Satsang Baba - The God by A. S. Menon
Baba - The God"He fulfilled the idea pf God on earth" for He always protected hisdevotees."If a man utters my name with love, I shall fulfill all his wishes andincrease his devotion. And if he sings earnestly my life and deeds, himI shall beset in front and back and on all sides..... I shall draw out mydevotees from the jaws of Death"Thus, He takes care of His bhakthas.Those who are fortunate and whose demerits have vanished take to Hisworship. If we always utter Sai, Sai He shall take us over the seven seas;believe in these words and we will be benefited. There is no need ofelaborate worship. He rests there where there is full devotion.It should be realised that doubts, difficulties, and calamities befall andengulf us just to test us and confirm our faith. If we stick to Baba withfull and unshakable faith and continue our endeavor we are crowned withsuccess by Him.He changed the effects of stars and planets. He reversed the process ofsuffering of evil Karma of previous birth. Baba blessed Damu Anna, by hisAmra Leela, with off springs even though horoscopically astrologers hadruled out the chances of getting then due to inauspicious planetarypositions.Again, Tendulkar's son was told by astrologers that the stars were notfavorable for him to get through the medical examination that year. But Babasent word, "Tell your son to believe in me, to throw aside horoscopes andpredictions of astrologers and go on with his studies. Let him appear forthe examination with a calm mind and he is sure to pass this year. Ask himto trust in Me and not get disappointed. " And the boy did pass.Bhimaji Patil was suffering due to previous evil Karma which even Veda andUpanishads have decreed one cannot escape. But, when he cried to Baba indespair as the only savior He interfered and changed the course of the illeffects and cured Bhimaji of the Tuberculosis.Sai is Parabrahma.Even in the worldly day to day life Baba exhorted us to follow set path notof high religious or rigorous order. His advice is eternal and universal."Unless there is some relationship or connection nobody goes anywhere. Ifany man or creature comes to you do not discourteously drive him away, butreceive him well and treat him with due respect. Shri Hari (God) will becertainly pleased if you give water to the thirsty, bread to the hungry,cloths to the naked and your verandah to strangers for sitting and resting.If anybody wants any money from you and you are not inclined to give, do notgive, but do not bark at him like a dog. Let anybody speak hundreds ofthings against you, do apt resent by giving any bitter reply. If you alwaystolerate such things, you will certainly be happy. Let the world gotopsy-turvy, you remain where you are. Standing or staying in your ownplace, look on calmly at the show of all things passing before you.
A. S. MenonMadurai(Tamil Nadu)
to be contd......(Source Shri Sai Leela June 1985.
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