Thursday, June 29, 2006


Mother Radhakrishna hated publicity. A gentleman from Mumbai
took some snap shots of her without her knowledge; but some one
spoke of it as the gentleman was leaving Shirdi in a tonga. She ran
after the tonga for about a mile, wrested the camera and smashed
it. Tatya Koti Patil, an intimate devotee of Baba, told me of this in
her presence.

In December 1914, the late Sri P.R. Avasthi went with me to Shirdi.
He had taken 'Guru Mantra' from a woman saint in his young days
and did not know whether she was living or dead. Sri H.S. Dixit was
his friend and wanted him to go for darshan of Baba; but Sri Avasthi
thought that it would be 'Guru droha' (faithlessness towards his Guru).
When he came to know of my association with the Master, he spoke
of his state of mind. He was then the District Judge, Indore, and I was
Civil Judge under him. I told him that Baba was a Superb Guru - one
with God - and he agreed to accompany me provided I took on the
responsibility. We went and Baba asked me who was this 'Pissat'
(crazy man) with me. Sri Avasthi was excited. Next day the mother
tied four mogra flowers together and handing them to me said, 'Take
this to the Master and ask Him to unravel it.' Baba smelt the flowers

and returned them with a message for mother Radhakrishna that she
should do it. In the mean while Sri Avasthi had a brain wave. He made
a small ball (pindam) of rice out of the Naivedya offering unknown to us
and decided that if Baba accepted the Pindam, he would conclude that
his Guru was no more and taking Baba as Guru would not be Guru
droha. I was with him when he went to the Masjid with Naivedyam and
the Pinda in his hand under the plate. Baba said 'Give it to me'. He
took the pindam, smelt it and said 'It has reached its place'. We
returned to mother's house and from the door, Sri Avasthi rushed to
her and fell at her feet singing spontaneous verses for about half an
hour unconscious of things around him. The mother was also in a
trance. Later Sri Avasthi told me that in place of mother Radhakrishna
he had seen his first Guru.

In 1914, I was doubtful about my ability to attend the Guru Poornima.
The food was used to be cooked in mother's house, but she said that
if I was not there, it had better be cooked elsewhere. On the Guru
Poornma day, she got an extra quota from Baba's 'Bhiksha'. She then
announced that I was coming and the cooking started. I reached at
about 9 a.m. They wanted a stone to pound the spices (masala). The
step leading to the house was considered good and mother and I moved
it with some difficulty. Just as it was in the door frame, a devotee Sri
Purandare came up and wanted to help. The stone turned and it might
have crushed my hand but the mother pulled it towards herself and the
index finger of her right hand was crushed into two. You can imagine
her agony; but as if nothing had happened, she soaked a rag in oil and
wrapping the bleeding finger, went on to help in cooking. Only after all

was over, she called me and said she was feeling the pain and would
like to go to the jungle and cry. We went and for half an hour she did
cry. Then we came back for our normal work. What control over the
body and indifference to pleasure and pain in the service of the Master!

(to be contd...)
Chennai-600 017.
(Courtesy: Sai Sudha, Golden Jubilee Issue - June 1990, All India

Sai Samaj (Regd), Chennai-600004, India)


Sri Dasganu was a great devotee; and we find in his 'Kirtanas',
references to the love of Gopies; but he probably thought that what
was proper for Lord Sri Krishna was not so for a fakir. Being confined
to the residence and company of the mother, I was a persona
non-grata and was far from Dasganu Maharaj until after the Master's
Mahasamadhi. He then came to Indore and stayed with me. Then
with tears in his eyes he said,'Baba saheb, you were very fortunate
in living with a devotee of the highest order in Madhura Bhakti. I do
kirtans of Mirabai, Janabai, Kanhopatra, and gopis, and tears flow
from my eyes but I could not appreciate the Madhura Bhakti of
Radhakrishna Ayee in real life', and referring to mother's sad end,

he said there were instance in the Puranas of birth without sexual

In 1911, I thought of practicing Yoga. I invoked my Master and wanted
no other Guru. Relying on the story of Ekalavya who got Shastra and
Astra Vidya from a mud image of Dronacharya, I began Asana and
Pranayama, sitting before the picture of my Master. I could control my
breath and stop five or six beats of my heart in about a year's time.
Once in 1912, talking of Yoga and control and functions of the body,
the mother told me that she had succeeded by Rajayoga in stopping
her monthly periods!

