Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swamij i

886. Om Sathsulabhonya dhurlabhaya Namaha
who is easy of access to the good but not to the wicked.

887. Om Sathyavache Namaha
whose utterances are true or become accomplished facts.

888. Om Sathyasahkalpaya Namaha
whose wish or will is invariably fulfilled.

889. Om Sathyadharma parayanaya Namaha
whose great aim is Truth and Dharma, Righteousness.

890. Om Sathya parakramaya Namaha
whose prowess is based on Satya, (Truth or God).

891. Om Sathya dhrastre Namaha
who realises or sees the Truth or Reality.

892. Om Sanathanaya Namaha
who is ever abiding.

893. Om Sathya narayanaya Namaha
who is Satya Narayana.

894. Om Sathyathathva prabhodhakaya Namaha
who teaches (Satya Tatwa) the truths relating to the Real.

895. Om Sathpurushaya Namaha
who is Sat Purusha, the Divine Person (extolled in the

Purusha Sukta).

896. Om Sadhacharaya Namaha
whose conduct is good.

897. Om Sadha parahitherathaya Namaha
who is always interested in doing good to others.

898. Om Sadhakshiptha nijanandhaya Namaha
whose Bliss is always overflowing.

899. Om Sadhanandhaya Namaha
who is always blissful.

900. Om Sadhgurave Namaha
who is a Sat Guru (the Teacher that takes one to God).

Source: http://www.saileelas.org/books/sahasra.htm

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