Friday, August 11, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swamij i

676. Om Bhavavaridhipothaya Namaha
who was and is the ferry boat to cross the ocean
of Samsara.

677. Om Bhavaluntana kovidhaya Namaha
who was an expert in removing the bondage of Samsara.

678. Om Bhasmadhana nirasthadhi vyadhidhu:
kasubhakilaya Namaha
who by giving his udhi (sacred ashes) dest and removed

diseases:mental and physical, sorrow and other ills of life.

679. Om Bhasmasathkruthabhaktharaye Namaha
who destroyed the enemies of his devotees.

680. Om Bhasmasathkrutha manmadhaya Namaha
who is Siva (or who burnt up the sex urge).

681. Om Bhasmaputha masudhisthaya Namaha
whose masjid was purified by the ashes of his sacred

fire (Dhuni).

682. Om Bhasma dhagdhakilamayaya Namaha
who burnt out all diseases etc., with his (Udhi) ashes.

683. Om Bhagoji kustarogagnaya Namaha
who arrested the leprosy of Bagogi, (his attendant)

684. Om Bhasakila suvedhithaya Namaha
who knew all languages and dialects.

685. Om Bhasyakruthe Namaha
who commented (on the B.Gita, etc).

686. Om Bhavagamyaya Namaha
who is reached by intense faith and devotion.

687. Om Bharasarva parigrahaya Namaha
who undertakes all burdens.

688. Om Bhagavatha sahayaya Namaha
who helps Bhagavatas i.e., the pious.

689. Om Bhavana sunyathah sukine Namaha
who arrested mental functions and was happy.

690. Om Bhagavatha pradhanaya Namaha
the foremost among the pious (Bhagavatas).

(to be contd....)


Satsang Thought for the day

We are all a part of this Creative Intelligence and
have a spark of the divine within us. Therefore,
even though there is diversity among us,
through religion, sex, culture, age and status, we
are all part of the Divine Family. Everyone we
meet deserves our respect because we honor
the divine within them. We can show this through
courtesy, tolerance and cooperation with all whom
we meet.

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swamij i

661. Om Bhakthahruthpadhmavasine Namaha
who dwells in the heart-lotus of devotees.
662. Om Bhakthimarga pradharsakaya Namaha
who expounds the Path of devotion (Bhakti Marga).
663. Om Bhakthasaya viharine Namaha
who sports in the hearts of devotees.

664. Om Bhakthasarvamalapahaya Namaha
who cleanses devotees of all their sins.

665. Om Bhakthabhodhaikanistaya Namaha
whose one aim is to impart wisdom to the devotees.

666. Om Bhakthanam sadgathipradhaya Namaha
who gives Sadgati (i.e., a blessed life after death) to

the devotees.

667. Om Bhadramarga pradharsine Namaha
who guides (us) on a safe path.

668. Om Bhadrambhadramithi bhruvathe Namaha
who constantly says. "Blessings. Blessings" (be to you).

669. Om Bhadrasravase Namaha
who is famous for good.

670. Om Bhannumayisadhvimahitha sasanaya Namaha
whose orders were obeyed by the lady saint Bannu Mayi.

671. Om Bhayasanthrasthakapardhe amogabhaya-
varapradaya Namaha
who gave his unfailing and sure boon of Protection to G.S.

Khapharde who was much afraid.

672. Om Bhayahmaya Namaha
the undaunted.

673. Om Bhaya thrathre Namaha
who saved people from dangers apprehended.

674. Om Bhayakruthe Namaha
who creates fears.

675. Om Bhayanasanaya Namaha
who removes fears.

(to be contd....)


Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swamij i

661. Om Bhakthahruthpadhmavasine Namaha
who dwells in the heart-lotus of devotees.

662. Om Bhakthimarga pradharsakaya Namaha
who expounds the Path of devotion (Bhakti Marga).
663. Om Bhakthasaya viharine Namaha
who sports in the hearts of devotees.
664. Om Bhakthasarvamalapahaya Namaha
who cleanses devotees of all their sins.

665. Om Bhakthabhodhaikanistaya Namaha
whose one aim is to impart wisdom to the devotees.

666. Om Bhakthanam sadgathipradhaya Namaha
who gives Sadgati (i.e., a blessed life after death) to

the devotees.

667. Om Bhadramarga pradharsine Namaha
who guides (us) on a safe path.

668. Om Bhadrambhadramithi bhruvathe Namaha
who constantly says. "Blessings. Blessings" (be to you).

669. Om Bhadrasravase Namaha
who is famous for good.

670. Om Bhannumayisadhvimahitha sasanaya Namaha
whose orders were obeyed by the lady saint Bannu Mayi.

671. Om Bhayasanthrasthakapardhe amogabhaya-varapradaya
who gave his unfailing and sure boon of Protection to

G.S.Khapharde who was much afraid.

