hut.

Sage Narada blessed him with a visit and gifted him 'Swavarnava Siddhi'. By this, his knowledge and musical talents improved markedly.

King Sharbhoj invited him to his court. But Thyagaraja refused saying: "Only Lord Rama's name plays on my tongue. Never will it sing praises of a king. The head which has bowed to Lord Rama will not bow to a king. By forsaking Lord Rama's seva, I will not adopt royal service. I only know Lord Rama's palace and if it is my good fortune, there I will go."

On receiving this message, the King did not get angry but, himself decided to visit Thyagaraja. When his elder brother Jayesh heard the news that Thyagaraja had refused to visit the court, he was infuriated, since he craved for the worldly riches which the king would have gifted Thyagaraja. He therefore grabbed Lord Rama's murti and flung it in the nearby river Kaveri. Loving this murti more than his own soul, Thyagaraja plunged into the river. People on the banks watched aghast. Thyagaraja swam to the bottom and somehow located the murti. Onlookers hailed him and scorned Jayesh.

Now old age had set in. He composed hundreds of kirtans dedicated to Lord Rama. His wife Kamala died. This deeply saddened Thyagaraja. Henceforth, his poems reflected this sorrow and lamentations for Kamala. He then renounced to become a sanyasi. Soon in 1847, he passed away and joined Lord Rama in Vaikunth.

Meditate on Om. Know this sacred syllable Om. You will know everything. You will attain the Highest Knowledge.
- स्वामीजी सिवानान्दा

(Source Shri Sai Padananda April 1999)
This magazine and other books can be read at

Monday, November 26, 2007

Satsang Destiny and Free Will

Destiny and Free Will
By Dr. H. Janardana Acharya
'There' is nothing greater than 'Vishnu Sahasra Namam'. Nothing else can give you in destroyable peace. Nothing can give you freedom from pain and agony except recitation of Vishnu Sahasra Namam at least once a day.
- Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji

Destiny and free will are synonymous. If the life phenomenon is a coin, the destiny is its obverse and the free-will its reverse. The relationship between them is as old and good as the relationship between the plant and the seed. Whether the destiny is the follower of free-will or otherwise is a never answerable question.

What is one today is due to the culmination of the play of one's freewill enacted yesterday, an yesterday that can be carried to an action. The product of the free will is called destiny or fate ('Adrishta'). Destiny is invisible but it is the product of one's own making and therefore one has the capacity to unmake it. The spool of destiny is wound by him and he himself would be able to unwind it.

The Sahasra Nama admits that the problem of fate and freewill is ponderous and formidable ('Gahano Guhaha'). However it clarifies the problem in ten words. The words 'Karanam Kaaranam Kartha Vikartha' say that He is the instrument and implement, He is the cause, He is the doer and He is the non-doer or undoer. In conclusion these words combine to say that it is the destiny's hand that is at work and that this phase of destiny in the phenomenon of life is un-understandable and unknowable.

But the seeker should not be discouraged. The reverse of the coin stamped ('Vyavasayah Vyavasthanah' etc,). It goads him to strive (Vyavasayah). His efforts will not go unobserved Nothing goes amiss in orderly dispensation and one's efforts will be rewarded (Sthanadah). The Dhruva is the final firm reassurance to the seeker that the destiny will run according to one's industry. It also illustrates the attainment of puranic Dharma whose persistent endeavor and final reach of Shimshumara Chakra, the pave of the universe are classically proverbial.

This son of mutual relationship between free will and destiny and the identity of them is the dispensation of His supreme wisdom which is clear to the saints of the caliber of His Holiness Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji.

What is this supreme wisdom?
We shall bury our past. Let us build our future not allowing the present (to slip away but making the best of the present. Now is our time, not tomorrow. [Keeping the classical Dhruva as our ideal, we shall hitch our wagon to the plot star and not minding the earth to which we are temporarily bound and pulled] shall try to reach the vault striving, striving and striving.

