Tuesday, June 13, 2006



In Shri Sai Satcharita, late Shri Tatyasabeh alias Laxman

Krishnaji Noolkar has been only referred to at few places.
(Ch. II, Ch. XXVII and Ch. XXXI).
Shri Nagesh Gunaji in his English Satcharita has added a few

lines on his life and spiritual achievement in brief. Perhaps both
of them had no access to more information about Tatyasaheb

Luckily recently, I came across Tatyasaheb's grandson Shri

Raghunaih Vishwanath Noolkar from whom I received lot of
reliable information (personally observed by his father and
written down for an article in 'Sant Kripa' magazine.) not known
to us Sai devotees. He also produced some proofs viz.. a letter
from Shri Madhavrao Deshpande (Shama) in his own hand-
writing and a letter written by Tatyasaheb Noolkar to Shri
Nanasaheb Chandorkar about his spiritual experiences. Based
on all this and also on information procured from other sources,
I have collated this article in detail to describe the great spiritual
progress of Shri Tatyasaheb Noolkar and his final beatitude at
the feet of Shri Sai Baba at Shirdi in March, 1911.

Early life and first meeting with Sai Baba

Tatyasaheb was born in the latter half of the 19th century and

educated at Pune High School. In government service and other
activities, he was known for his firmness, truthfulness, selflessness,
benevolence and self-control. In spiritual matters, his study was
great and he used to read Upanishads and other religious books
regularly. He had 'darshan' and intimate association with quite a
few saints.

In 1908, Tatyasaheb was Sub-Judge at Pandharpur (famous

place of pilgrimage of Sri Vithoba in Maharashlra) and Nanasaheb
Chandorkar was the Mamlatdar (Revenue Officer, in charge of
a sub-division) at the same place. Nanasaheb as per his usual
habit, used to urge Tatyasaheb to visit Shirdi at least once. At last
Tatyasaheb agreed to go to Shirdi on two conditions, (1) he must
get a Brahmin cook and (2) he must get good Nagpur Oranges for
presentation to Shri Sai Baba. On this Nanasaheb said, "Yes, with

Baba's grace you will get them also".

Surprisingly, the same night one Brahmin cook came to Nanasaheb

for a job and he immediately sent him to Tatyasaheb. Next day
morning, Tatyasaheb received a parcel of excellent Nagpur oranges,
the name of the consigner not being mentioned. Thus Tatyasaheb
was convinced of Baba's divine powers and he went with Nanasaheb
Chandorkar to Shirdi. Tatyasaheb was physically short and fat. As
he bowed down at Baba's feet, Baba placed his hand spreading all
five lingers on Tatyasaheb's head lightly but with a slight push. As a
result, Tatyasaheb collapsed a little towards the nearly pillar, but at

that time quite different feelings appeared in his head and having been
convinced that this was the real and ultimate place of his Guru, he
was in the state of unparalleled joy.

That night Tatyasaheb while asleep in Sathe Wada, suddenly woke

up and started asking Nanasaheb for betel (a roll of Piper-betel
leaves with areca nut, clover, lime etc. chewed after meals) which
Nanasahcb was not in the habit of chewing. Just at that time Baba
at the Masjid said to someone present. "Take these four betels
and give them to the old man come with Chandorkar at Sathe Wada."
Seeing that man suddenly come with the betels, Talyasaheb was
convinced about Baba's powers of knowing secrets of others' mind
(Antar-jnan) and his faith in Baba was further established. Tatyasaheb
came back to Pandharpur but whenever he got leave or had holidays,

he started visiting Shirdi for Sai Baba's darshan and company.

Severe pain of eyes cured

Once Tatyasaheb had some dangerous disease for his eyes. He

could not see properly and pain was unbearable. When no
improvement occured inspite of treatment from well-known eye-
Tatayasaheb as a last resort went lo Shirdi. Two days he sat in
Sathe Wada praying Sai Baba and continuously repealing Sai-
nama. On the third day Baba placing His hand on His own eyes,
said to Madhavrao Deshpande, "Shama ! Today My eyes are
paining severely". As soon as Baba said these words,
Talyasaheb's pain started becoming less and less and swollen
eyes were cured completely. (In Shri Sai Saicharita, Ch. XXI,
Sai Baba's taunting a pleader from Pandharpur and teaching
him not to indulge in any scandal or slander of others, was in
reference to that pleader's criticism and discussion in the Bar
Room of Talyasaheb Noolkar's above stay at Shirdi for cure
of his eyes only).

to be contd...
by Late Lt.Col Nimbalkar


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