672. Om Bhayahmaya Namaha
the undaunted.

673. Om Bhaya thrathre Namaha
who saved people from dangers apprehended.

674. Om Bhayakruthe Namaha
who creates fears.

675. Om Bhayanasanaya Namaha
who removes fears.

(to be contd....)


Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swamij i

646. Om Bhaktha vathsalaya Namaha
who was fond of devotees.

647. Om Bhakthamanasa vasine Namaha
who resided in the hearts of devotees.
648. Om Bakthathi sulabhaya Namaha
who was very easy of access to devotees.

649. Om Bhakthabhavabdhi pothaya Namaha
who was the boat to ferry devotees across the

ocean of Samsara.

650. Om Bhagavathe Namaha
the Bhagavan (i.e., possessor of six grand states).

651. Om Bhajatham suhrudhe Namaha
the friend of those who are devoted.

652. Om Bhaktha sarvasvaharine Namaha
who carries away everything belonging to devotees.

653. Om Bhakthanugraha katharaya Namaha
who was anxious to favour devotees

654. Om Bhaktharasnayadhi sarvesamamoghabhaya
sarhpradaya Namaha
who gave the effectual promise of sanctuary to all

devotees like Damodar Savalram Rasane.

655. Om Bhakthavana samarthaya Namaha
who is able to guard and protect devotees.

656. Om Bhakthavana dhurandharaya Namaha
who bears the burden of protecting devotees.

657. Om Bhakthabhava paradhinaya Namaha
who is subjugated by the intense faith of devotees.

658. Om Bhakthathyantha hithausadhaya Namaha
who is the most benefecial remedy of devotees.

659. Om Bhakthavana prathi jnaya Namaha
whose solemn vow is to protect devotees.

660. Om Bhajathamistakamadhuhe Namaha
who grants the desires of the devotees.

(to be contd....)


Satsang Sri Sai Amrit Vani

Sri Sai Amrit Vani
10th Aug 2006

Jai Sai Ram

Following devotees, participated in
absencia in the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani by
reciting Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places. The list
is sorted as per their email ids. However Mrs. Gupta
prayed for all the devotees. We include only those
devotees in the list, who themselves recite or read
Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places. The names of the
devotees "for prayer", are prayed for, but not
included in the list. Kindly mention clearly, against
each devotee's name that he/she will recite or read or
listen to Sri Sai Amrit Vani, or only for prayers,
Please also give the name of the place.

There was no special Sai Leela this
Thursday the 10th Aug , Just the normal ones, which
are listed below.

1. Udi started appearing and oozing from the five
photos on the walls from Tuesday morning. Hindi words
'RAM' and 'SHAM' 'OM' and Trishool were clear. On
Wednesday Udi started to fall from the photos on the
walls and also in the mandir. As it was Raksha Bandhan
it also appeared that Baba is having something with
Udi, around His wrist.
2. There was no honey from any photo or statue.
3. There was only in the Bhiksha Patra in one photo.
4. There was lot of Water from the Charans this week
also. This water was collected in the Thali. The
taste of water was similar to gulab jal and kewara.
After Sai Amrit Vani, this water was given to the
needy devotees and again the Thali was filled with
water. This water was taken out of Thali 3-4 time
throughout the day and was given to devotees till
5. Lap of Mrs. Gupta was filled with Udi during the
prayers. She feels very light when Udi came in her
6. As soon as the Bhog was offered, it was duly
accepted by Baba and after the Sri Sai Amrit Vani we
noticed that the box, which was placed before HIM
was half empty with eaten and partly remained pieces
of items in the box, Part of Bhog was on the lips of
many photos and statue of Baba. These parts of the
remains in the box were given to the devotees who
offered that item of bhog to Baba.
7. All the boxes of Bhog which were kept on the table
were blessed with Udi,
8. Many devotees felt the presence of Baba during the
recitation of Sai Amrit Vani in different ways.
9. The Charnamrit, the water in which Baba took the
bath in the morning was also sweet as if some honey
has been mixed into it.
10. Statue, photos and papers placed before Baba were
blessed by Baba in no time.

Jai Sai Ram

Sri Sai Amrit Vani was started
exactly at 11:04 AM and Noon Aartee exactly at 12:00
Hrs. followed by brief Meditation and the prayer,
Prayan of one Chapter from Sai Satcharitra. This time
Chapter 5 was read. But Mrs. Gupta could read it only
half as she was not feeling well. In the morning she
had some hot words exchanged with our top floor
neighbors, who throws garbage from the top and this
time the garbage fell on her head. Mrs Gupta also
fainted on the road and was brought inside home on
the chair. But she decided not to skip the recitation
of Sri Sai Amrit Vani. Matter has been reported to the

On 17th August we will be in Chandigarh and
so on that day Sri Sai Amrit Vani will be held at
Sector 9A, House no 55, First floor, Chandigarh and
not at Sidhartha extension, New Delhi. (Phone no
0172-3244900 pp only during that week ie 12 to 19th

Following listed devotees participated in
the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani ( in absentia)
and have either recited or read or listened Sri Sai
Amrit Vani at their places. Other devotees were also
prayed for but their names have not been listed.

