Thursday, March 16, 2006

Satsang Chapter 10 :Sri_Sai_Sat_Charitra_Concise(Version)

Om Shree Ganeshaya Namah
Om Sai Ram
Chapter 10:::
Baba's bedstead

Remind yourself always about Sai Baba. One should do it from minute to minute when one's mental and
physical faculties are fine.
* Baba suspended a wooden plank of rags from the ceiling of the masjid, kept lamps burning on four edges and slept on it. While it was a puzzle as to how the withered cloth pieces held the weight of the plank, it was all the more a miracle that it held on the weight of Baba also. People used to gather to see how Baba climbed up and down. They kept vigil in turns. But no one could see him either climbing up or ascending down. All that they could see was that either He was lying on the plank or already on the ground! One day enraged Baba broke the plank to pieces. Some times, Baba appeared as embodiment of love. At times, He threw stones on on-lookers. In fact, only the blessed ones got the treasure called Sai Baba. The inner significance of Baba's preaching was Ram and Rahim are one and the same. Sai is the one Guru who will carry us beyond the sea of bondage of birth.

*Once a man named Nanavali asked Baba to get up from His seat and sat on it. Baba obliged and said nothing.
Immediately he got up and prostrated to Baba. This man was so devoted that he died on the 13th day after Baba's mahasamadhi.
*Baba said, "If you shed all intellectual burden and remind yourself "Sai" "Sai" then you will be untied of all bondages and freed"
Listen to these stories with attention. Meditate on them .Without God's grace no one gets the taste to listen to the stories of Saints.
With meditation on Sai's form let us close this chapter.
By A.Govindakrishnan


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