Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Satsang Chapter 36 :Sri_Sai_Sat_Charitra_Concise(Version)

Om Shree Ganeshaya Namah
Om Sai Ram
Chapter 36:::
Gentlemen from Goa, Mrs. Aurangabadar.

Two gentlemen from Goa came to masjid. When Baba sought
dakshina from one person he refused the dakshina volunteered
by the other. Then he said that once he was very poor and prayed
to God that if he got a job he would give Him the salary of the first
month. He got a job for Rs. 15 and gradually it rose to Rs. 700.
But he forgot the vow and as per his karma he came to masjid and
the masjid mai asked for her money. Then he said another story
as if it was his own, "I was staying once in a mansion by the
seashore. The man in the house stole the Rs. 30000 I had. I was
then lying wailing in the portico of the mansion for fifteen days.
One fakir came along and told me to pray to a Saint and take a
vow to forego one food item of which I was very fond of until the
lost money was restored. I prayed to that Saint and eschewed
taking rice. The thief brought back the money in full. When I
came to the steamer, which was full, the peon there who was
unknown to me told the ship mater that I was his relative and
got me aboard. Then I reached the land, boarded the train and
came to the Masjid.'
While taking food Shama told the gentleman that Baba never left
Shirdi and never possessed Rs. 30,000 and all the talk meant
nothing to them. Then the two gentlmen with tears said that the
two stories pertained to their own life and it was unbelievable that
Baba knew every nuance of the events. Aurangabadar was not
blessed with children in his 27 years of married life and his wife
pleaded to Shama to talk to Baba. After repeated pleas from
Shama, Baba ordered the coconut brought by the lady be broke
and directing that half be given to her & said that in twelve months
from thence she would bear a child. Shama who had absolute
faith in Baba swore: "Mother, If you do not beget a child in twelve
months, I will break a coconut on the head of this God and drive
Him away from this masjid. Let me not be called Shama.' In
twelve months time the lady delivered a child and the grateful
parents donated Rs. 500 to build a shed for the horse

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