Friday, August 04, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA. by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swami ji

466. Om Dharidroyarh dhanivethi-bhedhachara vivarjithaya
who does not consider whether a person is rich or poor and

whose conduct is not swayed by such considerations.

467. Om Dhaharakasa bhanave Namaha
who is the sun in the firmament of the Heart.

468. Om Dhagdhahastharbhakavanaya Namaha
who saved a child by burning his own hand.

469. Om Dharidhrayadhukkha bhithignaya Namaha
who drives away poverty, sorrow and fear.

470. Om Dhamodhara varapradhaya Namaha
who bestowed boons (of progeny, wealth etc.,) on Damodar


471. Om Dhana saundaya Namaha
the expert in giving gifts (Dana).

472. Om Dhanthaya Namaha
the self controlled (i.e., whose body and senses are controlled).

473. Om Dhanaih chanyan vasamnayathe Namaha
who sways others by free gifts.

474. Om Dhanamargaskhalathpadha nanachandorkaravanaya
who guided and protected Nanasahib Chandorkar when he

stumbled (i.e., made mistakes) in respect of gifts (Dana)
(i.e., when he did not have the correct attitude and behaviour
when approached for gifts).

475. Om Dhivyajnana pradhaya Namaha
who imparted divine Jnana (i.e., knowledge and experience of

God or Gods and worthy of Gods).

476. Om Dhivyamahgala vigrahaya Namaha
whose bodily frame was charming and auspicious

477. Om Dhinedhayaparaya Namaha
who is very merciful to those in distress.

478. Om Dhirghadhruse Namaha
who had long views, i.e., viewed the remote past and future

also and gave advice or based his conduct there on.

479. Om Dhinavathsalaya Namaha
who was very kind to the wretched.

480. Om Dhustanam dhamanesakthaya Namaha
who could control the wicked.

(to be contd....)

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