Thursday, June 15, 2006

Satsang 'Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi -A God!' by Bapatla Hanumanth Rao Garu

Possessing supernatural powers, Baba, is the embodiment
of divinity and total perfection. Baba is always in Eternal bliss,
- a state of 'Sat-Chit-Ananda*. As a perfect Guru, he has the
capacity to lead his devotees on the right path. He is the
embodiment of pure truth, real knowledge. He is the goal of
all religions. Every aspirant should strive to attain this goal.
All Sadgurus are different forms of God. Love is the
fundamental principle of all religions. The essence of Baba's
preaching is to realize this truth. This only brings unity
among all religious sects. The Hindu devotees are able to
see their endearing forms of God in Baba.

* A physician from South Africa, who was a devotee of Lord
Sri Rama, was able to see Rama only in Sai Baba. Baba
granted Love and Bliss to him.

* Baba appeared as Lord Hanuman to M.S. Nimonkar, a
inspector, and 'Bhakta' of Hanuman'.

* A relative of Nana Saheb Chandorkar called Binnewal who
was a devotee of Lord Dattatreya saw that form in Baba.

* To Megha Syam, Baba appeared as Lord Siva. Sri Prathan
and family could see Pandu Ranga Vittal in Baba.

* The brother of Bal Dev beheld in Baba, his favorite Lord
Ganapathi Krishna says in the Gita (4- 11):

"Oh! whoever seeks protection from Me and worships in
whatever form, I will accept them in that form. All men follow
my path."

It is sung in the Aarati (noon prayer) of Baba:
"Oh! Sai! You will give Darshan (appearance) to every one

in the form they perceive you."
Baba showers motherly affection to a person who seeks

protection. He promises to save anyone who merely prays
to him He drives away their difficulties. He is kind to all
without discrimination. Baba is never angry with the devotees
for mistakes committed by them. On the contrary, he tries to
rectify them by removing their deficiencies. He shows them
the most beneficial path, which is inaccessible to many.
Hence, Sai is only source of solace in the present times.
The devotees like Chanarkar, Mirikar, Nachne, Narke, Nulkar
bear testimony the above facts (For details please refer to
the Telugu Book by author 'Saimananam' Second Chapter)

Those who knew Baba well and those who had close
association with him believed to be the incarnation of
God only.

To be contd....
(Source :


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Satsang Chapter 28 :Sri_Sai_Sat_Charitra_Concise(Version)

Om Shree Ganeshaya Namah
Om Sai Ram

Chapter 28:::
Devotees wire pulled to Shirdi.

Baba often used to say: "However far my man be, even if he is 3000 miles
away, he will be pulled to Shirdi as sparrow dragged by the twain tied to
its leg."

* Lala Lakshmi Chand: This man is Bombay had a dream in 1910 in which
he saw a saint standing surrounded by devotees. From a photo in Das Ganu's
Kirtan session he realized that it was Sai Baba who came in his dream. He
borrowed fifteen rupees from his uncle (a marwari), gathered a few friends and
singing Bhajan all through the night reached Shirdi. When he prostrated before
Baba in the masjid, Baba affectionately: "Conceited fellow! Sings bhajan en
route. What is the need to come to darshan even borrowing money from the
marwari? Is the heart satisfied now?' On the third day, Lala had some back
pain and was hungry while at masjid; also felt at heart that it would be nice
if sansa was distributed as prasada. Baba directed that sansa be prepared
for nivedya that day. Looking at Lala he said: 'Eat samsa for hunger. Apply
some balm for back pain!' That night during chavadi procession Baba was
tormented by cough. Lala thought that it must be due to evil eyes. Next
morning when he came to masjib Baba remarked that yesterday He
suffered from cough and that it could be that some one's evil eyes were
working on Him!

* Lady from Burghanpur: Once a lady at Burghanpur had a dream in which
Baba was asking her for kichadi. She came to Shirdi and waited for a
fortnight. But no occasion came to serve kichadi. Having lost her patience
on the fifteenth day, she forced her entry with kichadi in to masjid after
curtains were drawn for Baba's lunch. That day Baba ate only kichadi.