Sri Sai Amrit Vani is now available in Tamil
script also besides in Devnagri, English and Telgu, in
the file section of the yahoogroup. Links of Audio MP3
files are given in the link section of the home page
of ' mysaibaba20' yahoogroup. To go to home page of
yahoogroup key in or click . Audio Mp3
file has also been made available in the publication
section of , the site Sai
Memorial Temple of Baba of Lodhi Road, New Delhi.

This activity of Sri Sai Amrit Vani will be
in addition to any other pooja or sewa or prayer that
you are doing.

Jai Sai Ram.

Ashok Gupta

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swamij i

631. Om Brahmanandhamruthe magnaya Namaha
who is sunk in the Bliss Supreme (Brahmanand)

632. Om brahmanandhaya Namaha
who is Supreme Bliss.

633. Om Brahmanandalasad dhrustaye Namaha
whose eyes glowed with Supreme Bliss.

634. Om Brahmavadhine Namaha
who taught Vedanta.

635. Om Bruhacchravase Namaha
whose fame was great.

636. Om Brahmanasthrivisrustolka tharjitha svakruthaye
who was in the form of the dog that a Brahmin lady
(Mrs. G.S.Khaparde) flung red-hot coals at.

637. Om Brahmananam masudhisthaya Namaha
who stayed in a masjid (termed by him accurately)

the Brahmins masjid.

638. Om Brahmanyaya Namaha
who loved Brahmins.

639. Om brahmaviththamaya Namaha
who is the best among the knowers of Brahman.

640. Om Bhakthadhasaganu prana-manavruththyadhi-
rakshakaya Namaha
who safeguarded the life, honour, livelihood etc.

(Das Ganu Maharaj.

641. Om Bhakthathyantha hithaishine Namaha
who was desirous of promoting the welfare of devotees

to the highest extent.

642. Om Bhakthasritha dhayaparaya Namaha
who was completely under the sway of mercy and

(consequently) resorted to by devotees.

643. Om Bhakthartham dhruthadehaya Namaha
who took birth for the sake of devotees.

644. Om Bhakthartham dhagdhahasthakaya Namaha
who burnt his hand for the sake of devotees.

645. Om Bhaktha paragathaye Namaha
who was the ultimate goal of devotees.

(to be contd....)




Shri Sai Baba is watchful on his devotees. He comes in different
forms in order to help his devotees at the time of distress. I would
like to share one such incident that occurred recently.

After attending a marriage at Ongole on 25-7-1982 we had to come
back to Nellore on 27-7-1982 in connection with "Sravana Mangala
Vara Nomulu" ( a function which is performed by the newly wedded
bride for 5 years on all the Tuesdays of "Sravana Masam".) positively.
So, we had to start on 26-7-1982. As all the buses were heavily
crowded we could not catch the bus. We had to wait upto 9.00 pm.
My wife and myself could get into the bus when my mother and
grandmother could not. It was decided that they should come on the
early hours of 27-7-1982. They left the bus stand after we boarded
the bus. When the bus was about to start, suddenly my wife asked
me to get down the bus as she felt that the others may not able to

catch the bus on the next day for attending the programme. On
enquiry at the RTC enquiry office, I was informed that the last bus
was at 11.30 pm and there were no buses till 7.00 am. So, we
decided to go to the bride's house at Kothapet where my mother
and grand mother would be staying. We engaged a rickshaw and
went there, where we came to know that they had left for my grand
mother's friend's house which was nearby. On hearing the same we
rushed to that house in vain. Then I prayed to Baba that there may

not be any difficulty for the next day's programme. We came back
to the bride's residence. As we were engaged in chit chatting,
suddenly my mother came there. We were surprised to see her.

Then we rushed back to the bus stand. On the way to the bus stand
I asked my mother how she could come to know that we were at the
bride's house. Then she narrated the following incident. As the bride's
residence was full of relatives, they were in a dilemma whether to go
to my grandfather's house at Ramanagar which is far off. On their
way while they were talking to their friends, a rickshawwallah came
there and asked my mother whether they would like to have a
rickshaw. My mother told him that they did not need him. He told
her that Sundaramma and a man were searching for them and they
were at the bride's residence at Kothapet. She was surprised to
hear the same and thought that he was lying as she saw us
boarding the bus. So saying he went away. She thought it better to
go over to the bride's residence along with the grandmother. On
coming to the bride's residence, she was surprised to see us. Our
prayer to Shri Sai was fulfilled and we cold catch the bus at 10.30
pm and came to Nellore by 1.45 am without any problem.
Everything went well on 27-7-1982. On Tuesday we went to Shri
Sainath Mandhir at Gandhinagar, Nellore. I was astonished as to
how the rickshawwallah came to guide them to us. It is still afresh
in our memory.

