Volume 9, Issue 28 (In its nineth year of publication.)
Sai Vichaar is a Weekly newsletter distributed every
Thursday and is devoted to the life, philosophy and
teachings of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi.
Feel free to forward this newsletter to your interested
associates in its original form.
FEATURE OF THE WEEK: Why do we need a Guru?
The knowledge of the self is so subtle and mystic that
no one could by his own individual effort ever hope to
attain it. So the help of another person Teacher who
himself got Self - realization is absolutely necessary.
What others cannot give with great labor and pains,
can be easily gained with the help of such a Teacher;
for he has walked on the path himself and can easily
take the disciple, step by step on the ladder of spiritual
Innumerable discoveries and inventions have taken
place in the history of mankind. With each step towards
perfection, man realizes more distinctly the greater
scope for unfolding the mysteries of nature and life.
Under these circumstances of materialistic advancements
in life, man is getting perplexed because the gains of
scientific and technological progress are making his
life more and more complicated. Extrovert attitude of
a man has created the above conditions. Seldom he
adopts an introvert attitude to gain the knowledge of
the self. Recklessly man continues his efforts and
there is neither the true knowledge nor the tranquility
of mind.
It is the quality of the heart that counts in getting a real
Guru. Teacher and the taught are the two positions in
the field of general education. Highly educated students
after completions of their studies do not get suitable
opening for their career. Under-employment and
un-employment are frustrating experiences. The above
situation has developed due to the fact that the quest
for knowledge of the self is missing.
We who believe in universal brother hood of mankind-who
do not believe in caste, creed, high, low, etc get a Guru
like Sainath Maharaj.'Gurudev Santasi Sada Namave'-
Always bow to Gurudev and saints. Therefore whenever
we come across other saints, we respectfully bow to
them. However our fulcrum point of concentration is our
Sadguru. We learn to see him in all objects around
ourselves. He is witnessing all our activities round the
clock. We do feel that he is steering all our affairs.
Our thoughts, words and actions are gradually purified
to the extent that our entity is totally submerged in the
personality of our Sadguru. This is the holy and spiritual
blending of self with the Master. The whole process is
that of purification, of removal of dirt, of identifying the
glories of the self through introversion. Let the lining of
purity be permanent. Thereafter an amount of dirt around
us will not block our vision. It is our privilege to belong
to this glorious fraternity of Sadguru Sainath Maharaj.
Sadguru is taking millions of us simultaneously step
by step on the ladder of spiritual progress and we can
make the task easier for ourselves only through our
unstinted devotion to our merciful Lord.
(Source: Shri Sai Leela Vol. 69, No. 4, July 1990)
What is the method of teaching that Baba followed? Did
He install any institution or a particular way of thought for
His followers to propagate? For that matter, has there
been any record of Sadguru Sainath appointing anyone
to continue His mission?
Inscrutable are His ways! This is the well-known phrase
from Nagesh Vasudev Gunaji's English version of Shri
Sai Satcharitha. It turns out to be true. During His lifetime
and after, Baba showed a peculiar way of teaching and
guiding His followers. He had asked some to be more
disciplined, perform rituals, and undertake reading of
sacred texts, while some were asked to keep quiet or
just wait. Some were commended for their piety while
some denounced for their orthodoxy!
