108 Names of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba
The Garland of One Hundred and Eight Names of the Venerable Shirdi Sai
1. Om Srii Saaii naathaaya Namah.
Om, to the Venerable Lord Sai, prostration !
Om, to the Venerable Lord Sai, prostration !
2. Om Laksmiinaaraayanaaya Namah.
Om, to (Vishnu as the Sleeping God lying on waters in the interval between destruction and re-manifestation of universes) Narayana (accompanied by the Goddess of Wealth)L akshmi, prostration !
Om, to (Vishnu as the Sleeping God lying on waters in the interval between destruction and re-manifestation of universes) Narayana (accompanied by the Goddess of Wealth)L akshmi, prostration !
3. Om Krishna-Raama-Shiva-Maaruty'aadi-ruupaaya Namah.
Om, to Him whose forms Krishna and Rama, Hanuman the son of wind and so on are, prostration !
Om, to Him whose forms Krishna and Rama, Hanuman the son of wind and so on are, prostration !
4. Om Sheshashaayine Namah.
Om, to Vishnu (in his aforementionned form) laying on Shesha (Divine Serpent), prostration !
Om, to Vishnu (in his aforementionned form) laying on Shesha (Divine Serpent), prostration !
5. Om Godaavarii-tata-shiiladhii-vaasiine Namah.
Om, to who has His abode near the shores of(the Holy river) Godavari, prostration!
Om, to who has His abode near the shores of(the Holy river) Godavari, prostration!
6. Om Bhakta-hridaalayaaya Namah.
Om, to Him whose seat (His) devotees' hearts are, prostration!
Om, to Him whose seat (His) devotees' hearts are, prostration!
7. Om Sarva-hrinnilayaaya Namah.
Om, to Him whose abode the hearts of all (beings) are, prostration!
Om, to Him whose abode the hearts of all (beings) are, prostration!
8. Om Bhuutaavaasaaya Namah.
Om, to Him in whom the beings dwell, prostration!
Om, to Him in whom the beings dwell, prostration!
9. Om Bhuuta bhavishyad-bhaava-varjitaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who is bereft of past, future and present, prostration!
Om, to Him who is bereft of past, future and present, prostration!
10. Om Kaalaatiitaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who transcends time (and death) prostration !
Om, to Him who transcends time (and death) prostration !
11. Om Kaalaaya Namah.
Om, to (Krishna in his cosmic aspect shown to Arjuna in the Bhagavadgita) who is Time, prostration !
Om, to (Krishna in his cosmic aspect shown to Arjuna in the Bhagavadgita) who is Time, prostration !
12. Om Kaalakaalaaya Namah.
Om, to (Shiva as Savior of His devotee Markandeya menaced by Yama) the Death of Time, prostration !
Om, to (Shiva as Savior of His devotee Markandeya menaced by Yama) the Death of Time, prostration !
13. Om Kaala-darpa-damanaaya Namah.
Om, to (Shiva in His aforementionned form) the Subduer of the pride of Time, prostration !
Om, to (Shiva in His aforementionned form) the Subduer of the pride of Time, prostration !
14. Om Mrityunjayaaya Namah.
Om, to (Shiva in His aforementionned form) the Death-winner, prostration !
Om, to (Shiva in His aforementionned form) the Death-winner, prostration !
15. Om Amartyaaya Namah.
Om, to the Deathless One, prostration !
Om, to the Deathless One, prostration !
16. Om Martyaabhaya-pradaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who gives mortals immortality, prostration !
Om, to Him who gives mortals immortality, prostration !
17. Om Jeevaadhaaraaya Namah.
Om, to Him who sustains the living (beings), prostration !
Om, to Him who sustains the living (beings), prostration !
18. Om Sarvaadhaaraaya Namah.
Om, to Him sustains all, prostration !
19. Om Bhaktaavana-samarthaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who has the power to protect His devotees, prostration !
Om, to Him sustains all, prostration !
19. Om Bhaktaavana-samarthaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who has the power to protect His devotees, prostration !
20. Om Bhaktaavana-pratijnaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who promises to grant favors to (His) devotees, prostration !
Om, to Him who promises to grant favors to (His) devotees, prostration !
21. Om Anna-vastra-daaya Namah.
Om, to Him who grants food and clothing, prostration !