Permanent feature
The Lord Knows!
Keep on doing the good you can, though others receive the credit for it. What you do is your offering to the Lord. And none can deceive Him.

The Triple Secret
Do Tings go hard with you?
Persevere in doing your duty and also, pray to God: but in doing your duly be humble.
[If you have these three — Perseverance, prayer and humility. — It will, at last, be well with you!

Real Birthday
REAL BIRTHDAY is the day when the spiritual self emerges from beyond and overpowers the entire being from every side.
REAL BIRTHDAY is the day when divine virtues take birth with ourselves, and make us happy and peaceful
REAL BIRTHDAY is the day when old 'Samskaras' have died, giving birth to the religious zeal.

(Source Shri Sai Padananda April 1992)
This magazine and other books can be read at www.saileelas. org

Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Prayan of Sai Leelamrit *

Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Prayan of Sai Leelamrit
22nd Nov 2007
Jai Sai Ram
Due to the marriage season, it was expected that there are going to be less no. of devotees for the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani. However there were 5 devotee from different families from USA. There was slight deviation in the programme. Prayan of Sai Leelamrit was not done instead extracts from Sri Sai Satcharitra were read by Mrs. Gupta. This Thursday Baba blessed a Doctor devotee also with udi in the lap, in addition to Mrs Gupta.

Following devotees participated in absencia in the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani, Pooja, prayers to Baba ( Shirdi) and Prayan of Sri Sai Satcharitra by reciting Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places on 22nd Nov 2007 (The list is sorted as per their email ids, to avoid duplications) . However Mrs. Gupta prayed for all the devotees. In this list only those devotees are included, who themselves recited or read Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places.

This Thursday the 22nd Nov 2007. we enjoyed the following Leelas of Baba (of Shirdi).

1. Udi started oozing from Monday from the two photos on the wall and Hindi words `RAM' `SHAM' and `OM', and figure of Trishool were formed with Udi on one photo. Udi started oozing from the photo and statue in the mandir and also forming the words `RAM' , `SHAM' and `OM' on the photo from Wednesday .
2. This Thursday the Holy Water started oozing from the Charans from Thursday morning. A Thali was placed in the night itself, as water starts oozing from the early morning. Thali was emptied several times. The taste of water was similar to gulab jal and kewara mix. This water was also given to the devotees and again the Thali was filled with water.
3. Lap of Mrs. Gupta was filled with lots of Udi during the prayers. A doctor devotee was also blessed with Udi in her lap.
4. Several devotees had Udi in the books of Sri Sai Amrit Vani and on themselves during the pooja.
5. On Thursday as soon as Bhog was offered, it was duly accepted by Baba. We noticed that the Bhog , which was placed before HIM was partially eaten. Part of Bhog was on the lips of photo and statue of Baba. Different items were there on lips in different photos. Parts of the remains in the box were given to the devotees who offered that item of bhog to Baba.
6. The feeling of Presence of Baba was very strong during the recitation of Sai Amrit Vani, Pooja and Prayer.
7. All the boxes of Bhog, which were kept on the table were blessed with Udi.
8. Many photos/statues and documents etc were placed before Baba and same were blessed without any delay.

Jai Sai Ram

Sri Sai Amrit Vani started at 11:05 AM. Noon Aartee, the same Aartee which is being recited in Shirdi, started at 12:00 Hrs. followed by brief Meditation and the prayer, Prayan of extracts from Sri Sai Satcharitra was done instead of Sri Sai Leelamrit . Mrs. Gupta offered prayers and thanks to Baba. Finally distribution of Prasad and the water from the Charans. As usual some devotees talked about their experiences. Some devotee stayed for the lunch and some even after that.

Next Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Prayan of Sri Sai Satcharitra on 29th Nov will again be held at Sidhartha Extension, New Delhi. Devotees interested in attending it in person may contact on phone nos. 26346942, 9810714688 or 9312494767 only after 11 AM and before 8 PM (IST) on any day except Thursdays but no calls on Thursdays PLEASE. They should NOT bring any bhog with them and be in time. Kids are also not allowed in the hall. Mobiles have to be put on silent mode during the Pooja.

