Monday, November 19, 2007


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Raising the water level in well
When Sai Baba first came to Shirdi it had of no basic facilities. There was a well put only in name. It had no natural spring water and if
ever there had been one, it must long ago have dried up. Water had to be fetched from a distance. When, therefore, Sai Baba gave his
permission to the villagers to celebrate the Ram Navami Fair, (Baba's Birthday) the big problem facing the organizers was one of water
supply. So What should they do but go to Sai Baba with their problem? "'Oh yes," said Sai Baba, 'so you want plenty of water, do you?
Here, take this and drop it in the well and wait and see." "'This," turned up to be a platter of flowers on which some prasad (blessed
food) had been placed along with the remnants of alms Baba had received earlier in the day. The villagers had no qualms about doing as
they were did. Their faith in Sai Baba was total. No sooner had that platter of leaves been dropped in the well, it is said, water rose from
the bottom as if by divine command and completely filled it. And great was the rejoicing of the people.

Saving a child from drowning
One report has it that word had spread that the 3-year old daughter of a poor man called Babu Kirwandikar had fallen into the well and
had been drowned. When the villagers rushed to the well they saw the child suspended in mid-air as if some invisible hand was holding
her up! She was quickly pulled out. Sai Baba was fond of that child who was often heard to say : I am Baba's sister!" After this incident,
the villagers took her at her word. "it is all Baba's Leela", the people would say philosophically. They could offer no other explanation.

Flow of Godavari (river) from Baba's feet
These were instances of things they had seen with their own eyes. It was not secondhand information they had gathered. Sai Baba was
to them as real as their homes and their fields and their cattle and the distant hills.Das Ganu once had an unforgettable experience. On
a festive occasion, he sought Baba's permission to go to a place called Singba on the banks of the Godavari to have a bath in the holy
waters. "No," Baba replied resolutely, "where is the need to go all the way when the Godavari is here right at my feet?" Das Ganu was
vexed. He was willing to concede that Ganga the holy river (Baba frequently referred to Godavari as Ganga) rose from the feet of Sri
Narayana (one among the Hindu trinity of Gods) himself, but his faith was not deep enough to believe that the waters of the Godavari
could spring form the feet of his master, Sri Sai. Baba who was reading Das Ganu's mind decided that this was the time to strengthen
Das Ganu's faith. He told his devotee: "come closer to me and hold the hollow of your palms at my feet!". As soon as he did so water
flowed freely out of the toes of the master's feet and filled the hollow of Das Ganu's palms in no time. His joy knew no limits. He
sprinkled the water on his head and his body and distributed some more among the assembled devotees as tirtha (holy water).


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