Om, to Him who grants food and clothing, prostration !
22. Om Arogya-kshema-daaya Namah.
Om, to Him who grants health and patience, prostration !
Om, to Him who grants health and patience, prostration !
23. Om Dhana-maangalya-pradaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who freely gives wealth and fortune, prostration !
Om, to Him who freely gives wealth and fortune, prostration !
24. Om Riddhi-siddhi-daaya Namah.
Om, to Him who grants (yogic)powers and realization, prostration !
Om, to Him who grants (yogic)powers and realization, prostration !
25. Om Putra-mitra-kalatra-bandhu-daaya Namah.
Om, to Him who grants sons, friends, wives and kin, prostration !
Om, to Him who grants sons, friends, wives and kin, prostration !
26. Om Yoga-kshema-vahaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who brings forth yogic accomplishment, prostration !
Om, to Him who brings forth yogic accomplishment, prostration !
27. Om Aapad-baandhavaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who washes away misfortunes, prostration !
Om, to Him who washes away misfortunes, prostration !
28. Om Maarga-bandhave Namah.
Om, to (Shiva as sung in a celebrated hymn by the mystic, philospher, and literate Appayya Dikshita) the Friend along the path, prostration !
Om, to (Shiva as sung in a celebrated hymn by the mystic, philospher, and literate Appayya Dikshita) the Friend along the path, prostration !
29. Om Bhukti-mukti-swargaapavarga-daaya Namah.
Om, to Him who grants fruitions, liberation, heaven and abandonment of rebirth, prostration !
Om, to Him who grants fruitions, liberation, heaven and abandonment of rebirth, prostration !
30. Om Priyaaya Namah.
Om, to the Beloved One, prostration !
Om, to the Beloved One, prostration !
31. Om Priiti-vardhanaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who increases love, prostration !
32. Om Antaryaamine Namah.
Om, to (the Absolute as Paramatman, the Supreme Self) the Inner Ruler, prostration !
Om, to Him who increases love, prostration !
32. Om Antaryaamine Namah.
Om, to (the Absolute as Paramatman, the Supreme Self) the Inner Ruler, prostration !
33. Om Saccidaatmane Namah.
Om, to (Paramatman) who self Being and Consciousness are, prostration !
Om, to (Paramatman) who self Being and Consciousness are, prostration !
34. Om Nityaanandaaya Namah.
Om, to (Paramatman) who is Eternal Bliss, prostration !
Om, to (Paramatman) who is Eternal Bliss, prostration !
35. Om Parama-sukha-daaya Namah.
Om, to Him who grants supreme ease, prostration !
Om, to Him who grants supreme ease, prostration !
36. Om Parameshvaraaya Namah.
Om, to (Paramatman) the Supreme Lord, prostration !
Om, to (Paramatman) the Supreme Lord, prostration !
37. Om Parabrahmane Namah.
Om, to (Paramatman) the Supreme Brahman, prostration !
Om, to (Paramatman) the Supreme Brahman, prostration !
38. Om Paramaatmane Namah.
Om, to the Supreme Self, prostration !
Om, to the Supreme Self, prostration !
39. Om Jnaana-svaruupine Namah.
Om, to (Paramatman) whose nature very nature gnosis is, prostration !
Om, to (Paramatman) whose nature very nature gnosis is, prostration !
40. Om Jagatah pitre Namah.
Om, to (Brahma) the Father of the universe, prostration !
Om, to (Brahma) the Father of the universe, prostration !
41. Om Bhaktaanaam maatri dhatri pitaamahaaya Namah.
Om, to (Brahma) who is a mother for (His) devotees, the Bearer (of universe) and the Great Sire, prostration !
Om, to (Brahma) who is a mother for (His) devotees, the Bearer (of universe) and the Great Sire, prostration !
42. Om Bhaktaabhaya-pradaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who freely gives to (His) devotees fearlessness, prostration !
Om, to Him who freely gives to (His) devotees fearlessness, prostration !
43. Om Bhakta-paraadiinaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who cares for (His) devotees, prostration !
Om, to Him who cares for (His) devotees, prostration !
44. Om Bhaktaanugraha-kaataraaya Namah.
Om, to Him who is very gracious to (His) devotees, prostration !
