Friday, July 21, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA. by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swami ji

211. Om Ekyanandhagathadhvandhvaya Namaha
who rejoices in realising Unity and is devoid Duality.

212. Om Ikyanandhavidhayakaya Namaha
is devoid of Duality.

213. Om Ikyakruthe Namaha
who achieves Unity (and Merger).

214. Om Ikyabhuthathmane Namaha
who has identified his self with all creatures. ,

215. Om Ihikamushmikapradhaya Namaha
who bestows blessings here and for the life after

216. Om Omkaradharaya Namaha
who has regard for Pranava (OM).

217. Om Ojasvine Namaha
who is effulgent.

218. Om Aousadhlkruthabhasmadhaya Namaha
whose udhi (sacred ashes) work cures like medicines.

219. Om Kathakirthanapadhdhathyam naradhanustitham
sthuvathe Namaha
who praises the practice adopted by Narada in performing


220. Om Kapardheklesanasine Namaha
who removed the cares and anxieties of G.S. Khaparde.

221. Om Kabhirdhasavatharakaya Namaha
who is the avatar of Kabirdas.

222. Om Kapardhe puthraraksarthamanubhuthathadhamayaya
who to cure the plague of G.S. Khaparde's son drew the Plague

on to his own body.

223. Om Kamalaslistapadhabhjaya Namaha
who is worshipped by the Goddess of wealth.

224. Om Kamalayathalochanaya Namaha
with broad lotus-like eyes.

225. Om Kandharpadharpavidhvamsine Namaha
who humbles the pride of cupid.

(to be contd....)

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