Tuesday, May 23, 2006


The word "Guru" is a Sanskrit word and a number of
derivations are found specially in "Guru Gita" which is a part
of "Skanda Purana". "Gu" generally means "Guha and
therefore means "darkness", "Ru" donates the action of
destruction (just as fire destroys) or removal. So "Guru"
means the dispeller of darkness or ignorance. Another
derivation of Guru-Gita says that Guru is one who takes
one from the Gunas to that beyond Gunas i.e. BAHMAN.
Over and above another definition is "Gu" means Gunatita
that is beyond the senses. "Ru" means Ru-Patita that is
beyond all forms. As the guru is beyond all gunas and
forms He is revered as Nirakara and Niranjana.

We see and heard of various types of Gurus. Sometimes
their realisation is the same, but the method of teaching is
different. Some times their method of teaching may be same,
but the method of initiation is different. Just as there are
gradations in realisations, similarly there are gradations in
Gurus. Some are Vidya-Gurus who only teach certain
scriptures. Some are Deekhya-Guru who usually initiate
into meditation or into spiritual practices.

The real Guru is one who makes the disciples realise
God or Brahman and such "A" one, could not only teach
through his practices, and He is a power separate from
mere teaching but thrilling, inspiring illuminating and used
to deliver the real soul consciousness to individuals in
particular and mankind in general, Who is actually the
divine power personified.

In the ocean of rebirth, lust and rage are two big rocks
through which the boat of life cannot pass unscathed. The
thieves of greediness are ever waiting to steal the values of
the life and the spiritual wealth of individuals. There will be
sharp showers of arrogance and jealously and the hurricane
of illusion ever ready to over-turn the ship. One used to forget
the soul which is nothing but a spark of divinity. Thought the
soul of individual is a tiny spark of God and as water seeks
its own level, the individual is graced with the inspiration to
reach the inner essence that is ever increasing bliss. However
because of the diverse luminosity and enamouring potency of
God's illusive power "The Maya", man is enticed by the
materialistic world and the essence of consciousness, the tiny
spark which is hungry for the incessant bliss is unwittingly
entrapped and over-shadowed by the urge of physical
sense-gratifying pastures, It is only a real Guru who alone
knows the proper ways to escape the dangers for reaching
the other shore, can impart and ignite the knowledge of
consciousness of the divine spark to humanity, for He has
already reached the other shore and descent only out of
measureless compassion to navigate the ship of man's life
through the tantalizing ocean of material world and the
cycle of birth and death.

The fire of non-attachment and knowledge crowned
with Guru's grace can burn one's Samrkaras to make him
free from the bondage created by him. Non-attachment does
not mean indifference or non-loving. Non-attachment and
love are one and the same. No-attachment gives freedom,
but attachment brings bondage. Through non-attachment
every householder remains aware of his purpose of life and
does his duty selflessly. His actions becomes means for him.
In renunciation, the renunciate remains aware of the purpose
of his life constantly and attains enlightenment. Non-attachment
and renunciation expands the consciousness. When one learns
to expand his consciousness on unites with Universal
consciousness then he no longer remains within the bound of his
karma that makes him totally free and is naturally regarded as
a Guru in the society.

(to be contd...)

by Dwarika Mohan Mishra, Orissa,
(Source :http://saileelas.org/articles/misra/guruofgurus.htm)


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