Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Satsang The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 24--2006 from Saidarbar.

Fourth Year of Publication
Published as Bi-Weekly
Issue 24 / 2006

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Compiled by:
Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad.

From the Spiritual Diary of Saibanisaji (dated 11.11.2006)
SAI in the Dreams of Saibanisa

After my retirement from Government service, I felt that I
must undertake pilgrimage for obtaining Mukti (Salvation).
I was visiting one after another places pilgrimage. In this
process, I reached a small village and there I met an old
man who advised me to stay in the guest house where he
works. I spent the night in the guest house and started
further journey in the morning hours. That old man came
to me and taken me to his room and he has shown Lord
Dattatreya's photo and presented me the old padukas of
Sri Dattatreya after polishing them.

I kept those padukas on my lap and offered my pranams
to Lord Dattatreya. That old man asked me to look carefully
the padukas. I found that the paduka of right foot backside
resembled a cordless telephone with NINE numbers only
and he advised that you can press any one number and
can talk directly to God. After that that old man
disappeared and I got up from my sleep.

I realized that the old man was none other than our Sadguru
– The lord Sainath of Shirdi and guest house was Dwarakmai
and nine numbers of cordless phone is symbolizing for
Navavidha Bakti and pressing any one number is enough to
obtaining the Mukti (Salvation).

Let us all follow the one of the Navavidha Bakti's to attain

Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.

To be continued…
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Ashwin/Vadya 13, 1910: SaiBaba pushed His arm in to
the brightly burning Dhuni to save a blacksmith's child.
Bhagoji Shinde's service of massaging the arm with
ghee and bandaging it continued till Baba's Maha
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These are the dream sequences and messages as
received by SaiBaNiSaji From our beloved GURU
LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that
this feature will help in one's spiritual growth are

hereby compiled from his personal Diary and
presented to SAIBANDHUS.

Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.


I prayed Sai to remove my ignorance. Sai presented me
with the following visuals.

1. It is the responsibility of parents to bring up their
children in a proper manner and equally so is the
responsibility of children to take good care of their
parents in old age.

2. An individual may get rid of the vrunanubandha
(indebtedness) by helping others and it can be termed
as a fortunate situation. But to think that they should
remember forever for the services rendered is

3. Offering food to the needy is an opportune event.
One has to be luckier to perform such noble tasks.
One should fully utilize such rare occasions.
Ultimately it is the charity and good deeds that
accompany when one leaves the World.

Service to the fellow beings also happens due to
the divine grace.


Yesterday, Sai's message was-

As long as the desire for money lasts, the desire
for other woman continues because the desire for
woman is like the apparent watermark on a
currency note. As a first step, get rid of the greed
for money.

Wealth is the root cause for all the evils on the earth.


Yesterday night's, message from Sai induced more
of spiritual thoughts in me. Life starts on a happy
note with the seeding of a flower plant, its healthy
growth in a fertile land due to copious supply of
rainwater. Beautiful flowers are also blossomed.

Few of them, due to the accumulated fortune find
their place at the lotus feet of the Lord while some
of them get crushed under the feet of passersby
end up drying. Only the ones to find place at the
feet of the Lord are showered with the divine grace.
So also is the human life as some may make way
to God with their good deeds and some are carried
away by the wind.

God given life has to be nurtured properly with a


Yesterday night, I asked Sai to tell me more about
the soul in the spiritual domain. Baba said-

Atma (soul) is formless and so also God. In other
words, Atma is God. It is therefore difficult to pray
on formless Atma. That's the reason why one often
imagines God in a form most liked by him and
resorts to prayers, which is the best available option.
When Hanuman ripped open his chest, Lord Sri Rama
was found in his heart. Atma, when it leaves the
physical body, has super natural powers like ability
to walk across the waters and flying in the air etc.
Of course holding the hand of the GURU. Neither
water adheres to the Atma nor the Atma gets
drowned in the water. The Atma then reaches the
top of a mountain, looking downwards towards the
place from where it came, leaving all the people
behind. The Guru, then orders to enter the outer void
space, thus giving atma a chance to reach the God,

the ultimate goal. A step taken back or looking
down from there will lead to entanglement in
another cycle of birth and death.

