Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Satsang Thought for the day

A Brahmin, when rebuked by his wife to earn something for
the livelihood, finally decided to go to the city and try his luck.
Since there was a fight between the husband and wife, the brahmin,
left immediatly, in the night and reached the river. As he knew, the
boat man will come in the morning, he waited at the bank of the
river, for the sun to rise. In the dark, he touched a heap of pebbles.
To kill time, he took a pebble and threw it into the river, enjoyed
the splash, and picked up another pebble. And whole night he
threw pebbles into the river and killed his time, waiting for
the boatman.
The sun rose, and the golden rays touched the again-virgin earth.

The Brahmin was about the throw the last pebble into the river,
when the Sun spread its light as if Mother Gayatri would have
removed the darkness of mind and filled it with the bright light of
Knowledge and wisdom.He suddenly saw, the pebbles, which he
was throwing into the river, were actually priceless diamonds.
He saw the last diamond in his hand and wept," Oh ! foolish me!
I threw all the diamonds in the river, i could have been more
patient, at least could have waited for the Sunrise.
We are all like that Brahmin, wasting the diamonds in the river

in the darkness. The moments, we are wasting in killing time,
are precious moments of our life,a breath of which could
change our life and bring us into richness of life, but ignorantly
we are wasting them.
At least, we can grasp the last diamond !!
And this is the moment!!


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