Friday, July 21, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA. by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swami ji

211. Om Ekyanandhagathadhvandhvaya Namaha
who rejoices in realising Unity and is devoid Duality.

212. Om Ikyanandhavidhayakaya Namaha
is devoid of Duality.

213. Om Ikyakruthe Namaha
who achieves Unity (and Merger).

214. Om Ikyabhuthathmane Namaha
who has identified his self with all creatures. ,

215. Om Ihikamushmikapradhaya Namaha
who bestows blessings here and for the life after

216. Om Omkaradharaya Namaha
who has regard for Pranava (OM).

217. Om Ojasvine Namaha
who is effulgent.

218. Om Aousadhlkruthabhasmadhaya Namaha
whose udhi (sacred ashes) work cures like medicines.

219. Om Kathakirthanapadhdhathyam naradhanustitham
sthuvathe Namaha
who praises the practice adopted by Narada in performing


220. Om Kapardheklesanasine Namaha
who removed the cares and anxieties of G.S. Khaparde.

221. Om Kabhirdhasavatharakaya Namaha
who is the avatar of Kabirdas.

222. Om Kapardhe puthraraksarthamanubhuthathadhamayaya
who to cure the plague of G.S. Khaparde's son drew the Plague

on to his own body.

223. Om Kamalaslistapadhabhjaya Namaha
who is worshipped by the Goddess of wealth.

224. Om Kamalayathalochanaya Namaha
with broad lotus-like eyes.

225. Om Kandharpadharpavidhvamsine Namaha
who humbles the pride of cupid.

(to be contd....)

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA. by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swami ji

196. Om Urdhvamulamadha; sakhamasvaththam bhasmasathkaraya
who destroyed (for himself) the tree of Samsara with its roots above
(i.e., in past births) and branches below (in the present birth).

197. Om Urdhvagathi vidhathre Namaha
who helped people to attain their High Goal.

198. Om Urdhvabhadhdhadvikethanaya Namaha
who floated two tall and flowing standards above his mosque or

Dwaraka Mayee.

199. Om Rujave Namaha
who was straightforward.

200. Om Ruthambharaprajnaya Namaha
who had Ritambhara Prajna (i.e., that yogic state in which

knowledge is instantaneously present of all facts, of the
past, present and future and connected with any place

201. Om Runaklishtadhanapradhaya Namaha
(I bow to him) who bestows wealth to those who are heavily


202. Om Runanubhaddhajanthunam Runamukthyaiphalapradhaya
To him who bestows gifts to those connected with him by ties
in previous births, for meeting the obligations arising out of
those ties.

203. Om Ekakine Namaha
To the solarity One.

204. Om Ekabhakthaye Namaha
To one who has concentrated faith.

205. Om Ekavakkayamanasaya Namaha
who is the same in thought, word and deed.

206. Om Ekadhasyam svabhakthanam svathano:
Kruthanishkruthaye Namaha
who (by his power and grace) has enabled his, devotees

to leave their bodies (i.e., die) on Ekadasi and himself
did so.

207. Om Ekaksharaparajnanine Namaha
who knows that which is the Supreme beyond

208. Om Ekathmasarvadhesadhruse Namaha
who is the one Soul that sees All.

209. Om Ekesvaraprathithaye Namaha
who believes in (the One God) Divine Unity.

210. Om Ekarithyadhruthakhilaya Namaha
who regards all with equal eye.

(to be contd....)

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Sri B. V. Narasimha Iyer became a prominent figure in the
public life of Madras. His lectures drew large crowds. He was
the first leader to conceive the idea of mass contact and visit
the rural area to create the political awakening of the masses.
Later on the Congress Working Committee adopted it in a
nation wide scale. Sri B. V. Narasimha lyer and Mr. George
Joseph were asked to impress the liberals, who were contesting
the election in Britain.
Their purpose was to stress the grant of political freedom of India.

