Thursday, May 04, 2006

Satsang 'Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi -A God!' by Bapatla Hanumanth Rao Garu

My Dear fellow devotees,

I am indeed fortunate enough to place this booklet in

the hands of all the devotees as directed by Sri Sai Baba
in an attempt to answer the question:
"Is Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi also a God? Are the present

Gods not enough?", posed to me by a friend of mine.
I wrote some articles on this issue in Sai Leela, (a monthly

magazine published from Chirala) in 1953, and in Sai Sudha
(Published from Mylapore, Chennai,) in 1957-'58, At the
behest of my fellow devotees, this small publication is
brought out compiling all those articles with certain
additions and modifications.
I am a small and insignificant person to detail about God,

His Incarnations and the Holy Saints. One should be One
with that Supreme Being to speak about Him. It shall always
remain incomplete if a small person like me ventures to talk
about Him. Words seem to express a fraction of entirety.
The Eternal Truth can neither be comprehended nor

expressed but can only be experienced. God is the central
cause of all our actions and its effects. It is Sri Sai Baba's
wish that makes one to raise a question and it is His wish
only that prompts some one else to answer it. I earnestly
believe that this is a special mission entrusted to me by my
Guru, Sri B.V. Narasimha Swamiji a great Saint. He
earned the reputation as the modern Nana Saheb
Cbandorkar (a close disciple of Sri Sai Baba) and also
called Sai Vyasa by Sai devotees. He was the Founder
President of All India Sai Samaj, Mylapore, Chennai.

Let the learned pardon me for my audacity in talking

about a divine personality, Sri Sai Baba,

The book is divided into four chapters.

First Chapter:

In answer to the second question of my friend:

(Are the present Gods not enough?, It has been established
that there is only one Supreme God, who is Omniscient,
Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and does not possess any
specific form.
The other Godly forms (called by my friend as Gods in

his question) are His Avatars (Incarnations.)

Hinduism is the most ancient of all religions in the world

with wider scope, goals, and objectives. It propounds
that this human life is the best form of all living beings.
If a person who believes in the existence of God (Theist)
meditates upon Him (God) with full faith and devotion

on any form the results are the same. They do not
depend upon the form of God, they worship. Bhagawan
Sri Adi Sankara, known as Shanmatacharya, has taught
us the truth that Saivism, Vaisbnavism, Saktism are all
accepted by Vedas and God can be worshipped in any
form as per his/her belief and the rewards shall be the
same. Our ancient Hindu religion has no rifts with other

religions. It exhibits a broad feeling of love and respect
for all other religions and absorbs all of them into its fold.
This is the reason for its survival till today and it will
survive forever.

To be contd....
(Source :


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