Friday, December 22, 2006

Satsang Sri Sai Amrit Vani

Satsang Sri Sai Amrit Vani

Sri Sai Amrit Vani
21st Dec 2006

Jai Sai Ram
Sab Ka Malik Ek, Baba has clearly
indicated it again and again, Once again Baba has
indicated this today.
On this coming Christmas, Baba has made a cross on

His photo with Udi. On one photo there were Om, Cross
and the word Ram, formed with Udi. Today I am
appending some photos depicting the Leela today.
Photos can describe much more than the words.

Following devotees, participated in
absencia in the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani by
reciting Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places. The list
is sorted as per their email id’s. However Mrs. Gupta
prayed for all the devotees. We include only those
devotees in the list, who themselves recite or read
Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places. The names of the
devotees “for prayer”, are prayed for, but not
included in the list. Kindly mention clearly, against
each devotee’s name that he/she will recite or read or
listen to Sri Sai Amrit Vani, or only for prayers, If
no mention of it is made in the letter, then it will
be presumed that the names are only for prayer and
will not be included in the list. Please also give
the name of the place.

This Thursday the 21st Dec , we were able
to see the following Leelas of Baba.

1. Udi started oozing from Monday the 18th Dec. from
all the photos of Baba on the walls and in the mandir
room. It also started oozing from the Statue of Baba
and from the main Photo in the mandir from this day.
The words OM, Ram and Shyam appeared lightly on
the main photo in the mandir and the big photo on the
wall, which became dark by Tuesday.
2. On one photo, which had swastic, om, ek-onkar etc
on earlier occasion as per the occasion had one om and
the word RAM in Hindi with Udi along with a cross on
it, in view of the coming Christmass.
3. There was a lot of Water from the Charans this week
also. This water was collected in the Thali. The
taste of water was similar to gulab jal and
Kewara-Kesar. After Sai Amrit Vani, this water was
given to the devotees. Many devotees brought small
bottles with them and took this holy water home also.
Water was taken out many times and every time thali
was again filled up.
4. Lap of Mrs. Gupta was filled with lots of Udi
during the prayers. Her hands were also filled with
Udi. Udi also appeared other devotees also. Sai Amrit
Vani books of many devotees had the Udi.
5. The presence of Baba during the Sai Amrit Vani
was very strong and many devotees felt it during the
recitation of Sai Amrit Vani in different ways. Sri
Sai Amrit Vani was very peaceful, soothing with
purifying influence.
6. On Thursday as soon as Bhog was offered, it was
duly accepted by Baba and after the Sri Sai Amrit
Vani we noticed that the box, which was placed
before HIM was with partly eaten pieces and only
partly remained pieces and some engraved pieces of
items were there in the box, Ladoo Basen was eaten in
big portion. Kachori was almost half. A figure of face
was formed on burfee. Much portion of Samosa was
missing. Part of Bhog was on the lips of many photos
and statue of Baba. Part pieces of the remains in the
box were given to the devotees who offered that item
of bhog to Baba.
7. All the boxes of Bhog which were kept on the table
were blessed with lots of Udi . Udi was collected on
the papers by the devotees.
8. The Charnamrit, the water in which Baba took the
bath in the morning was also sweet as if some honey
has been mixed into it.
9. Documents, kept in the mandir room were blessed
with lots of Udi.

Jai Sai Ram

Sri Sai Amrit Vani started at 11:04 AM. Noon
Aartee started at 12:00 Hrs. followed by brief
Meditation and the prayer, Prayan of Chapter 20 from
Sai Satcharitra. Prayers and thanks were offered by
Mrs. Gupta to Baba. Finally distribution of Prasad,
Udi and the water from the Charans.

Next Sri Sai Amrit Vani on 28th Dec, (Last
Sri Sai Amrit Vani of the year) will be held in
Sidhartha Extension, New Delhi. Devotees interested in
attending it in person may contact on phone nos.
26346942, 9810714688 or 9312494767 only after 11 AM
(IST) on any day except Thursdays but no calls on
Thursdays PLEASE. They should NOT bring any bhog
with them and be in time. Put the mobiles in silent mode
during Pooja. Kids are also not allowed in the hall.

