Monday, May 01, 2006


25. From the above narration, it could be judged and a
conclusion drawn, how evil is abundant in this mundane
world and how limited and few are good ones. This also
reflects on the theory that good men are few and the bad
are more. That is the creation of the Almighty for the man
to realise and disciminate between good and bad and to
choose the right path for his salvation and pious living-this
path he should seek to live and lead both to help the
humanity and himself attain salvation or Mukthi.

26. It will be interesting to note how a generous, pious,
good man and a wicked and jealous man are compared,
is illustrated by the fact that a lion-the jungle king-though
living on the ground-not like birds in air looks forward for
its hunger, an elephant for its prey but never stoops low to
ugly and meek creatures, as the vulture or a kite though
high in the sky, with its sharp sight droops down upon
ugly and nasty carcasses, corpses etc. but not at good
and superior things.
27. In just manner endowed with decretory and
discriminating power between good and bad and blessed
with the position and status occupying highest pedestal in
life, instead of viewing things broad-mindedly and
magnanimously with sympathy and reason and redress
the grievances and problems on humanitarian grounds, by
uplifting the poor and needy and thus follow the path of
give and take policy -forget and forgive - the mother of
virtue of an ideal man realises and feels the pulses and
difficulties of others as his own; but not develop paired
with narrow selfish, ugly jealous mind, only aiming at
individual self progess and prosperity, pomp, power
and fame acquired by ill-got wealth and honour at the
cost of others which are transitory illusions not eternal.
He should have perspective view on higher ideals with
a bent of mind and a determined effort to help humanity,
as Abobenatham said, "Love your fellow men and I will
love you - as service to man is service to God or
humanity is servitude."

To be continuted......
(Source Sai Leela Magazine January 1977)


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