Bernard Shaw, etc. extolled the great virtues of our ancient
religion and culture. In the words of George Bernard Shaw:
"The apparent multiplication of Gods is bewildering at
first glance, but you soon discover that they are all the same
God in different aspects and functions. There is always one
utter most God who defies personification.
This makes Hinduism the most tolerant religion in the world,
because its own transcendent God includes all possible Gods."
The first chapter further deals in detail with the term God
as propounded in the Smrities, Sruties and Puranas which are
the-roots of our ancient Hindu religion and establishes that
there is only one Universal God and different Gods do not
Second Chapter:
This deals with God's physical forms, and His Avatars
(Incarnations.) An Incarnation, a learned Saint, a person who
knows Brahmam are all considered to be Gods in our presence
by virtue of their powers of attaining Godliness. There is no
discrimination between them in their State, Stature or Status.
Whoever possesses such extraordinary qualities and powers
as witnessed in the Almighty, will be God. God who is Nirakara
becomes Sahara in order to quench the thirst of love of His
devotees. The Sahara form of God is not confined to a particular
country or time. It appears at all times as and when the need
arises and protects His children.
The chapter thus underlines the need of God's Incarnation
assuming the form of Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi.
The ten incarnations of God such as Matsya (fish form),
Kurma (form of tortoise), Narasimha (form of man and lion) etc.,
Kapila, Dattatreya, Gautam Buddha, and Sri Rama Krishna
Parama Hamsa are no way different from the incarnation of Sri
Sai Baba. Let my fellow devotees not be under illusion that there
were several Gods and Sri Sai Baba has been the added to the
list. It is always good for them to believe that God, the Supreme
Power had assumed different forms and shall assume any form
with His unlimited, myriad and miraculous powers at any time,
as and when the occasion arises.
To be contd....
(Source :
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