* Mega: Hari Vinyak Sathe sent this Brahmin who was his cook to Shirdi.
This simple hearted village rustic came with hesitation as to how a Brahmin
could prostrate before a Moslem in a masjid. When he entered entered the
masjid, Baba shouted: "Kick away that rascal. You will lose your purity if
you enter here. That brainless sahib has sent this fool here!' In due course
of time, Mega became one of the most ardent devotees of Baba. To bring
bilva leaves for baba's worship he would walk miles daily. He would first go
for worship in all the temples in Shirdi, then wash the feet of Sai at masjid
and drink tha holy water. Once during mahara shankaranti he wanted to
bathe Baba, his Shiva, with holy waters and hence walked in all 24 miles
to bring a pot water of river Gomathi despite strong objection by Baba. At
last Baba conceded to his plea but told him to pour water only on His
head. But the emotionally charged Mega shouted 'Har Gange' and pured
water all over His body. Lo! Not a drop fell on Baba's body! Only the
Head was drenched!

* One day at dawn Mega dreamt that Baba entered his room, cast
akshathas (sancitified rice) and told him to draw a Trishul (Trident) in his
room. He woke up and saw akshathas but the door was locked from
inside. When he went with doubt to masjid, Baba told him that no door
was a bar to His entry and directed him to draw trishul in room. Next
day when Mega was at Masjid a devotee from Bombay came to Baba
and submitted a shiva linga. Baba told Mega: 'See Shankar has come'.
Megha drew trishul in his room and Baba installed the shiva linga near
the His big portrait in that room.

* After serving Baba for years, in 1912 Mega attained shiva loga prapti
(reached the holy feet of Lord Shiva). Baba termed him as 'his true
devotee', covered his body with flower, joined the funeral procession
and wailed loudly like ordinary worldly persons. On the 13th day He
fed Brahmins at His own cost.
By A.Govindakrishnan

Satsang 'Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi -A God!' by Bapatla Hanumanth Rao Garu

A Sai s devotee should keep away from the eight vices viz.
Desire Envy, Greed, Hypocrisy, Falsehood, Blame Lust and
Anger. Devotion to Sai Baba Means - following the basic
tenets of all religions, equal feeling towards all, and unflinching
faith in Sadguru, Sri Sai Baba. The devotees always felt that
they before a Divine Form (God Incarnate) who is an embodiment
Love, Holiness. Often, Baba used to say to them; "As I love you.

you should love each other". Before him there were no rein
barriers. The feeling of Love is, enduring, universal indescribable.
As the Inner Self of all, He was able to know and everything
happening around the world and rescued his children. With his
grace, he made impossible things happen. They in turn loved him
madly. Baba clearly stated that he reached his present unique
state only due to his Guru's blessings and the root cause for it
is the intense Love towards him. Every one wants removal of
the difficulties and fulfillment of their desires. Such things are
possible through Love only. At Baba's feet, they can get their
wish granted; now and in future also. Religious faiths do not
pose problems to them.

The sanctity of Hinduism - its unity

Baba decided to bring about unity among the followers different
sects of Hinduism. The tenet: "There is only one Universal God"
was well entrenched in the mind of Baba, during his childhood,
when he was under the care of Fakir, a Sufi Saint. Guru Venkusa
imbibed in him (between 6 to 18 years) a thorough-understanding
as to the Nature of God and his manifestation He felt that Lord
Venkateswara, worshipped by his Guru, is no other than 'Allah'
(Supreme God) - All other forms of God, worshipped by his Guru

during pilgrimages, are different forms of the same God and are
called by different names.

It is mentioned in the Sruties "The truth is only one but learned
express it in different ways". Baba understood this truth of the
scriptural saying at a very tender age. Baba preached this to all
his devotees. Let every Hindu realize this truth and inculcate in
their minds that God and Allah are one and the same. Baba is
another incarnation of God.

Thaittereya Upanishad says: "All forms of God Are different
parts of the Absolute."
To be contd....
(Source :



Baba's favours to Tatyasaheb
In earlier days Sai Baba was not getting himself worshipped. If
somebody brought a garland, he did not accept it. But later on
due to love of various devotees, he started permitting devotees
to apply sandal-paste to His fore-head, offer Him flowers and
perform Arati (waving of burning lamps). It was Tatyasaheb who
had the privilege of first performing such Pooja on Guru
Pournima Day. Tatyasaheb describes this incident in his letter
to Nanasaheb Chandorkar thus :

