Monday, June 12, 2006

Satsang 'Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi -A God!' by Bapatla Hanumanth Rao Garu

There are two kinds of Saints in the world.
First category : He relinquishes all the mundane bonds and

stays in a state of Nirvikalpa Samadhi, enjoying the bliss of
the Aatma (inner soul). Such a person may not have any
direct contact with the people in the world, but their Universal
Love spreads all over. He blesses the people who tread in
the right-path. His very presence encourages Dharma

(righteousness) (as demonstrated in Ramayana) and Satyam
(truthfulness) (as preached in Gita)

Second Category : It is said in the "Narada Bhakti Sutras"
that some saints attain salvation and enjoy the bliss and also
make others attain the same. Such Samardha Sadguru is
called Adhikari, the chief Purusba, or Avatar (incarnation).
(Sutras 3-32)

Such persons mingle with the people in the world, but never

swerve from their Brahma Nista (steadfast nature in the
Brahman) . Nothing attracts or casts any spell over them.
This Sadguru behaves as the 'Inner Self of the universe.
This great soul outwardly does not appear to be performing
anything, but really is the cause of every thing.

Lord Krishna says: (Gita: 3-22)
- Arjuna there is nothing in these three worlds for Me to

do nor is there anything worth attaining; yet I continue
to work"

Hence, all that is done by the great saints and seers is only

for the welfare, and upliftment of the people and nothing
for themselves. They are the veritable fountains of love.
They appear and move in this world only to elevate all
those people, who tread in the wrong paths. They have
compassion and love for every one without any exception.

Saint Kabir says: " Like the water ponds, the trees, the

saints exist only for others. The ponds and rivers give water
to the thirsty but do not drink. The trees satisfy the hungry
ones with its fruits but do not eat any. Likewise, the saints
perform everything for the good of others. They never
think about themselves".

To be contd....
(Source :


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