Monday, October 02, 2006


In our scriptures, the importance of feeding the poor and
hungry is stressed repeatedly: "As amongst the six
flavours viz, sweet, sour, salty, pungent, astrengent and
bitter, the flavour of Varana (a highly tasteful Maharastrian
dish of pulse) is the best, the merit of feeding the hungry

is the best" (21)

"At twelve O'clock in the noon, one gets uneasy due to
hunger. One who realises this in case of others also, is
a virtuous person." (14)

"The householder should please a guest with meals,
whether appearing at reasonable or unreasonable times.
A householder who sends back a guest without offering
him food is certainly inviting miserable life after death in
the next birth." (17).

"One should feed those afflicted with grievous diseases
/maladies, blind, lame, deaf and distressed persons first
and one's own relatives afterwards" (23). Chapter 23

That is why Sai Baba, time and again, used to erect a
big fireplace in the open space in front of Dwarkamai
and Himself cooking the food in a big vessel used to
distribute it to the poor and distressed persons, similarly
for those arriving from outstations to meet Him He

circulating begging bowl for the purpose, later, after
AD 1910, plenty of dishes full of rich and varied food
started pouring in as offerings to Baba and there was
no need for Baba to cook it Himself.

Sai Baba's compassion was not just for human beings
only but also for beasts, birds and small creatures like
worms and ants also. Once a small dog being bit by a
mad dog started chasing bigger dogs. The villagers
therefore with sticks in their hands wanted to kill it.
The poor little dog ran through the lanes and by lanes
of the village and at last entering Dwarkamai hid behind
Sai Baba sitting there. The villagers requested Baba to
hand over the dog to them as it was mad and they
wanted to kill it. On this Baba said, "Fools! get away
from here, why should you kill this dumb creature?"
and thus saved the poor dogs life. No wonder Hemadpant
the author of Shri Sai Sat Charita in Ch 23 says:

"Sai Baba, the mother, looked after those who had no
owner or pair... Anything rotten, fallen or wearied found
repose in the Masjid." (110).

Sai Baba's getting His hands and feet massaged daily
with ghee (clarified butter) from the leper Bhagoji daily
and getting His outstretched legs pressed by His
devotees (both males and females) was only meant to
benefit them and to teach them the merits of serving
others. Sai baba did not require such services nor did
He want to show His greatness thereby.

In short, in Sai Baba's teachings, service of the poor and
distress find important place. According to Him, this was
a better method of worshipping God than keeping religious
fasts and vows. In this context, I am reminded of Swami
Vivekananda's following words:

“Do you like to see God
Face to face
'Here, in this "World,
'With these eyes?
Serve a man in distress"
And see God
In his smiting face

"If anyone does any evil unto you do not retaliate. If you
can do anything} do something good to others ."

-Shirdi Sai BaBa

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