Om, to Him who is very gracious to (His) devotees, prostration !
45. Om Sharanaagata-vatsalaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who loves those who seek refuge (in Him), prostration !
Om, to Him who loves those who seek refuge (in Him), prostration !
46. Om Bhakti-shakti-pradaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who freely gives devotion and power, prostration !
Om, to Him who freely gives devotion and power, prostration !
47. Om Jnaana-vairaagya-daaya Namah.
Om, to Him who grants gnosis and detachment, prostration !
Om, to Him who grants gnosis and detachment, prostration !
48. Om Prema-pradaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who freely gives love, prostration !
Om, to Him who freely gives love, prostration !
49. Om Samshaya-hridaya-daurbalya-paapakarma-vaasanaa-kshaya-karaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who causes obliteration of doubts, heart feebleness, sins, karman( of present and past lives) and the traces (thereof), prostration !
Om, to Him who causes obliteration of doubts, heart feebleness, sins, karman( of present and past lives) and the traces (thereof), prostration !
50. Om Hridaya-granthi-bhedakaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who cuts off the heart knot (Upanishadic metaphor for ultimate realization), prostration !
Om, to Him who cuts off the heart knot (Upanishadic metaphor for ultimate realization), prostration !
51. Om Karma-dhvamsine Namah.
Om, to the Destroyer of karman (of present and past lives), prostration !
Om, to the Destroyer of karman (of present and past lives), prostration !
52. Om Shuddha-sattvasthitaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who stays in pure minds, prostration !
Om, to Him who stays in pure minds, prostration !
53. Om Gunaatiita-gunaatmane Namah.
Om, to (paramatman) who transcents attributes and (yet) is the very self of attributes, prostration !
Om, to (paramatman) who transcents attributes and (yet) is the very self of attributes, prostration !
54. Om Ananta-kalyaana-gunaaya Namah.
Om, to (Vishnu as worshipped by the Pancaratra tradition) who is possessed of infinite auspicious attributes, prostration !
Om, to (Vishnu as worshipped by the Pancaratra tradition) who is possessed of infinite auspicious attributes, prostration !
55. Om Amita-paraakramaaya Namah.
Om, to Him whose strength is unmeasureable, prostration !
Om, to Him whose strength is unmeasureable, prostration !
56. Om Jayine Namah.
Om, to the Conqueror, prostration !
Om, to the Conqueror, prostration !
57. Om Durdharsha kshobhyaaya Namah.
Om, to the Unconquerable and Unshakable One, prostration !
Om, to the Unconquerable and Unshakable One, prostration !
58. Om Aparaajitaaya Namah.
Om, to the Invincible One, prostration !
Om, to the Invincible One, prostration !
59. Om Trilokeshu avighaatha-gataye Namah.
Om, to (Vishnu in His descent in the world as the Brahmin dwarf, Vamana) whose going in unimpeded in the three worlds (earth, intermediate space, and heaven), prostration !
Om, to (Vishnu in His descent in the world as the Brahmin dwarf, Vamana) whose going in unimpeded in the three worlds (earth, intermediate space, and heaven), prostration !
60. Om Ashakya-rahitaaya Namah.
Om, to Him for whom nothing is impossible, prostration !
Om, to Him for whom nothing is impossible, prostration !
61. Om Sarva-shakti-muurtaye Namah.
Om, to Him who is All-Powerful, prostration !
Om, to Him who is All-Powerful, prostration !
62. Om Suruupa-sundaraaya Namah.
Om, to the Handsome and Beautiful One, prostration !
Om, to the Handsome and Beautiful One, prostration !
63. Om Sulocanaaya Namah.
Om, to Him with beautiful eyes, prostration !
Om, to Him with beautiful eyes, prostration !
64. Om Bahu ruupa vishva muurtaye Namah.
Om, to Him of many shapes, having all forms, prostration !
Om, to Him of many shapes, having all forms, prostration !
65. Om Aruupaavyaktaaya Namah.
Om, to (Paramatman) the Formless and Unmanifest One, prostration !
Om, to (Paramatman) the Formless and Unmanifest One, prostration !
66. Om Acintyaaya Namah.
Om, to (Paramatman) the Unthinkabale One, prostration !
Om, to (Paramatman) the Unthinkabale One, prostration !