They sailed by the cape route to evade observation at Suez Canal.
When the authorities came to know it, they arrested Narasimha
Iyer and George Joseph in Gibralter and sent them back to India.


In 1921, Sri B. V. Narasimha Iyer decided to give up his legal
practice and withdraw from political and social activities following
a series of domestic calamities. Two of his children Jayaram and
Savitri, who were playing in the garden, accidentally fell into the
well and were drowned. This was a great shock to him and it took
nearly 4 years to subside, though he could not overcome from the
grief completely. Meanwhile he had educated the other sons and
made them stand on their own legs and live on their income. His
surviving daughters Rajalakshmi and Sharadamai had already

been married and settled in life decently. He freed himself from
his domestic duties and also his commitments in his professional
work. He then gave up his practice. He also retired from political
and social work. Finally, after completing the work connected with
the Lakshmi Narayana temple, he left home in 1925 to search for
a Sadguru, who alone could make him understand the mystery of


In 1925, Sri B. V. Narasimha met Jagatguru H. H. Narasimha
Bharati and sought his advice. The Acharya directed him to enter
vanaprastha (dweller in the woods, which means post house holder's
life) and begin his quest for a Sadguru in Ramanasraman at
Tiruvannamalai. Ramana Maharishi had composed hymns on the
Lord of Arunachala (Lord Shiva). B.V.N. Swamiji stayed in
Tiruvannamalai for 3 years. After getting Sri Ramana Maharishi's
blessings and permission, Narasimha Swamiji went to Pandharpur
to worship Lord Vitthal. He wrote the biography of Ramana Maharishi,
the sage of Arunachala, with the title 'Self Realisation'. Till then,
Ramana Maharishi's value was appreciated and profiled by a limited
circle. Swamiji's quick and intellectual perception, his deep debt of
gratitude to Maharishi resulted in the publication of 'Self Realisation',
through which he made Ramana Maharishi known everywhere to a
larger number of people with religious pursuits. Ramana Maharishi
attained Mahasamadhi on 14lh April, 1950.

Bow to Sri Sai Peace be to all
to be contd...
- Sai Mani R. Jayamani
Madras, Tamil Nadu.
(As appeared in Shri Sai Leela May - June 1993)

Source :

Monday, July 17, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA. by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swami ji

166. Om Istepsithartha dhathre Namaha
who gives his dear ones, their objects of desire.

167. Om Ichchamoha nivarthakaya Namaha
who frees (people) from the delusion underlying Desire.

168. Om Ichchoththa dhuhkha Sanchethre Namaha
who eradicates sorrow that arises from desire.

169. Om Indriyarathi dharpagne Namaha
who quells the pride of the enemies named (5) senses.

170. Om Indhira ramana haladhinama Sahasraputhahrude
whose heart was purified by the use of Vishnu Sahasranama.

171. Om Indhivara dhalarjyothi lochanalangkruthananaya
whose eyes and face flash forth with the beauty of the lotus.

172. Om Indhu sithala bhasine Namaha
Whose speech is as gratifying and cooling as the moon's rays

173. Om Indhuvath priyadharsanaya Namaha
who is as attractive as the Moon.

174. Om Istapurtha Sathairlabdhaya Namaha
faith in whom is the result of hundreds of meritorious acts

of charity etc., performed (in previous births).

175. Om Istadhaiva Svarupadhruthe Namaha
who appears before devotees in the form of their (special

protective deity) Ishta Devata.

176. Om Istikadhana Suprithaya Namaha
who was hightly pleased with the brick, bestowed on him

as a gift (by his guru).

177. Om Istkalaya rakshithre Namaha
who carefully tended the brick till he left his body and

attained Mahasamadhi.

178. Om Isasaktha manobhuddhaye Namaha
whose mind and intellect were riveted to God.

179. Om Isaradhana thathparaya Namaha
who was ever after the worship of God.

180. Om Isithakila devaya Namaha
who could dictate to all gods.

(to be contd....)