Friday, August 24, 2007

Satsang Video link for 19th Aug episode of the Saibaba serial

Satsang Video link for 19th Aug episode of the Saibaba serial

Om Sai Ram

Video link for 19th aug episode of the Saibaba serial

Satsang Sai Baba's Method

Satsang Sai Baba's Method

In Sai's system, (as Sri Narasimha Swamiji puts it), the Guru undertakes every responsibility for the devotee that surrenders himself. The devotee is there styled 'the Ankita', i.e., the stamped child of the Guru. Everything concerning that pupil is looked after by the Guru, with his wonderful superhuman powers. For a time, the circle of his worshippers and admirers was extremely limited and in the close proximity of Shirdi. But as the mass puts it, you cannot conceal the Sun by covering it with the back of your hand. Murder will be out, truth will be out, and greatness of Saints will be out also. Baba's powers of achieving objects by mere blessings were so well known to many now, without any education or training, he dared to give medicines for highly advanced cases of tuberculosis, Leprosy, rotting eyes, bone rot etc., and effected most remarkable cures. The devotees discovered that Baba knew everything, their present condition, and the innermost thoughts that lay hidden in their hearts, their entire past history, their previous births also, that Baba could definitely state what the future was going to be for each person that came to him.

Those wonderful powers were employed by Baba not for purposes of show or for getting wealth or plaudits but merely to promote the best interests of people who confined themselves entirely to his care. Naturally the advantages of having such a guru to worship were highly esteemed and the worship of Baba went on from neighborhood of Shirdi to distant outlying areas and reached practically the confines of Maharashtra by the time of his Maha Samadhi in 1918. And now it has spread all over our country and abroad.

We shall remember now one of Baba's eleven sayings, "I am ever living to help all who come to me, who surrender to me and who seek refuge in me."

Thus Baba is living and helping us (his devotees) in every respect, temporal and spiritual, not for one moment but for the entire life of the devotees that he takes charge of.

Baba's methods are unconventional. He insisted upon the essence of all religions viz., love, intense, unselfish love evidenced by devotion and service to all mankind and all creatures. This love begins with the Guru but grows and covers up every creature. Hatred is inconsistent with Baba's faith and the more this doctrine of love, gathering momentum under the Sai Baba Movement, spreads, the more chances there will be for people's love to grow and for this unfortunate tendency of mutual jealousy and hatred which now threatens world peace, to get absorbed.

That hatred ceases not by hatred but by love, is demonstrated in individual lives and will also be demonstrated more and more in the history of groups of nations and of the world.

What we Reveal to Others

I was abroad a large airliner sometime ago which ran into an extremely severe wind and rainstorm. Despite the size of the plane and the tremendous power of its four wasp motors, the ship was being tossed violently. A little nine-year-old fellow was my seat companion. It was his first experience in the air, and he was desperately afraid.

Suddenly he looked up at me and said "Are you afraid?" I smiled and replied, "No this is real fun." An immediate change came over the little chap - fear and tension left him. He, too, had fun.

This taught me a real lesson in living. What he detected in my voice, what he discerned in my face, helped him over that rough spot in life. How many people during times of trial watch my face for what it may reveal, I do not know. This I do know-my face and my life must reveal to those who observe me or need me, my faith in God.

(source Shri Saipadananda Special Magazine)

Satsang Absolute Surrender - The Only Approach by Anil Keshavrao Rasal

Satsang Absolute Surrender - The Only Approach by Anil Keshavrao Rasal

Absolute Surrender - The Only Approach

Shri Baba has seldom revealed His ways to bless and push up His devotees on the spiritual path. However, there are certain broad hints given by Him to devotees which when followed lead them on to the final goal.

The most famous of His utterances is "Look to me; and I will look to you”. This pronouncement from Him is greatly simple; but it is simply great in its meaning. Shri Baba has first advised the devotees to look to Him. His words have always been full of endless meaning of shore less sea of knowledge. Looking to Baba implies first and foremost to His first quality i.e. of His absolute faith in His Guru. He Himself had said that He gave up worldly ambitions though He had achieved extra-ordinary success even in these matters (Vide chapter No. 32) to concentrate on His Guru fully. He forgot hunger, thirst, and thus His Guru's form fixed itself, in His eyes. This intense concentration on the Guru snapped His attachments to his relations and His Guru became His all in all and magnetized Baba fully to turn into His likeness.