Following listed devotees participated in
the recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani ( in absentia)
and have either recited or read or listened Sri Sai
Amrit Vani at their places. Other devotees were also
prayed for but their names have not been listed here.

Script of Sri Sai Amrit Vani is available in
Tamil, Telgu also, besides in Devnagri (Hindi) and
English, in the file section of the yahoogroup. Links
of Audio MP3 files are given in the link section of
the home page of ‘ mysaibaba20’ yahoogroup. To
go to home page of yahoogroup key in or click .

This activity of Sri Sai Amrit Vani will be in
addition to any other pooja or sewa or prayer
that you are doing.

Jai Sai Ram.

Ashok Gupta

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Quiz on Chapter IX of Sai Satcharitra

Chapter IX
(Devotees are requested to read Sai Satcharitra

Chapter IX, translated by Gunaji before attempting
this quiz)

16) With which devotee did Mrs.Tarkhad sent Brinjals
a) Mr.Ramachandra Atmaram b) Mr.Raghuvir Bhaskar

Purandare c) Govind Balram Mankar d) Mr.Dixit

17) Of the two Brinjals sent to BABA Mrs.Tarkhad
wanted the following items to be prepared
a) Kacharya and Brinjal Curry b) Kacharya and Bharit

c) Bharit and Brinjal Curry d) Brinjal fry and Brinjal curry

18) Baba wanted Kacharya to whom the message was
sent to
a) Mrs.Tarkhad b) Mrs. Purandare c) Mrs.Radhakrishna Mai

d) Mrs Bhayjamai

19) In which year did Mrs.Tarkhad sent the Pedas to BABA
a) December 1915 b) January 1916 c) November 1915

d) December 1916

20) Mrs.Tarkhad sent the pedas through which devotee
a) Mr.Ramachandra Atmaram b) Mr.Raghuvir Bhaskar Purandare

c) Govind Balram Mankar d) Mr.Dixit

Quiz on Chapter IX of Sai Satcharitra

Chapter IX
(Devotees are requested to read Sai Satcharitra Chapter IX,

translated by Gunaji before attempting this quiz)

11) The other name for Babasaheb Tarkhad was
a) Jothinder c) Nanasaheb c) Bhausaheb

d) Ramachandra ATmaram

12) Babasaheb Tarkhad was a former member of _______
a) Prarthana Samajist b) Arya Samajist c) Congress

d) Home Rule Movement

13) The home of the Tarkhads was in ______ area of Bombay
a) Ville Parle b) VT Station c) Bandra d) Chruch Gate

14) For three days Mr.Tarkhad offered exactly the way his
son has done. The days were
a) Sunday and Monday Tuesday b) Monday Tuesday

and Wednesday c) Friday Saturday and Sunday
d) Saturday Sunday and Monday

15) Master Tarkhad used to offer the following naivaidya to
Babas photo in Bombay
a) Lump Sugar b) Sugar Candy c) Any sweet d) Roti and curry

Quiz on Chapter IX of Sai Satcharitra

Chapter IX
(Devotees are requested to read Sai Satcharitra

Chapter IX, translated by Gunaji before
attempting this quiz)

1) The special characteristic of Shirdi pilgrimage
was that ______
a) Non could leave Shirdi without BABAs permission

b) All the troubles are over
c) Devotees wishes will be fulfilled
d) Devotees become prosperous

2) Who disregarded Babas direction twice and met
with accidents
a) European Gental Man b) Nanasaheb Chandorkar

c) Tatya Kote d) Shyama

3) The European gentalman who cam to take the
darshan of BABA from which place he came?
a) Ahmednagar b) Bombay c) Calcutta d) Kopergoan