We are sure that it was Shri Sai Baba who inspired the ricshawallah
to inform my mother about our stay at the bride's residence; or else
we would have been put to a lot of difficulty in searching for each
other and could not have reached for the function in time.

K.L.V.S. SARMA, Librarian
Karvetnagar 517 582.

(Source Sri Sai Leela Magazine September 1983)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Ashok Gupta

All About Sri Sai Amrit Vani

Jai Sai Ram

Sri Sai Amrit Vani an interesting,
spiritual, simple and meaningful literature in lyrics
form and we have adopted in our life. It has been
composed by Sh. V K Bassi, who is managing the
activities of Sri Ram Bhakt Society at Shivalik,
Delhi, The material has mostly been taken from Sai
Geeta, Sri Saicharitra and Sri Ram Amrit Vani. In the
book form, it was first printed around 1997. It has
been sung by Sh. Jagdish Kalra and recorded on a 60
minutes cassette and hence it is a complete one hour
program in Hindi. The cassette is 30 minutes on each
side. It has been converted to MP3 files from the
Audio cassette into two files. These files are of 30
MB each and have been put on the internet. The script
of Sri Sai Amrit Vani in Hindi , English and Telgu
are available on the internet. The program has few
parts. (i) Sai Amrit Vani (ii) Bhajans (iii) Pads
(iv) Prayers (v) Vandna and the (vi) Aartee. There is
no specific time to do Sri Sai Amrit Vani,. It can be
done at any time of the day at any place, But one
should be clean and place should also be clean. When
it is done in the mandir before Baba then one should
clean oneself and put some Bhog before Baba. We all
recite Sri Sai Amrit Vani together along with the
cassette. These two audio files can be down loaded and
have been down loaded and put on the CD's by few
devotees and are being played on the ordinary CD
players. Few devotees are distributing these CDs,
Cassettes and the books of Sri Sai Amrit Vani free of
cost to needy devotees, who does not want to purchase

Every Thursday Recitation of Sri
Sai Amrit Vani is held at Sidhartha Extension, New
Delhi, but we have slightly changed the order.
Instead of the general Aartee in between, we do the
full Noon Aartee the same as being done in Shirdi
after the Sri Sai amrit Vani. It is followed by group
prayer and a chapter from Sai Satcharitra is read by
Mrs Gupta. It starts exactly at 11:05 AM and goes upto
12. Noon Aarti is performed exactly at 12:00 and
reading from Sai Satcharitra after the noon Aarti. It
goes upto 12:25 or so. During this Sri Sai Amrit Vani,
reading from Sai Satcharitra, Prayer and Aartee Mrs
Gupta's lap is filled by Udi. Even other devotees
feel the presence of Baba in different forms and have
many different experiences. Every Thursday and some
important days and festivals Udi starts oozing and
dropping from the Statues and the photos of Baba.
Some times even Honey oozes and drops from the
photo/Statue of Baba on the wall.

Script of Sri Sai Amrit Vani in
Hindi, English and Telgu are available at the file
section of yahoogroup "mysaibaba20" ie . Script
in Hindi is also available at . Meaning of
the wordings of Sri Sai Amrit Vani in English is also
there in the file section.

Audio of Sri Sai Amrit Vani is now
available on a new web site also besides the old links

Just click to the link . On the right side you will
find Music clips at the bottom . Below it you will
find Sai Amrit Vani 1 and 2 Click on one of them.
Shri Sai Amrit will be down loaded on your computer in
some temporary area and Real Player, Microsoft Media
player and even winamp will run it. By clicking the
right button you can save it on the hard disk by
clicking on 'Save the target as' and you can play it .
Repeat the process for the other part. As these files
are 30 MB each, it will take time to download them.
You can directly go to this site by link . These
links are also provided in the link section of the
yahoogroup "mysaibaba20".

Now a VCD has also been prepared of it,
by a commercial dealer and can be had from SAI
LODHI ROAD, NEW DELHI - 110003. OR alternatively can
be had from any vender near the Sai Memorial Temple at
Lodhi Road. In particular Sanjay Gupta is having these
books, cassettes and the VCD's. His residence cum
shop's address is 6, Lodhi Road Complex, Near Sai
Baba Mandir, New Delhi -110003, with phone nos are
24368346, 98100550738, 20061546 and having an email
address as .

You can also have the books and the
cassettes of Sri Sai Amrit Vani from us, personally.