It is an axiomatic truth that what one thinks of intently so one becomes. In due time i.e. prolonged period of 12 years of patient waiting upon the Guru resulted in His being blessed by the bliss supreme. It is thus clear, that by looking to Baba implies looking to His Sachidananda Swarupa which is unaffected by any outside influences.

To attain this highest state, Baba surrendered all His interests to His Guru. He considered the existence of his mortal frame only for the service of His Guru. Baba thus attained the supreme goal of life by His absolute surrender to His Guru, who in turn moulded Baba just like Him transferring all the knowledge and powers to His best disciple.

In this context, it is essential to note here the Upanishadic dictum that the self reveals its nature of its own choosing and not through effort or study. So Shri Baba's method of working on His chosen devotees is not EXTERNAL, but INTERNAL. In point of fact, it is only the cover of unfulfilled desires, aspirations and worldly attachments which cloud our vision of God realization. Baba does not change the world but changes us internally through His full grace when the devotee surrenders everything to Him.

In short it is earnestly requested to the sadhakas on the path of Sai realization that they should surrender their body, mind and wealth absolutely to Baba so as to allow Him to "ENTER" into them fully and to work for their emancipation. Absolute surrender is the only approach to have full Sai bliss.

Anil Keshavrao Rasal
(source Shri Sai Leela Magazine June 1985)

Satsang Video of Guru pournima festival in Shirdi

Satsang Video of Guru pournima festival in Shirdi

Om Sai Ram !
This is the most amazing site that I have ever come across.It is just like being in Shirdi. Thru this link you can see the video of Guru pournima festival in Shirdi, Sai baba's Jayanti and also the Mahasamadhi function in Shirdi, along with the video about the brief history on the life of Shri Shirdi Sai baba and His devotees experiences. You can also download this in the mp4 format or wmv format for ur ipod, pda , pocket pc etc ...
My heartfelt Thanks and humble pranams to Shirdi Sai Trust and all the devotees who are responsible for creating such a wonderful website.
To Thank Shirdi Sai Trust for the amazing videos ,
Plz go to -

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Sri Sai Satcharitra - 23rd August 2007

Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Sri Sai Satcharitra

23rd August 2007
Jai Sai Ram

Today it was the Prayan of the last but one, ie
chapter 50 of Sri Sai Satcharitra. Next Thursday, we will be
completing the Prayan of Sri Sai Satcharitra.
Following devotees participated in absencia in
the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani, Pooja, prayers to Baba (
Shirdi) and Prayan of Sri Sai Satcharitra by reciting Sri Sai Amrit
Vani at their places on 23rd August 2007 (The list is sorted as per
their email ids, to avoi duplications) . However Mrs. Gupta prayed for
all the devotees. In this list only those devotees are included, who
themselves recited or read Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places. Kindly
mention clearly, against each devotee's name that he/she will recite
or read or listen to Sri Sai Amrit Vani, or the names are for
prayers. Please also give the name of the place of all devotees,
named in the email. Place is also important without it, the letter is
not complete.

This Thursday the 23rdAug. we enjoyed the following
Leelas of Baba (of Shirdi). It may seems to be repitative for the old
members, but when the Leela are repetative, so the discription is
also repitative. Every week many new members join the group, so I
have to repeat the whole events that happen on this day.