"On Saturday just as I got up in bed, I remembered it was GURU
POOJA DAY and made preparations. After Bhiksha (begging
round of Sai Baba) we were permitted to perform Guru Puja.
Baba allowed us to do all 'upachar' (particulars and points of
worship) quietly. He returned all Dakshina that was given at the
time of Pooja. Then He sent word to Radhakrishna and Dadabhai
(Dada Kelkar- father-in-law of Rao Bahadur Salhe) that Pooja and
Arati was being done and they should come soon. So Radhakrishna
sent her Pooja and Dada came wiih his Pooja articles." Thus, with
Tatyasaheb Noolkar, the congregational worship of Baba with
singing of Arati and playing of musical instruments started which
was continued further first by Megha and then later by Bapusaheb

Sai Baba's and Tatyasaheb's mutual love was really incomparable.
Sai Baba used to call Talyasaheb Taiyaba' or 'mhatara (old man)'.
At worship time, many dishes of different food items used to come
and sometimes Sai Baba used to say, "Today I want Tatyaba's 'poli'
(wheat cake) and so saying he would accurately pick out poli
received from Taiyaba's house out of the heap of polies, received.

Tatyasaheb once had a desire in his mind (that he should get some
words from Baba's sacred mouth for reciting. Baba having known
this, once uttered some special words to satisfy Tatyasaheb who
continued to recite the same till the end.of his life. Tatyasaheb also
wished lo receive some article from Baba for placing it in his
Pooja-room and worshipping. Then unexpectedly on Datta-Jayanti
Day (Birthday of Sri Dattatreya in the month of Margasirsh), at
about 9 O'clock in the. night Sai Baba sent a messenger for
Tatyasaheb. The messenger had not even reached the Wada when
Baba was in such a hurry that He sent two more, messengers one
alter another. When Tatyasaheb arrived, Baba pulled out one
'Kafani' (a long robe such as used by Baba Himself) from the heap
of kafanies in from and placed it on Tatyasaheb's body saying,
"Let it be with you. It will protect you from severe wind and cold".
Talyasaheb felt that this was a sort of 'sanyas diksha' (initiation
into the fourth stage of life, i.e. abandonment of all worldly
possessions and earthly affections) as per his own liking and with
tears of joy in his eyes he placed his head on the feet of Baba
and returned. Such were the many favours Talyasaheb received
from Sai Baba.

to be contd...

by Late Lt.Col Nimbalkar
(Source Shri Sai Leela May June 1991)

Satsang 'Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi -A God!' by Bapatla Hanumanth Rao Garu

"Yemee Ninnupekshintuna?" (What! do I ignore you?) book
written by the author, (in Telugu) describes in detail varied
experiences of several devotees of Baba and how he is present
with them in their hours of distress and moments of gloom how
he transformed their lives. It will become voluminous if the
details are narrated here. We may not be able to convince
a sceptic about Baba's real nature, even if we cite thousands
instances proving his capabilities.
Lord Sri Krishna says: "The man of faith, the devoted, the master
of his senses, obtains true knowledge. Having gained it, he at
once attains supreme peace (realizing God). The ignorant, one
who lacks faith, the doubting self who is led astray from spiritual
path will not have any happiness in this world or in his next birth."
(Bhagavadgita 4-39,40)

We should know the incarnation of the Almighty, Samardha
Sadguru by our own experience. No one can induce faith in others.

The essence of all religions is found in the maxim: "Holy scriptures -
Teachings of Guru - Your own experience. These three should form
a basis and combining them suitably, one should carefully formulate
his ideals and practices to be followed by him to lead his life. He
should adhere to them. It will be the greatest and best support for
him to over come the obstacles, and difficulties in life and finally
attain his objective". All those belonging to different religious sects,
and seeking Baba's blessings, firmly believed that they were before
a Divine Presence, a Samardha Sadguru with whose grace only
they could realize God. They felt that religious intolerance was
ridiculous and should be detested at all costs. They considered
Baba as their Guru, worshipped Him and secured his blessings.
Baba inculcated the feeling of mutual respect and love among the
people of different religions. He accepted their worship and showed
them a path to follow, acceptable to all religions. He fostered in
them noble qualities such as truthfulness, compassion, and good

To be contd....
(Source :


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Satsang 'Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi -A God!' by Bapatla Hanumanth Rao Garu

