Friday, May 26, 2006

Satsang 'Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi -A God!' by Bapatla Hanumanth Rao Garu

Individual belonging to any nationality has got the liberty
to choose his own religion, his God. Others should not have
any say in this matter. All the religions in the world can be
broadly classified into two categories. Viz.

(1) Following 'Gnana Marga' (realization of God through

(2) Following 'Bhakti Marga' (realization of God through

prayers, devotion etc)

Similarly the philosophers who seek God also can be

classified into two categories.
(1) Dwaita philosophy (Dualistic) -to seek the Parabrahma

by the seeker.
(2) Adwaita philosophy (Non dualistic)-Realization of

Parabrahma and there by uniting himself with Him (God).

Vedas say essentially these are the two approaches. All

other religions preach in between these two schools of

Sage Veda Vyasa says:
"Listen to the principles of Dharma from all the religions

and put them into practice. Know that what is harmful and
painful to you is equally harmful and painful to others.
Therefore do to others what you would like others to
do to you. In short this is the essence of 'Dharma'. Any

other practice has a shadow of selfishness. How can any
one think of killing or harming others, when he himself
wants to live happily. You should try to provide others,
what you would like to have for yourself."

How to realize God?
In order to realize 'God' one should do 'Sadhana'

(particular way of devotion, prayer, meditation
tapasya etc.) The sages an philosophers say like this:
"A Sadhaka (seeker) may do Sadhana in his own
way which is most suitable to him with intense fait
and determination. There can not be any mistake in
his way Sadhana. When viewed from a different
angle with a different notion, one may come across
several defects in it. It is, therefore necessary that we
should have a clear objective before practice Sadhana
and our own goals. It should be remembered that the
'Almighty' may be altogether different from what he
perceived about Him. Sadhana is the sole technical
path to realize the existence of 'Paramatma'. But let
us not think that we should first overcome all our
blemishes, doubts before performing an 'Sadhana'.
We can rectify our shortcomings later. Truth dawns
on us as we relentlessly pursue our path and
approach our 'Goals

To be contd....
(Source :

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