Mother Radhakrishna was of ordinary build, about 5 feet high, but had
an iron will and the strength of a giant. She used to fetch water from a
well about a furlong away in large pots, which she picked alone with
her hands, when a strong man would need the help of another for the
purpose. She once gave me a blow on my chest and said, "You are a
'samsari'. Is this hollow", she then asserted that she was much
stronger than me. I replied that I was only a child. She then suggested
a trial of strength, and insisted on it in spite of me. The road leading to
Rahata used to be deserted in the afternoon and she said we should
run with the other on the back. I told her to get on my back and I
would run first. I ran about two furlongs and the mother said she was
satisfied and I may stop. She then made me get on her back and ran
much more than two furlongs, and asked whether she was not stronger,

and when I said it was doubtless so, she asked me to get off her back.
I said I was happy on the back of my mother and would not leave it. She
threatened to throw me off and I replied that the world would stare if a
fond mother did so. Eventually I got a promise from her that she would
carry me on Her back on the spiritual path. It appears to me that this
was pre-ordained by the Master, as, when we return to mother's
residence, I was called by Baba and asked what we were doing. When
I told him about our race and mother's promise, the Master said 'She
will take you on her back and so will I'. But then he directed me to give
up the practice of Yoga. 'Do Bhakti', He said, 'nothing is more
necessary. Only let your Heart, Head, and hand be in tune'. (He
pointed to the head, heart, and hand, said, 'let these be one')

(to be contd...)
Chennai-600 017.
(Courtesy: Sai Sudha, Golden Jubilee Issue - June 1990, All India

Sai Samaj (Regd), Chennai-600004, India)

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


To my knowledge she did not go in front of Baba nor sing bhajan in
front of him. Whenever I visited Shirdi she and I with occasionally
one or two others used to wash the floor of the Masjid when Baba
went to the Lendi and just, two months before she passed away in
1917, she came out after washing the Masjid, put her head on the
open verandah where Baba used to wash himself in mornings and
apparently went into a trance. Baba returned from the Lendi and
patting her on the back said, "Ramkrishni, why are you worry when

I am there". She started and ran away to her house. That was the
only occasion when I saw Baba saying anything to her personally
but on a number of occasions I found Baba having a sort of telepathic
communication with her.

Radhakrishna Ayee gave birth to a child and I was informed that the
child died immediately after and so did she.

Before Maha Samadhi, people gathered on Ramnavami day and the
Guru Poornima, when there was mass worship and offerings to Baba
of clothes and sweets etc., The sweets were distributed and the
clothes normally returned to the devotees. Baba did not worship any
idol and his worship that I saw was that done by a siddha.

The Ratha was presented by me and Shri Avasthi but people did not
know this. It was brought over in the night and put up there. Shri
Dasganu came for Darshan in the morning and Baba in his usual way
said to him, "See what people do, look that turbat (Tazia), is this
devotion?" Dasganu blamed Baba for allowing these things to be done
and started violently swearing at such devotees. after 10 minutes Baba
started smiling and said, "Ganu, are you blind and have you lost your
head? It is not a turbat. It is my Ratha, and I shall move in it the world
over." Physically He never used it.

I saw Baba in a violent temper sometimes. I was told that in the past
he used even strike people with his satka. When He was in a temper,
few people dared to go near him but he cooled down and was his own
loving self in no time.

I cannot say that I saw him engaged in dhyana or prayers but the
shastras says and I believe a Siddha is in eternal dhyana and that
every moment of his life is spent in the service of God.

I trust I have made myself clear. If there is any further explanation
wanted, I shall be very happy as I am in duty bound to furnish it to you.

I have been invited for the Maha Samadhi celebrations to Madras,
Coimbatore and other places. It is difficult for me to say in my present
condition of health whether I would be able to undertake the journey. If
I get well enough during the month that intervenes I shall come to Madras
and have the pleasure of meeting you there.

With love and kind regards.

Ever yours,
At the feet of the Master
(Sd.) M. B. REGE
(to be contd....)
Chennai-600 017.
(Courtesy: Sai Sudha, Golden Jubilee Issue - June 1990, All India Sai Samaj
(Regd), Chennai-600004, India)

Monday, June 26, 2006


Sri Gurudev

28, South Tukoganj,
3rd September 1968

Dear Brother Sridhar,

Your letter of the 30th th reached me yesterday afternoon. I have
wired you this morning, as this letter will not reach you on 4th inst.,
as desired by you.