1. Udi started appearing and oozing from the two photos on the
wall and Hindi words `RAM' `SHAM' and `OM', and figure of
Trishool were formed with Udi on one photo. On Wednesday Udi
started oozing from the main photo in the mandir. `RAM' `SHAM'
and `OM' along with other figures were also formed on the photo.
From Statue also, Udi started oozing from Wednesday. All the photos
and Statue from Udi is oozing are of Shirdi Sai Baba.
2. There was lot of Water from the Charans this week also. Thali
was emptied several times. The taste of water was similar to gulab
jal and kewara mix. After distribution of Prasad, this water was also
given to the devotees and again the Thali was filled with water.
Devotees bring bottles to take the water home.
3. Lap of Mrs. Gupta was filled with Udi during the prayers. Udi
was there between the falls of the Sari.
4. Several devotees had Udi in the books of Sri Sai Amrit Vani.
5. On Thursday as soon as Bhog was offered, it was duly accepted
by Baba and after the Sri Sai Amrit Vani we noticed that the box,
which was placed before HIM was partially eaten and partially
remained pieces of items in the box. Part of Bhog was on the lips of
many photos and statue of Baba. These parts of the remains in the box
were given to the devotees who offered that item of bhog to Baba.
Partly eaten remains were having some figures on them.
6. Presence of Baba during the recitation of Sai Amrit Vani,
Prayer and Prayan of Sri Satcharitra was very strong.
7. All the boxes of Bhog which were kept on the table were
blessed with Udi,
8. The Charnamrit, the water in which Baba took the bath in the
morning was also sweet as if some honey has been mixed into it.
9. Udi was there on the Documents, Photos of Baba, Many Sai
Satcharitras which were placed on the table before Baba.
10. In One Sai Satcharitra there was a pearl along with Udi
inside it.

Jai Sai Ram

Sri Sai Amrit Vani started at 11:04 AM. Noon
Aartee, the same Aartee which is being recited in Shirdi, started at
12:00 Hrs. followed by brief Meditation and the prayer, Prayan of
Chapter 50 from Sai Satcharitra. Mrs. Gupta offered prayers and
thanks to Baba. Finally distribution of Prasad, Udi and the water
from the Charans. Devotees narrated their experiences and the
benefits they are have with Baba's Blessings.

Next Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Prayan of Sri Sai
Satcharitra on 30th August will again be held at Sidhartha
Extension, New Delhi. Devotees interested in attending it in person
may contact on phone nos. 26346942, 9810714688 or 9312494767 only
after 11 AM (IST) on any day except Thursdays but no calls on
Thursdays PLEASE. They should NOT bring any bhog with them and be in
time. Kids are also not allowed in the hall. Mobiles have to be put
on silent mode during the Pooja.

Sri Sai Amrit Vani is available in Tamil script
also besides in Devnagri, English and Telugu, in the file section of
the yahoogroup. Links of Audio MP3 files are given in the link
section of the home page of ` mysaibaba20' yahoogroup. To go to home
page of yahoogroup key in or click
http://groups. group/mysaibaba2 0 . Audio Mp3 file has also
been made available in the publication section of
http://saimemorial. com , the site of Sai Memorial Temple of Baba of
Lodhi Road, New Delhi.

This activity of Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Recitation
of Sai Satcharitra will be in addition to any other pooja or sewa or
prayer that you are doing.

Jai Sai Ram.

Ashok Gupta

Satsang Sai Baba's Method

Satsang Sai Baba's Method

Sai Baba's Method
By Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji


Lord, Bless me fill thy Light in My Heart and Soul

Let me feel your presence in and around me everywhere

Beauty of the nature sooths my eyes and gives relief, it is all them creation

Bhakti, Bhajans and Meditation are the ways to merge in you thou dwell in everybody's Heart.

Prayer is always for you to be with me everywhere and all the times.

I surrender at your Lotus Feet with my body and soul.

Jai Sai Ram
- G. K. Bharadwaj

The subject of Sai Baba of Shirdi is an extremely interesting one and at the same time one of great complexity and difficulty. Sai Baba is a living force and the Sai Movement is growing, expanding, and developing in its nature as time goes on and though Sai Baba passed away in 1918, it is quite correct to say that we are too near the trees to see the forest. Sai Baba's movement is growing around us and we cannot feel sure that we have seen most of it, much less of it. Baba's Life is also so full of mystery that one cannot be sure that one gives an accurate account of Baba. Yet we shall follow the legacy (the unearthed treasure) stored up by our Sri Narasimha Swamiji, the founder of Baba's world.

In the first place, Sai Baba is absorbing the attention of an increasingly large number of people, and that is the meaning of the growth of the Sai movement. The subject of Baba's life and the history of his movement are of romantic interest and far surpass the interest which we have in reading fiction like Arabian Nights, etc. The oft-quoted saying that truth is stranger than fiction is best illustrated here. Taking the mere question of the life of the Saint, that itself is incredible and marvelous.