Jai Sai. Ram
Ashok Gupta

Satsang Chapter 29 :Sri_Sai_Sat_Charitra_Concise(Version)

Om Shree Ganeshaya Namah
Om Sai Ram
Chapter 29:::
Bhajan troupe from Madras

* A bhajan troupe from Madras,on its way to pilgrimage to North India,
came with greed to Shirdi on the hearsay that the saint there gave
visitors bountiful of money. But the senior lady in the troupe was honest
and saw the vision of Shri Rama in Sai repeatedly in the masjid and
went into ecstasy.Her husband disbelieved this as hallucination and
ridiculed her.One night he had a dream, which was thus ::' He is in jail
and Baba stands outside the prison bars.Suddenly a loud thud is heard
and he sees policeman in a pool of blood.. Baba remarks : "Now you
are well entrenched in this crime." He weeps and begs Baba to rescue
him. Immediately he is out of jail and prostrates before Baba. He says
that his earlier prostrations were for money but the present one was on
his realization of Baba as God.Then at his request Baba shows him his
Guru Ramdas.The man remarks that Baba appears to be old.Baba
challenges him to join Him in a race and starts running.Immediately He
disappears in the cloud of dust emanating from his feet.' The dream
ended and the man's greedy attitude changed. They stayed for a few
more days enjoying the darshan of Baba and completed the rest of
the pilgrimage without any hurdle.

* Astrologers told the son of Smt. Tendulkar of Bombay that come what
may, he would not get through his examinations that year. Baba
assured that he would get through and it happened so.

* The father of the said boy took voluntary retirement with a meager
pension of Rs.75.Baba told his wife in a dream that He desired that
the pension should be raised to Rs.100.Orders came raising the
pension to Rs.110.

* Once Baba appeared in the dream of Captain Hate of Bombay and
exclaimed: "Have you forgotten me?" He immediately sent by money
order twelve rupees to a friend at Shirdi indicating that ten rupees be
spent on vegetables and two rupees for puja items.That day all
wondered when Baba ate only vegetables.
By A. Govindakrishnan

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA. by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swami ji

556. Om nulkarvijayanandhamahisan dhaththa sadhgathaye
who gave sadgati to (1) Tatya Sahib Noolker the Sub-Judge,

(2) Vijayanandaswami of Madras and (3) a she buffalo.
557. Om Nrusimha ganudasadhaththa -prachara-karma-

sadhanaya Namaha
who gave Das Ganu Maharaj and Narasimhaswami the

propaganda work (of spreading devotion to Sai Baba) as a
good sadhana for their spiritual welfare.

558. Om Naistika brahmacharyaya Namaha
who was a Naishtika Brahmachari i.e., perfect celebrate

observing it as a religious principle.

559. Om Naiskarmya parinistithaya Namaha
who was established in Naishkarmya i.e., doing work

without getting karmic bonds as a result.

560. Om Panadari pandurahgakyaya Namaha
who is the well-known Panduranga of Pandharpur.

561. Om Patelthathyaji mathulaya Namaha
who was regarded by Tatya Ganapati Patel Kothe

(his devoted servant) as his maternal uncle.

562. Om Pathithapavanaya Namaha
who raised and purified those who were fallen (by non

observance of Dharma etc).

563. Om Pathrigrama samudhbhavaya Namaha
who was born at Pathri.

564. Om Padavisrustagangambhase Namaha
who guarded his devotees.

565. Om Padhambuja nathavanaya Namaha
who had lotus-like eyes.

566. Om Parabrahma svarupine Namaha
who was of the nature of Para Brahman (God).

567. Om Parama karunalayaya Namaha
who was the abode of highest or perfect Mercy.

568. Om Parathathva pradhipaya Namaha
who was a great blaze radiating highest spiritual teachings.

569. Om Paramartha nivedhakaya Namaha
who taught the Supreme Wisdom (or goal of life).

570. Om Paramanandha nisyandhaya Namaha
who dripped Supreme Bliss.

(to be contd....)

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA. by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swami ji

541. Om Nirvikalpaya Namaha
who had no mental variations of Desire etc.(Vikalpa).

542. Om Niran kusagathagathaye Namaha
whose motion to any place and in any direction at

will was easy and unobstructed (because of his
Siddhi power).

543. Om Nirjitha kamanadhosaya Namaha
who had conquered the sex urge.

544. Om Nirasaya Namaha
who had no longings.

545. Om Niranjanaya Namaha
who was free from sin

546. Om Nirvikalpa samadhisthaya Namaha
who was steady in his Nirvikalpa Samadhi formless

and undeflected concentration

547. Om Nirapekshaya Namaha
who had no wants (Apeksha) or desires.

548. Om Nirgunaya Namaha
who was free from attributes (gunas).

549. Om Nirdhvandhvaya Namaha
who was beyond "duals" or the pair of opposites Relativity.

550. Om Nithyasathvasthaya Namaha
who was always in Satwa guna.

551. Om Nirvikaraya Namaha
whose serenity was undisturbed by gusts of desire,

disappointment etc.

