Thursday, May 04, 2006


Baba ! Ocean of kindness ! Light of Love ! Lord of Universe
How fortunate Thy bhaktas are ! What a strange coincidence
To-day is Thursday, the first of January of the New Year
Though every day is auspicious to the children, significant this is
Pour down thy purity, mercy, affection on us unendingly
Render our lives purposeful and dedicated to the sacred service
Let misdeeds ?nd foul actions of the wicked touch us not
Yes, men of ego forget the good, and scorn the virtuous
They become slaves to desires, dethrone wisdom and fall a
prey to lust Baba ! Man is mortal, Life is like a bubble, light
in the air Know not we when death lays its icy hands on us,
ends our activities
Why this race towards amassing wealth, and rolling in
happiness ? Help to remove poverty and unemployment
religious heads are told Baba ! Thou art no religious head
nor leader. Thou art all How ideally Thou led life and how
Thou conducted Thyself as light to us!
Hunger is unconquerable to humanity, animals and birds too
But Thy motto to stand by the poor is marvellous and magnifying
Thou distributed Thy begged food to the hunger-stricken and
dogs Not only that,'thou" gave away Dakshina monies to the
poor and the destitute Thou became Paramapurusha and
Purushottama, friend of the down-trodden
Baba ! Poverty is a terrific enemy, fearful devil, hateful to all
Yet Thou invited and embraced it to demonstrate the path to
us and learn Thou wore rags, dressed like a fakir, Thou were
Poverty personified Baba! Give us strength and will-power
to imbibe Thy spirit of goodness Can we reach.
The goal set by Thee.namely to help the poor meaningfully
Yes, If Thou bestow on us Thy mercy, advice, kindly look
and love If every man is full of sympathy like Thee, poverty
will retreat Grant us determination and resoluteness to cut
down our desires Let these desires be full of 'nishkama' and
purity and brightness Impart singleness and sterlingness in our
thought, action and deed Baba ! Kindle our lives in this new year
with these rare qualities That enrich us and pave the way for
ushering in of new economic order Baba! Let Thy bhaktas
forget not what thou taugnt, had done and said Turn them as
Thy "ankita" children and let there be no defeat and
disappointment to them

L. Suryanarayana Sarma,

(Source Sai Leela Magazine May 1976)


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