A detailed and attentive study of the life of Sri Sai Baba
reveals, fact that his State before and after the 72 hours
of Samadhi {the year 1886) were altogether different. He
informed Mahalsapathi while leaving his mortal body "I am
going to see Allah (God)". On the fourth day he reentered
the body proclaiming "I saw Allah". * Seeing Allah' means
'Assuming the form of Allah'. He who realizes Brahmam
becomes Brahmam himself. It is the state of all pervasiveness
and becoming the 'Inner Self of all living beings.
Sri Krishna says about such a person as follows: (Gita 13-14)
"He is all pervading with hands, feet, eyes, ears and mouth
spreading everywhere in this universe."
He is God only. He is the perfect being possessing wealth of
all sorts. He is Omnipotent - Omniscient - Omnipresent and
dictates terms to all. He can do anything, anywhere and at any
time. He dwells in the hearts of all. He is beyond the purview of
five elements (Earth, Water, Air, Fire & Sky). He is their Lord.
He knows everything - Past - Present - and future. He is the
embodiment of Love - Universal Father - Universal Mother. He
is the only person who can listen to the prayers of all and
competent enough to bless them. He is God, Almighty.
Baba Saguna and Nirguna Brahmam (With and without
specific attributes, form etc) After attaining the state of
Omnipresence and Omniscience, Baba entered his body
consisting of five elements. If it is so, "Can we call him God?" This
doubt may arise to some. After reaching that state, mere
possession of a mortal body is immaterial Baba once said:
"The body you see is only an abode. With love my Guru had
already taken me (my Self) away from it long back". Baba is
everywhere even if we see him talking to devotees or doing
his routine works. He sees and knows everything even if we
are thousands of miles away. With his protective he looks
after his children and saves them. Baba has become Sagun.
Nirguna Brahmam. (with and without specific attributes form
etc) A layman may not grasp its full significance easily.
Even though He possesses a form, He is formless. While
performing Karma, (actions), He is not bound by it.
It is said in Prabhoda Sudhakaram:
"The Sun shines brilliantly all over the universe. Though is
one, it appears differently to people at different places.
Similarly God is one, but appears as different to different
beings". Thus, Sri Sal Baba is not at Shirdi alone, though
he appeared to be there. Although we see him in the
physical form, He is not bound by it. He is present in all.
He answers to the mere call of his devotees. He is beside
us even as we think of him. Such a State is possible only
to God who is Omnipresent.

To be contd....
(Source :



In Shri Sai Satcharita, late Shri Tatyasabeh alias Laxman

Krishnaji Noolkar has been only referred to at few places.
(Ch. II, Ch. XXVII and Ch. XXXI).
Shri Nagesh Gunaji in his English Satcharita has added a few

lines on his life and spiritual achievement in brief. Perhaps both
of them had no access to more information about Tatyasaheb

Luckily recently, I came across Tatyasaheb's grandson Shri

Raghunaih Vishwanath Noolkar from whom I received lot of
reliable information (personally observed by his father and
written down for an article in 'Sant Kripa' magazine.) not known
to us Sai devotees. He also produced some proofs viz.. a letter
from Shri Madhavrao Deshpande (Shama) in his own hand-
writing and a letter written by Tatyasaheb Noolkar to Shri
Nanasaheb Chandorkar about his spiritual experiences. Based
on all this and also on information procured from other sources,
I have collated this article in detail to describe the great spiritual
progress of Shri Tatyasaheb Noolkar and his final beatitude at
the feet of Shri Sai Baba at Shirdi in March, 1911.

Early life and first meeting with Sai Baba

Tatyasaheb was born in the latter half of the 19th century and

educated at Pune High School. In government service and other
activities, he was known for his firmness, truthfulness, selflessness,
benevolence and self-control. In spiritual matters, his study was
great and he used to read Upanishads and other religious books
regularly. He had 'darshan' and intimate association with quite a
few saints.

In 1908, Tatyasaheb was Sub-Judge at Pandharpur (famous

place of pilgrimage of Sri Vithoba in Maharashlra) and Nanasaheb
Chandorkar was the Mamlatdar (Revenue Officer, in charge of
a sub-division) at the same place. Nanasaheb as per his usual
habit, used to urge Tatyasaheb to visit Shirdi at least once. At last
Tatyasaheb agreed to go to Shirdi on two conditions, (1) he must
get a Brahmin cook and (2) he must get good Nagpur Oranges for
presentation to Shri Sai Baba. On this Nanasaheb said, "Yes, with

Baba's grace you will get them also".

