Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Satsang Recite the Name of Shree Sai

Recite the Name of Shree Sai

Recite the name of Lord Sai incessantly.
For He is the Ghanashyama Krishna playing on the banks

of Yamuna of Samsaia. The perpetual music of His name is
perfumed by His form, His hue, His sentiment and His touch.
The spirit of Time itself is singing the enchanting incantations
of the Samaveda of His name in perfect rhyme and rhythm.
The Three worlds are dancing in tune, balancing themselves

with this music, mingling the sound of the ringing of the anklets
of His name. Let the symphony of the seven swaras merge in
the sentiment of-devotion latent in His name.
Let the mridanga, veena and karatalas be sounded in unison.

Let the entire existance of humanity be a melodious music. Let
the innermost recesses of heart reverberate with the sweet
singing of His name. The sweetness of His name is insatiable.
Let the amnta which is the sweetest rasa, taste a bit of the
nectar of His name. It is in veracity no name but a perpetual
prostration at the feet of the Lord. Let the entire
body-consciousness fade into bliss. Let the life in its entirity
be united with the name of the Lord. Let the mind obliterate
itself, while singing the glory of the name and unfold the

majesty of the inner Reality.
Let the voice be choked with emotion. Let the heart melt

and flow with the love and devotion. Let the name of the
Lord be inspired with the throbbing of the pranas. Let the
mind, intellect, and the T consciousness be lost in the
sentiment of love and rest enraptured there. The glory of
the Lord is auspicious and unlimited, but still it is bound in
the limitations of the "name". Let the abode of Vaikuntha

manifest itself and assume a form through this discipline of
Namasmarana. Chakor Ajgaonkar

(Source Sai Leela Magazine August 1976)
Saileela Magazines can be read at www.saileelas.org


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