552. Om Nischalaya Namaha
who was immmovable and unshaken.

553. Om Niralambhaya Namaha
who had no support (as he needed none).

554. Om Nirakaraya Namaha
who was formless.

555. Om Nivruthagunadhosakaya Namaha
who was devoid of good and evil qualities.

(to be contd....)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006



Last, but an important advice about food, given by Baba, is
about charity : "Different sadhanas (means of accomplishments)
are prescribed in our scriptures for different Ages. Tapa (penance)
is recommended for Krita Age, Jnana (knowledge) for Treta Age,
Yajna (sacrifice) for Dwapara Age and Dana (charity) for Kali
(present) Age. Of all the kinds of charities, giving food is the best
one. We are much perturbed, when we get no food at noon. Other
beings feel similarly under similar circumstances. Knowing this,

he, who gives food to the poor and hungry, is the best donar or
charitable person. The Taittiriya Upanishad says that "Food is
Brahma, from food all the creatures are born and having been born
by food they live and having departed into food they again enter."
Other kinds of charities viz. giving away wealth, property, clothes
etc. require some discrimination; but in the matter of food, no such
consideration is necessary. Let anybody come to our door at noon,
he should be served forthwith; and if lame, crippled, blind and
diseased paupers come, they should be fed first and the able
bodied persons and our relations afterwards." (Ch. 38, P. 208-209)
We remember, how in Ch. 9, Sai Baba expressed His great
pleasure, when Mrs. Tarkhad fed a hungry dog during her meal time.
He further said, "Ever act like this and this will stand you in good
stead. First give bread to the hungry and then eat yourself!" (P. 55,
Shri Sai Saicharita). Similarly, we know, what Baba said to Laxmibai
Shinde, who was annoyed because Baba gave the bread and
vegetable, cooked urgently for Baba, to a nearby dog,

"Why do you grieve for nothing? The appeasement of the dog's hunger
is the same as Mine. Though some speak and others are dumb, the
hunger of all creatures is the same. Know for certain that he who
feeds the hungry, really serves Me with food." (Ch. 42, P. 233)

In this regard also, Baba Himself had set an example. In early days,
He on and oft used to feed the poor and helpless by cooking food
Himself in big pots (Handi). He used to buy the grains and spices
from bazaar and do the grinding also Himself, Later, devotees
started thronging to Shirdi in large numbers and cooked food in the
form of naivedya started coming in large quantities, so there was
no need for cooking the food by Baba. However, He never stopped
distributing this naivedya food to all and sundry. He Himself hardly
tasted it.

Sai Baba was always practical and realistic in His advice. While

eulogizing charity, He also warned not to do it in excess and
become a debtor (Bhakti Leelamrit, Ch. 32, by Das Ganu Maharaj).
The crux of His advice regarding food was to learn to control one's
tongue and be satisfied with whatever food is served. This will not
only ensure good health but also help one in one's efforts for
attaining emancipation.

By Lt. Col. M. B. Nimbalkar (Retd.)
(Source Shri Sai Leela Magazine, September-October 1993)

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA. by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swami ji

526. Om Nama varjithaya Namaha
who had no proper Name (as 'Sai Baba' is a common

noun or a class name).

527. Om Nigruhithendriyagramaya Namaha
who had controlled his senses.

528. Om Nigamagamagocharaya Namaha
who is that to which the Vedas and Sastras point viz.,

Brahman or God.

529. Om Nithya sarvagathasthanave Namaha
who is the permanent, undying found in everything.

530. Om Nithyathrupthaya Namaha
who was always happy and blessed.

531. Om Nirasrayaya Namaha
who needed and had no support.

532. Om Nithyannadhana dharmistaya Namaha
who was ever at his Dharma of giving daily food

(to the poor etc).

533. Nithyanandha pravahakaya Namaha
who poured forth a stream of Nitya Ananda, the endless Bliss.

534. Om Nithya mahgaladhamne Namaha
who was the abode of Permanent good (for auspiciousness) .

535. Om Nithyagnihothra vardhanaya Namaha
who was daily having his fire worship (at the Dhuni)

with offerings.

536. Om Nithyakarma niyokthre Namaha
who bade his devotees adhere to their own daily duties

(Nitya Karma).

537. Om Nithya sathvasthithaya Namaha
who was always in Satwaguna (the principles of balance

and harmony).

538. Om Nimbapadhapa mulasthaya Namaha
who resided at the foot of the Margosa tree.

539. Om Nirantharagnirakshithre Namaha
who always kept up a perpetual fire (in the Dhuni at the masjid,

and in the Akhanda Deepa in the Lendi garden) .

540. Om Nispruhaya Namaha
who had no desires.

(to be contd....)



In Ch. 24, Sai Baba has conveyed this principle very effectively
by making fun of Annasaheb Dabholkar, the author of Shri Sai
Satcharita, when some grains of gram were seen stuck in the
folds of his coat's sleeve. Sai Baba further explained that, when
no person or animal is present nearly, one should offer it to Baba
by remembering Him. This will result in the devotee avoiding food,
which is impure and not fit to be enjoyed. He further explained
that this method should be employed not in case of the sense
of taste only but in case of all senses viz. sight," touch etc. also.