4) Who gave the introductory note to the European
a) Nanasaheb Chandorkar b) Tatya Kote c) Hemadripanth

d) Shyama

5) The European Gentalman wanted to kneel before
Baba and ______
a) Salute Him b) Kiss His Hand c) Touch the feet of Baba

d) Talk to BABA privately


The following experience has been narrated by Shri

Dajisaheb Awasthi of Pune which was published by
SABARI ASHRAM of Jhalod, Gujarat in their publication
"SHRI SAI BABA of Shirdi" in Gujarati. The under

mentioned extract has been translated in English and
is best described in Shri Awasthi's own words as under :-
"I was an advocate at Pune. When I was 28 in 1897, I

was introduced to a saint of a very high spiritual order.
The saint emphasised the existence of God and validated
the mantras being chanted for various Divinities of
GODHEAD. To me, the saint said, "Chant "Om Namo
Shivaya". He also predicted that the chanting of this
mantra of LORD SHIVA would have its remarkable
effects after 16 years.I commenced chanting this mantra.

I visited Pandharpur in 1910 where another saint whom I
met advised me to go to Shirdi and take SHRI SAI's
darshan and said that PANDHARINATH LORD VITHOBA
is there in the form of SHRI SAI. But, as fate would have
it, I was unable to visit Shirdi for three years.

In 1913,I finally made it to Shirdi and the moment I
climbed up the steps of the Dwarkamayi, I beheld the
form of LORD SHIVA in place of SAI BABA. Overcome
with emotion, I immediately prostrated at HIS feet when
seconds later as I looked up once again I saw SHRI SAI
as usual, BABA blessed me and said, "Allah Malik Hai"
and told me to stay at Radhakrishna Ayi's house.
Radhakrishna Ayi's devotion to the LORD was so deep

and sincere that I revered her and treated her as my divine
Mother and she reciprocated by her motherly care and
affection towards me. After staying a few days, I left
Shirdi for Pune but could not forget BABA and Ayi. For
four years thereafter, I regularly worshipped them in my
house. One day as I completed my puja, the room was
suddenly filled with a wonderful rose fragrance for at least
an hour after which it subsided. Unable to solve the
mystery about this strange phenomenon, I made
enquiries around my house but in vain. Three or four
days after this incident, I received a letter from Abdul
Bhai and Wamanrao Patel (Swami SAI SHARANANAND)
from Shirdi that Ayi had passed away, the date and time

of which perfectly coincided with the rose fragrance that
filled my room.

A few months after this episode, I visited Shirdi again on
Akshay Tritiya 1918 accompanied by my wife. After taking
BABA's darshan, I put up at Ayi's house on BABA's
instruction. My wife began to make preparations for
BABA's Naivedya but try as she would, she could not
light the charcoal stove. Wondering what to do, she was
astonished to see Radhakrishna Ayi descend down the
stairs from the attic and helped her in lighting the stove
and also in assisting her for preparing naivedya . That
done, Ayi climbed back to the attic. At noon, when my
wife waited for Ayi to come down and join us for
meals, she did not and thinking that she may be engaged

in some work, my wife personally went up to call her but
found the attic locked. Rather puzzled, she hurried down
and made inquiries with two or three neighbours from
whom she learnt that Ayi had attained samadhi a few
months ago. She was shocked with disbelief.

The veil of Maya was so strong that my wife failed to
recollect that Ayi was no more and that a letter in this
regard had also been received by us from Shirdi.

If devotees of Baba like Ayi who were blessed by HIM
could be so powerful as to appear even after shedding
their mortal coil and render timely assistance to HIS
devotees, what to talk of SHRI SAMARTH SAINATH
who was Parabrahma Incarnate. Can anyone fathom
HIS powers and leelas?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Satsang FW: Quiz on Chapter IX of Sai Satcharitra

Chapter IX
(Devotees are requested to read Sai Satcharitra Chapter IX,

translated by Gunaji before attempting this quiz)

6) The European gentalman met with an accident at ______
a) Kopergoan b) Neemgoan c) Sawli Vihir d) Ahmednagar

7) According to the Shastras, Who are the fit persons who
have a righ to live by the begging bowl?
a) free from Progey, wealth b) free from progeny, wealth

and attachment c) free from wealth and fame
d) free from progeny, wealth and fame