I have fully understood the role of guru in the whole
of the life cycle.

Guru is the transcendental link between the
two Worlds.

To be continued…..
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(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)
shashi_31@yahoo. com

25. Importance of Swadharma:

Baba always says: "Don't try to follow others dharmas.
Swadharma is far superior than Para-Dharma. For your
improvement Swadharma will be very helpful. If you
imitate other's Dharmas, you will get entangled in
difficult situations. Without getting your mind in worldly
affairs, always be in contemplation of God and get His
mercy. If you are performing your duties properly, you
will get rid of your sins and will proceed well step by
step towards the goal of life.

Swadharma will lead you to the true state and mould
your character in the right direction. Due to this, your
intelligence will sharpen and get steadiness. Then only
the way of Satya-marga will become visible clearly.
Your mind gets peace and will not waver for worldly
pleasures. You will get deathless state of life. Then

you will be able to clearly understand the true nature
of all affairs. You can understand your bodily state
and the state of world. If you are performing your
ordained duties as Swadharma, your activities will
never bring black mark on you. You will get rid of

worldly difficulties and become pure in Divine

To be continued…..
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108 Names of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba

The Garland of One Hundred and Eight Names of
the Venerable Shirdi Sai

37. Om Parabrahmane Namah.
Om, to (Paramatman) the Supreme Brahman,


38. Om Paramaatmane Namah.
Om, to the Supreme Self, prostration!

39. Om Jnaana-svaruupine Namah.
Om, to (Paramatman) whose nature very nature

gnosis is prostration!

40. Om Jagatah pitre Namah.
Om, to (Brahma) the Father of the universe,


41. Om Bhaktaanaam maatri dhatri pitaamahaaya
Om, to (Brahma) who is a mother for (His) devotees,

the Bearer (of universe) and the Great Sire, prostration!

42. Om Bhaktaabhaya- pradaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who freely gives to (His) devotee's

fearlessness, prostration!

43. Om Bhakta-paraadiinaay a Namah.
Om, to Him who cares for (His) devotees, prostration!

44. Om Bhaktaanugraha- kaataraaya Namah.
Om, to Him who is very gracious to (His) devotees,


45. Om Sharanaagata- vatsalaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who loves those who seek refuge

(in Him), prostration!

46. Om Bhakti-shakti- pradaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who freely gives devotion and power,


47. Om Jnaana-vairaagya- daaya Namah.
Om, to Him who grants gnosis and detachment,


48. Om Prema-pradaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who freely gives love, prostration!

49. Om Samshaya-hridaya- daurbalya-
paapakarma- vaasanaa- kshaya-karaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who causes obliteration of doubts,

heart feebleness, sins, karman( of present and
past lives) and the traces (thereof), prostration!

50. Om Hridaya-granthi- bhedakaaya Namah.
Om, to Him who cuts off the heart knot (Upanishadic

metaphor for ultimate realization) , prostration!

51. Om Karma-dhvamsine Namah.
Om, to the Destroyer of karman (of present and

past lives), prostration!

52. Om Shuddha-sattvasthit aaya Namah.
Om, to Him who stays in pure minds, prostration!

53. Om Gunaatiita-gunaatma ne Namah.
Om, to (paramatman) who transcents attributes

and (yet) is the very self of attributes, prostration!

54. Om Ananta-kalyaana- gunaaya Namah.
Om, to (Vishnu as worshipped by the Pancaratra

tradition) who is possessed of infinite auspicious
attributes, prostration!