To illustrate this, Hemadpant in the same Chapter, has narrated
the story of Sudama - a co-student of Shri Krishna and Balaram
in the ashram of their Guru Sandipani. Once when these students
were collecting firewood in the forest, Krishna was thirsty and
asked for some water. Sudama advised him not to drink water
without eating something. Shri Krishna, therefore, rested his head
on Sudama's lap and slept. After sometime Shri Krishna woke up
and heard Sudama chewing something. Shri Krishna asked
Sudama as to what he was eating. But, Sudama, although he
was eating grams, told Shri Krishna a lie that he was not eating
anything; but his teeth were chattering because of cold. Later,
as a result of this, Sudama, although a churn of Lord Krishna,
had to pass his life in utter poverty.

However, when he later offered Shri Krishna a handful of parched
rice, earned by his wife with her own labour, Shri Krishna was
pleased and gave him a golden mansion to live and enjoy. Baba
Himself never ate anything without sharing it with others. Everyday
He used to go out begging and whatever food was collected. He
used to place it in the earthen bowl in the Masjid. Some beggars
used to pinch 3-4 breads and dogs and birds used to eat out of it;
but Baba never drove them away. Whenever any devotee offered
Him fruits and richly cooked food, He hardly tasted it and distributed
amongst the devotees present. Every afternoon, when in the
Dwarkamai, the meal was served and ready to cat, Baba used to
call out for Bade Baba (a Fakir from Malegaon) and used to make

him seat next to Him on His left respectfully as an honoured guest.
Not only this, but after the meal, Baba used to pay him Rs. 50 as
dakshina and walk with him upto 100 paces to see him off.

In the Taittiriya Upanishad, Anuvak 11, it is slated 'Atithi Devo
Bhava1 (May the guest be, to thee, a God). In Bhagvat Geeta
also Shri Krishna in Ch. 3, says, Yadnyashishtashinaha santo
muchyante sarvakilbishaih Bhujjate te twagham papa ye
pachantyatmakaranaat 13 (The virtuous, who partake of what is
left after sacrifice, are absolved of all sins. The sinful ones, who
only cook and eat for themselves eat only sin.) Thus Sai Baba

taught this principle of not partaking any food without sharing with
others both by precept and example very effectively. 'Atithi' (guest)
literally means 'without date'. Hence a guest in the above context
should mean, one, who appears unexpectedly and stays not more
than one day or date. In the present days of towering prices and
food rationing, therefore, this meaning would have to be borne in
mind to ensure that an unwanted and persisting person docs not
take advantage of our generous nature.

to be contd....
(Source Shri Sai Leela Magazine, September-October 1993)

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA. by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swami ji

511. Om Dhupakheda patelchanbhay nastasvasthana suchakaya
who revealed to Chanbhai Patel of Dhoopakheda, where his lost

horse was to be found

512. Om Dhumayana pathath pathevarapathni-surakshakaya
who shielded from all harm, Mrs. Pathewar who had fallen from

a moving train (between the train and the platform).

513. Om Dhyanavasthitha chethase Namaha
whose mind was held in Dhyana or meditation.

514. Om Dhruthyuthsaha samanvithaya Namaha
who was full of courage and resource.

515. Om Nathajanavanaya Namaha
who protected the devotees.

516. Om Naraloka manoramaya Namaha
who delighted the hearts of vast masses (a world) of people.

517. Om Nastadhrusti pradhathre Namaha
who restored lost sight.

518. Om Naralokavidambhanaya Namaha
who sported or played with vast masses (and allowed them to

mistake him for a mere human being).

519. Om Nagasarpamayurecha samarudha-sadananaya
who was Subrahmanya riding on a peacock that is on a serpent.

520. Om Nanachandhorkramahuya - thathsadgathyai
kruthodhyamaya Namaha
who sent for Nanasaheb G.Chandorkar and took pains to secure

for him Sadgati, i.e., advance in the next life.

521. Om Nananimonkarasyanthe svangri dhyanalayapradhaya
who, at the close of the life of Nana Saheb Nimonkar, gave him

(Dhyana) concentration on the guru and laya merger (i.e., the
power to see everything as Baba during the last days of his life).

522. Om Nana dhesabhidhakaraya Namaha
who had various forms and names in various places.

523. Om Nanavidhi samarchithaya Namaha
who was worshipped and revered in diverse ways by a diversity of


524. Om Narayanamaharaja samslaghitha patharhbhujaya Namaha
who was highly praised by Narayan Maharaj (of Khedgaon Bhet).

525. Om Narayanaparaya Namaha
who was wholly devoted to God (Narayana).

(to be contd....)



