Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Satsang 'Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi -A God!' by Bapatla Hanumanth Rao Garu

It is now established after a review of the issues dealt with in
detail in the earlier chapter that the Supreme God is only one;
He is the Creator, the Preserver and the Destroyer of the entire
universe and that He is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent
and the 'Inner Self' of all living beings.
My friend might have felt that Hindu Gods like Sri Vishnu,
Sri Krishna, Sri Sankara, Parvati, Sri Rama, Satyanarayana,
Ganapati etc., are worshiped as separate Gods when he enquired
"Are the present Gods not enough"? We now realize that all these
forms represent One and Only God but are known by different
names and different forms. The devotees worship them according
to their liking. The term God is beyond our comprehension and is
God is nameless, formless, and He is Infinite. The God perceived
by our senses is the form we imagine Him to be. Let us realise
that Vishnu, Sri Rama, Sri Krishna, Parvati, Sankara, Ganapati,
Buddha, etc., are all the incarnations of the Almighty, in varied
Avatars (Incarnations)
God who is endless, imperceptible and beyond the comprehension
of the mind and word, becomes the one who settles down at a
place with a definite objective in an Incarnation. The form, so
assumed can be within the powers of mind. An Avatara or
Incarnation is the expressive form of an inexpressive state.
He is all pervasive, yet He steps down from the formless state
(Nirakara) to a definite form (Sahara) in order to uplift the
demoralised, the oppressed and the suffering people. This
does confine to a particular place or time alone.
Lord Sri Krishna says:
Whenever there is decay of Dharma (righteousness) and rise of
Adharma (wickedness and cruelty) and people are tormented!
God embodies himself and takes birth age after age for the
protection of the good and for the annihilation of the evil",
(Gita 4.7.8)
These Incarnations of God are known differently by different
people, in view of the prevailing times, locations, and
conditions: We cannot think of one incarnation to be either
superior of inferior to the other. Each Avatara has a specific
role to play and once its objective is achieved, it disappears
from the scene paving way for the other.

To be contd....
(Source : http://www.saileelas.org/book/agod.htm

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