8) The duty of feeding those who take sanyas is laid on
the _____
a) House Holders b) Near relatives c) Society

d) Rich People

9) Panchasoonas means five sins and their atonment.
They are
a) Pounding, washing, grinding, sweeping and lighting

b) begging, corruption, washing, sweeping, and illicit
c) Pounding, washing, grinding, sweeping and illicit
d) Illicit relationship, telling lies, corruption, attachment
and pounding

10) To atone for the five sins, the Shastras prescribe ___
kinds of sacrifice
a) five b) six c) nine d) eleven

Satsang GURU BHAKTI by H.Venkat Rao

H. Venkat Rao, L.M. & S-, Dental Surgeon Madras.
Guru-Brahma Guru Vishnu Gurudeva Maheswarah

Guru Sakshat Para Brahmah Taswai
Shri Gurave Namah
Solutions be to prosperity-raining Guru, who is

(equal to) Brahma, Vishnu
and Maheswara and is in fact para Brahmah.

Who and why for is a Guru?

All great religions believe in God and most of them
consider that the whole universe consists of three
non-created and self existent principles -
Matters, Soul, and God, and that religion begins with

these Souls and ends in our seeking what their
destiny is and how best to attain it. Since the senses
and sense-objects are are placed outside the Soul,
the natural inclination and goal of the Soul is to go
outside to matter and hence think and aspire after
the happiness-though transitory and mixed with (its
opposite) sorrow - of the senses. Since the Soul

identifies itself with the senses, the mind and the
body, it becomes miserable, for sense happiness is
only a mirage and Soul forgets its eternal nature and

perfect happiness. Hence the current of action of the
Soul has to be - for its own good and object of life-
directed towards God by a process of correct
discrimination and with a strong and infallible force
in the shape of guidance by a perfect Soul with God
immanent who is to be requisitioned, sought, won
over and abided by all who seek the eternal goal of
life. Such aperson is called a "GURU".

God speaks through Guru
As you sow so you reap. As you think, so you become.

If the disciple sincerely seeks, worship and honestly
considers a proper Guru as God Parabrahman, God
through Guru helps him to easily fight the'Battle of Life"
and work out salvation for his Soul. One's own mother,

father, and husband come under the same category of
Guru-deva. God does not manifest Himself perceptible
to the physical eye in this materialistic age but easily
manifests Himself in and uses the Guru as a

mouthpiece to guide the devout disciple. It is un uphill
work if not impossible, for all to obtain God's vision by
Raja yoga. The easier path to all is to get hold of a
proper Guru, and with sincere devotion, love and
adoration of the Guru, the human embodiment of God,
the disciple, children and dutiful wife can work out their
Life's destiny with God's intuition and illumination through
the Guru. Again the weather beaten and experienced
individual Guru will be better stationed to help the devotee
to stear clear of tempestuous sea of Life. Hence the
disciple should have the"gtve and take policy", have
Gurubhakti, adoration and implicit faith in Guru and by
exchange receive selfless love, kind heartedness and
proper helpfrom the Guru.
Hindu codes obtain that the disciple should apprentice

himself to and do even manual labour to the Guru and
His family for some time before being initiated as a
disciple. This Karma yoga complete surrender to the
Guru - to become slave as it were - purifies the mind
and character of the disciple and reacts on the Guru
to feel completely attached to his disciple and plant
Jnana andBhakthiyogas in the worthy soil.

Satsang Greetings from Saibanisa-Saidarbar

Dear Saibandhus,
We are all united with our minds and souls directed

towards our Samardha Saddhguru-Lord Sainath of
Shiridi. `Baba' as we address HIM fondly is never
tired of looking at us and guarding us every moment
we live in. WE are all fortunate to be in HIS fold.

To give a preamble, Baba appeared in my dream on
24th Dec, 1998, and advised me to cut the `Spiritual
cake and distribute to the World'. Little did I realize
what the instructions meant to me when Internet was
just making its presence felt in India. But Baba had in
mind as destined to happen and thus
was born to serve the needy and spiritually starving ones,
living miles and miles away from the homeland to take a
time off from the mundane affairs.