Surprisingly, the same night one Brahmin cook came to Nanasaheb

for a job and he immediately sent him to Tatyasaheb. Next day
morning, Tatyasaheb received a parcel of excellent Nagpur oranges,
the name of the consigner not being mentioned. Thus Tatyasaheb
was convinced of Baba's divine powers and he went with Nanasaheb
Chandorkar to Shirdi. Tatyasaheb was physically short and fat. As
he bowed down at Baba's feet, Baba placed his hand spreading all
five lingers on Tatyasaheb's head lightly but with a slight push. As a
result, Tatyasaheb collapsed a little towards the nearly pillar, but at

that time quite different feelings appeared in his head and having been
convinced that this was the real and ultimate place of his Guru, he
was in the state of unparalleled joy.

That night Tatyasaheb while asleep in Sathe Wada, suddenly woke

up and started asking Nanasaheb for betel (a roll of Piper-betel
leaves with areca nut, clover, lime etc. chewed after meals) which
Nanasahcb was not in the habit of chewing. Just at that time Baba
at the Masjid said to someone present. "Take these four betels
and give them to the old man come with Chandorkar at Sathe Wada."
Seeing that man suddenly come with the betels, Talyasaheb was
convinced about Baba's powers of knowing secrets of others' mind
(Antar-jnan) and his faith in Baba was further established. Tatyasaheb
came back to Pandharpur but whenever he got leave or had holidays,

he started visiting Shirdi for Sai Baba's darshan and company.

Severe pain of eyes cured

Once Tatyasaheb had some dangerous disease for his eyes. He

could not see properly and pain was unbearable. When no
improvement occured inspite of treatment from well-known eye-
Tatayasaheb as a last resort went lo Shirdi. Two days he sat in
Sathe Wada praying Sai Baba and continuously repealing Sai-
nama. On the third day Baba placing His hand on His own eyes,
said to Madhavrao Deshpande, "Shama ! Today My eyes are
paining severely". As soon as Baba said these words,
Talyasaheb's pain started becoming less and less and swollen
eyes were cured completely. (In Shri Sai Saicharita, Ch. XXI,
Sai Baba's taunting a pleader from Pandharpur and teaching
him not to indulge in any scandal or slander of others, was in
reference to that pleader's criticism and discussion in the Bar
Room of Talyasaheb Noolkar's above stay at Shirdi for cure
of his eyes only).

to be contd...
by Late Lt.Col Nimbalkar


Satsang 'Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi -A God!' by Bapatla Hanumanth Rao Garu

72 Hours Of Samadhi
In the year 1886, an unique incident happened. With the grace
of his Guru (Venkusa), Sri Sai Baba imbibed all the yogic Powers
of his Guru without seeking them. He never craved for powers,
paid no attention to them and never tested their efficacy It is
observed that many great Yogies succumb to such powers.
All these supernatural powers resided with Sainath for 30-35
years waiting for his grace.
Baba had the habit of chanting the name of Hari with great love
and devotion and without caring for the powers he posses, like
the sage Rishabha - (Bhagavatha Purana - Fifth Skanda). The
elders say that our mind cannot be trusted. Just as a small
amount: of rawness in the seed makes it capable of germenation,
similarly if the mind is not ripe enough, it can be the cause of
Karma and lead us astray. Unless the seed is thoroughly fried,
it will not lose its power of germination. So also, mind should
be purified. Wit the most miraculous incident in 1886, Baba
transformed himself from the state of divine appearance to the
state of Absoluteness, (from the state of Sakshatkara to
Parabrahma state), the state of Universal Pervasiveness.
(Omnipresence and Omniscience).

Baba wanted to do Seemollanghanam (crossing the boundaries
of this mortal coil) in 1886, 32 years before his Maha
Samadhi". (1918) It was a full moon day in Margasira
(December), Baba was suffering from an attack of Asthma
(he might have suffered for the sake of some devotee); He
determined to regulate his Prana (life force) and attain
Samadhi state . He informed Mahalsapathi, "I am going to
see Allah. Protect my body for three days; if I return, it is
alright. If I do not come back, bury my body at that place
outside (pointing to a particular spot), and have two flags
fixed in the ground as a sign of the burial". So saying Baba
fell to the ground at lO'o clock in the night. His breathing
stopped his pulse also came down, it seemed as if the life
force had left the body.

The people of Shirdi, who gathered thought him to be dead
and bury his body but Mahalsapathi objected to this and
did not allow anyone to touch the body. He protected it for
three day and nights keeping the head on his lap. On the
fourth day at about 4'o clock at dawn, there appeared some
signs of life in the Baba's body. Soon Baba started breathing.
The movements of his stomach were noticed while breathing.
Baba opened his eyes and touched his hands and legs. Baba
woke up to full life again!