When he got into Shirdi, he was ripening his process of love in solitude. Vairagya, Dhriti and interest in all creatures were developed unnoticed and in obscurity by Baba, and the benefit to the world came through the intrepid courage of a Goldsmith (Mahlsapathy) who was anxious to get the best of saints for his Guru. Mahlsapathy, a highly devout and dispassionate worshipper of Khandoba found that Baba who had come as an unknown fakir was really a remarkable gem of the highest virtues and was most fitted to be his own Guru. So he started the worship of Baba in the mosque itself where Baba was living. His example was followed by others slowly. Now it has developed so vastly in all parts of the country and Baba's worship is going on individually and collectively. This is a well known fact.

(to be contd…….)
(source Shri Saipadananda Special Magazine)

Satsang Baba and Miracles

Satsang Baba and Miracles

Baba and Miracles

Miracles happened during Baba's life-time and they conti­nued to happen even after His Mahasamadhi. In fact Baba never did any miracles. It was one of the part of the Cosmic Flow. Those, who joined the flow, experienced them. Those, who were only spectators, saw them with awe and doubt. "What is going to happen", is a phrase that haunts everyone. Nothing is happening. It is our limited understanding because of our limited perception. It is there only we need to join it to be one with it. There should not be separate identification. When you do not understand your mind, you are not at its mercy; but when you understand, you are lost in the midst of it. It is the difference between being in bondage to thought or being liberated by it. The experience of understanding is wisdom; but trying to capture that understanding, to convey it in words, is knowledge. Spiritualism is to be in tune with the supreme spirit. The journey to Spiritualism is very confusing at the beginning. It is even more complicated compared to the journey in the unknown space, the unknown starry-world. Baba always indicated that he was in tune with the Supreme flow and never confronted it. His approach was simple and direct. He did not write volumes. He never preached as a priest. His life itself was a light-house that emitted light to all, who came to him. Mystic incidents happened around Baba. They spoke profoundly that Baba was in the perfect cosmic flow. Meditation is complete friendship with the self-no confrontation, no side tracking. The whole life of Baba wags a perfect meditation, a continuous awareness. He watered the trees and the trees whispered to him. He fed the hungry and the hungry were satisfied. He calmed the distressed. He got angry to set the things to tune, to merge with the cosmic flow. His presence, his look brought together all only to understand the supreme "self”. He always insisted upon the "Witness State", and he was the supreme witness. He never confronted with any so called Karmic laws. In the present century this saint Sai Baba led the common man to real spiritual journey. He respected all faiths. He upheld valid wholesome customs. He proved efficiently that spiritual pursuit is not the monopoly of the few. Even today, what we term as miracles that take place in the common understanding, bring many devotees together to share the cosmic feeling of oneness. Baba had all the qualities that are defined in Bhagavadgeeta of a Purushottam. I feel Sai dharma is growing, growing wildly to create more spiritual shelter to all. It has no ritual barriers. It has no concrete walls of dogmas. It is like the "air" which we breathe every second to hold our being. Let Sai truth prevail like sweet aroma all over.

Pralhad Hulyalkar Masterjee

Source Shri Sai Leela Magazine June 1985

Satsang Video link about the carving of the original statue of Shri Shirdi Sai baba

Satsang Video link about the carving of the original statue of Shri Shirdi Sai baba

Om Sai Ram
Here is the video link about the carving of the original statue of Shri Shirdi Sai baba at Samadhi mandir which was executed in 1954 by Late Shri B.V .Talim and the miracles behind making of this sacred divine statue.
Rajiv Talim's Interview:[Grandson of Late Shri B. V Talim]

Chief Preist's Interview:

Satsang Devotion to Shri Sai Baba by Sanjay M. Padia

Satsang Devotion to Shri Sai Baba by Sanjay M. Padia

To the young as well as the old, let me say that Shri Sainath is the easiest Avatar to approach for your miseries. Baba is the only saint or Avatar who required the least devotion and without formalities. Baba Himself is equal to Rama, Krishna and Maruti and hence worshipping Baba is worshipping all of them. In Sai Baba's charters and sayings by H. H. Narasimha Swamiji let us refer to Chapter Nos 22, 24, 25 & 27. For reference and information they are as under:

Ch 22) simply say "Sai, Sai" with heart overflowing. I care not for show and respect of forms. I rest in such devotees.

Ch 24) I am formless and everywhere.

Ch 25) If one casts his burden on me and thinks of me I look after all his concerns.

