Vedas propound the existence of God and He cannot
be seen "No one can behold God with his eyes, but by
removing the impurities in our hearts and minds we can
perceive Him with our intellect"
Manu also expresses the same opinion. (Manusmriti, 5-7)
"There was nothing but darkness before this creation. The
whole universe seemed to be in a state of sleep. From this
Tamas, (Darkness) Bbagawan, the Swayambhoo emerged
in divine splendor and effulgence. Gradually, the veil of
darkness vanished, God with his own will power manifested
himself in an abstract, inexplicable, ancient, indescribable,
omnipresent, omniscient form".
The 'Vedas' further say:
"Before the onset of creation, when nothing was there, only I
remained. I was beyond description. In the great dissolution
and deluge also, only I remained. This visible universe is not
different from Me. Ultimately, only I will remain."
In the Bhagavatha Purana, in the Dasarna (Tenth) Skanda,
is said (10-14,23):
In our life from birth to death, we come across several
phenomenal changes. Many riddles do appear, grow and
vanish in our very presence. The planets like the Sun the
Moon and the Stars appear in the sky doing their
appropriate functions. Are these an admixure of the five
elements moving about because of mutual attractive power?
Or is there an Omnipotent Creator or Controller of the
universe who conditions and directs them? Our continued
search lead us to the inevitable conclusion that there is
some unknown, invisible force that guides every thing
and to conceive of it may be beyond our comprehension.
The Vedas concur with the above.
"God created the Sun, the Moon the Sky and the Earth.
We are amazed at the super powers of God when we
examine the birth, growth and the death of different species
in the universe. It beyond our knowledge and comprehension
to know the mystery creation, it's beginning and the end.
We do feel that some mysterious divine force guides this
universe since its inception."
Hence, we feel that there is some primal, ancient, complete,
indestructible, all pervasive cause for this creation and that
supreme cause is God only, who is Omnipotent, Omniscient,
Omnipresent and an embodiment of Sat-Chit-Ananda
(ever lasting bliss). This indescribable power is known by
myriad names. He is Parameswara - Parabrahma * Brahma
- Narayana-Bhagavan - Vasudeva - Siva * Vishnu - Rama
- Krishna -Jahovah-Deva - Khuda - Arha - Buddha - Allah
God is one but He is called the Trinity - Brahma - Vishnu
-Maheswara, (Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer.)
To be contd....
(Source :
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