Baba informed Mahalsapathi that he had seen God, but will
main in his present body for some more years to fulfill the
tasks assigned to him and that he will assist the people - in
their welfare.

To be contd....
(Source :

Satsang DAS GANU By R. S. Gavankar

When soon thereafter, the actual message about Shri Baba's
Mahasamadi reached him, he went post haste to Shirdi with
a platoon of his disciples.
For full twenty-four hours, he and his disciples sang the glory

of God's names continuously and placed this figurative garland
of God's names on the Mahasamadhi as their humble tribute to
Shri Baba, who was the very image of God. Das Ganu passed
away at a ripe old age, full of honours, a King among Kirtankars
and a cynosure to the eyes of the devout.

The main purpose of this brief article is to bring out how on one

occasion Das Ganu was moved to tears by a miracle which Shri
Baba worked on him. On one of his several pilgrimages to Shirdi,
Das Ganu sought Baba's permission to go to Prayag for a holy dip
in the Ganga waters, at their confluence with Jamna and Saraswati
at Prayag. The time when he intended to go there was very
auspicious; but Shri Baba would not give the permission. Shri Baba
told him that such a long and costly journey was unnecessary, as
Prayag was where he stood if only he had firm faith in Shri Baba.
On this assurance from Shri Baba, Das Ganu instantly prostrated
himself on Shri Baba's feet and lo and behold, a trickle of water
began to drip from Shri Baba's toes !

Overwhelmed by this graceful miracle, Das Ganu, there and then,
spontaneously, composed a song to immortalise this experience.

This song shows the high degree of honour and devotion that
Shri Das Ganu had for Shri Baba.

An English rendering of this Marathi song is given below for the

benefit of those Sai devotees, who do not understand or speak
Marathi. The song occurs in Chapter 4 of Shri Sai Satcharita
written by Shri Annasaheb Dabnolkar, a sincere devotee of
Shri Sai Baba.
1. "O King of Sadgurus, Your prowess and Leelas are inscrutable.

You are the mercy boat by which the Jada Jeevas would cross the
ocean of samsar.
2. You became for me Lord Krishna and took me to Prayag to

bathe me in the Ganga-Jamuna waters dripping from Your two toes.
3. You Yourself have become Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh and

stride the wide earth.

(to be contd...)
By R. S. Gavankar


Monday, June 12, 2006

Satsang Unique experience and Sri Sai Amrit Vani

Unique experience and Sri Sai Amrit Vani
1st June 2006

Jai Sai Ram
Every day we feel the grace of Baba
in one way or the other. Some experiences are so
strange that we, not we but I myself even feel it so
strange that I don't mention in my letters as I feel
that ordinary devotee may not belive in them so
easily and why should we fall into some controversies.
We are happy in the company of Baba. But today I feel
that I should narrate today's (2nd June) Leela of
Baba. My Car was giving some problem with the cluch
and the gears. Yesterday in the evening I went to
Lodhi Colony to leave some devotees, our old friends,
neighbours. The old neighbours are very close to us.
From there I consulted my old car mechanic and after
the test drive he told me to come in the morning as he
might have to open the gearbox or have to change the
cluch plates. When I told Mrs Gupta that I will have
to go to Lodhi Colony to get my car repaired, she
asked me to drop her at our old neighbours. All our
neighbours gather at one house whenever we go there
and we need not have to go to every house. I reached
the mechanic after dropping Mrs Gupta and depositing
some cheques in the bank without any problem and
parked the car near the workshop . After few minutes
the mechanic moved some car from his workshop and
asked me to bring my car there. As soon as I brought
my car at that spot my clutch wire broke. I thanked
Baba for saving me from the great trouble. What would
have happened if this thing happened on the road? This
was not the end of HIS leela. Mechanic simply changed
the clutch wire and the car was OK again . He also
changed the engine oil and Charged me only Rs 50/-
as labour charges. I also got the car washed and
reached the neighbour's house at 2 PM. How Baba

saved me of all the trouble.

