Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Sai's Ankita Child!

In January 1968, I had the rare chance of accompanying the
pilgrimage party organised by All India Sai Samaj, which was
bound for Shirdi, en-route, I had the good luck and unique
experience of visiting Bhadrachalam, Mantralayam and Pandarpur.

At Shirdi, my meeting with Sri M.B. Rege of Indore was
memorable. He was an amiable, kind hearted, soft spoken
gentleman who was then though eighty plus, beamed with the
enthusiasm of a youth, while narrating his memories of his
Master and Mentor, Sri Sadguru Maharaj. He was one of the
chosen few who sat at the feet of the Saint of Shirdi and
bathed in His Divine Grace and drank the 'amrit' of His
benign blessings in plenty.

I had two sessions of intimate and fruitful talks with him during
which I imbibed his inspiration born out of his experiences
with the holy presence of Sri Sainath, which enabled me to
have a glimpse of the ineffable range and depth of the Sidda
Purusha's Life and Mission.

The words which flowed from the pure and sincere heart of
Sri Rege, had such a magical potency and power of Sathya
that I almost had Baba's darshan for a fleeting second and
invoking His blessings, could present a convincing and
cogent pen picture of the Great Master, in my serial entitled

'Aalaya Darisanam' which I subsequently wrote in Ananta
Vikatan week after week. Sri Rege's immense capacity to
recall the many incidents in vivid details, and narrate them
with an undercurrent of emotional involvement, and spiritual
commitment, completely surrendering his ego at the feet of

the Master, influenced me deeply and as though transformed
to those enviable days, I could record with unmistakable
authenticity, Sri Baba's daily routine, His endearing
mannerisms, the soothing manner of His comments, the
sweetness of His words, the charm of His smile, and the
grace of His eyes.

(to be contd....)
Chennai-600 017.
(Courtesy: Sai Sudha, Golden Jubilee Issue - June 1990,

All India Sai Samaj (Regd), Chennai-600004, India)

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