Wednesday, February 15, 2006

"Spiritual Diary"

"Spiritual Diary"


One secret of progress is self-analysis. Introspection is a mirror in which to see recesses of your mind that otherwise would remain hidden from you. Diagnose your failures and sort out your good and bad tendencies. Analyze what you are, what you wish to become, and what shortcomings are impeding you. - Sri Paramahansa Yogananda "The Law of Success"


How to use this spiritual Diary

This Diary is intended as a daily guide to spiritual thinking, the foundation of spiritual living. Each morning read the thought for the day. Then sit quietly and meditate upon the thought to absorb its meaning. Ponder its application in your own life. Strive to attune your mind to the deep spiritual perception and vitality that brought these words into manifestation.
                During the day recall the thought as often as you can: repeat it mentally with deep concentration: or repeat it aloud, if circumstances permit. Strive in as many ways as you can to make that idea work for you and others ina practical way.
                At night before retiring, mentally repeat the thought again, and record in the separate note some of your own spiritual observations and self-analysis.
                By deeply dwelling on the truths contained in this Diary and by striving to practise the message each thought contains, you will find your consciousness and your daily life subtly transformed. Right thoughts are the springboard of right action; right action leads to inner peace and lasting happiness, and to the gradual unfoldment of your own Self-realization

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