Thursday, March 16, 2006

Satsang Chapter 11 :Sri_Sai_Sat_Charitra_Concise(Version)

Om Shree Ganeshaya Namah
Om Sai Ram
Chapter 11:::
Dr. Pandit, Haji Siddik Falke
* Sai Baba is incarnation of God.Vedas declare that Brahma is bliss. People enjoyed that bliss at Shirdi. Baba permitted his devotees to worship Him as they desired. Once Dr. Pandit, during worship in the masjid , applied sandal paste on Baba's forhead . No one ever dared to do that till then.Baba explained to Dhadha Kelkar that Pandit in his mind personified Baba as his guru and applied sandal paste on His forhead as he would do to his Guru, and hence He could not object. Later, the doctor confirmed this. Sometimes, though Baba appeared to shake with anger and appear to rotate his reddish eyeballs menacingly, He was at heart embodiment of motherly love.
* No one can say when Baba would accept a person. Once , for nine months Baba dis not permit an aged Moslem named Haji Siddik Falke, who had visited Mecca and Medina, to enter the masjid.Shama pleaded for him. Baba exclaimed ' 'Who can enter the masjid without that Fakir's permission?' Then He shot three questions to the Haji through Shama. On hearing the replies given by the Haji, an emotionally charged Baba came to the Haji and said: 'Why are you imagining yourself as a matured Haji? You do not know Me. You are vain about your trip to Mecca. ' Then He returned to masjid , sent a basket full of mangoes with Rs. 55 to Haji and permitted him to come to masjid whenever he wanted.
* One day a severe storm raged at Shirdi frightening men and animal alike. Baba came to the edge of the masjid , looked up at the sky and commanded 'Stop! Stop your fury.'
The storm quickly ceased,sky cleared and moon shone brightly.
* Another day, the flames of dhuni rose dangerously to the ceiling of masjid. Baba struck His chatka in the nearby pillar ordering ' Get down, get down' and the flames subsided for each stroke and became normal.
Those who read this chapter would be released from all dangers. Having achieved all their desires they will reach the high state of desirelessness.
By A. Govindakrishnan


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