67. Om Suukshmaaya Namah.
Om, to (Paramatman) the Subtle One, prostration !
Om, to (Paramatman) the Subtle One, prostration !
68. Om Sarvaantaryaamine Namah.
Om, to (Paramatman) who is everybody's Inner Ruler, prostration !
Om, to (Paramatman) who is everybody's Inner Ruler, prostration !
69. Om Manovaagatiitaaya Namah.
Om, to (Paramatman) who transcends mind and speech, prostration !
Om, to (Paramatman) who transcends mind and speech, prostration !
70. Om Prema-muurtaye Namah.
Om, to Him whose face Love (as the ultimate mystic experience) is, prostration !
Om, to Him whose face Love (as the ultimate mystic experience) is, prostration !
71. Om Sulabha-durlabhaaya Namah.
Om, to Him easy to reach (yet) difficult to approach, prostration !
Om, to Him easy to reach (yet) difficult to approach, prostration !
72. Om Asahaaya sahaayaaya Namah.
Om, the Helper of the Helpless, prostration !
Om, the Helper of the Helpless, prostration !
73. Om Anaathanaatha-diina-bandhave Namah.
Om, to the Protector of those without protector, the Friend of the poor, prostration !
Om, to the Protector of those without protector, the Friend of the poor, prostration !
74. Om Sarva-bhaara-bhrite Namah.
Om, to Him who takes upon Himself everyone's burden, prostration !
Om, to Him who takes upon Himself everyone's burden, prostration !
75. Om Akarmaaneka-karma-sukarmine Namah.
Om, to Him who well accomplishes the unsavory tasks, prostration !
Om, to Him who well accomplishes the unsavory tasks, prostration !
76 Om Punya-shravana-kiirtanaaya Namah.
Om, to Him the hearing of whose glorification is purifying, prostration !
Om, to Him the hearing of whose glorification is purifying, prostration !
77 Om Tiirthaaya Namah.
Om, to the (holy) Ford, prostration !
Om, to the (holy) Ford, prostration !
78 Om Vaasudevaaya Namah.
Om, to (Krishna) Vasudeva's Son, prostration !
Om, to (Krishna) Vasudeva's Son, prostration !
79. Om Sataangataye Namah.
Om, to the Ultimate Resort of the good, prostration !
Om, to the Ultimate Resort of the good, prostration !
80. Om Satparaayanaaya Namah.
Om, to the Final End of the good, prostration !
Om, to the Final End of the good, prostration !
81. Om Lokanaathaaya Namah.
Om, to the Lord of the worlds, prostration !
Om, to the Lord of the worlds, prostration !
82 Om Paavanaanaghaaya Namah.
Om, to the Purifier Immaculate, prostration !
Om, to the Purifier Immaculate, prostration !
83. Om Amritaamshave Namah.
Om, to (the Moon identified with Holy Plant Soma) whose filaments give forth the juice of immortality, prostration !
Om, to (the Moon identified with Holy Plant Soma) whose filaments give forth the juice of immortality, prostration !
84. Om Bhaaskara-prabhaaya Namah.
Om, to the Sun of shining halo, prostration !
Om, to the Sun of shining halo, prostration !
85. Om Brahmacarya-tapascaryaadi-suvrataaya Namah.
Om, to Him whose vows are chastity, asceticism and so on, prostration !
Om, to Him whose vows are chastity, asceticism and so on, prostration !
86. Om Satya-dharma-paraayanaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who is the ultimate resort of truthfulness, prostration !
Om, to Him who is the ultimate resort of truthfulness, prostration !
87. Om Siddheshvaraaya Namah.
Om, to Shiva of Yogic powers, prostration !
Om, to Shiva of Yogic powers, prostration !
88 Om Siddha-sankalpaaya-Namah.
Om, to the Lord of the Realized Ones (the immortal yogin Dattatreya), prostration !
Om, to the Lord of the Realized Ones (the immortal yogin Dattatreya), prostration !
89. Om Yogeshvaraaya Namah.
Om, to (Shiva) the Lord of Yoga, prostration !
Om, to (Shiva) the Lord of Yoga, prostration !
90. Om Bhagavate Namah.
Om, to the Possessor of Divine Glory, prostration !