55. Om Amita-paraakramaaya Namah.
Om, to Him whose strength is unmeasureable,


56. Om Jayine Namah.
Om, to the Conqueror, prostration!

57. Om Durdharsha kshobhyaaya Namah.
Om, to the Unconquerable and Unshakable One,


58. Om Aparaajitaaya Namah.
Om, to the Invincible One, prostration!

59. Om Trilokeshu avighaatha-gataye Namah.
Om, to (Vishnu in His descent in the world as

the Brahmin dwarf,
Vamana) who's going in unimpeded in the

three worlds (earth, intermediate space, and
heaven), prostration!

60. Om Ashakya-rahitaaya Namah.
Om, to Him for whom nothing is impossible,


61. Om Sarva-shakti- muurtaye Namah.
Om, to Him who is All-Powerful, prostration!

62. Om Suruupa-sundaraaya Namah.
Om, to the Handsome and Beautiful One,


63. Om Sulocanaaya Namah.
Om, to Him with beautiful eyes, prostration !

64. Om Bahu ruupa vishva muurtaye Namah.
Om, to Him of many shapes, having all forms,


65. Om Aruupaavyaktaaya Namah.
Om, to (Paramatman) the Formless and

Unmanifest One, prostration!

66. Om Acintyaaya Namah.
Om, to (Paramatman) the Unthinkabale One,


67. Om Suukshmaaya Namah.
Om, to (Paramatman) the Subtle One,


68. Om Sarvaantaryaamine Namah.
Om, to (Paramatman) who is everybody's

Inner Ruler, prostration!

69. Om Manovaagatiitaaya Namah.
Om, to (Paramatman) who transcends mind

and speech, prostration!

70. Om Prema-muurtaye Namah.
Om, to Him whose face Love (as the ultimate

mystic experience) is prostration!

71. Om Sulabha-durlabhaaya Namah.
Om, to Him easy to reach (yet) difficult to

approach, prostration!

72. Om Asahaaya sahaayaaya Namah.
Om, the Helper of the Helpless, prostration!

To be continued…..
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MADRID, SPAIN, November 4, 2006: On Saturday
the Indian community in Madrid celebrated "Diwali"
or the Hindu New Year -2063 of the Vikrama era -
with a festivity presided over by the Indian ambassador
in Madrid, Surikanthi Tripathi. Organized by the Indian
Sindhi Association of Madrid, the Florida Park hall
was transformed into a stage design of the purest
Bollywood style. Jose Maria Aznar (the former Prime
Minister of Spain) and his wife, Ana Botella, attended
the celebration. (from report in Spanish)


World Hindu Conference III Planned for February 2007
The Vishwa Hindu Parishad is organizing their third

World Hindu Conference, February 11-13, 2007, at
the Triveni Sangam in Prayag (Allahabad), India. For
additional information regarding the conference,
contact Anjlee Pandya, global liaison and projects
director for the VHP at source above.

www.indiapost. com
SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA, November 8, 2006:

Over 20,000 people attended the three-day Diwali Mela
at the Sunnyvale Hindu Temple between October 20-22.
The Mela was so successful that people were turned
away. Women in colorful saris, giggling children, mouth

watering food from local Indian restaurants, the latest
Bollywood music, a bazaar, and moving religious
rituals--the mela had it all. The atmosphere was warm,
inviting and gave a flavor of India. A Laxmi pooja was
held on Saturday that put all the devotees in the spirit
of Diwali. It was non-stop fun for three days at the Silicon
Valley temple.
HOUSTON, TEXAS, November 17, 2006: The Hindu

Students Council, University of Houston, hosted their
3rd annual Diwali Dinner at the University of Houston's
Cullen Residence Banquet Hall, Friday, November 10.
Over 150 UH students and friends attended the
successful Diwali banquet.

