In the year 1886, an unique incident happened. With the grace
of his Guru (Venkusa), Sri Sai Baba imbibed all the yogic Powers
of his Guru without seeking them. He never craved for powers,
paid no attention to them and never tested their efficacy It is
observed that many great Yogies succumb to such powers.
All these supernatural powers resided with Sainath for 30-35
years waiting for his grace.
Baba had the habit of chanting the name of Hari with great love
and devotion and without caring for the powers he posses, like
the sage Rishabha - (Bhagavatha Purana - Fifth Skanda). The
elders say that our mind cannot be trusted. Just as a small
amount: of rawness in the seed makes it capable of germenation,
similarly if the mind is not ripe enough, it can be the cause of
Karma and lead us astray. Unless the seed is thoroughly fried,
it will not lose its power of germination. So also, mind should
be purified. Wit the most miraculous incident in 1886, Baba
transformed himself from the state of divine appearance to the
state of Absoluteness, (from the state of Sakshatkara to
Parabrahma state), the state of Universal Pervasiveness.
(Omnipresence and Omniscience).
Baba wanted to do Seemollanghanam (crossing the boundaries
of this mortal coil) in 1886, 32 years before his Maha
Samadhi". (1918) It was a full moon day in Margasira
(December), Baba was suffering from an attack of Asthma
(he might have suffered for the sake of some devotee); He
determined to regulate his Prana (life force) and attain
Samadhi state . He informed Mahalsapathi, "I am going to
see Allah. Protect my body for three days; if I return, it is
alright. If I do not come back, bury my body at that place
outside (pointing to a particular spot), and have two flags
fixed in the ground as a sign of the burial". So saying Baba
fell to the ground at lO'o clock in the night. His breathing
stopped his pulse also came down, it seemed as if the life
force had left the body.
The people of Shirdi, who gathered thought him to be dead
and bury his body but Mahalsapathi objected to this and
did not allow anyone to touch the body. He protected it for
three day and nights keeping the head on his lap. On the
fourth day at about 4'o clock at dawn, there appeared some
signs of life in the Baba's body. Soon Baba started breathing.
The movements of his stomach were noticed while breathing.
Baba opened his eyes and touched his hands and legs. Baba
woke up to full life again!
Baba informed Mahalsapathi that he had seen God, but will
main in his present body for some more years to fulfill the
tasks assigned to him and that he will assist the people - in
their welfare.
To be contd....
(Source :
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