On 25th December, 2006, `Saidarbar' will be celebrating
the Ninth Birthday and `Glory of Shiridi Sai'-e-magazine
the Fifth anniversary on 1st Jan, 2007. Saidarbar team is
dedicated in the service of Lord SAI and we are extremely
grateful to the continued and encouraging support received
from the Sai devotees spread all over the World.

We pledge to continue to render the same service in the
coming future too.
With divine blessings from Lord Sainath of Shiridi.

We wish all our Saibandhus and their families "A very
Happy, Prosperous and eventful NEW YEAR-2007".

Saibanisa Gopala Rao Ravada

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Satsang Quiz on Chapter VIII of Sai Satcharitra

Chapter VIII
(Devotees are requested to read Sai Satcharitra

Chapter VIII, translated by Gunaji before
attempting this quiz)

31) The two persons who slept with Baba in the
Masjid were
a) Tatya Kote Patil and Bayajabai

b) Tatya Kote Patil and Bhagat Mhalsapati
c) Ganapat Kote Patil and Chandrabhanset Marwadi

d) Shyama and Gopalrao Gund

32) Baba used to visit Rahata to visit _________
(a) His parents (b) Friends (c) Khushalchand

(d) Tatya Kote Patil

33) Baba never visited any place other than
(a) Rahata and Ahmed Nagar (b) Rahata and Nimgaon
(c) Nimgaon and Ahmednagar

(d) Aurangabad and Bombay

34) Khushalchand was the nephew of
a) Ganpat Kote Patil b) Chandrabhansheth

c) Shyama d) Mahlasapathy

Monday, December 18, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI BABA - Method of Instruction by B.V.Narasimha Swami

One peculiarity characteristic of Baba and other saints
and sages is the employment of riddle and symbology
to rouse curiosity and fix the resultant discovery of
Truth, deep and firm in the hearts' mind. When
Anantha Rao Patankar complained to Baba that, with
all his wide study of the sastras, peace of mind had
not been attained by him, Baba's answer was "Once
a merchant came here. In his presence a quadruped
passed its stomata i.e. nine balls of stool. The
merchant anxious to attain his quest spread his
cloth beneath its tail, gathered all the nine balls
and took them away. He got concentration {and
peace of mind)". Patankar discovered that Baba
directed him to "navavidha Bhakti." i.e. the nine
forms of devotion and adopted the same as his
means for attaining peace.

When a Sub-Judge had been convicted and sentenced
to imprisonment for corruption and came to Baba for
his help in his criminal appeal, Baba said "Sow
margosa and reap margosa." The Sub-Judge could
not understand His advice. But it is a patent reference
to the Law of Karma which had brought on its early
results in the case of the sub-judge who was thus
advised to make up his mind to bravely and joyously
suffer the results of his own action so as to start his
account with a dean sheet for the next course.

To a man who had brought Custard apples (Seetha
Phal) as presents, Baba said Gnana (Marga) is
Ramphal. Bhakti Marga is Seetha Phal. Seetha phal
has its pulp almost on the surface and is easy to
get at. The surface of Ramphal is harder and the
pulp is not easy to get at. Ramphal should ripen
and be plucked on the tree, for if it falls down it is
spoiled. So if a Gnani falls, he is ruined.

To Hari Seetha Ram Dixit who had during his
morning contemplation a transient appearance
(Sakshatkara) of Vittal and who went to Baba to
get an assurance as to its significance, Baba said
at once, "Kaka did not Vittal Patil come? Have
you not seen him? That Vittal is very elusive. Tie
Him fast. If by inadvertence you lose sight of Him,
He will vanish in a second." Thus Baba confirmed
Kaka's idea that it was Vittal Pandarinath that had
vouchsafed to him a momentary glimpse of Himself,
but added that such sakshatkaras are very transient
and have to be frequently sought and kept before the
mind to make God a permanent possession: that is,
to become the Ever-lasting One into which one has
to merge, without any further return.