Now the Leela of Baba experienced
today, the 2nd June by Mrs Gupta. I left her at the
residence of Mrs Singhal in Lodhi Colony while going
for the repair of my car, Mrs Singhal attends Sri Sai
Amrit Vani almost every Thursday and a ardent devotee
of Baba. There they were talking about Baba and Mrs
Singhal told about a new photo of Baba and how
somebody had presented the photo to her. Mrs Gupta
also presented her with a very big Statue of Baba when
we left the Lodhi Colony after retirement, The statue
from which Udi used to ooz. While talking they went to
their mandir and Mrs Gupta bowed to Baba there with
folded hand. Immidiately Baba responded, by blessing
with Udi from the statue, before them. Then Mrs.
Singhal got bussy in preparing the tea and there was
a bell at the door. Mrs. Gupta went to open the door
and it was Mrs Jain another neighbour and who came to
meet Mrs Gupta. Mrs Singhal went to the mandir and
found a diya (lamp) of oil lit with full glow, which
she has not lit. She called Mrs Gupta in the mandir.
Mrs Gupta does not know anything about the diya or the
lamp. Baba lit the lamp HIMSELF. Is that not amazing?
After coming from Lodhi Colony Mrs Gupta went to our
new neighbour, Mrs Mehta in the Sidhartha Extension.
She also attends Sri Sai Amrit Vani almost every
Thursday. There again Baba showed HIS presence by
giving Udi in the mandir of Mrs Mehta. Jai Sai Ram.

Coming to Thursday the 1st June, again
the honey was missing. Honey did not oozed from any of
the Statue or the photo. We were deprived of honey
this Thursday also. There were many deveotees from the
group also who attended the Sri Sai Amrit Vani in
person . Few devotees were from USA and from far off
places. In all there were about 80 devotees who
participated in the Sri Sai Amrit Vani this Thursday.

We were able to see the following Leelas of Baba

on Thursday the 1st June 2006.

1. This Thursday Udi started appearing and oozing from
the photos on the walls and in the mandir from
Wesnesday morning. As usual the words formed with
Udi were again 'RAM' and 'SHAM' 'OM' and Trishool.

The colour of Udi was different . Initially dark colour
Udi was oozing then the colour of the Udi was lighter
2. On one photo it was swastic and OM formed with Udi.
3. There was lot of Water from the Charans this week
also. This water was collected in the plate. The
taste of water was similar to gulab jal and kewara.
After Amrit Vani this water was given to the devotees
and again the plate was filled with water.
4. On Thursday as soon as Bhog was offered it was
duly accepted by Baba and after the Sri Sai Amrit
Vani we noticed that the box, which was placed
before HIM. was half empty with partly eaten and
partly remained pieces of items in the box, Only
small pieces of items were left in the box. Kalakand
was almost missing . Part of Bhog was also on the lips
of many photos and statue of Baba. These parts of the
remains in the box were given to the devotees who
offered that item of bhog to Baba.
5. All the boxes of Bhog which were kept on the table
were blessed with Udi, which the devotees collected on
6. Besides Mrs. Gupta many devotees also had Udi in
their Laps and books of Sri Sai Amrit Vani. Which they
also collected on papers
7. There was a very strong feeling of the presence of
Baba . Many devotees felt the presence of Baba during
the recitation of Sai Amrit Vani in different ways.
Some felt Baba walking through them. Some felt that
Baba is also reciting the Sai Amrit Vani along with us
8. The Charnamrit of Baba was also sweet as if some
honey has been mixed into it.

Jai Sai Ram

Sri Sai Amrit Vani started exactly at 11:04
AM and Noon Aarti exactly at 12:00 Hrs. followed by
brief Meditation and the prayer, Prayan from Sai
Satcharitra and finally distribution of Prasad.
Prayers and thanks were offered by Mrs. Gupta to Baba.

Next Sri Sai Amrit Vani on 8th June again
will be held in Sidhartha Extension, New Delhi.
Devotees interested in attending it in person may
contact on phone nos 26346942, 9810714688 or
9312494767. They should NOT bring any bhog with them
and be in time. Kids are also not allowed in the hall.

