Thursday, May 25, 2006


6. Kachchapa Guru : is like a tortoise which is capable of giving
nourishment to its young one just by a mere glance. This is a mythological
description that applies to the spiritual imparting of the wisdom by the
guru to the disciple. At any given moment, guru could pass on his spiritual
vibrations to the discipline, by his mere glance. "Krupa Kataksha", or the
graceful look, has a very deep significance in mysticism. Such a look by the
guru could inspire the disciple to rise to a very great height of spiritual
experience. The glance has a soothing effect which could reveal a great
truth to the disciple.
7. Chandra Guru : is like the moon which shines in a special type of stone
called the Chandrakantha stone or moon stone. The moon-stone alone
reflects the rays of the moon, even though the moon is physically away
from it. Similarly, this type of guru can be compared to the moon reflecting
in the hearts of only specially qualified disciples even from a distance,
This speaks about the jurisdiction of the rays of vibrations which are so
wide and powerful as to reach long distances, yet be very cool, soothing
and redeeming.
8. Darpana Guru: is like a mirror. He is transparent and pure. None sooner
does thee disciple approach him, he sees himself reflected in the Guru. Due
to that purity, he makes the mind and heart of the disciple like a mirror in
which the disciple finds his self reflected.
9. Chaayanidhi Guru: is like a mythological bird. On whosoever its shadow
falls that man becomes a king. Similarly, the shadow of a chaayanidhi guru
showers divine blessings in the discipline. Whenever his holy shadow has
fallen, there shall always be divine vibrations.
10. Krauncha Pakshi Guru : is compared to a huge, mythological crane or
bird. It is said that this bird leaves its young ones and goes away to bring
food. On its distance journey, if it once remembers its young ones, the
young ones feel, their hunger is satisfied. Similarly, the guru, wherever he
is, if he even remembers his devotees, that is enough for their protection
and spiritual upliftment.
11. Suryakanta Guru: When the rays of the sun pass through a magnifying
glass the cotton kept behind the crystal is burnt is burnt. Similarly, the
darshan, or the sight of a Suryakanta guru burns the karma of a disciple.

(to be contd...)
by Dwarika Mohan Mishra, Orissa,
(Source :


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