Friday, July 21, 2006

Satsang SRI SAI SAHASRANAMA ARCHANA. by Pujya Sri Narasimha Swami ji

196. Om Urdhvamulamadha; sakhamasvaththam bhasmasathkaraya
who destroyed (for himself) the tree of Samsara with its roots above
(i.e., in past births) and branches below (in the present birth).

197. Om Urdhvagathi vidhathre Namaha
who helped people to attain their High Goal.

198. Om Urdhvabhadhdhadvikethanaya Namaha
who floated two tall and flowing standards above his mosque or

Dwaraka Mayee.

199. Om Rujave Namaha
who was straightforward.

200. Om Ruthambharaprajnaya Namaha
who had Ritambhara Prajna (i.e., that yogic state in which

knowledge is instantaneously present of all facts, of the
past, present and future and connected with any place

201. Om Runaklishtadhanapradhaya Namaha
(I bow to him) who bestows wealth to those who are heavily


202. Om Runanubhaddhajanthunam Runamukthyaiphalapradhaya
To him who bestows gifts to those connected with him by ties
in previous births, for meeting the obligations arising out of
those ties.

203. Om Ekakine Namaha
To the solarity One.

204. Om Ekabhakthaye Namaha
To one who has concentrated faith.

205. Om Ekavakkayamanasaya Namaha
who is the same in thought, word and deed.

206. Om Ekadhasyam svabhakthanam svathano:
Kruthanishkruthaye Namaha
who (by his power and grace) has enabled his, devotees

to leave their bodies (i.e., die) on Ekadasi and himself
did so.

207. Om Ekaksharaparajnanine Namaha
who knows that which is the Supreme beyond

208. Om Ekathmasarvadhesadhruse Namaha
who is the one Soul that sees All.

209. Om Ekesvaraprathithaye Namaha
who believes in (the One God) Divine Unity.

210. Om Ekarithyadhruthakhilaya Namaha
who regards all with equal eye.

(to be contd....)

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