Monday, August 07, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA. by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swami ji

496. Om Dheho dhevalayasthasmin dhevam pasyethyudhirayathe
who said "The body is the temple of God. Behold the Divine

within it.

497. Om Dhaivi sampathprapurnaya Namaha
who was full of the Daivi Sampath, viz., Abhaya and fearlessness,

Purity etc. (see B.Gita).

498. Om Dhesoddhara sahayakruthe Namaha
who helps in elevating or improving the country.

499. Om Dhvandvamoha vinirmukthaya Namaha
who was free from the delusions produced by the pairs of

opposites (e.g., Heat and Cold, Pain and Pleasure etc.).

500. Om Dhvandhvathitha vimathsaraya Namaha
who was free from the pairs of duality and also from Matsara,


501. Om Dhvarakamayi vasine Namaha
the resident at Dwaraka Mayi (i.e., Shirdi Mosque).

502. Om Dveshadhroha vivarjithaya Namaha
who had no hatred nor desire to injure others.

503. Om Dhvithadhvaithavisistadhin kalesthane vibhodhakaya
who taught dualisim, non-dualism (Adwaita system) and

modified nondualism (Visishta Adwaita) at the proper time
and at the proper place (i.e., to the person fit for such

504. Om Dhanahinandhanadyamscha samadhrustaiva
rakshakaya Namaha
who protected The rich and The poor alike i.e., with equal eye.

505. Om Dhanadhena-samaihyagaya Namaha
who gave gifts like Kubera the god of wealth.

506. Om Dharamdhara sannibhaya Namaha
who resembled a hill (in respect of strength, firmness' and in

helping and serving all and sundry always)

507. Om Dharmajnaya Namaha
who knew Dharma (i.e., Principles of Righteousness, Virtue etc.).

508. Om Dharmasethave Namaha
who was the -sheet anchor of Righteousness (Dharma).

509. Om Dharmasthapana sambhavaya Namaha
who was born to establish Righteousness.

510. Om Dhumalupasini pathnyor niryane sadhgathipradhaya
who gave sad-gati (i.e., a good post mortem state) to the

departed spirit of the wife of S.B.Dhumal that of Kashinath
Govinda Upasani Sastri.

(to be contd....)

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