Now Sri Sai Amrit Vani is also available in Spanish Script besides Gujrati.

Scripts in Tamil , Devnagri (Hindi), English, Telugu and Gujrati are available in the file section of the yahoogroup. Links of Audio MP3 files are given in the link section of the home page of `mysaibaba20' yahoogroup. To go to home page of yahoogroup key in or click . Audio Mp3 file has also been made available in the publication section of http://saimemorial. com , the site of Sai Memorial Temple of Baba of Lodhi Road, New Delhi.

This activity of Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Recitation of Sai Satcharitra/ Sai Leelamrit will be in addition to any other pooja or sewa or prayer that you are doing.

Jai Sai Ram.

Ashok Gupta

Baba's Remarkable Yoga Practices

Sai Baba's all embracing kindness and omnipresence was well known to all his devotees.Sai Baba was an exceptional Yogi. He had achieved great prowess in various Yogic actions right in his childhood. Exactly how much excellence he had attainted no one knew. He used to cure people of various ailments and yet he never accepted any payments in return. People came to him from far corners of the country for these Yogic cures. Poor people who were suffering from serious ailments and who had heard of his miraculous curative powers used to come to Baba and get cured. As a consequence of his ability to take upon himself the pain and sufferings of others he faced tremendous difficulties and suffered unimaginable pain. One particular instance is cited in Sai Satcharitra as evidence of this aspect of Baba's love for humanity. Once on Deepawali Baba was sitting beside his Dhuni and while enjoying the warmth of the bonfire he was feeding the Dhuni with firewood.
The flames were getting bigger and brighter. Suddenly Baba put his hand in the fire instead of firewood. His hand was badly scorched. Madhav the servant and Madhav Rao Deshpande when they realized what Baba was doing ran to Baba and forcibly pulled him away from the fire. Madhav Rao asked Baba, "Deva, why did you do this?" Baba replied "A short distance from here a blacksmith's wife was busily working the bellows at the smithy when her husband called out to her. She quickly ran to her husband leaving the baby near the fire. When she was away accidentally the baby fell into the fire. Promptly I put my hand into the fire and rescued the baby. I am not sorry that my hand is burnt but I am very happy that I saved the live of an innocent baby."When Nana Saheb Chandorkar learnt that Baba had burnt his hand he immediately sent Dr. Parmanand with necessary medicines. Dr. Parmanand requested Baba to permit him to dress his wound but Baba refused. Bhagoji Shinde - a devotee who was suffering from Leprosy was allowed to dress Baba's burnt hand.
Everyday, Bhagoji would rub ghee on the wound, place a leaf on it and then tie a tight bandage. Chandorkar repeatedly begged Baba to get the burn examined by doctors and take proper treatment but Baba would not agree. When Dr. Parmanand begged him to let him treat the wound Baba brushed him aside saying "Allah alone is my doctor". Bhagoji continued to nurse the hand till Baba took Samadhi. In truth Baba did not require this nursing but he let Bhagoji serve him - such was Baba's love and such his way of granting grace to his devotees.Baba used to perform wondrous 'Leelas'. There is a specially endearing one about Baby Khaparde. Dada Saheb Khaparde's (of Amrawati) wife had been staying at Shirdi with her younger son. The child had caught plague, was running high fever and had swollen glands. Mrs. Khaparde was extremely worried and decided to go back to Amrawati. That evening when Baba was passing by 'Vada' (now Samadhi Mandir), in the course of his evening walk Mrs. Khaparde went to Baba and said in a tremulous voice, "Baba my son is suffering from plague hence I want to go back home". Baba, in a very affectionate tone said to her "the sky is over cast, when the clouds disperse there will be light again", saying this to Mrs. Khaparde he lifted his Kafani and all present saw the four egg size swollen glands. Baba said, "see how I suffer for my Devotees! Their sufferings are mine".Baba's heart was full of compassion for his Devotees. He loved them as his own children and took their pain and sufferings upon himself.