different functions through different organs and appears as
a different force the Atman is one, but manifests differently
in different bodies, is present in mosquitoes, birds, animals,
human beings - in short in all living beings. He is there every
where in this universe. He is a silent witness, - to the sushupta
state, (a state in which al elements stop functioning temporarily,
and body loses its identity of 'Self') - and to the awakened state
(when we say 'I had a good sleep' or 'I dreamt likes this'). He
is always present with us. Thai primordial force 'Brahmam' -
is God"
Thus Pippalayana described the attributes of God, the
Parabrahma, to the King Janaka.
Where God resides?
Svethasvetharopanishad says:
"God is one and unique; He is present in all beings. He in
the soul divine in all. He distributes the fruits of all our actions
by being an invisible witness. He is devoid of any specific
Sruties, Smruties and Puranas emphatically pronounce one
single voice that "God permeates in water, fire, air and in
the entire universe including bushes creepers and even a
blade of grass.
The Sruties further say; "Only those who can see Him in
the inner hearts of all beings with a pure, immaculate mind
can realize Him and attain eternal bliss."
(Svetasvetharopanishad 4-1').
There are many such statements, which bear testimony
this truth:
"There is no power superior to Him in the universe. No
one protects Him. He yearns nothing. He is the primal
cause of all 'our actions. He is the Lord of all. He is not
borne to any one. There is no authority over Him".
(Svetasvetharopanishad 6-9)
Lord Sri Krishna in His divine message says:
"Oh Arjuna! The Lord dwells in the hearts of all beings
(revolving them all by His mysterious power Maya, as if
they were objects mounted on a machine"
(Bhagavadgita, 18-61)
As Pronounced in Vedas, Yagnavalkya Mahamuni said
like this:
"In every man's heart, there are 1,44,000 Hita-Ahita Nadies
[with several branches spread all over the body. In the heart
lies ever shining Param Jyoti (Divine light) and our relentless
pursuit is to seek that. The one who realizes it knows no birth,
no death and attains Mukti (Salvation)"
To be contd....
(Source : http://www.saileelas.org/book/agod.htm
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