Besides the devotees who had made the direct
request to Mrs Gupta on phone and On their request and
the assurance of reciting/reading/listening Sai Amrit
Vani on Thursday, received till Wednesday night,
following Sai devotees were included and they
participated ( in Absencia) in the recitation of Sri
Sai Amrit Vani. The names had been sorted out,
according to their email ids, to avoid any
duplication. Devotees are requested to P L E A S E,
give the names along with place, for inclusion in the
Sri Sai Amrit Vani in absencia only of those devotees,
However all Sai
devotees are prayed for by Mrs Gupta during Sai Amrit
Vani, when the feeling of presence of Baba is very

Devotees participating in Sri Sai Amrit Vani
on Thursdays, in absencia are requested to pray for
themselves also and recite/read or listen Sri Sai
Amrit Vani at their place, Links of Audio MP3 files
are given in the link section of the home page of '
mysaibaba20' yahoogroup. Hindi and English Script of
Sri Sai Amrit Vani are also there in the file section
of the home page. To go to home page of yahoogroup key
in or click
. This activity of Sri Sai Amrit Vani will be in
addition to any other pooja or sewa or prayer that
you are doing.

Meaning of Sri Sai Amrit Vani in
English along with Tamil and Romanised English Script
of Hindi is also available for those who do not
understand Hindi.
Jai Sai Ram.

Ashok Gupta


Satsang DAS GANU By R. S. Gavankar

4. Your lips utter deep wisdom like Brahman personified and at times
ascending Tamo Guna, You assume the fierce aspect of Rudra.
5. Sometimes You play childish pranks like Shri Krishna and converting
the devotees' minds into pools of water, sport in them like the swan.
6. If one were to take You to be a Yavana (i.e., non-Hindu), You delight
in sandal-paste; if one were to regard You to be a Hindu, you always
reside in a Masjid.
7. If one were to take You to be a wealthy person, You beg Your livelihood.
If You were to be taken as a mere Fakir, You shame Kubera (Croesus)
by Your liberal gifts.
8. If Your abode is taken for a Masjid, a Fire burns there perpetually in a
Dhuni from which You give Udi (holy ash) to all and sundry.
9. From early morning Your humble devotees worship You and at mid-day
they perform Your Aarati.
10. On all Your four sides, Your devotees gather like multitudes of
insentient things and wave the chowries and chamaras to keep You cool and
11. There is then a din of the sounds of horns, sanais and other musical
instruments and the gong sounds the loudest and orderlies pace to and fro
yelling out to keep order.
12. When the Aarati is being performed, You look like Vishnu sitting on His
shining throne. In the evening, sitting near the Dhuni, You burn your
worldly likes and desires.
13. Such Leelas of the three Gods You show every day and thus project to us
the image of Baba Sai.
14. Though a witness to such Leelas, my mind restlessly wanders all around.
Now, I pray, You please still and steady it.
15. I am the meanest of the mean sinners and prostrate at Your feet. Now,
Guru Raj, relieve Ganu Das of the triad of afflictions, adhyatmic, adhidaivic
and adhibhautic to which he is heir."

R. S. Gavankar


Satsang 'Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi -A God!' by Bapatla Hanumanth Rao Garu

There are two kinds of Saints in the world.
First category : He relinquishes all the mundane bonds and

stays in a state of Nirvikalpa Samadhi, enjoying the bliss of
the Aatma (inner soul). Such a person may not have any
direct contact with the people in the world, but their Universal
Love spreads all over. He blesses the people who tread in
the right-path. His very presence encourages Dharma

(righteousness) (as demonstrated in Ramayana) and Satyam
(truthfulness) (as preached in Gita)

Second Category : It is said in the "Narada Bhakti Sutras"
that some saints attain salvation and enjoy the bliss and also
make others attain the same. Such Samardha Sadguru is
called Adhikari, the chief Purusba, or Avatar (incarnation).
(Sutras 3-32)

Such persons mingle with the people in the world, but never

swerve from their Brahma Nista (steadfast nature in the
Brahman) . Nothing attracts or casts any spell over them.
This Sadguru behaves as the 'Inner Self of the universe.
This great soul outwardly does not appear to be performing
anything, but really is the cause of every thing.

Lord Krishna says: (Gita: 3-22)
- Arjuna there is nothing in these three worlds for Me to

do nor is there anything worth attaining; yet I continue
to work"

Hence, all that is done by the great saints and seers is only

for the welfare, and upliftment of the people and nothing
for themselves. They are the veritable fountains of love.
They appear and move in this world only to elevate all
those people, who tread in the wrong paths. They have
compassion and love for every one without any exception.

Saint Kabir says: " Like the water ponds, the trees, the

saints exist only for others. The ponds and rivers give water
to the thirsty but do not drink. The trees satisfy the hungry
ones with its fruits but do not eat any. Likewise, the saints
perform everything for the good of others. They never
think about themselves".

To be contd....
(Source :