yath gatva na nivarthanthe
That Dharma Paramam mama

Satsang SRI SAI BABA - Method of Instruction by B.V.Narasimha Swami

Baba's Method of Instruction
by Sri B. V. Narasimhaswami

Before proceeding to deal with Baba's method of
instruction, it is just as well to remind readers that the
role of the Samartha Sadguru, which Baba took on
Himself, was not the narrow one which teachers even
of divinity ordinarily take upon themselves. People
dealing with Baba dealt with Him as the All-Mother,
the All-Provider and their All-in-all, Said Krishna.
"Pitaha masya Jagatah Mata Dhata Prtamahah:*

And accordingly the devotees assume Baba in their
daily address to Him that He is their Mother, Father,
Krishna, Friend, Wisdom, Wealth,-their everything.

Twameva Mata Pita twameva
Twameva Bandhu Sakha twameva
Twameva Vidya Dyavinam twameva
Twameva sarvam mama Devadeva

To the devotees, Baba was not a mere human Guru.
He was God incarnate. In fact many of them had no
other conception of God except their idea of Baba.
And Baba developed this faith in them to enable
them vividly to realise God and their own self to the
fullest extent, in accordance with the last stanza
in "Swetaswatara Upanishad".
Yasya deve Para Bhaktih
Yatha deve thatha Gurow
Tasyaithe Kathithayartha prakasanihe mahatmanah

Naturally every word, every gesture, and every pose
of Baba and all acts and omissions of his -especially
his chamatkaras, i.e., his wonderful feats, were full
of instruction and educative value to them. His very
image in their hearts was the most powerful means
for their being raised higher and higher, till they
should attain equality, nay identity with him. This
course would ordinarily cover numerous janmas or
birth. But, as Baba assured many, there is no reason
whatever why each of them, or at least many of them,
should not endeavour to attain perfection even in this
single life.

Baba's method of dealing with individuals varied with
their capacity or the stage which they had reached,
as the influence He exerted was to raise them to the
next immediate higher stage, curing defects present
and calling for immediate attention, and the advice
and help given to one would be found to be totally
different from, nay, some times even inconsistent
with, that given to another. That is why the Rao
Bahadur S..B. Dhumal told the District Magistrate
who inquired what Baba's teachings were, that he
(the Magistrate) should himself go in person to
Baba and learn the same.
That Dharma Paramam mama

Satsang Quiz on Chapter VIII of Sai Satcharitra

Chapter VIII
(Devotees are requested to read Sai Satcharitra

Chapter VIII, translated by Gunaji before
attempting this quiz)

21) Rahata is to the ____ of Shirdi
a) North b) East c) West d) South

22) Neemgoan is to the ____ of Shirdi
a) North b) East c) West d) South

23) When Baba visited Rahata, the citizens of the
people used to welcome Him from
a) Shirdi b) the gate of the village

c) near the lane of Maruti Mandir
d) Near the lane of Khushalchands house

24) In this Wonderful Universe God has created
_____ Billions of creatures, who inhabited heaven,
earth, ocean, sky and other intermediate regions
(a) 90 (b) 75 (c) 84, (d) 100

25) When the merits and demerits of the creatures
balance as each other they are born as
(a) Demi Gods (b) Intelligent Animals

(c) Get final deliverance (d) Human Beings

Satsang Thought for the day

You can make a difference
You can make a difference,
every single day
You can make a difference,
with everything you say
You can make a difference,
to that stranger on the street
You can make a difference,
with everyone you meet
You can make a difference,
by holding someone's hand
You can make a difference,
by taking a stand
You can make a difference,
to someone who is sad
You can make a difference,
and instead make someone glad
You can make a difference,
and make someone smile
You can make a difference,
by making it last a while
You can make a difference,
by making someone laugh
You can make a difference,
and help them forget the past
You can make a difference,
stop being greedy
You can make a difference,
and help those who are needy
You can make a difference,
by helping a friend
You can make a difference,
and be there till the end
You can make a difference,
to those who are near and far
You can make a difference,
no matter who you are
You can make a difference,
just by being YOU
You can make a difference,
with the simple things YOU do.