Now regarding my Divine mother Radhakrishna Ayee. I shall relate
some incidents which will show her worth and what the master
thought of her.

You are aware that I went to Shirdi for the first time in December
1910 consequent on a vision in which I saw my Kula Devi Shanta
Durga of Kareta (Goa) with Shri Maha Vishnu and my Master, and
Shri Maha Vishnu said that the three were in fact one, and that
Shri Sai Baba would be my saviour. You may find some more
details in Sri Narasimha Swamiji's "Life of Sai Baba, Vol.III"
(Ankita Devotees).

In my first visit, the master asked me to go to mother Radhakrishna
whom He described as His mother and mine. My association with
her and I owe my spiritual life to her - left no doubt in my mind that
she was the Yoga Maya like the Yogini, who gave Sri Ramakrishna
Paramahamsa his training in 'Tantra' Mother Ramakrishna, whom
the master always referred to as Ramakrishni, was to me an ideal
of the Madhura Bhakti of the Gopis. All her belongings in the world
were a durrie (cotton mat) a blanket, a pair of dhotis, Eknath
Maharaja's Bhagwat, abhangas of Sri Thukaram and a lota. She
had an idol of Lord Krishna - she called it 'Chahabi' and occasional

singing of Bhajans in which she would get unconscious in a deep

The devotee I met at Shirdi had views of their own regarding Bhakti
and each one or a group thought that His or its own way was the
right one; and very often there was intolerance of other views. Mother
Radhakrishna's view was that the master should, like the idols at
Thirupati, Mathura or Dwaraka and Pandarpur, have good clothes,
ornaments, Palki Rath, etc. Other devotees of note like Sri Dasganu
Maharaj, Sri Dabolkar thought that Baba was a Fakir and ostentation
was against His creed. Indeed when once velvet chhava (overcoat)
was being put on Baba, one of such devotees, when Baba in his own
way refused to have it put on, said 'Fix some nails to fix it'. The last
scandal completely alienated such persons and since the sketches

of Baba were mostly written by them, a reference to the mother in
them, cannot be expected.

Chennai-600 017.
(Courtesy: Sai Sudha, Golden Jubilee Issue - June 1990, All India

Sai Samaj (Regd), Chennai-600004, India)

Satsang Chapter 30 :Sri_Sai_Sat_Charitra_Concise(Version)

Om Shree Ganeshaya Namah
Om Sai Ram

Kakaji Vaidya
We do not know what is devotion but we know for sure that

Sai Baba will not forsake us to any cost. Vaidya: Kakaji Vaidya,
who was the priest in the Sapta Shringi temple in Vani in Nasik
Taluka, was tormented by miseries. He prayed to Devi who came
in dream and asked him to 'to go Baba.' He went to
Tryambakeshwar and stayed for a fortnight worshipping Shiva with
Vedic rituals. But there was no abatement of troubles. Again Devi
came in his dream and said that 'she meant Shirdi Sai Baba and
not Trymabakeshwar Baba'. Now Vaidya's worry was how to go to
Meantime, at Shirdi, Baba told Shama that He couldn't accept the
many unfulfilled vows of his mother to Sapta Shringi and hence Shama
should go personally to Vani and complete those vows. Shama came
to Vaidya of Vani. Should one explain the joy of Vaidya? After fulfilling
vows for which Shama came, both reached Shirdi. Vaidya had blissful
days at Shirdi and his troubles came to an end.

Kushal Chand: One day Baba directed kaka Dhikxit to go in a horse
drawn carriage to Rahatha and bring Kushal to Shirdi. There at Rahata
Kushal had a dream in which Baba was calling him to Shirdi. What a

Ram Lal: In Bombay, one Ram Lal had a dream in which a saint
beckoned him for His darshan. He was not knowing who that saint
was. That evening when he was strolling on the road, on the way he
saw the portrait of Sai in a shop and came to know that the Saint who
beckoned him in his dream was Sai Baba of Shirdi. He came to
Shirdi and had the bliss of darshan of Baba.