BIG ISLAND, HAWAII, November 17, 2006: The Radha

Madhav Society invites everyone to attend the lectures
of Siddeshvari Devi Ji on the Big Island (Hawaii) in the
Hawaiian Islands from December 10 -13. She will
lecture on diverse themes based on the Vedas and
Shastras. For times and location go to source or
contact event coordinator, Hari Saran Das,
at (808) 756-5878.
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Dattatreya was born to Sage Atri and his wife Anasuya.

Atri's wife, Anasuya, was once tested by the Trinity
(Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva) themselves, when they wished
to test her loyalty and devotion to her husband. The
three changed form and arrived at her ashram while Atri
was away. She welcomed them in traditional manner

and offered food, at which they came up with a strange
request: that they would partake of her hospitality only if
she removed all her clothes and served them. Anasuya
knew through her spiritual powers that the gods were
testing her, so she acquiesced. She sprinkled some
water on the Trinity, which turned them into toddlers
and thus she, as a mother, could reveal her natural
form to these infants and feed them!

When Sage Atri returned, he saw the three great gods,
the Trinity, lying in the cradle as toddlers! When he heard
from Anasuya what had transpired, he could only laugh.
The divine consorts by now feared that their husbands
would forever be reduced to babies, and so they pleaded
with Anasuya to transform the toddlers into their original

Anasuya washed her husband's feet with water, and
sprinkled the water, thus sanctified, on the three babies
who attained their original form. Pleased with her
devotion to her husband and happy at her ingenuity, the
Trinity granted her a boon. It was at this point that she
asked that the three be born to her as her real babies!
And they were:
Brahma as Chandra (Moon), Vishnu as Dattatreya, and
Shiva as Durvasa. Thus, Dattatreya was born to such an
important sage, who lived with his wife in an ashram near
Sucheendram, near Kanyakumari, at the southern tip of
India. A temple honouring Dattatreya stands near the
ashram. When they grew up, Chandra went to Chandralok

to live and shine, Durvasa went to the forests to meditate,
while Dattatreya stayed back and looked after his parents.
As Dattatreya was born of a boon granted by the Trinity,
he is often depicted as one with three heads representing
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Dattatreya served his parents
selflessly and was later born as an avatar purush (holy
incarnation) , considered to be the Sai Baba of Shirdi.
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From the Files of Saidarbar - 1998

Ayush Mehra, Chicago, USA
Jay Sai Ram
I want to share my experience of Baba's Grace with all

the Sai Devotees. I came to the US in August last year.
In Dec'97 I had a severe surgery, which due to Baba's
Grace been averted or else, it would have resulted in
greatest disaster of my life. I had some brain surgery and
today I am very fine and doing my well-provided job here.
I went into severe depression at one stage and got

worried about my finances about the surgery (about
38,000 US dollars).But I was blessed enough to handle
this by His support. I was having sleeplessness and
after reading Shri Sai Satcharita I was relieved from

my tensions and started getting good sleep. Just after
completing my Parayan saptah, I found changes.
Now before sleeping I always remember the Chavadi
procession of Shri Baba Maharaj.

I have started believing that Baba pulls his devotees
from far away under many pretexts. I bow to Shri Baba
Maharaj for His bountifulness that He has showered
by saving my life and giving me new birth. I could not
understand Baba initially and thought bad about Him,
but later I really realized the greatness of Baba's
Wisdom that how intelligently He brought me to US
for my Surgery and in this wake I came to Know of
Baba's love for His devotees. It is true that we really
lack faith and patience to see Him. However, one
who has both will definitely experience in daily lives.

I prostate before Shri Sai Ram and asks the other
disciples to believe that whatever He does is only
for our benefit and Baba's love is much more greater
than we can ever think of. I continue to pray Baba to
increase my devotion and reverence and tread me

on a moral path with strength and courage.
JAY Sai Ram.
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swamymain@yahoo. com
Sun, 5 Nov 2006 23:49:34 -0800 (PST)

Sai Ram. Let us now take up the story of Anantrao
Patankar, who was drawn to Shirdi and was given a
very valuable spiritual lesson by Sai.