Om, to the Possessor of Divine Glory, prostration !
91. Om Bhakta-vatsalaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who loves His devotees, prostration !
Om, to Him who loves His devotees, prostration !
92. Om Satpurushaaya Namah.
Om, to the True Male (purusa), prostration !
Om, to the True Male (purusa), prostration !
93. Om Purushottamaaya Namah.
Om, to the Best among Men, prostration !
Om, to the Best among Men, prostration !
94. Om Satya-tattva-bodhakaaya Namah.
Om, to (the Guru) who awakens (His disciples) to the Principles of Reality, prostration !
Om, to (the Guru) who awakens (His disciples) to the Principles of Reality, prostration !
95. Om Kaamaadi-shad-vairi-dhvamsine Namah.
Om, to the Destroyer of the Six Foes beginning with Desire (Desire, Anger, Greed, Hatred, Pride, and Envy), prostration !
Om, to the Destroyer of the Six Foes beginning with Desire (Desire, Anger, Greed, Hatred, Pride, and Envy), prostration !
96 Om Abhed-aanandaanubhava-pradaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who freely gives the actual experience of Undivided Bliss, prostration !
Om, to Him who freely gives the actual experience of Undivided Bliss, prostration !
97. Om Sama-sarva-mata-sammataaya Namah.
Om, to (the Sai himself, here presented in a characteristic feature of His teaching) who approves all religious persuasions as equal, prostration !
Om, to (the Sai himself, here presented in a characteristic feature of His teaching) who approves all religious persuasions as equal, prostration !
98. Om Shrii dakshinaa-muurtaye Namah.
Om, to the Venerable (Shiva as the Teacher of Absolute Truth through silence) with His face to the South(the direction of Death, as identified with one of the Fires in the Vedic sacrifice), prostration !
Om, to the Venerable (Shiva as the Teacher of Absolute Truth through silence) with His face to the South(the direction of Death, as identified with one of the Fires in the Vedic sacrifice), prostration !
99. Om Shrii venkatesha ramanaaya Namah.
Om, to Ramana, the Lord of Venkata Hill, prostration !
Om, to Ramana, the Lord of Venkata Hill, prostration !
100. Om Adbhutaananta-caryaaya Namah.
Om, to Him of wonderful and blissful deeds, prostration !
Om, to Him of wonderful and blissful deeds, prostration !
101. Om Prapannaarti-haraaya Namah.
Om, to Him who takes away the pains of those who yield themselves (to Him), prostration !
Om, to Him who takes away the pains of those who yield themselves (to Him), prostration !
102. Om Samsaara-sarva-duhkha-kshaya-karaaya Namah.
Om, to the Cause of the obliteration of every suffering of the Round of Rebirth, prostration !
Om, to the Cause of the obliteration of every suffering of the Round of Rebirth, prostration !
103. Om Sarvavit-sarvato-mukhaaya Namah.
Om, to the Omniscient One, whose face is turned everywhere, prostration !
Om, to the Omniscient One, whose face is turned everywhere, prostration !
104. Om Sarvaantar-bahih-sthitaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who stays inside and outside all(beings), prostration !
Om, to Him who stays inside and outside all(beings), prostration !
105. Om Sarva-mangala-karaaya Namah.
Om, to the Cause of all auspiciousness, prostration !
Om, to the Cause of all auspiciousness, prostration !
106. Om Sarvaabhiista-pradaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who freely gives all things wished for, prostration !
Om, to Him who freely gives all things wished for, prostration !
107. Om Samarasa-sanmaarga-sthaapanaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who consolidates the Truth Path along which all experience (for the mystic) has the same taste, prostration !
Om, to Him who consolidates the Truth Path along which all experience (for the mystic) has the same taste, prostration !
108. Om Shrii samartha sadguru Saaii naathaaya Namah.
Om, to the Venerable Efficacious True Guru, the Lord Sai, prostration !
Om, to the Venerable Efficacious True Guru, the Lord Sai, prostration !
Shrii Sadguru Sai Naatha Mahaaraaja kii Jaya!
Hail Shri Sainath Maharaj, the Supreme Guru
Hail Shri Sainath Maharaj, the Supreme Guru
Shrii Guru Kii Jaya!
Hail the Guru!
Hail the Guru!
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