Monday, March 20, 2006


Sai Sudha November 1943
' Sri S.,P. B. Naidu, President, Sri Sai Bhakta Samaj, Matunga Bombay, 22nd
September 1943 writes as narrated by Sri K S. Venkataramier, an Officer of
the Kurla Municipality,' Bombay (Husband of Sri Lalitha Venkataraman of
Veena and Radio Fame). From the 1st week of Sep. 1943, my two sons were
suffering from a severe attack of Typhoid and their .condition .was day by
day causing me grave concern and anxiety, so much so, that I was not even
able to stir out" of my residence to take Darshan of our Rev. Swamiji or
attend any of the numerous lectures and discourses arranged for him in
Bombay city and the Suburbs.
On Sunday the I9th Sep. '43, the condition of the children became very
critical and their lives were almost given up for lost. Sri Swamiji, all of
a sudden at 8 o'clock that night visited my house and began applying Sri
Baba's Udhi all over the bodies of both the prostrate children,
simultaneously sending forth his PRAYERS to Baba to protect the children
from any harm befalling them. -
Miraculously enough, the Prayers were immediately heard arid from that
moment onwards there was a perceptible change for the better. -We are now
daily applying the Udhi given by Sri Swamiji to the boys and I am glad to
say that they are progressing satisfactorily-through what else it is but by
Sri Baba's Benign GRACE." Sri Swamiji has laid me in a deep debt of
gratitude to him and' needless for me to state that it was Sri Sai Baba, the
All-powerful, Who rushed to my rescue through our Swamiji. Long Live Sri
Swamiji for carrying on the Holy Mission to which he has wedded himself to.

(Source Sai Sudha 1943)


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