SS: He replied, "I too do not know all that Baba
says and means but at His inspiration I say what
I come to know. The mare is God's grace and the
nine balls excreted are the nine forms or types of
Bhakti, viz., 1) Shravan, hearing; 2) Kirtan, praying
(or praising and chanting); 3) Smaran (remembering) ;
4) Padasevan (resorting to the feet); 5) Archan (worship);
6) Vandan (doing Namaskar, bowing); 7) Dasya (service);
8) Sakhyam (friendship) ; 9) Atmanivedan (surrender of
the self). These are the nine types of Bhakti. If any of

these is faithfully followed, Lord Hari will be pleased and
manifest Himself in the home of the devotee. All the
Sadhanas, viz. Japa (vocal worship or chanting of a
mantra), Tapa (penance), Yoga practice and studying
the scriptures and expounding them are quite useless,
unless they are accompanied by Bhakti, i.e. Devotion.
Knowledge of the Vedas or fame as a great Dnyani
(Jnani) and mere formal Bhajan (Worship) are of no
avail. What is wanted is full devotion. Consider yourself

as the merchant or seeker of the truth, and be anxious
and eager like him to collect or cultivate the nine types
of devotion. Then, you will attain stability and peace
of mind."

Next day when Patankar went to Baba for salutation,
he was asked whether he colelcted the 'nine balls
of stool.' Then he said that he being a poor fellow,
should first be graced by Baba and he would be
enabled to collect them. Then Baba blessed and
comforted him, saying that he would attain peace
and welfare. After hearing this, Patankar became
overjoyed happy.

SVS: Sai Ram. These types of Bhakti are like the
steps to Mukti. Because of past merits, one comes
into contact with God or His messengers like Saints
and at the right time a Guru instructs him. Intellect
and emotion are two parts of the mind and peace
of mind will elude a man till they are properly
integrated. Bhakti enables one to unite with the
Higher Self (God). Atma nivedan means offering of
one's self, i.e. Lower self or ego. And till one feels
one with the One, sakhya or dasya etc. (some
form of relationship) are needed. What Dada Kelkar
meant by Yoga practice is the physical practice of
Asanas, Breath control etc., which certainly gives
good health and even some Siddhis (mystical
powers) but doesn't by itself, assure the grace of
God. Bhakti, on the other hand, even without the

other Sadhanas of Japa and Tapa, takes one
closer to the Higher Self and gives one liberation
from the shackles of ego. Mukti (liberation) from
the cycles of birth and death follows the sublimation
or dissolution of ego. Bhakti thus leads to Jnana,
knowledge of one's real nature. Jnana too leads to
Bhakti but sometimes, the ego gets puffed up by
pride of knowledge. External show of pomp as a
great bhakta is also of no avail since God sees
through the show.

Thus Baba gave a good lesson in sincerity and
Sraddha to Anantrao Patankar through Dada Kelkar.
We too got the benefit like the merchant and
Anantrao. Sai Ram.

Note to readers: There is a small change in format.
The Sai Satcharita text is fully included and the
insights provided to me are given under a separate
paragraph. To differentiate between the two, the
following notation is used:

SS means Sai Satcharita and SVS refers to me.
Sai Ram.
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http://www.saidarba portraits/ 7.jpg
Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.

Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba
use to play with children and used to tell stories to
them? I felt children visiting Saidarbar should be
entertained with good stories. For the last two years
I have told you about Lord Krishna's Leelas and Lord
Rama Story. Now I want to tell the stories what
heard in my child hood.

The story of the foolish lion and the clever rabbit

Once upon a time there lived a ferocious lion in the
forest. It was a greedy lion and started killing animals
in the forest indiscriminately. Seeing this, the
animals gathered and decided to approach the lion
with the offer of one animal of each species
volunteering itself to be eaten by the lion everyday.
So every day it was the turn of one of the animals
and in the end came the rabbits' turn. The rabbits
chose an old rabbit among them. The rabbit was
wise and old. It took its own sweet time to go to
the Lion. The Lion was getting impatient on not
seeing any animal come by and swore to kill all
animals the next day.