Ch 27) In the abode of my devotees there will be no dearth of food and clothing.

These assurances are enough to indicate that Shri Sainath is always with His devotees who remember Him. Even if we spend a little time only thinking of Sai, that itself is sufficient. But we must have faith and patience as preached by Baba to have His full blessings. And it is true that 9 out of 10 people have benefited from Him during His lifetime and even after so many years of Mahasamadhi, His response towards His devotees is as prompt as what it was during His life. Even today, the majority of the people find relief when they earnestly pray to Him. For Sai Baba we need not chant so many mantras or observe so many rites. The best recourse is to pray silently to Him any time of the day. Many devotees believe that to please Lord Sainath Maharaj various forms of pooja and chanting of hymns is required. In this however they are wrong. It is no doubt very good to do a detailed pooja if one is able to do it, but to those who cannot, it is not compulsory in Sai's case.

To develop faith and patience together with increased devotion, devotees must first read the Sai-Charitra (life-history of Sai Baba), read His leelas, etc. By doing so, a devotee will have increased faith and devotion to Baba thereby making him perfectly qualified for his entry into Baba's Darbar. This very reading of the Sat-Charitra is a prayer itself. A devotee may not follow the usual lengthy procedures for worshipping Baba but to take recourse to an easier path one must first go through His life and leelas. Without studying Baba's life and leelas it is not possible for any person to develop faith.

Baba's innumerable material benefits conferred on His devotees are in sharp contrast to Lord Ramana Maharashi and Lord Ramakrishna Paramhamsa both of whom imparted spiritual instructions and benefits only. Whereas the three Top persona­lities are equal in their Spiritual and Divine Powers, there are only two differences where Baba actually differs from them:

a) Baba blessed His devotees both materially and spiritually whereas Lord Ramana and Ramakrishna blessed their devotees for spiritual upliftment only.

b) Whereas the Samadhi of Lord Ramana and that of Lord Ramakrishna are not active after their physical departure from this world, that of Baba is. Shri Sai Nath Maharaj is even more active after His Samadhi than when He was physically present.

These two differences indicate that Baba's mission in this world is different than that of the other two. That is why He is continuing to help His devotees in all ways.

Finally let me state that if a devotee places His confidence in Baba he is sure to be protected whatever the circumstances may be. He need not fear for body and soul.

Baba's orders are supreme. No force on earth or even in this universe or beyond can challenge His grace and order. He has got virtual command of the movements of this entire universe and no devotee must even doubt for a moment that nothing is impossible for Him to do. So we must surrender wholeheartedly to Him.

Sanjay M. Padia
Calcutta (West Bengal)

Satsang Palki utsav video of Shri Shirdi Sai Sansthan,Sydney

Satsang Palki utsav video of Shri Shirdi Sai Sansthan,Sydney.

Om Sai Ram
I , personally have never seen the Palki utsav in Shirdi but it was like a blessing to see these outstanding videos of Shree Shirdi Sai Sansthan ,Sydney- celebrating the Palki Utsav & Guru Poornima festival on 28th & 29th of July 2007, along with celebrating their 10th anniversary of Humble service to our Sainath Maharaj .Seeing these videos makes me truly beleive that Shirdi is where Baba's devotees are. And Baba is with all those who follow the path of Shraddha and Saburi ---no matter where His devotees live-in India or in Sydney!!! ...You have got to see this to get the wonderful darshan of Baba and the devotion of so many Sai bhakts..
Here is the link for those videos-- =0350AB7DDB6541A0

Shree Shirdi Sai Sansthan,Sydney, Australia
420 Liverpool Road (crn. Hill Street & Liverpool Roads),
Strathfield South, NSW.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Satsang Devotion to Shri Sai Baba by Sanjay M. Padia

Satsang Devotion to Shri Sai Baba by Sanjay M. Padia

Devotion to Shri Sai Baba

We all know that to obtain the blessings of divine personalities such as Rama, Krishna, Maruti, Shiva, Ganapathi, etc... it takes years of unfailing devotion, before we are able to reach their expectations. Any break in our devotion in the middle would create a setback which may again take several years or more. Great saints such as Narasingh Mehta, Meerabai, Bhakta Prahlad spent most of their lives immersed in devotion to Lord Krishna and as a result achieved not only liberation but also sainthood. But the intensity of devotion which they had cannot be compared to that of the devotees of today. I would not say that today's devotees are insincere but the difference in the time factor is obviously there.