Sai Baba advised that while going out for some job, if it is
meal time, do not go out on empty stomach, disregarding
any offer of food. On the contrary it should be regarded as
auspicious sign of success. Moreover there is also a strong
reason for this. To do any job perfectly, one requires energy,
which can only be acquired by eating food. Secondly, refusing
something offered by somebody lovingly, means hurting that
person's feelings, which is certainly not a proper mood, while
going out for an important task. In Ch. 32, Sai Baba has
narrated His own experience as to how He and His companions
lost their way in the woods because they disregarded the
Vanjari's offer of food and guidance. However, later, when
Sai Baba accepted the Vanjari's food and guidance, He was
able to carry out the quest successfully. Similarly, in Ch. 33,
Appasaheb Kulkarni was not able to find the Fakir, when he
rushed out of home in hurry without his meals. However, later
when after taking his meals, he strolled out with his friend, the
Fakir Himself was seen approaching him and demanding

to be contd....
(Source Shri Sai Leela Magazine, September-October 1993)

Monday, August 07, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA. by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swami ji

496. Om Dheho dhevalayasthasmin dhevam pasyethyudhirayathe
who said "The body is the temple of God. Behold the Divine

within it.

497. Om Dhaivi sampathprapurnaya Namaha
who was full of the Daivi Sampath, viz., Abhaya and fearlessness,

Purity etc. (see B.Gita).

498. Om Dhesoddhara sahayakruthe Namaha
who helps in elevating or improving the country.

499. Om Dhvandvamoha vinirmukthaya Namaha
who was free from the delusions produced by the pairs of

opposites (e.g., Heat and Cold, Pain and Pleasure etc.).

500. Om Dhvandhvathitha vimathsaraya Namaha
who was free from the pairs of duality and also from Matsara,


501. Om Dhvarakamayi vasine Namaha
the resident at Dwaraka Mayi (i.e., Shirdi Mosque).

502. Om Dveshadhroha vivarjithaya Namaha
who had no hatred nor desire to injure others.

503. Om Dhvithadhvaithavisistadhin kalesthane vibhodhakaya
who taught dualisim, non-dualism (Adwaita system) and

modified nondualism (Visishta Adwaita) at the proper time
and at the proper place (i.e., to the person fit for such

504. Om Dhanahinandhanadyamscha samadhrustaiva
rakshakaya Namaha
who protected The rich and The poor alike i.e., with equal eye.

505. Om Dhanadhena-samaihyagaya Namaha
who gave gifts like Kubera the god of wealth.

506. Om Dharamdhara sannibhaya Namaha
who resembled a hill (in respect of strength, firmness' and in

helping and serving all and sundry always)

507. Om Dharmajnaya Namaha
who knew Dharma (i.e., Principles of Righteousness, Virtue etc.).

508. Om Dharmasethave Namaha
who was the -sheet anchor of Righteousness (Dharma).

509. Om Dharmasthapana sambhavaya Namaha
who was born to establish Righteousness.

510. Om Dhumalupasini pathnyor niryane sadhgathipradhaya
who gave sad-gati (i.e., a good post mortem state) to the

departed spirit of the wife of S.B.Dhumal that of Kashinath
Govinda Upasani Sastri.

(to be contd....)


Baba used to say :
"The mind of the person fasting is never at ease, then how

could attain the Paramartha (goal of life)? God is not attained
on an empty stomach; first the soul has to be appeased. In
short, when all organs get their proper nutrition and are
sound, we can practise devotion and other sadhanas to
attain God.

Therefore, neither fasting nor over-eating is good. Moderation
in diet is really wholesome both to the body and mind."
(Ch. 32, P. 177-178, Shri Sai Satcharita) Also in Ch. 19,
Baba persuaded Mrs. Radhabai Deshmukh, who had
determined to remain without food and water unto death so
long as Baba did not give her Upadesh Mantra, to give it
up and narrating His own experience with His Guru,
explained to her a simplest method of achieving oneness
in the God -"You,look at Me and I look at you."

The Sanskrit word for fasting is 'Up + vaas', which means
seat near. Since the fasting is done for religious purposes,
it means seating near God. In other words on that day one
has to think and act with pure mind and meditate on God's
form. But, we hardly do this. On the contrary, on that day
since we continue to attend to our normal secular business
and other duties, we also continue to indulge in immoral
activities such as telling lies, cheating others etc. There
are many methods of observing fast, narrated in our
religious books. But, at present the following methods are
in vogue:

(i) To accept only fruits and milk avoiding meals both by
day and night.
(ii) To accept only fruits and milk by day and eat the meal

after sunset.
iii) To eat the meal once by day and accept only fruits

and milk at night.

But, do we observe these also correctly? Whatever you
eat during fasting days must be in small quantities. The
idea is to give rest to our digestive system. But, instead,
what do we do? Fruits we hardly eat. But, other so called
permitted items we eat in full and a number of times. One
meal also, which we eat, is not only over-eaten; but is
also extra rich, The result is indigestion. Thus there is
neither any religious nor health benefit. Sai Baba probably
had realised this and that is why He stopped His devotees
from observing such fasts in the name of religion.

to be contd....
(Source Shri Sai Leela Magazine, September-October 1993)