The rabbit then strode along to the Lion by sunset.
The Lion was angry at him. But the wise rabbit was
calm and slowly told the Lion that it was not his fault.
He told the Lion that a group of rabbits were coming
to him for the day when on the way, an angry Lion
attacked them all and ate all rabbits but himself.
Somehow he escaped to reach safely, the rabbit
said. He said that the other Lion was challenging
the supremacy of his Lordship the Lion. The Lion

was naturally very enraged and asked to be taken
to the location of the other Lion. The wise rabbit
agreed and led the Lion towards a deep well filled
with water. Then he showed the Lion his reflection

in the water of the well. The Lion was furious and
started growling and naturally its image in the
water, the other Lion, was also equally angry. Then
the Lion jumped into the water at the other Lion to
attack it, and so lost its life in the well. Thus the
wise rabbit saved the forest and its inhabitants
from the proud Lion.

MORAL: Wit is superior to brute force.
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Sai ka laadla saikalaadla@
10/25/2006 07:53:07 -0700

Salutation To You Oh Sai My Saviour And Hope

Aum Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Oh Sai Salutations to you Oh Lord of Lords. You

are the ancient, the Purusha and the Prakrit born
of Purusha. You are the light, which illumines the
intellect of the human being. The entire universe is
established in you. It was born out of you and it

has no existence apart from you. After creating it
you, at the time of deluge, withdraw in into yourself.
You are the light beyond the sources of all light. You
stand on the edge of the sea of darkness, of Tamas
which is all that is found at the end of Pralaya and
you bring new life into the new creation which is born
of the old. The cycle is unending and you are the
cause behind the cosmos. It is to have a vision of
you that Rishis spend millions of years absorbed in
meditation. You have no birth; no karma to perform,
no names nor any qualities to distinguish you from
the others. And yet out of your Maya you create
forms for yourself and these have names and
qualities ascribed to them. The formlessness of you
is forgotten by those who see you take up a form
for the sake of the good of the world. You are

beyond the reach of the senses, the mind, the
emotions, the intellect. Still, though you are
beyond comprehension there are some who

have realized you by becoming one with you.
You are the seer, the Drastha, for the functioning

of the Indriyas, and their different individual
behavior. You are the cause of everything but
nothing has caused you since you are the

Ancient, eternal, everlasting, without a beginning
and so, without an end. There is no limit to you
since you are the Infinite. You are unaffected by

the gunas and their interplay and, as a result,
those who succumb to the Maya caused by the

gunas are not able to realize the truth about you.
Even as the glow from the sun and the fire erupt
from it, glow for a while and are lost in the source
itself even so, your glory emanates from you. This
stream of gunas, this mind, intellect, senses, and
the bodies which enjoy these are all born out of you;
and, in the end, are again lost only in you. They
have no separate entity. Famed as you are to the
beyond of the gunas, still, you have been known to
be the personification of compassion as far as
being like me are concerned, beings who surrender
themselves entirely to you are sure to be cured of
their ignorance, their Avidya and will be made to
have a vision of the Truth that is you.

This birth of mine which is full of Avidya inside as
well as outside, this human's form and mind is of
no use to me. I have no desire to live any more. I
want that moksha which will not be destroyed by
the passage of time. Punya which is acquired is
rewarded by a length of time in heaven. When the
punya gets exhausted man is again thrown back
to the world of sin. I want moksha or salvation
different from this. I want to be cured of Avidya.
I am a mumukshu and i salute you who is the
cause of this universe; who pervades everything;