We all belong to the 20th century when science and technology has advanced so rapidly that the belief in the existence of God itself is being doubted. The absence of belief in God is very much present amongst our youth, who are more engrossed in their worldly pleasures than anything else.

In our country for instance, we see around us a lot of modern hotels, clubs and bars where most of our young people are found to visit these days. This has resulted in not only a deviation from the traditional Indian culture but also a sharp decline in our moral standards. By imitating the negative side of the Western culture, our youth's morale has stooped to a record low level.

I am not against Western nations as such and very much appreciating their economic development, science, technology, disci­pline and honesty but instead of accepting these good points, we have chosen their bad ones. In the midst of all this wholesale negative import, religion has no place whatsoever.

I have met many friends and most of them often say that they doubt the existence of God. I have no desire to elaborate to them on this issue since they would refuse to believe even if I do so. But there are some who say that they do believe in God and Personalities such as Rama, Krishna etc. but they hardly have any time for devotion or thinking of God. And there are also some who say that they do believe and even spend a little time on prayer but find no relief from their miseries.

Let me first contradict the statement of those friends who say that they don't have time for any devotion. Is this statement on their part justified? Definitely not; Because time as a fact is never available at all. It is we who have to create it. Just as we spend say 8 hours in sleep, 9 hours at work, and the balance 7 hours for entertainment we are actually booking time accor­dingly. Assuming that we must sleep for 8 hours and that we must work at our office for 9 hours we leave a balance of 7 hours to be adjusted to suit our entertainments. Out of those 7 hours do you think that these friends cannot spare even 15 minutes on devotion and that is believable? I don't but I cannot say about our readers. Let us say the available time is only 4 hours at the most. But even in these four hours can they not spend 10 minutes at least? The actual underlying fact is our friends just put forward a lame excuse. The real reasons are

a) They are not interested in any form of prayer, or devotion. They would rather opt for interesting entertainments instead.

b) They are lazy.

The first reason is most obvious. Belief in God for such type of youth is confined to the word ‘belief’, only. That belief does not necessarily imply that they must be devoted also, according to them.

The other group of friends tells me that though they spend a little time on prayer, their mind remains perturbed, and there is no end to their difficulties. This is the point that my topic in this article relates to:

(to be contd………)

Sanjay M. Padia
Calcutta (West Bengal)
Source Shri Sai Leela Magazine June 1985

Satsang Devotee by Swami Kesavaiahji

Satsang Devotee by Swami Kesavaiahji

Devotee by Swami Kesavaiahji (contd….)

A mere child Pralhad was subjected to every unimaginable torture, such as letting loose on him a mad elephant, exposing to the bites of venomous snakes, dropping from the top of a moun­tain or shutting up in a death room filled with poisonous gases, But he neither feared nor did he meet with death. What was the secret of Pralhada's power? His firm faith in God; Shri Sai Baba often used to stay that once a person has faith in God, he has achieved everything. There is nothing greater than faith. Shri Rama, who was God himself, had to build a bridge to cross the sea to Lanka, but Hanuman, who had immense faith in Rama cleared the sea in one jump. Shri Ramakrishna says, "As is a man's mediation, so is his feeling of love. As is a man's feeling of love, so is his gain. And faith is the root of all". Saint Mirabai drank the cup of poison in one draught and Haridas bore gladly the strokes of the lash, all the while repeating the name of Hari and praying God to pardon his persecutors. A devotee, who has such intense faith, does not bear any ill-will towards his enemies. His faith is so unshakeable that he actually sees that the whole world is full of God and everything in it is a manifestation of God.

The extraordinary patience displayed by a devotee towards those who harm him should not be interpreted as cowardice. The devotee's heart is full of virtues like forgiveness, spirit of non-violence, compassion and love. He prefers to suffer inconve­niences himself rather than persecutors. Thus, forgiveness, non­violence, compassion etc., are the virtues of the hero and the characteristic of a true devotee is courageous patience or Saburi as Shri Sai Baba has put it.