Baba seemed to have answers to the innermost of the
questions His followers had. He seemed to have a
certain way of giving "individualized instruction"
depending on one's earnestness. However, He seems
to be very particular in emphasizing certain virtues in
His followers. The two pice (two cents) He demanded
were faith and patience. Invaluable! By calling Himself
as a servant, Baba has stressed the importance of
humility, because humility is a virtue that reaps rich
harvest in one's pursuits. By insisting on the surrender
of the self and accepting the will of the supreme over the
individual, Baba stressed the existence of a unifying
higher order. His views on the purpose of religions were
simple, "There is only one God and the purpose of every
religion is the same". In a unique way, Sai Baba of Shirdi
also had asked His followers to investigate the "self". He
also expounded on the obstacles for such a pursuit,
native as well as acquired. Is it possible to categorize this
unique way of spiritual leadership? For some, Baba's life
and teachings might look like a paradox, but in reality,
His ways are as simple and natural as it could be! He did
not give any set of rules to follow for His disciples. On the
other hand, He was present in the minds of earnest
devotees who sought His guidance on matters, big and
small. For such people, in His words, He guarded them
from front, back, and sides. To those who would differ
with His advice, Baba said simply,
"God will do good". Neither was there an insistence on
a rigorous stewardship. Faith and patience are two traits
common to everyone regardless of their religious, social,
and financial or other status. By invoking the traits
common to every human being, Sai Baba of Shirdi has
indeed simplified the pursuit and the purpose life may
have, which could otherwise be quite complicated given
the nature of the modern day mosaic mankind has
found itself in. How shall one thank Sainath of Shirdi for
this? On this Thanksgiving Day, let us be happy for
being so fortunate and reflect on these thoughts.
(Contributed by Sai Vichaar team)
Baba has done lots of miracle in our life. I would like to
share recent miracle of baba. Our 10 months old
daughter had high fever and doctor found that she had
urine infection. Doctor had given prescription for further
test, which are really painful for my little one. Her urine
was give to the lab for further testing and I prayed to
baba and promised if I hear from doctor in 2 days that
her report is normal and she does not need any further
test then I would share my experience on Sai vichaar.
Baba answered my prayer and everything is fine. Her
fever is gone and no further test required. Baba, I thank
you very much for being with us all the time.
I like to thank my Saibaba for giving me the kind of job
I wanted. I was very depressed about not getting a job
for nearly a year and about three weeks back I was
reading Sai Vichaar devotees experiences and while I
was reading them I prayed to Baba, please give me a
job that enables me to use my talent which I have
specialized in to help people. I couldn't believe it within
five minutes after my prayer I received an email that I
got the job with a charity within the field I specialize in,
also the fact that I received the email late in the evening
which is unlikely to happen because in England office
hours are usually till 6 p.m. but I received this email
about nearly 8 p.m. It's true that Baba does everything
when the right time comes.
Thank you
Om Sai Ram.
Thank you Sai, for solving my mortgage approval problem
with your blessings. As you know we are very anxious
regarding this matter without sleep for nights. But I have
faith on your words" Why fear when I am here". Please
shower Your blessing on us, be with us for further money
arrangement issue of my house. Sai take care of my
husband and children; bless my children to become
Your devotees.
When I entered into a job as a fresher in Chennai, I was
not in a good team. I was really sad because of that
and was always thinking about future. My husband is in
marketing field so he always used to say if it is in
Hyderabad then for him it is good (because of language
problem in Chennai, Tamil). But because of Sai's grace
on me I got the job in Hyderabad. Now my husband also
shifted to Hyderabad and we are very happy. Thank you
Sai Baba. Always keep this grace on us.
Thank you very much for getting back my husband's
PDA. Everything is possible only because of you.
Baba please save me. Please be with me throughout my
lapro. Operation should make me to conceive a child
normally. You understand, see me every second. Please
forgive me for my previous mistakes.
Baba, one of my sister's son is giving MCAT exams this
week. Please be with him when he takes the exams and
guide him. Please help him get good marks. And also
help him succeed in life. My other sister's son is sick,
it started out as fever, now he has blisters around his
mouth and boils in his tongue. He is a picky eater, which
does not help him heal easily. Please cure him and
make him a good eater.
Baba I have borrowed lot of money. My wife's wages
and mine are not enough, so that after paying home
loan we don't have enough to make our ends meet.
Please bless both of us to fulfill our financial
responsibilities and please do something so that our
financial situation improves and we can pay off our
loan faster and meet our commitment.
Please be with us always and guide us the right way.
Please keep me at your feet. Please cure my
daughter's allergies and asthma. Please take care of
Please help my husband Baba to get a good job. He
has been applying for jobs for the past few months.
Please help us Baba to settle in life.
Padmini, a social worker, a good human is in critical
stage. She is in I.C.U. It all started with a small
problem. Now she is in Critical stage. Kindly save
her Baba.