Thus Baba pulled a lot of devotees to Shirdi..
By A. Govindakrishnan

39 Original Rare photos of Baba

39 Original Rare photos of Baba


Jai Sai Ram
I have received many requests from the devotees
who have not been able to access the "39 Original Rare
photos" of Baba hoasted by me, and to send the photos
by separate email. I find that sending the 39 photos
to individuals, will be a heavy task. Let us make
another try and I try to give below the steps to be
taken to view these 39 Rare Original Photos as well
many - many other photos of Baba.
1. Key-in at the address bar or click ,
2. Home page of the yahoogroup 'mysaibaba20' will be
displayed. Here you can go to messages only and not to
any section like photo, file or link sections,
displayed on your left side. Only members can go to
these sections. On the top right side there is a
button saying 'join this group'. I would request the
devotees to click it, to join the group.
3. Your Yahoo id would be asked and then some options
will be asked from you, along with verification of
word and at the end there will be 'join' button. Clik
it to join the group.
4. Your membership will be confirmed and on the left
you can go to photos etc or go to home page and then
go to photo.
5. There are 8 Albums in the photo section. 3rd one is
the 'Original Rare photos'.
6. You can also enjoy the photos in the other Albums
which are as under at present.
6.1. Articles used by Baba 22 photos
6.2. Miscellaneous Photos 189 photos
6.3. Original Rare Photos 39 photos
6.4. Sai Devotees of Baba's time 58 photos
6.5. Shirdi and aroud 17 photos
6.6 Shirdi and around - Chawadi 5 photos
6.7. Shirdi and around - Dwarkamai 21 photos
6.8. Shirdi and around - Gurusthan 8 photos
Enjoy the picture.

Members of the yahoogroup 'mysaibaba20' can go
directly to the yahoogroup home page. Just key in into
your yahoo mail with the id, which is the member of
yahoogroup. You have already done it, when you are
reading this email. Now simply key in and you
will be in the home page and then go to photo section
on the left.
Jai Sai Ram
Ashok Gupta

Ashok Gupta


4) I never saw him taking non-vegetarian food. Until 1911 to 1912
when people prepared several dishes of food and sent the same
as Naivedhya (kanniku), He used to take only the things he got
as Bhiksha. Even when he got the Naivedhya he did not abandon
his Bhiksha. I cannot vouch for the correctness of the statement
in the Sat-charitra. He did not take anything by way of breakfast
or dinner at night so far as I am aware. His meal was only the
afternoon lunch, after Arati, which was conducted in the same
manner as is done now at Shirdi.

I never saw Him suggesting medicine for his devotees. I have only
heard that he cured a blind person by putting a little chilli powder
in the eyes and once or twice prescribed the powder of some roots.
he usually gave udhi which almost always put on the forehead of
the devotees.

It is difficult to give the correct age of Baba, but it is said that He
was about 18 years when he came to Shirdi in about 1872 and on
that estimate He would be a little over 60 at his Maha Samadhi but
he looked older - about 80.

My information about the criminal case in which Baba gave evidence
is that a person from Shirdi committed theft of gold ornaments. He
was put up for trial and his defense was that Baba had given him
the ornaments. A summon was issued to Baba and later a warrant
was also ordered. On a petition by some devotees and others, the
magistrate agreed to His examination on commission. Baba said
people called him Sai, His father was Allah, and his residence
everywhere and asked about the ornaments, it is said that He
replied, "who else gives things". The magistrate accepted his
statement as of a person who was one with God but held that the
accused was guilty and sentenced him to imprisonment. When the
people told Baba about the sentence, He said, "Who gave the
sentence, He who gave the ornaments also gave the sentence".

Shri Radhakrishna Ayee once told me that she was three years
senior to me. I met her in 1910, when I was 22. She came from
Ahmednagar to Shirdi according to her statement in 1907. She
did not cook food for Baba until about 1911 when devotees
celebrated some occasion like Guru Poornima when her room was
used for her and the devotees cooking food. Otherwise as far as

I know she did not cook even for herself because she used to get
her food out of Baba's Bhiksha. After 1912 a part of the Bhiksha
was sent to her and for me when I was there since I was also
asked not to take food elsewhere.

(to be contd....)
Chennai-600 017.
(Courtesy: Sai Sudha, Golden Jubilee Issue - June 1990, All India Sai Samaj
(Regd), Chennai-600004, India)