There are different types of devotees. It is the lot of many to tread the hard and steep path through suffering, sacrifice and toil. They need long and arduous spiritual discipline and practice. There are some who are "Nitya Siddhas". Since their birth, their spiritual consciousness is awake. They are born like Shri Sai Baba to impart spiritual illumination to others to lift a little of the heavy Karma of the World. There is yet another class of devotees- "Kripa Siddhas" on whom the grace of God descends all of a sudden. Within a short time, they attain great vision and knowledge. In short, a true devotee is one “who cannot live without God; so also God cannot live without His devotee". He has humility and he loses all traces of the ego. He has surrendered completely his body and soul to God. He has abundant faith (Nishta), and courageous patience (Saburi). These are the high hallmarks of a true devotee. Judging by this touch­stone, let each fix bearings in the wide ocean of life and follow the distant light which is within every one of us.

Swami Kesavaiahji
Source Shri Sai Leela Magazine May 1979

Monday, August 20, 2007

Devotee Experience

Devotee Experience

Baba Miracle Turned a New Leaf of Life

How true are these words of Baba, in CHAPTER III
Of Sai Satcharitha by Hemandpant!! !!!

I can narrate a miracle happened in my life, 7
Years back which is still fresh like a blossom flower in the spring in my mind

My friend MR.Vijay Bahl , Canada suffered a
Massive heart attack and admitted into the Intensive care unit of a
Public Hospital at Toronto , Canada , The monitor attached to him
Was shocking showing signs of consistant collapse. Doctor who
Attended him in the morning, asked family not to go anywhere and remain
There as there was no hopes of survival with complex problems additionally like Diabetes,Pneumonia and third intense Heart Attack.
Mrs. Vijay Bahl thought of going to Baba's temple or Gurudwara praying to Him rather than remaining in that place as her presence may not be going to make any change in his condition.
Mrs.Vijay Bahl cryingly telephoned to me narrated the condition of her Husband in the Hospital and the family members and close relatives are awaiting in anxious grief moments in the lounge outside the Intensive Care Unit, In the die hard situation of her husband Mr.Vijay Bahl,she physically rushed to me with the kids and telling me that Baba will always take care of His Devotees' problems.
Mrs Vijay Bahl who never knew Baba, had witnessed the Manifestation of Baba Vibhuti at my place in the presence of Divine Didi Mrs.Veena Gupta while she performing Aarthi to Baba witnessed abundant Udi on the Baba Statue immediately . I requested Mrs. Vijay Bahl to apply Udi on her ailing husband in the Hospital. I took three pinches of Vibhuti from the Baba Statue wrapped in a small paper and went to the Hospital directly. Mrs. Vijay Bahl and myself walked into the Intensive Care Unit and requested Mrs. Vijay Bahl to Pray Baba with Faith and Love and smear Vibhuti on the chest, forehead and a pinch on the tongue.
The ward doctor present there was astonished from that moment onwards the monitor was showing signs of improvement and in the night, when the Doctor checked again, could not believe that he was near normal, that too in a short span of time. After two days, he was shifted to the General ward and then a week later
He was discharged.
Trust me Sai Devotees, Woman Prayers and Sacrifice has turned new leaf of her Husband with Divine Didi Mrs.Veena Gupta's Grace and Mr.Vijay Bhal is still alive and both of his kids are now pursuing College Professional Course while working and eased the parents condition now.
This is the True Story of Baba's Miracle by the Grace of Ardent Devotee Mrs.Veena Gupta, New Delhi , India .
Jai Sairam,
Ravinder Thota

SAI BABA is Miracle

SAI BABA is Miracle

This is an experience of Haresh who was admitted to ICU at One of the hospitals in Ahemdabad. His Dengue fever was not diagnosed at earlier stage and his platelet count had almost fallen to Zero ( it should be 2.5 lakh). One of his relatives who is my colleague, told me about this at around 2pm. I asked him to make a promise to me that if the patient is fine again he will take him to Shirdi and to Pray to Sai baba for his well being. I also prayed to BABA for the patient(at that time i did not even know the name of the patient). By BABA's grace his platelet count started rising by night(10pm). Haresh's relatives had almost lost hope but now he is healthy again and was discharged within a week from the hospital. Such is the miracle of Sai who keeps His devotee's words. Sat guru sai nath maharaj ki Jai.
Viney Chawla