Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Then again take the case of Balaram Mankar, who attached
himself to Baba with intense love, solely for spiritual purposes.
His relatives complained to Baba that he was the only earning
member in his family and by his staying on with Baba at
Shirdi there was utter damage done to the family welfare.
They said that Mankar had a number of sons who would be
left destitute by his neglecting business. Baba then said, "I
will provide for Mankar's sons." Mankar was sent away to
Machindragad for spiritual meditation and especially for
learning the fact that Baba was as much with him at
Machindragad as he was at Shirdi.

Baba one day appeared to him at Machindragad and told him
that the object of his being sent there was to demonstrate to
him that Baba who was at Shirdi was, at the same time at
Machindragad also and could talk to him and guide him,
Mankar had very great spiritual advancement and it was one
time hoped that he would be the successor to Baba's "throne".
So high was his spiritual position. But, unfortunately he died
in the year 1913, long before Baba attained Mahasamadhi
in 1918. As for provision for his family, all the four sons of
Mankar are now well placed and are in high positions drawing
incomes mostly in seven to eight figures (in 1913). Baba's
statement that he would provide for Mankar's sons (Yoga,
Kshemam, Vahamiaham) has proved to be absolutely true.

In conclusion, it is to be stated that Baba had also provided
hundred of his devotees (when he was living) to mention a
few, Shri Abdul Baba, Madhavarao Deshpande (alias school
master Shama), Anna Saheb Debholkar (all's Hemadpant;
Mahalsapati, Appa Shindi, Kashiram Meghapa, etc. Even now

he is providing every sincere and ardent devotee who has
completely surrendered to him with "Tan, Man, Dhan" (Body,
mind and wealth) and worship him with wholehearted devotion.

Therefore, let us always remember Baba's leelas/stories,
meditate on them and chant his "Taraka Mantra"- Om Sai
Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai, so that we may easily cross over the
sea of Samsara (Mundane Existence) and finally merge in
the eternity of Baba (Self -Realisation).

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