Please bless my husband, you know how much tough
times he has been with, he has never been really
happy, please have mercy on him, please Baba.
Please bless us Baba and give us courage to go
through this tough time. Please help us my sister is
getting married soon before anything else. We are
hoping for Your blessings Baba, please bless us.
Baba I am taking TOEFL exams on 1st December,
Sai please help me get a good score. Help me not
to stammer in the speaking section.
Baba I really care for this girl from my heart. I
request you to please grant me this wish of mine
that both she and myself become very close friends.
Sai devotee
Please pray for my son Krishna and me. Our family
is going through a lot of hardship and only Baba has
been our savior. I had the blessing of visiting Shirdi
twice during my trip to India this summer, the first
time I was seated at the very end and prayed hard
to Baba to give me a closer darshan. My next
visit I had the privilage of entering via the Guru Sthal
entrance and saw Baba from really close. Baba
please save my son and protect him.
Sri Sai Babaji, I have beeen married since five years
but have very restrained relations with my husband.
Please Baba bless us with happy married life and
also I want my son to get admitted to a very good
Baba, how long we need to suffer this. Please get
us out of this problem safe. Baba we beg you for
our peace and happiness. Please Deva, forgive us
and look upon us.
Baba, You know the problems which me and my
family and Reddy and his family goin through. Baba
please solve the problem and give us one more
chance to redeem ourself. Baba I am totally
disappointed and depressed with my life, Baba
please approve our change of status petition.
Pran Razdan
Last week I went to the top of my block to check
the water pressure in my overhead tank. The tanks
for each flat in our society in Gurgaon are mounted
on the rooftop of the building on parapets about two
feet high from the roof floor. I went on the parapet
and opened the lid of the water tank, a solid RCC
circular block of two feet diameter. The moment I
lifted the lid, a lizard jumped towards me. Too
nervous to control, I dropped the lid from my hand
in a flash and started falling backwards. I was
certain to fall on the back of my head on the parapet
wall but lo and behold I almost sat on a chair with
not even a scratch even. The incident did not end
here. Over came the lid I had left, rolling down and
fell straight on my right kneecap since I was by
now sitting almost in a chair. Though I pushed the
lid towards my right but was sure that my kneecap
was broken under the heavy weight of the lid. But
again, just a minor scratch and nothing else. I had
enough swelling which came down next day and
the leg was uncomfortable for a day or two. By
the third day everything was back to normal. Do
we need any more evidence of Sai's everlasting
This happened last week. I moved to a new apartment
recently. In my old apartment I used to keep all my
certificates including my MS certificate in an envelope
and place it on the top shelf of a cupboard. While
moving since I couldn't see it I missed it totally and
left it there. One Friday I suddenly realized that I
didn't have all those certificates with me. Sai Baba
has given me so much confidence in my life that I
can say for the first time ever in my life I never
panicked about losing my certificates. I had total
confidence in Sai Baba and felt that He would take
care of it. Being disturbed I went to sleep with a great
difficulty, thinking that I will go and search for it in my
old apartment and asked Baba to please take care
of it. Next day I first went to check in my office as to
whether I left it there because I have taken it to my
office once. Not finding it there I was okay with the
situation thinking He is there to take care of all that.
Then when I went back to my old apartment I found
it over there. It was indeed a miracle because of the
tensions in my life right now I didn't even remember
many things. But Sai helps me always. I feel He
takes care of everyone and everything. It was indeed
a miracle that trusting Him so much I did not feel
tensed even though this would mean I would be
unable to attend a visa interview till I get those
certificates. Thanks to all the Sai bandhus for
sharing their wonderful experiences always which
gives me a lot of courage. At last I pray to Baba
again to forgive me for all my misdeeds and give me
patience and faith to carry on with my life from this
situation. Please help me Baba I need your help.
Please give me peace of mind. It is a humble
request to You that though I want something so
dearly and not sure of whether I will get that or
not please help me see through things clearly
and help me not get any rude shocks,
Please help me.
