present there". He further says "The hearts of the Sadhus
are mine and I am in them". This is absolutely true. Just as the
fire is present everywhere in an abstract state, so also God is
present in the hearts of all in a blissful and unique form. He
manifests himself in the inner recesses of the hearts of all
Sri Sankaracharya says in Prabhoda Sudhakaram:
"God is equally present in all. The devotees experience
blessings and benign looks. They exist with nobler feelings
and communication with the Almighty and enjoy the
eternal bliss'
The Sun's rays fall equally on wood, stone and mirror,
but the mirror only gives the accurate reflection. The
Sun's image, not seen on wood or stone. Like wise, though
God is present ii every one, He is not seen in the stony,
impure hearts of an atheist or a non-believer but is seen
only in the pure heart of devotee God dwells in the hearts
of devotees in the form in which the Worship Him.
While meditating, we should think of God to be universal,
Many founders of religions have taught us about the
Sagunopasana (meditating upon God possessing all attributes)
The seeker should realize that rewards are the same, whatever
path he follows.
The Supreme God is worshipped as Siva by the Saivites
Vishnu by the Vaishnavites, the Brahmam by all the
Philosophers, Buddha by the Buddhists, Karta (the sole doer)
by Vaiyayikas the Karma by the followers of Mimamsa, Allah
by the Muslims and Arhat by Jains.
I will worship the Lord Sai Prabhu who protects the pious
poor and weak, easy to attain representing all forms of God.
To be contd....
(Source :
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