and yet, who is apart from all that you have
created; who are the ultimate truth. Yogis see you
in their hearts since their karma's and the results
of their karma's have all been burnt in the flame of
self knowledge. The greatness that is you is
hidden from foolish beings like me because our
thinking power is clouded by the sense of `I" and
"MINE". I surrender myself to that infinite power,
truth, light that is you. Oh Sai, Lord of Lords
please do not forsake me, cause I am just a
small dust in the universe, and I come to you,

and want to merge in you, I do not have any
earthly desire and my only desire is to merge
in you. Thank you oh Sai, My Savior and only

hope. Please do not forsake me, I know your
promise but I am a human being so I once again
pray to you not to forsake me.
Bow To Sri Sai - Peace Be To All
May Baba Be Always With You
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PEYUSH KUMAR SINGH: peyushks@yahoo. com
On 11/17/06
I am really grateful to people making this website/

web pages happening, all these man-hours
contributed are donations made to this society
for its well being and positive growth, Sai Baba
shall be flourishing you all with his kindness.
My Regards & Best Wishes To All,

Om Sai Ram
Peyush Singh
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SP.Kannan: kannanusha1@
On 11/17/06,
Sai Ram friends,
Any devotees in and around Malaysia and

Singapore interested in our activities may
like to contact our centre:
Persatuan Shirdi Sai Baba, selangor, Malaysia
No.73, Jalan Selasih
Tmn Gembira
41100 Klang, Selangor, Malaysia

Thank you and Sai Ram
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srigeetha ranga
gituranga@gmail. com
On 11/13/06

Thanks for adding me to Saidarbar Group. I am

glad & honored to be the member of this Group.
I too have some experiences in my life with my
most loving SaiRam.

As my age of Sharing experiences is too young.
I will share my experiences with all the group
members when I get some more in the future.


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/saibaba/ saibaba_aarti.

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Title: Shirdi Sai Speaks… (Quotes for the Day)
ISBN: 8120731018
Price: Rs. 250
Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
A-59, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase II,
New Delhi-110020.
------------ --------- --------- -----
Title: I am always with you
Author: Lorraine Walshe Ryan
ISBN :8120731921
Price: Rs. 100
Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
A-59, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase II,
New Delhi-110020.
Tel: +91-11-26386165/26387070/26386209/26385677
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Saidarbar members would like to convey hearty thanks
to Saibandhu Murali Koneru of Australia and Saibandhu
Murali Bala of USA who has uploaded Saibanisa's
discourses Audio C.Ds in their web sites

http://www.omsrisai .org

You can download Audio:
Sri Sai Satcharithra (In English Language)
Sri Sai Satcharithra by chapters (In English Language)
Sri Sai Satcharithra (In Telugu Language)
Sai Satcharithra by chapters (In Telugu Language)
Sri Guru Charithra (In English Language)
Sri Guru Charithra by chapters (In English Language)
Request Sri Sai Satcharithra CD (English and Telugu

Language Available)
Saibanisa's discourses (Telugu)


http://www.saiaudio .com/sairam/ index.htm

Contact Murali Bala murali@itmodule. com

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Things impressed me from Spiritual Gems from
Sai Satcharitra:

These types of Bhakti are like the steps to Mukti.
Because of past merits, one comes into contact
with God or His messengers like Saints and at the
right time a Guru instructs him. Intellect and emotion
are two parts of the mind and peace of mind will
elude a man till they are properly integrated. Bhakti
enables one to unite with the Higher Self (God).

Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in
their place, essays, articles and poetry on Sai to
"The Glory of Shirdi Sai" – they may be address
their contributions to E-mail id:
saidarbar@gmail. com with a copy marked to
webmaster@saidarbar .org

We shall put in our best efforts to include them in
the Glory of Shirdi Sai- the bi-weekly E -Magazine.
Unless the author of the articles instructs, not to
publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish them as
a matter of routine practice.

You can subscribe for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI
for a friend /relative by submitting e-mail ID in the
main page of http://www.saidarba

Also read the old issues from:
http://www.saidarba htm

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