After my Masters I was desperately looking for a
job in my field. I was totally frustrated and prayed to
Baba to help me. My parents and sisters firmly
believed that Baba would listen to our prayers. After
many obstacles at every step I finally got a job in
a well-reputed company, which I can say is my
dream come true! My family and I very strongly
believe that this is Baba's miracle. With this
experience I learnt not to lose hope and have
patience as Baba always listens to his devotees
prayers. God bless.
I prayed to Shri Saibaba for a job in this country. He
guided me through everything, even when I was going
for this interview I felt Baba's presence in the room
and I had a strong gut feeling that I did well in the
interview and I am going to get the job. He tested
me so much but ultimately gave me whole lot of
happiness by giving me this job. I thank You
abundantly for all Your blessings. I promised Baba
that I would definitely put this miracle in Sai Vichaar.
I got a call in the afternoon that I have been offered
the job and they are also going to train me for the
I am a devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba since the age of 16.
I have always felt His presence in every activity of
mine. I felt He gave me solutions during the toughest
moments in my life. He has always forced me to
traverse the path of honesty and truth and has punished
me if acted otherwise. I never would like to regret on
the decisions that I have taken in my life as He has
always blessed the decisions. I thank a million times
for helping me meet my life partner who is caring,
loving and understanding and most importantly, an
ardent devotee of Shirdi Baba. He has seen me solve
the problems at the professional front and Sai Baba
will be the first person that I will thank when I have my
doctoral degree next year. I must thank Him for giving
me a coveted job in a very reputed Automobile
company in Germany at a very apt time. Recently I
saw Him solve many of the bureaucratic hassles. I am
going to marry my dream partner the next month in
the company of all our relatives and dear Shirdi Sai.
I want His ceaseless love on us always and all the
"Wealth and prosperity are transient. Knowing this, do
your duty, leaving all attachment to the things of this
world and the next".-Shri Sai Baba
Q. Baba said, "What is our duty? To behave properly.
That's enough!" Comment?
Shirdi Sai Temple of Chicago and Suburbs, Illinois, USA
Shirdi Sai temple is open daily from 8:00 a.m to 9:00 p.m
(Winter hours).
Daily program includes Kakad Arathi at 8 a.m. followed
by Abhisek. Madhayana Arathi at 12 noon, Dhoop Arathi
at 6 p.m. and Shej Arathi at 9 p.m. Archana, Homams,
Sahasranama and sponsored poojas continue in between
the Arathis. To request a pooja for yourselves, your
friends and family, please call. Devotees can request
water (Abhishek Jal) from the Holy bathing of Baba by
sending us an email or by phone. Temple is located 25
minutes drive west of Schaumburg on intersection of
IL Route 47 and Plank Road in Hampshire, IL.
For more information please call 847-931-4058 or send
email to maildrop@saibaba.org.
Shri Saibaba Mandir, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Saibaba activities in Minneapolis were conducted at
Shirdi Saibaba Prayer center since the year 2002.
Now, with the grace and blessings of Baba and the
support of devotees, a new Saibaba Mandir has
begun to function at 1835 Polk St NE, Minneapolis
from July 11th 2006. Please visit www.hamaresai.org
for all details.
Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas
Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW Metroplex is located
at 2109 West Parker (Parker Plaza), Suite 212, Plano,
TX 75023. For temple hours and activities please call
the temple office at 469-467-3388 or visit the website
Shirdi Sai Center in Bay Area, CA
By Baba's grace, Shirdi Sai Parivaar is pleased to
announce the opening of Shirdi Sai Center in Bay Area.
The center is located at 897-B East Kifer Road,
Sunnyvale, CA 94086. For more information please
call 408-564-6704 or 408-705-7904.
Sai Vichaar thanks you for your support for the
Question of the Week feature. This feature is intended
to initiate useful discussion on topics related to Sai
philosophy, His message, and Sai devotion. Please
send your suggested topics for the same.
Sai Vichaar wishes readers and devotees in USA a
Happy Thanksgiving. The "Question of the week" for
this week is,
Q. Baba said, "What is our duty? To behave properly.
That's enough!" Comment?
Humbly Yours,
The Editor
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